The Thunder-Blog

Aw, mate. I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel though. In fact, a while ago, I was in quite a similar position to you. I went out with my friends for a drink one night and I met a girl that I really liked months ago. She moved to another store in work and I hadn't seen her in a long time. Anyway, we had a little kiss and we made plans to meet up a couple of days after that. I was so happy because I did really like the girl still. Anyway, the day of the meet, she texts me to say that she can't come because she is getting back with her ex-boyfriend. I was quite upset. You know when you get that crushing feeling in your stomach? Yeah, I got that.

So, yeah. That is really harsh man. However, there will be plenty of time to meet up with her in the future, I hope. Keep your chin up man and if you need to chat in private, hit up my PM box.

Yeah. My response to the situation is now "Boats and hos man. Boats and hos." She may take off work, just so we can hang out on Saturday. If she does, she will officially be one of my greatest friends, because no one ever takes off from work just to hang with me lol. But I hear you Dave. Emotional investments always fuck things up, because it takes a bit to move on when they say they want to go back to an ex or something.
Just one of those days. Nothing majorly bad happened, but lots of little bad things. Laptop crashed half way through this big project I was writing, and the puppy ate one of my shoes and a I lost 5 euro. I'm hella-pissed off right now.
Nothing much, man.

Just chilling out and about to got to bed, to be quite honest.

Nothing just about to start Lost season one with a newbie. Should be fun. How's the weather on the right side of justice?
Nothing just about to start Lost season one with a newbie. Should be fun. How's the weather on the right side of justice?

I am really from Scotland, in case you didn't know.

So it's not very bright as you can imagine. I just started watching Lost's old episodes again. Everything starts to make sense now. I love it.
I am not a fan of Michael Moore, FTS.

The guy just has too many political connotations and whilst I like documentaries a lot, I don't really like his work.

Why does he hate America?
He touts himself as a documentarian but by the very definition of the word is is not one. He doesn't ''document'' anything without an obvious and completely biased opinion. He makes situations seem like they happened a certain way when they didn't and he edits footage in his own favor. Go watch Manufacturing Dissent.
Micheal Moore only wants what he thinks is best for us, which happens to be everything we don't fucking need (most of the time). And he loves to blame everything on a certain political group as opposed to everyone, who are actually to blame.Talentless ****./rant

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