The Thunder-Blog

What is happening, Doc?

Anyway, I am diggin' the Danielson sig you have been rocking. Very nice work. Update: I am now doing web design (front end) work for small companies in Scotland. If I had not seen you tutorials and decided to give it a bash, I would not have this opportunity. So thank you. If you want to see what it is like thus far, baring in mind that I have just started, I have attached it for you...


Wow... <3

It really means a lot to hear my tutorials helped out as much as they did. After I finish high school I plan to go to college to become a graphics teacher. Glad to see you have been working. I really like that graphic so far. :)
Sony have successfully turned me off wanting to buy one of their consoles until the end of time. Well done Sony, I hate you with the burning passion of a million suns, you ******ed, poser pieces of shit.
Your one of the few posters I haven't talked to yet. I'm Armbar. Please give me two facts about yourself and your favorite kind of pop-tart. You can learn a lot about people fro their favorite pop-tart.
Armbar, Dave is awesome, Scottish, and loves Video Games. That is three. :p

I'll let Dave announce his two facts.

However, about the poptarts. I enjoy Cherry and Smores the most. What does that say about me?
Armbar, Dave is awesome, Scottish, and loves Video Games. That is three. :p

I'll let Dave announce his two facts.

However, about the poptarts. I enjoy Cherry and Smores the most. What does that say about me?

Video game nerd: Check

Well it looks as if my Awesome Qualifications Column is all checked off.

CH, the fact that you like cherry and smore's varieties tells me you rock. Cherry is more old school, something you've carried with you for years. So you probably stick with things, you aren't a band wagon kind of person. You favorites always stay the same, your sports teams and so on.
I'm Phoenix.

Two facts
- I'm turning 23 very soon

- I was one of the top debator's in the Debator's League last year and I am a Creative/Mod of WZCW
Oh and I haven't ever had a pop tart in my life, think I've tried the bite of one and didn't like it, can't remember the flavour though...
My turn~!

-I'm trying to become a high school graphics teacher
-I've been struck with a desire to watch Corpse Bride again (Like for the fifth time) because I'm learning how to play the main theme on the piano.
-I love S'mores Pop-Tarts.
Your one of the few posters I haven't talked to yet. I'm Armbar. Please give me two facts about yourself and your favorite kind of pop-tart. You can learn a lot about people fro their favorite pop-tart.


Two thing about me? Let's see:

1. I do quite a lot around these boards. I am a mod and Creative for WZCW and I also do graphics from time to time. I also spend a shed load of time in the Video Games section and this is my official thread. It is the 10th most successful WZ thread of all time I believe. I was also in the nWZo and it's reincarnation.

2. My personal life is happy-go-lucky. I work for a large company as a tech advisor and I like to go out and get wasted. I go to college and study how to create web pages and I like chasing the women. That is about all.

Also, I have never tasted pop-tarts.

Two thing about me? Let's see:

1. I do quite a lot around these boards. I am a mod and Creative for WZCW and I also do graphics from time to time. I also spend a shed load of time in the Video Games section and this is my official thread. It is the 10th most successful WZ thread of all time I believe. I was also in the nWZo and it's reincarnation.

2. My personal life is happy-go-lucky. I work for a large company as a tech advisor and I like to go out and get wasted. I go to college and study how to create web pages and I like chasing the men. That is about all.

Also, I have never tasted pop-tarts.

Aw! You fucker!

I would expect that from Blade. But not from you, man. Not from you.


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