The Thunder-Blog

I long to play that game. For every moment I don't, I die a little inside.
That sucks, Chi, but also LMFAO. All the 360 owners being high and mighty about the PS3 bricking today and your 360 gets the RRoD.

But seriously, that sucks.
That sucks, Chi, but also LMFAO. All the 360 owners being high and mighty about the PS3 bricking today and your 360 gets the RRoD.

But seriously, that sucks.

Well it happened last Thursday. Pissed me the fuck off. But I figure I might as well just buy a new one and just switch harddrives.

And I didn't say anything about the PS3. It is a gaming system made for entertainment. I used to have both PS2 and X-Box, but the PS3 was too expensive for me. Sucks but it happens lol.
Ah, man!

That sucks. I am on my fourth 360 console now. The first one I got broke twice with the RRoD. The second one I got was an arcade console after they demanded that I pay them to get it fixed. This console still works fine by the way and I still have it. Now, I have the Elite Console and everything has worked like clockwork since I got it. That being said, I never get high and mighty over PS3 failings. Mainly because I know that they are last in the console wars and by some margin. I am not a 260 fanboy, to a great extent, but I know which I prefer and that is enough for me.
I have a PS3 because of Blu-Ray and Darth Vader in SCIV. I play my Wii a lot more than my PS3.

I am bored with my Wii. Mainly because I don't have any new games for it and have no interest in changing that. I will still keep it though. My 360 is where my allegiances lie but I am quickly being turned off that too.
... No.

I don't want any new games for my Wii. I think I said that. Either way, I am bored with gaming and have been since I finished Mass Effect. I really want to play Heavy Rain and/or have some great titles come out to numb my pain over this baron spell of gaming. I think it was Bioshock 2 that put me off of gaming.
Not really, to be honest.

I liked some aspects of the game but I loathed others. I did a full write up of the game to help Blade with his work experience at a gaming magazine (Lucky bastard). I may put up the full review in the VGAT section and see what people make of it. I think the score I gave it was 75 out of 100. Which is not a horrible score but it is certainly not what others have been giving it. It meets every old cliche in the book and is just boring at some points.
It wasn't entirely it's fault. It was partly due to Mass Effect 2. That game was so good that I just expect all new games to be trying to get to that standard. Most have failed.

I am bored with my Wii. Mainly because I don't have any new games for it and have no interest in changing that. I will still keep it though. My 360 is where my allegiances lie but I am quickly being turned off that too.

I have been feeling the same way atm Dave. But I'm currently waiting for HMV to stock the Wii Points cards so I can download classics I've never played like LoZ: LTTP, Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels/World, World of Goo, etc.

I'm currently replaying Mario Galaxy to build up my mood for the second one despite it coming out in June time.

Dave, I said this to Blade yesterday, but I think you should do a Let's Play series on youtube. I think you have a good voice to carry people through as they observe you completing games in 30 seconds.

PSOne - I have now have the lens I have been longing for my camera, pulled a few strings to get it, but it's finally here MTFO.

PS2 - Backordered Chasing the Grail yesterday so awaiting that on the 15th, wooo!

PS3 (how I long for thee) - I saw an Xbox360 60GB Arcade Pre-owned for £99, pretty decent but I don't think I'll get it due to having the Wii and consoles costing so much just to keep going.

PS4 - Anyone due back tax rebate next month?
I'm on my 2nd Xbox 360. My first one didn't give me the RROD but the disc drive on it completely went to shit not even two weeks after I bought it (to be fair I bought it refurbished from Gamestop). So I got it replaced under GS's 30 day warranty but I lost my one year extra warranty I purchased in the process. I got a used one (that still worked when the got it) and purchased another year warranty. It's been good so far, I've had two scares where I had the E74 error pop up but simply unplugging the cables and letting it sit for an hour fixed the problem. Which is fine by me, i went from the basic 360 when I first purchased one, and got it replaced with a premium one with HDMI output, and the shiny silver buttons too.
I'm still on my first 360. I guess I'm lucky, I got a good one.

And Dave, dude, seriously! If you let one game ruin the 360 for you because it was only 'good' and because Mass Effect was amazing, then that's stupid. I can understand the complete indifference towards the Wii at the moment, cause that hasn't had anything relevant to core gamers since Galaxy. But don't give up on the 360. Splinter Cell 5! And Final Fantasy (cough)! And Crackdown 2! And new, not shit, Prince of Persia! And then... Mass Effect 3. *jizzes self*

In all honesty, I think Heavy Rain is the only thing the PS3 really has going for it. I've always thought the God of War and Metal Gear Solid series' were horribly over rated. I've yet to play Uncharted 2, so can't say much about that. But really, apart from those few games, it doesn't have much going for it.
I'm still on my first 360. I guess I'm lucky, I got a good one.

And Dave, dude, seriously! If you let one game ruin the 360 for you because it was only 'good' and because Mass Effect was amazing, then that's stupid. I can understand the complete indifference towards the Wii at the moment, cause that hasn't had anything relevant to core gamers since Galaxy. But don't give up on the 360. Splinter Cell 5! And Final Fantasy (cough)! And Crackdown 2! And new, not shit, Prince of Persia! And then... Mass Effect 3. *jizzes self*

In all honesty, I think Heavy Rain is the only thing the PS3 really has going for it. I've always thought the God of War and Metal Gear Solid series' were horribly over rated. I've yet to play Uncharted 2, so can't say much about that. But really, apart from those few games, it doesn't have much going for it.

Nah, it is not going to ruin the 360 for me, by any stretch of the imagination. However, I just feel very lethargic towards gaming after playing it. I don't know why that is and I am sure that I will get bitten by the bug again soon when Final Fantasy and Crackdown emerge. The Wii hasn't completely lost me either but I don't think it is something that I will find myself playing any time soon. I knew that when I bought it and purchased it anyway. I get some fun from it when I have people over to get drunk but it is not something I would use to "game". Especially when I have my 360.
All depends what sort of games you're into. The wii has a lot of good games that not many people know about.
All depends what sort of games you're into. The wii has a lot of good games that not many people know about.
Too right, Dave.

No More Heroes 1 and 2. MadWorld. House of the Dead: Overkill. Punch Out. Super Mario Galaxy. Zelda. Metroid. Epic Mickey. Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Several others that I don't remember.

Also, it's Jon Bon Jovi's birthday today.

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