The Thunder-Blog

In the general NXT Mod thread, he said Thriller should mod ROH/Indy, Big Sexy and I Sports, and probably a few others that I don't remember.
Fo sho. In fact Big Sexy is a member of the Midwest Connection as of now and will also backtrack to when it was created, whether he likes it or not.

Sounds like a plan. But unfortunately my Midwest brotha, my head must hit a pillow. I'll talk to you probably tomorrow.
Hey Davey McChiHawks, I did sig you. I am sure of it!

And I can't believe you sigged that Jay Leno line... :lmao:
I have managed to squeeze 7 different quotes into my signature. You appear twice.
Someone tried to make a new 'Official' Dave thread. This is uncool for the Thunder-Blog reigns supreme!
Someone tried to make a new 'Official' Dave thread. This is uncool for the Thunder-Blog reigns supreme!

Thunder-Blog and my Palace of Loving can co-exist... Or can it?

I've heard rumours that all the Thunda-bloggers have pitched in to buy me a car for my birthday...

Who needs a birthday card!? We got you something better. Me and Chilli Dave and Phoenix managed to scrape up enough money to pay Marina (from Marina and the Diamonds) to have intercourse with you.


...Hey look, Dave never sigged that Blade quote

I'm just about to! Sheesh!

Meh, Dave has sigged me 4 or 5 times before. It's no longer a big deal for me.

It's always a big deal but since it's your birthday, I'll let you off.
I can't believe of all the quotes of mine you decide to sig, you pick one that never even happened :(

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