The Thunder-Blog

I've been good. School is starting to get busy now that it is back underway. Other than that I've been alright and spending most of my time here making sigs like usual haha.
Good stuff, man.

I skipped a lot of college last week. Mainly because I was busy getting everything sorted in my new house. I feel really lazy but it has been good to chill out in front of the TV for a while. I have also been hitting the gym hard over the last fortnight.
Does whatever a thunder blog does
Can it swing, from a web
Yes it can, cause Dave is sex
Watch out.
Ham sandwiiich.
Does whatever a thunder blog does
Can it swing, from a web
Yes it can, cause Dave is sex
Watch out.
Ham sandwiiich.

I remember making a new Spiderman theme. I suppose I should recite it.

Does whatever the fuck he can
Spins from webs,
That's the shit
Swoops down and grabs a tit.
Hey...Dave!!!!!! How are you bud? I'm actually at work so I can't really talk right now. If you are on tomorrow, then that is when we shall catch up my friend. <3
I am doing good, man. Finally got my internet access back so I have been trying to get caught up on everything. It may be sad to say but I missed this place. The discussion really is brilliant and I missed talking to you guys. Apart from that, the move went well and I only have a couple of things that I need to take care of now and then I am all set in my new abode. I've also been hitting the gym regularly and I am starting to feel the effects of that. I have gained 3 inches on my biceps over the last month.

Anyway, I will let you get on with your work and I will catch you some more tomorrow.

Have fun, mate.
question dave.why are celtics defence so shockingly bad at the moment?

Mainly because they have no good players to play in it and when they do have some of the better players back, they are general unfit or have been out of action for a while. You look at the people who they got rid of like McManus, Caldwell and Fox and they have sign Braahfeld, Hoiveld and some other person and there is just a lack of continuity in the defence. They have let go some of the best defenders we had, including our captain and didn't make enough of a concerted effort to get really good replacements in. I think once we get Andy Kinkel back and the new signings settle in, we will be OK. Until then, I fear for us.
i am a bluenose but most of my friends are on the dark side and they cant believe that they would have ever thought they would miss must be embarrising that rangers are skint yet absolutely trouncing you in the league,i know i would be if the tables were turned
I wouldn't say that it is embarrassing. There is clearly more to a team than how much money they have. In my opinion, there is one reason that makes Rangers a better team than Celtic and that is that they have a spirit. Obviously with Rangers have no expendable income to use, they have kept the core of the team the same over the last few years. They are a solid team and have a decidedly good unity about the team. They play for each other and with all of the changes that Mowbray has rung in, Celtic don't have that at the moment. As the players get more games under their belts, it will become a more competitive league.

The same was true of Paul Le Guen. He made too many changes at first and lost the unity of the dressing room. Once you lose that, you have very little hope of surviving.
Hi, David!

What is happening, Doc?

Anyway, I am diggin' the Danielson sig you have been rocking. Very nice work. Update: I am now doing web design (front end) work for small companies in Scotland. If I had not seen you tutorials and decided to give it a bash, I would not have this opportunity. So thank you. If you want to see what it is like thus far, baring in mind that I have just started, I have attached it for you...


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