The Thunder-Blog

Damn straight cause Big Dave is AWESOME!

We gonna be bringings backs some golds wits us at Kingdom Comes
Guys, I thought up a KILLER thread concept. Check out my General Wrestling Discussion section to see the first three... heheehehehe
I bloody love the concept, D-Man. I'll be posting...eventually. Trust me.

Seriously, the tag team tourney in kayfabe was a ton of fun, so any excuse to post in kayfabe is good with me. That's why the KAyfabe Forum being full of fail annoyed me so.
I got my motivation from the Wrestlezolympics and thought we could use another kayfabe forum. But no one ever thought of pinning someone's own persona against THEMSELF.

I'm excited to post each one of these. I can't until the real stipulations kick in.
Awesome idea D-Man... It's like one of those thread ideas that seem so good but obvious, and you don't understand how no one ever thought of them before.

Also, 2 days till Mass Effect 2. For those of you keeping track of the biggest game release of 2010....
Yeah I know.

I care. I'm buying it when I get this haircut done. The hairdresser needs to hurry up with her other customer. It's been way more than ten minutes.
Tell the bitch I will kill her if she doesn't motivate herself. Like, I will come over there and drown her in a puddle of water.

Yeah, tell her that.
I faced angry Dave before... It's not that big a deal, surprisingly. He's like a drunk comedian. Violent and bitchy until he's outwitted, then he's quite docile.

Feel my angry wrath.

But yeah. I say "but yeah" too much. Ask Blade, he knows all about it. Anyway, time for a little update about the world of Dave. Yesterday was pretty shit, if I am honest. I got up to early for college and then couldn't get back to sleep. So, when I eventually got to college I was fucking tired as hell. I did get a lot of work done though and I am quite happy with where I am, in terms of workload management. I did get a lot of work done but by the end of the day, I was fucking shattered.

I decided to go to the gym for a couple of hours for the first time in ages and found out that they had gone to the liberty of cancelling my card. You see, I think they had me pegged. They had me down as one of the guys that signs up for 6 months and after 2, doesn't bother going any more. But not this guy! I came back after a 2 month hiatus and gave them what for. Those bitches said it was a technical fault so I told them that my next payment might happen to succumb to a fucking technical fault and they fixed it for me rather quickly after that. Although, it felt good to be in the gym again. I've missed the feeling I get from listening to some good tunes whilst pumping iron. That being said, the gym was pretty good.

When I came home though, I had the intentions of moving some stuff over to my new house. Turns out though that the moment my face hit the pillow, I was going to sleep. I slept for around 8 hours and then got up at 3 in the morning. That was only to get a packet of crisps that I wouldn't actually eat and go back to sleep. So yeah, it was a shit day.

I am however, looking very much forward to moving.
I'm making it more of a blog...

How are things at the broadcasting school, Chi?
Things are good bro. We are recording some commercials, get used to the studios and get comfortable. It sucks because I can't make commercials sound conversational yet the kind of sell I need to give it, but hopefully I can correct that soon.
Yeah, you will get there mate. Just remember that it is a learning process and that it will eventually get to a level that you are happy with.

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