The Thunder-Blog

Buy the wrestling DVD's, Phoenix. Conduit and Madworld are Meh....

Also, is anyone else's MSN not working?

Tempted to, I mean I have X7 on VHS and I did tape InVasion and I enjoyed it, then I taped it over with Vengeance 01. It's also the tagged classics so they won't be blurred out, yay!

I must have this, as do you all!

I have seen it and I also recall briefly looking over a comic for it.

It is funny you should ask though because I was recently talking to one of my friends about the movie and we came to the conclusion that it was a great movie. However, it is a movie that we could not stomach more than once in a certain period of time. We went to see it in the cinema and we all greatly enjoyed it but it is not a movie that I would make a point of going back to watch again and again. I think that a lot of movies and TV shows have a quality that makes them very watchable and Watchmen isn't really one of the ironically enough. I don't know if it because of the length of the movie that I get put off but I have only actually watched it once since seeing it in the cinema and I have no urge to go back and watch it again for a while.

That being said, I immensely enjoyed it the first time I viewed it and the characters are awesome. It is a really good movie and Dr Manhattan is just the fucking business. He is one of the characters that really could have a movie about himself and you would still go back and watch just to see him.

Yeah, I like it.
Woah man, didn't expect an essay. ;)

I totally agree, though. Once is enough, at least for a while.

I was just wondering, because I was thinking that with your request I could make a pretty badass Rorschach sig.
That would be cool. I'd like that.

Try and make it slightly like yours, if you can. Like, have it black and white but with a strong colour splashed in there around the main content. Just so that it brings focus to it. If you could do that, you would again be my hero.

Anyway, I have been thinking that I need to make this more of a blog. You know, since it is kinda a blog. So, I have decided to say more about myself and what I have been getting up to. You guys can all join in too.

So yeah, today was slightly shit. It all started with Blade trying to keep me up to watch Raw in the hope that Bret Hart would be there. I struggled along and as soon as it became clear to me that he was not going to appear on Raw last night, I was fucking gone. However, I hear that I missed something quite good at the end of Raw concerning Orton, Sheamus and Cena. It was a sacrifice I had to make... I had college this morning but it was stupid because my mum couldn't sleep because she had polished off a bottle of wine and decided to try and strike up some conversation with me in the middle of the fucking night, which in turn stopped me from getting to sleep. If I had known this, I would have watched Raw.

On the issue of Raw, let it be known that there is now 4 people that I routinely mark out for on that show. They are Triple H, John Cena, Vince and Evan Bourne. That's right, I said Bourne. I am telling you, his push is coming. I am starting the bandwagon here. Hop on!

However, college was shit as per usual. I decided early that I would try and get way out in front of the class. I managed to do that in about an hour and for the rest of the day, I used to listen to some tunes and then watched every single episode of the Inbetweeners on YouTube. It was quite incredible and I liked that. However, it is now worrying me that everyone in my class will ruin it for me by completely failing the course. All they do is play WOW and I have nothing against that. However, if it is detracting from their concentration and work, they will fail and they will close down the course.

Ah well, a good nap was to be had when I came home and I formulated some plans for tomorrow.
Bourne ftw! And I mark out for Vince, too. The evil authority figure has always been one of my favorite character types.
His improvisation skills with a crowd are fucking awesome. I was watching him last night and thinking to myself that he should be on camera more often. I know that they are pushing this guest host thing a long but I would rather see Vince have the authority and play a role similar to what he did last night. That being said, it might not be a good idea for him to give up on the guest host scenario right now as it has brought Bret and Austin back to us.

He is just an incredible personality and figure to have around and when he emerges, there is usually a sense of expectancy that follows him. I mark out for him.

Don't even talk negatively about the Bourne-Meister. You'll see! Soon he will have earned his entrance being aired again. Better than licking Kofi's bunghole anyway.
I think for the remainder of the time until I buy it and play it for a long time, I will play the role of "man who remains completely underwhelmed by the hype".

So yeah, I am not impressed by the reviews. As we all know, companies have been known to offer "Free gifts" to reviewers to give a great review. It is almost like a bribe really. I don't trust it.
Yeah, it couldn't possibly have anything to do with Mass Effect 2 being a great game :rolleyes: In fact, there hasn't been a great game in years. We just think games are great because the developers have subsonsciously been giving us gifts! Yep, that's it. Bioware are widely regarded as one of the most respected and liked developers in the industry. They don't need to bribe.

Nooooot to mention, if you forget about the reviews, it still looks like a superb game based on demos.

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