The Thunder-Blog

Nah shoegaze is more bands like My Bloody Valentine, early Pavement, stuff like that. Some Sonic Youth can definitely be labeled shoegaze as well. Dinosaur Jr. as well. It's like a predecessor to Britpop but with more experimental guitar work and whatnot. Very, very good stuff.

Yeah if Green Day are as "punk" as you go, then you would have no interest whatsoever in The Exploited. Not unless you like songs called "Fuck the USA". For the sake of teaching you of your own damn Scottish music history though, I'm posting a song anyways. Prepare to hate this Dave, this is the kind of stuff I listen to daily among other things.

So on a scale of 1-10, how much did you hate that?

And with that I'm out, peace.

You know, the music is not too bad, I dare say I kind of liked it. The singer just needs to go die though. I hate singing like that. To me, it sounds like unintelligible nonsense. The music and the drumming at the beggining saved it though.

5/10, it could have been worse...

My Bloody Valentine are OK and Sonic Youth have some really good songs. I have never been a fan of punk though and I don't think I'll ever really get it. I never understood how people could like that sort of singing?
'Cause it's not always about singing man. Think about it; when you're pissed the fuck off do you want to listen to singing? No, you want to listen to motherfucking guitars attacking each other and some guy letting all of the anger inside of his body out. Not to say punk can't be uplifting cause it really can be.

Yeah, it's really a thing either some people like, or they don't. It's just, to me atleast, the absolute purest form of rock and roll, stripped to it's basics. Loud, fast, angry, and rude as hell. It's teenage rebellion incarnate.
I see where you are coming from man, certainly. I just think that when I want to listen to music, I want to feel relaxed and enjoy it. I may sound like an asshole here, but that just sounds like noise to me. It's too chaotic for me to really enjoy it.

BTW, you know the first time you acknowledged me, it was to slam my choice of music because I posted an album review of Nickelback and gave it 8.5/10. :lmao:
Was it really? Well, you deserved it young man. Nickelback is a cause for abortion.

I like Nickelback for some odd reason. I dislike Kroeger's singing but the music is good.
Do you read The Trufax Gazette? You should.

And woah. What have I done to reach #5 on your list? I feel awesome XD
I am indeed.

My family would hate you (Rangers fans through and through) not me though, was born in Liverpool so luckily get to support the reds.

How do you think you'll do this year? Do you like the signing of MAF?
Do you read The Trufax Gazette? You should.

And woah. What have I done to reach #5 on your list? I feel awesome XD

I read Super Sayian Hitler for you, apart from that, no.

You make awesome sigs for me, more than once actually. 3 times, I think.
My family would hate you (Rangers fans through and through) not me though, was born in Liverpool so luckily get to support the reds.

How do you think you'll do this year? Do you like the signing of MAF?

I despise Liverpool and it's not their faults either. I just hate the way the media crow over them constantly, it gets to me. I can, on the other hand say that they are a quality team but they may be worse because of the Alonso sale. I wouldn't have done that.

I don't know. They look good just now and were unlucky against Arsenal, I thought. Apart from that, McGeady looks to be having a corker of a season and I'm excited about that. MAF is one of those players that needs to score quickly because if he doesn't, he may never settle. I think that if we can keep a hod of players like McGeady and Brown, we could maybe win the league this year. Mowbray is the man for the job, most certainly.
I despise Liverpool and it's not their faults either. I just hate the way the media crow over them constantly, it gets to me. I can, on the other hand say that they are a quality team but they may be worse because of the Alonso sale. I wouldn't have done that.

That's ok a lot of people do. Even I hate the way the media crow over us. Selling Xabi was a bad move but wasn't too surprised, Rafa treated him like shit, I wouldn't put up with that, hopefully Aquilani can fill his boots.

I don't know. They look good just now and were unlucky against Arsenal, I thought. Apart from that, McGeady looks to be having a corker of a season and I'm excited about that. MAF is one of those players that needs to score quickly because if he doesn't, he may never settle. I think that if we can keep a hod of players like McGeady and Brown, we could maybe win the league this year. Mowbray is the man for the job, most certainly.

Very unlucky against Arsenal, did not deserve a 2-0 loss, which is a shame cos you've not really got a chance now. McGeady is exciting you'll do well to hold onto him, I liked MAF at WBA, he's a powerhouse who grabs goals, but like you said just needs to start scoring!

Who are your English team (if you have one)?
That's ok a lot of people do. Even I hate the way the media crow over us. Selling Xabi was a bad move but wasn't too surprised, Rafa treated him like shit, I wouldn't put up with that, hopefully Aquilani can fill his boots.

Aquilani is a a quality player but better than Xabi? I doubt it.

Very unlucky against Arsenal, did not deserve a 2-0 loss, which is a shame cos you've not really got a chance now. McGeady is exciting you'll do well to hold onto him, I liked MAF at WBA, he's a powerhouse who grabs goals, but like you said just needs to start scoring!

Who are your English team (if you have one)?

I tend to support Man City but I was a fan way before they sold their soul. I went off them after that and now I am quite into Tottenham, I tend to stay away from the big 4.
I tend to support Man City but I was a fan way before they sold their soul. I went off them after that and now I am quite into Tottenham, I tend to stay away from the big 4.

Spurs are looking tasty this season, Palacios is very impressive in the middle obviously aswell as Defoe.
Yeah, Defoe is looking good. Palacios I think, will be very hit and miss this season. Modric is the real quality of that team.
1) How does my new WZCW Vixen sound?

2) Was it the right move to eliminate her being a hardcore wrestler?

3) What's Scotland's national alcoholic drink?

4) Do you like Velvet Sky's rack?
Thunder Dave, do you love me?

And we need to keep our Family Guy questions going. Name both times that they go to the origin of Peter vs. The Chicken. Or question form, Can you name both times that they go to the origins of Peter vs. The Chicken?
What's up?

What do you think of me as a poster?

Who is your favorite wrestler of all time?

Favorite current wrestler?

When did you start watching wrestling?

First match you ever saw?

Favorite wrestling moment?
My friend paid $140 for a ticket to a Nickelback concert.

We are no longer on speaking terms.

I paid £32, which is the equivalent of about $50 at the time. I did really enjoy the show though and they sound amazing live, believe it or not.

Do you like to swim?

I love to swim, always have. I am good at it too. I was considering being a part-time life-guard but decided against it. Do you?

[115]FalKon;1322742 said:
1) How does my new WZCW Vixen sound?

2) Was it the right move to eliminate her being a hardcore wrestler?

3) What's Scotland's national alcoholic drink?

4) Do you like Velvet Sky's rack?

1. I like the sound of her, I am very much looking forward to seeing what becomes of her and the division as a whole.

2. I assume so. I can't be sure because I haven't seen much of her. If it gets to the point where you want to do it, just add it to her character changes and you can try it out.

3. Tennents lager and I love it.

4. Uhmm... What? Oh sorry, I was looking at it. Mmmm!

Thunder Dave, do you love me?

Of course I do.

And we need to keep our Family Guy questions going. Name both times that they go to the origin of Peter vs. The Chicken. Or question form, Can you name both times that they go to the origins of Peter vs. The Chicken?

One time is when he is reliving the day over and over. You know, when he and Lois begin to go out at first. The second time escapes me but I'll get it...

What's up?

Not much, man. How are you?

What do you think of me as a poster?

Seriously underrated. I think you are a sure-fire winner for TNA mod and if it doesn't happen, I may cry.

Who is your favorite wrestler of all time?

Kurt Angle is my favourite wrestler of all time alongside Bret Hart. Although, I have gone off Kurt a lot since he joined TNA. I know he has things going on but the passion isn't there anymore. That's what made him what he was in the first place and now it's gone, he is a shadow of what he was.

Favorite current wrestler?

Hmm, Jack Swagger. I think the guy has a huge future in the WWE. I can see him getting a very big push, very soon. I am also very fond of Cena and Jericho.

When did you start watching wrestling?

I started watching wrestling when I was very young, like 3 years old. I mum loved it and made me watch it. I used to love seeing the Undertaker in matches and I would completely mark out. I don't really remember much of them though.

First match you ever saw?

The first match I can remember was a cage match on WCW nitro. I think it was between Hulk Hogan and Jeff Jarrett or some shit. Sting came out just as the match was about to end and I completely fell in love with wrestling.

Favorite wrestling moment?

Stone Cold vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X-7. That PPV holds a place in my heart and I think it was the last time I legitimately felt that wrestling was huge. An amazing event and that match was just the icing on the cake.

Same questions to you, sir!
Keeping up with the questions. Easy one at that. Who is the musician that talks to Chris after he is acting like a douche in his band?
Marilyn Manson.

One for you: What was the name of the dog that Peter got to replace Brian?

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