The Thunder-Blog

I was just singing myself, but I'm kind of iffy. Most of the song will be good, but I'll hit a few rotten notes. I do a decent Thunder Road by Bruce.

That reminds me, gotta hit up the 30 Day Song Challenge thread.
A lot of bars have blacklights, and when a bar has blacklights everybody looks real cool... except for me, 'cause I was aware that the mustard stain came out.


Oh, shit! I actually feel your apin on that one. Drops of Jupiter is a good karaoke song. My favourite song on the 'eoke is Born To Run by The Boss. Or She's The One by Robbie Williams, of course.

I don't know any of them songs.

I did Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi and killed it. I had the place roaring (no lyin'). I'm not going to live, it felt good.

Karaoke is a great night guaranteed. What pisses me off are people who think too much about how they come across, you're there to have fun not to worry about how stupid you come off. They have to remember that there are always going to be worse singer than yourself.
I think Pringles original intention was to make tennis balls... but on the day the rubber was supposed to show up a truckload of potatoes came. Pringles is a laid-back company, so they just said, "Fuck it, cut em up!"

..dave, ask another question, i don't want the pressure of making one
I'm going to try and do the 30 Day Challenge, but I probably will forget halfway through.

I've already hit a snag - I don't know what my favorite song is.
I think Pringles original intention was to make tennis balls... but on the day the rubber was supposed to show up a truckload of potatoes came. Pringles is a laid-back company, so they just said, "Fuck it, cut em up!"


..dave, ask another question, i don't want the pressure of making one

OK dokie!

Which Family Guy character is the villain in the Disney multi-verse sequence?
Pringles rub me the wrong way. Potato chips are supposed to be all different shapes, not all the same shape. It seems unnatural.
* Imagine being killed by a bow and arrow. That would suck, an arrow killed you? They would never solve the crime. "Look at that dead guy. Let's go that way."
Damnit, I wasn't home, and a long conversation about a cool topic happened. Now I have to jump in even though it was an hour ago.
Oh, shit! I actually feel your apin on that one. Drops of Jupiter is a good karaoke song. My favourite song on the 'eoke is Born To Run by The Boss. Or She's The One by Robbie Williams, of course.
I'm way late, but as a Karaoke addict, I'm glad to see that other people enjoy the good ol Karaokeing. I hate to say I'm damn good, but I'm the shit. Granted I went to school for music.

I tend to do everything, but Metallica, Billy Joel, Eminem, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, and Flogging Molly are my standards (yeah, those are 6 totally different genre's).

Oh, and Pringles suck
So, had my date tonight. It went really well and we are seeing each other again during the week.
Better than Phoenix's...

I read your RP, Crock. I really liked it. I think it is very well written. I am writing my RP right now, so I will try and get you some more detailed feedback when I finish with it.
Seriously 3DS the same weekend as KC deadline and my magazine deadline WHAT WAS NINTENDO THINKING?!

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