The Thunder-Blog


And dude, that sucks that placement is killing, as long as you don't kill during it, should be fine.
I got a promotion but before I start the job proper, I have to go to training placements all over the country because different stores need me at different times. It's a good job and I get to work around hours that work for me. Right now though, the placement is fucking killing me. I am working 11-12 hours a day most times and it is driving me nuts. I don't have long to go though.

What's up with you?
Damn all over the country? Sounds like once you get through placement you will be doing better though.

Nothing much. Was waiting on a female to come over and giggities to ensue. But she couldn't make it earlier this afternoon, and I have dinner with friends in about and hour and half. So perhaps tomorrow.
What CH said, but this was started when Dave was know as Thunder and Thunder Dave, hence the name.
Thunder Dave

Does that not look kick ass? Then we could restore the Thunder-Blog to it's rightful dominance. With appearances in my thread. :lmao:
Seriously? I don't watch Family Guy that often, just because my parents won't let me. I only watch it when they are out of the house.
Seriously. When the nWZo was around, I think Dave and I started a few back and forth Family Guy questions. Then when Dave made his thread, I brought it back up and we did that for quite a while with Phoenix joining in. The bromance was brought about.

I'll have to find my favorite Thunder-Blog post. It is amazing.
Seriously? I don't watch Family Guy that often, just because my parents won't let me. I only watch it when they are out of the house.

Yeah we basically throw the odd Family Guy qs out there to see who is the Fam Guy nerd of the forum...our search still continues.
The Jay Leno in red is from when I searched it.

He blew up because Jay Leno was the wrong answer. I cried from laughing so hard when he put that picture of Leno saying fuck you up. Seriously it is my favorite sequence.
A little late, but DAAAAAAAAAAVES!!!!!

Dave and Dave Phoenix you sexy WZCW writers you. If you had a segment that turned into a six-on-one handicap match, would you follow it up with a match or a segment? I can't decide which would fit better. First I thought segment, like an interview, because the promo turned into a match, but then I wondered if a beatdown really counted as a match...
Beatdowns would only effectively count in a match if it never finished and the bell wasn't rung, if the bell is rung and match has finished then the beatdown is a segment by itself. I think in the six on one handicap match situation, you would want the momentum to shift to take the focus off on the situation at hand, so try a backstage segment to follow and then do like say a break, going into a match.

Does that help?
It does indeed.

The way I want the segment to go (without spoiling anything) is that the six people bring out a person to make fun of him, said person takes offense to that, and challenges them all. They get a referee, the bell rings, and they completely squash him.

I'm thinking of following it up with an interview, video package, or Hurricane promo. I think, based on what you said, that would work best.

Thanks for your help :D
I'm sigging this... Again.

Ah! Those were the days. Just as soon as DmCH gets modded for sports, the sooner we will have completed the quadruple (including Doc).

Davey McChiHawks. Maybe on my two year I'll get that change. I plan on keeping CH David for a while. And where is it in your sig? HMMMMM?!?!?!?! :lmao: Just kidding. But that was amazing. I may sig that myself.

The Midwest Connection would be 2/3 mods if Thriller or CH win.

I like X's way of putting it. That way all three would be.

A little late, but DAAAAAAAAAAVES!!!!!


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