The Thunder-Blog

I do feel blessed lWo, Cheers.

But yeah, if there is one thing that I hate it is having to get up early but needs must, I am afraid.

You'll be fine dude, admittedly I'm like you, slightly out of it cause of sleeping at 4am due to MITB, but if you sleep now, it should level out :)
See that would be alright but I am simply not tired because I slept to 12 this afternoon.

Also, I don't know what made me come around to him but when I saw him on Smackdown this week, I just knew that something had changed and I felt that whilst he was gone because of the visa issue, that Smackdown kind of missed him.

I don't know why I am laughing, that sounds fucking incredible. How did you win it?
Basically some of the companies at work provide some training where if you get certain scores, you win prizes. I managed to win for being in the top 10% (there was 8 there and 6 spots to win), so I now can fly for free. I also got another workmate at the other store to win cause I *ahem* lended a hand ;)
You'll love skydiving. I wish I could do it but my fucking heart won't allow me. My brother did it though. You'll be attached to an instructor the whole time but you'll have fun nonetheless
You'll love skydiving. I wish I could do it but my fucking heart won't allow me. My brother did it though. You'll be attached to an instructor the whole time but you'll have fun nonetheless

As much as I would love to do skydiving itself, it's an indoor facility, so been blown up by a huge fan underneath me. Will be epic though nonetheless, just over a month's time til it happens :)
I have 70 euro. This is the most money I've had since christmas... Gotta buy me shoes and a new phone, and perhaps a bottle of Jameson to share with the thunder bloggers...
Not much. Waiting to see if a female wants to come over or not. I'm not counting on it though.

How about yourself?
I've just had my girlfriend over at my house for the last few days... But she's gone now so I'm totally bored!
My placement is slowly killing me for sure.

I finished at 8 today (an hour ago) and start in 8 hours time again. Bullshit!

Oh hey, fellas!

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