The Superstar You Believe Has No future, But Is Still Being Pushed

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There were many wrestlers that were pushed very hard by the WWE in the past,but the pushes were just wasted.Currently,there maybe wrestlers that are being pushed who might get nowhere.Who do u think currently doesn't deserve the push but still is given by the WWE.For me it's R-Truth.

I’m once again left with a bad feeling about what is going on in the world of Sport Entertainment. Monday’s Raw only further proved to me that R-Truth is a mid-carder masquerading as a number one contender. His character is neither funny, scary, nor entertaining at all, at least not to me. I know we need some new blood at the top and another Miz vs. Cena match would just be the same recycled match that we’ve seen half a dozen times before. With that said, however isn’t there anyone else they could put in that spot that is worth seeing? I mean couldn’t R-Truth be feuding with Big Show and Del Rio against Cena, or Jack Swagger vs. Cena. I’ve been singing the praises of Del Rio for a while now and I know he’d make an enjoyable feud with Cena. Swagger might be just as bad on the mic as R-Truth, but he can work circles around R-Truth in the ring. There is nothing about R-Truth that stands out to me, he isn’t funny, he isn’t flashy, his character is already played out, and he just doesn’t resonate with me and judging by the crowd on Monday he doesn’t with them either. There is no way Punk would get a half-hearted response when calling everyone in Richmond rednecks and making fun of the Confederacy. Punk would have been booed out of the building and I mean that in a good way. With R-Truth we just aren’t buying it, we just don’t buy him as a main event super star. I barely buy him as an Intercontinental Champion, let alone the number one contender for the biggest prize in the business. The WWE can’t just force someone like R-Truth down our throats, it just doesn’t work. Him throwing a soda into an actor’s, I mean dad’s, face doesn’t give him instant heat, and it certainly doesn’t make him a viable contender for Cena’s title.
I actually agree with you.
R-Truth is very overrated, of course he is a better heel than face, but for me he is a midcard, and if this is a push to make the midcarders relevant, then I'm happy with that, but in no way R-Truth is WWE Championship material, he ahsn't done anything since he left TNA to join WWE.
Did you guys know that he is a former USA Champion? Well, I don't remember either.

Another guy that is being pushed without a fucking sense is Alex Riley, c'mon the guy never won a match since he was hired to Raw, and now suddenly he beats the crap out of The Miz, which by the way looked good in every match he had, he didn't deserve to lose last night, Alex Riley should have lost in a heelish way, and proceeding with the feud until SummerSlam, and fight in a Steel Cage match or a Street Fight whatever.

It's not the characters fault, it's the creative team and Vince fault, but if those pushes are part of a bigger purpose, then I want to wait and see.
I agree R-Truth is indeed overrated!! He has never done anything in his career didnt do shit in TNA and damn there is 40 years old if not there already!! I think creative sometimes throws ideas out there hoping it will stick but it hasnt!! Come on WWE come up with something that the Little Jimmys can get behind!:banghead:
I disagree that R-Truth is overrated, but mostly because I don't think he is that highly rated. This is what is known as a filler feud. Cena-Miz ran it's course, they weren't gonna do a cena-punk feud without knowing if he was resigning, and Cena-DelRio is waiting for Summerslam, so they had at least one pay per view to kill. Why not take a mid carder and see if he can draw a reaction? And in all fairness, he is playing the character very well. Truth does have his limits, and likely won't ever be a world champion, but at least he's made this more of a "i'm craazy and the world is out to get me" as opposed to the typical disgruntled black guy stereotype.

As far as others getting pushed with no real future, obviously Mark Henry as he won't be around much longer, but how about Evan frgiin Bourne. Why is this midget getting clean PPV wins over former world champs who actually do have a future but must have pissed HHH off somewhere to be buried where he is now.
Christian. Riding Edge`s coat tails. This guy is amazing on the mic but he makes me want to change the channel when I watch him. Trying to play the I`m smaller but i can be champ angle. Should be a manager or in a tag team. Talk about 1 dimensional. Slow no energy and a lame arsenal of moves. Time to hang the boots up Cage, Edge did but didnt deserve to.
Well who are we to say someone won't have a future of success when only time will tell?

Guys we no truth wasn't going to win the title but to say he sucks and is awful is wow. The point is like you said in your opinion he's bad but you opinion quite frankly doesn't amount to shit because hey he's getting a reaction every week rather you like it or not. He's over enough to get a title shot so just deal with it and Del Rio isn't going anywhere. Also I agree with the guy that said why is A-ry being pushed this hard because im startign to become a fan of his but how the hell did this guy just win his first ever match in the wwe against a former wwe champ and guess what he was a jobber but no one complains there see. This is turning into a bad 2011 for the miz.

I don't root for people to fail especially when Im in the minority who dislikes it.
Christian. Riding Edge`s coat tails. This guy is amazing on the mic but he makes me want to change the channel when I watch him. Trying to play the I`m smaller but i can be champ angle. Should be a manager or in a tag team. Talk about 1 dimensional. Slow no energy and a lame arsenal of moves. Time to hang the boots up Cage, Edge did but didnt deserve to.

You see that's the fun thing about opinions, everybody is allowed to have one no matter how wrong they are.

But as far as someone I can't stand and I will sound as biased as the previous poster... Kofi Kingston. I hate that guy he bores me in the ring and I don't want to watch him. But I can admit that he is athletic and a good wrestler but he does nothing for me.
As much as I hate to say it, I do agree about R Truth. Before this new gimmick, he had become a regular on Superstars. He was probably my least favorite wrestler on the entire roster.
Now, I think he's funny. But it's not because of him. He's got a really interesting gimmick right now and you could have given that to just about anybody and they could have made it work. But he's got it and that's fine. But this isn't a gimmick that I could see going on for months and months. Once the Cena feud is over, he'll probably feud with Morrison, then go back to being a jobber. And that's the way it should be.

As someone else said, Kofi Kingston. He just really annoys me because he will be the US Champion or Intercontinental Champion, but then lose 80% of his matches. But he'll never lose the title because they're all non-title matches. This was happening with Alberto Del Rio a few months back, then I believe with Wade Barrett, and now Dolph Ziggler. He just has no credibility with me. I have no problem with him winning matches. But it just really gets on my nerves to see champions jobbing week after week. Especially faces at that. To me, it really just feels like he's the "default" champion right now. Meaning that they give the belts to him when they don't know what to do with them.
I'm going to have to agree with penguin on this. Evan bourne. Really?!?! Idk if he's getting a push or they just let him win. Either way it was dumb. Not that beating Bourne would have done anything for Swagger and this is why they probably let Bourne win but come on. The guys been doing quick little hit and runs on Swagger & now a clean victory!!!??? Should have let Swagger won and then totally destroy Bourne after the win. Showing a new side of him. No reason for Bourne to be getting wins like this.
its gotta be evan bourne for me. like 'penguin' said, how in the hell does bourne get a clean ppv victory over a former world champion?? bourne has no future at all, he's never held a title and i dont think he ever will. swagger should have turned face during the whole cole/lawler angle... im beggining to fear for swagger's future. but OT: bourne should not be pushed or be included on ppv cards, i would rather see the blue meanie haha
Kofi Kingston, he has a great move set, but his character is boring as shit. I happen to turn the channel every time his music hits.
Ezekiel Jackson and its not even close..............dude is generic as it comes........bad on the mic, and has no in ring moves other than a scoop slam and the torture rack, yet they push him like crazy, and now he has the IC title.
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I am going with the one and only John morrison his promos are bland. Jeff hardy said it best it like watching paint dry. His moves are just aj styles moves but watered down. With the same gimmick we have seen shawn michaels do in 1992
Okay, well first of all, Vice has already said..(ahem) 'It doesnt matter what we think!"

However, here comes my opinion...IMO..

Evan Bourne has great try doing a shooting star press.

JoMo- He is already being geared as the next "Shawn Michaels" So we might as well just know he is going to be around for along time..

Also, Del Rio. umm great mic skills and good above par wrestling ability..(dude, HULK HOGAN COULD NOT WRESTLE!)

As I am typing this..I am beginngin to realize that this thread has alot to do with Mic ability rather than wrestling ability..I guess Vince McMahon is right

"Wrestling DOES NOT matter."

Because, if this thread is about wrestling, then John Cena doesnt deserve to be Champion, Dolph Ziggler does.
Vladamir Kozlov

This guy was riding the push of his life back when he debuted. He was unbeatable almost billed in a Brock Lesnar fashion. And then he moved, to the "land of unknown" so called ECW. He lost his entire push being put up against non qualified competition. But then possibly he gets a triumphant return to Raw only for it to be wasted on a tag team run with Santino. Which don't get me wrong was fun television however is that really the place you want to be in your career. He gets pops for being with Santino and this is somewhat better to his no reaction however I just don't see him going anywhere.
I don't understand the responses citing people who are already well established with the company (e.g. Henry, Morrison, Christian, Truth).

The two people who most clearly have no future to and are getting pushed are Big Zeke and Mason Ryan. I'm willing to cut Ryan slightly more slack, but Zeke has absolutely nothing going for him beyond his size.
I could agree with Macios, but I need to say Evan Bourne.

He really is just going nowhere. How they'd have let him beat a former World Heavyweight Champion twice is above me, along with everything he's been doing recently. Him & Zack Ryder should form the Jobbers Tag Team, then bring back Doink & Eugene and we can have some GREAT TAG TEAM MATCHES!

Or he could just slowly disappear off the radar as he was before he got injured and then seemed to come back about 1000 times more annoying. Also, to "Grytonus", being able to do a Shooting Star Press doesn't mean you deserve a push, although Brock Lesnar would beg to differ.
Yoshi Tatsu!(I just had to look on just to remember his full name) I never understood why he was on the roster in the first place. I don't find him good in the ring or engaging to the general audience. But VKM must see something since he hasn't been future endeavored yet, but I myself don't get it.
It's nowhere near that simple. Not so long ago, people would have labelled Miz as the guy who would have no future, yet was getting a push in midcard. Then he won the US title, then MITB, then the WWE title. Now he is a star. Also, JBL when he first started that run; I know that a lot of people didn't give him a chance. Now he's one of the most celebrated heels of the last 10 years.

My point is, you really cannot tell who has a future and who doesn't. It depends on so many factors, and it's not even always based on ring work, charisma or how much the bosses love you. Look at Zack Ryder; sure, hes no main eventer, may never be one. But he's very popular atm, through his own doing, and not that long ago you could ahve easily said he has no future. Now, not so sure. Probably has a US/IC title run in him, or another tag title run at least.

if I had to pick anyone, I'd actually go with one of my favorites. Daniel Bryan. his return (after the 'tie choking' incident) was quite spectacular, and his feud against Miz was really entertaining. But since he lost the US title, has he been worthy of note? I can't see him progressing, and I'm afraid that the bosses will get bored with him, and toss him out. He just isn't a WWE style-guy; he's a pro-wrestler. WWE doesn't like wrestling.
Most of these answers are just lame. Bourne, Kozlov, Tatsu, and even Kingston to an extent aren't being pushed. Kofi's been in the same spot for almost two years now so I don't know why his name is being brought up.

Right now, I don't see anybody that's pushed that shouldn't be.
Considering I disagree with pretty much all of the posts so far, I guess I'll throw out who I think deserves to be de-pushed. Personally I'm really enjoying the pushes of R-Truth, Evan Bourne, Christian and Ezekiel Jackson. here's who doesn't work for me:

Mason Ryan - He's just a big guy, I haven't seen any real intensity, character or grappling skill out of him. He's an effective lackey for CM Punk, but it's looking like Punk will be solo sooner than later. He doesn't need Mason ryan to protect him, in fact I think Punk would mop the floor with Ryan in a match. send him to FCW, grow his hair long and give him a supernatural gimmick to fill the void that 'Taker's absence has left.

Ted Dibiase - While he's not really being pushed at the moment, he is being paired with Cody Rhodes and I think he's bringing Cody down. I'd rather see Cody competing for a singles title than wasting his time with an old tag team partner. Dibiase should honestly be putting better guys over in singles matches until he finds a way to connect with the fans.

Big Show - I'm tired of Show and his bland storylines. I appreciate him putting over Alberto Del Rio but I think he should take some time off. Maybe after a year of not seeing him he'll be interesting again, and in the meantime I'd like to see him learn some better power moves. Show should add a powerbomb or vertical suplex to his arsenal of maneuvers.

- My least favorite Diva. I'd prefer it if she went heel. I hated her silly "Broadway tribute" on Raw last week, which cut short what could have been a cool match. To her credit she sold Kharma's finisher well.
The problem with the performers you guys are mentioning (Truth, A-ry, Kofi, Christian) is that all these guys get from decent to excellent crowd reaction so I really don't see them going away.

When I read the start of the OP thread, I thought of past guys like Snitski and Kozlov, people that Vince kept trying to ram down our throats but never got good crowd reactions.
For me, I'd currently have to go with... Mark Henry.

Yes, we know his time is coming to go, which is probably why the WWE is giving him his last main-event status. But last week he jobbed to a Raw superstar! How can someone that is being set up to be one of the top on Smackdown be set to JOB? That is just not right. I did enjoy his heel character back in 2005/06, and if they incorporate that into his character now, I can see him as a very scary character. The kids would all be terrified at the sight of the Worlds Strongest Man ripping Randy Orton limb from limb, which would bring him tons of heat.

So right now, my answer would be Mark Henry.
Zack Ryder.............. Why is this guy on anything that has to do with WWE? He can't act, he sure can't wrestle.......... Pathetic!!!
its gotta be evan bourne for me. like 'penguin' said, how in the hell does bourne get a clean ppv victory over a former world champion?? bourne has no future at all, he's never held a title and i dont think he ever will. swagger should have turned face during the whole cole/lawler angle... im beggining to fear for swagger's future. but OT: bourne should not be pushed or be included on ppv cards, i would rather see the blue meanie haha

ok 15 years ago they said the same things about rey mysterio jr he will never hold a big title" 2 time world champ now" evan bourne give him time will grow on you just like the 1-2-3 kid " xpac"

ok I love how everyone just ready to throw R-Truth under the bus his match with cena was the best match of the night till the end" they made everyone think wow r-truth can win this. Cena fans do want to see anyone thats can be over on cena compete with him. R-TRUTH has a good future if the wwe dont kill it even if it moving him to smachdown.

most heat heels in order on raw
del rio
CM punk
jack swagger

so come on just enjoy watch r-truth rise to glory for the years of service he has gave to everyone that enjoyed him as a face.

his name was being droped before becoming heel to get a match but now that he is one everyone like he no good he sucks " shut up little jimmy" let the wwe do it job 8-10 nights you will go home happy
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