The Streak has gone to waste

Yes. That's a good thing. Superman sucks.

Because nobody likes Roman Reigns and he was the only other younger face star that it seemed physically possible with.

Not the top comments. The first page is nothing but calling it entertaining and poking fun at WWE 2k17, 2016 and WCW.

It's not even hyperbole. You're literally ignoring about everything posted in the last 22 hours of that message board.

Superman sucks? Yet you defend John Cena so much but I'm not going to get into that since this thread isn't about Cena. And unlike Cena, Brock actually has the credentials to back it up. He's not superman, he's a monster heel, big difference.

Why not have an underdog face like Seth Rollins or Dean Ambrose take him down? Classic David vs Goliath storyline right there.

I know this generated a lot of buzz on social media and potentially ratings, but will that last long? No at most it will buzz for a few weeks/months. Using it on a younger guy who will carry the company for the next decade is much smarter. Think WrestleMania 21, Cena and Batista conquering HHH and JBL and carrying the company for the next decade

Are we sure we are reading the same website? Because all's i'm seeing is "the streak died for this"

the man who beat the undertakers wrestlemania streak cleaned up in 1 minute by a guy who hasn't done anything in 12 years.

Given how much time they spent building up Brock Lesnar as the final boss of WWE, all the hype for this match...
It was a cool short-term moment that I think is going to lead to a long-term waste.
These are all close to Crocker's quotes. I'm not about to quote a dozen comments for the sake of any argument.

That was like being a kid again. Tears and clapping and cheering and laughing. Fucking Goldberg, man

Now that I've processed this. I think we have finally seen the end of Suplex City. This loss in kayfabe will shatter Brock and now he'll start having competitive matches with people. He will no longer be someone who just Suplexes, F5s, then leaves.

It reminded me of watching a fight (boxing, UFC etc) where they are billed as equals, but when it came down to it one guy comes out flying and it ends prematurely and everyone watching is just in shock and awe.
It gave me a very genuine feeling of shock but at the same time it felt awesome to see!
No matter who you are if you get caught hard enough you can fall instantly.

And underneath Crocker's last quote...

Goldberg is kayfabe one of the most powerful wrestlers of all time. It'll be fine.

Which pretty much sums up all my thoughts on this.
With Tombstone pizzas, I usually get the plain ones and add my own toppings and seasonings.

I like to do that too. I've added shredded cheddar to Red Baron's pepperoni pizzas as well as on Tombstone's. I used to add garlic and chocolate (after the pizza was already cooked) back in college. Considering adding chocolate again after it's cooked for my Thanksgiving pizza. The same king size hershey's mentioned in my other post. The first time I ever tried it was on Thanksgiving of 9 years ago at my college apartment, so why not? And of course I add Sriracha and garlic pepper or crushed red pepper either way.

If I ever go with frozen pizza, it has to be Freschetta.

I've actually never tried them before. I just tried Digiorno's Bacon Cheese Stuffed Crust this past weekend which I enjoyed eating while watching Takeover Toronto. Sasquatch is also great, but overpriced for frozen pizza. I tend to stick to Tombstone and Red Baron. Cheap, yet still taste good.
Well thats why you slowly elevate the young guys until they are finally ready. That's on the creative team for booking the full timers so inferior to the part timers especially during WrestleMania season. Besides, you still have 1 year until Lesnar's contract runs out, which is plenty of time to build someone up to be credible enough to beat him.

John Cena and Batista in 2004 were nowhere near as big as guys like HBK, Triple H, Kurt Angle, etc.. that's why they were slowly built up until they were ready to take over. You could easily build up guys like Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Owens, Corbin until they're finally ready to get the streak rub.

Seriously who do you expect the WWE to build up to beat Lesnar? As I said on the other thread, that I guess you can't see, he's already beaten most of the roster. The only ones left would be Rusev, Owens and Styles. Lesnar has already beat Cena, Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt and Orton.

As someone else said, it's time to humanize the guy. Make him look like he can be beaten. Most of the criticism of Lesnar has been that he is unbeatable, a beast that squashes people like bugs. Now someone has come along that is able to do the same to him. If it makes Lesnar a better person then how is that a problem. He always came across as a self entitled prick, now he's been knocked down a few pegs. Big deal. He can always be built back up again like always.

Oh and Crocker you should realize a few things. We are not the WWE, we are not the WWE creative department. If you read the threads on here you would see that a lot of complaining goes on regarding decisions that they make. Sometimes their decision's are defended, most times no they aren't. So please stop with the "you guys always defend them" crap, it's just not the case.

Anyway I thought you were done with this forum and weren't logging back on again. I see that you forgot about that little promise as well. Seems you forget about a lot of the things you say you are going to do.
Seriously who do you expect the WWE to build up to beat Lesnar? As I said on the other thread, that I guess you can't see, he's already beaten most of the roster. The only ones left would be Rusev, Owens and Styles. Lesnar has already beat Cena, Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose, Wyatt and Orton.

As someone else said, it's time to humanize the guy. Make him look like he can be beaten. Most of the criticism of Lesnar has been that he is unbeatable, a beast that squashes people like bugs. Now someone has come along that is able to do the same to him. If it makes Lesnar a better person then how is that a problem. He always came across as a self entitled prick, now he's been knocked down a few pegs. Big deal. He can always be built back up again like always.

Oh and Crocker you should realize a few things. We are not the WWE, we are not the WWE creative department. If you read the threads on here you would see that a lot of complaining goes on regarding decisions that they make. Sometimes their decision's are defended, most times no they aren't. So please stop with the "you guys always defend them" crap, it's just not the case.

Anyway I thought you were done with this forum and weren't logging back on again. I see that you forgot about that little promise as well. Seems you forget about a lot of the things you say you are going to do.

You can build up Samoa Joe, Bray Wyatt, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Baron Corbin, etc.. and Lesnar never beat Roman Reigns or Bray Wyatt before..

And like I said a thousand times already, I agree that he needed to be knocked down a level, but that honor deserves to go to someone younger. Imagine the rub of dethroning Lesnar going to a younger guy, and how much credibility and attention he would receive for his entire career. Goldberg is simply Goldberg, he doesn't need this; he attracts enough attention from his return by itself.

Sure, they can build him back up, but will he ever be at the same level as before his match with Goldberg? Doubtfully, he will still be booked very strong, just not immortal strong. But the opportunity to create a new mega star has passed.

Imagine WrestleMania 21 and HBK is the one to end Triiple H's reign of terror instead of Batista and Big Show is the one to defeat JBL instead of John Cena. This accomplishes short term ratings, but it does nothing in the long term.
True to an extent but in my opinion, whoever took down Brock had one hell of a name to live up to. Most of the people already lost to Brock, if someone was to beat him cleanly who could beat that person? Goldberg is the perfect excuse. He is still that dominant but it's not impossible for a 50 year old guy to lose. Whoever beats Goldberg gets almost the same effect as what someone would've got from Brock except there's a bit more logic to it. With Lesnar you had this unstoppable beast who arguably the greatest wrestler of all time couldn't beat in John Cena, the next face of the company if he ain't already in Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose couldn't even touch him in a no DQ match. Your left with Reigns (who the fans would just destroy if he beat Brock), Owens (who isn't bad but you make him God status with a win like this) and Bray Wyatt as the only up and comers that could've used this supposed rub. We already know WWE hates Bray, we know the fans hate Roman so your basically left with Owens. Now would it be cool for him to beat Lesnar? Yeah, hell yeah. But to keep this mystique around Brock as well as making someone else benefit from a huge win would mean someone beating Goldberg is the way to go. It makes sense from all angles and doesn't ruin anyone in the process.
Superman sucks? Yet you defend John Cena so much but I'm not going to get into that since this thread isn't about Cena. And unlike Cena, Brock actually has the credentials to back it up. He's not superman, he's a monster heel, big difference.


I've actually never tried them before. I just tried Digiorno's Bacon Cheese Stuffed Crust this past weekend which I enjoyed eating while watching Takeover Toronto. Sasquatch is also great, but overpriced for frozen pizza. I tend to stick to Tombstone and Red Baron. Cheap, yet still taste good.

Oh. My. GOD!

First off; my opinion of Digiorno is pretty low. Don't get me wrong; they're great, the only thing is Digiorno is the Geico of frozen pizza. Freschetta on the other hand is more like State Farm. Digiorno sells you a modestly sized pizza, in a big ass box. Freschetta sells you a modestly sized pizza, in a modestly sized box. Not that that really affects the pizza, it's just a huge problem for my OCDs.

I emplore you sir, try a Freschetta pizza. If you do and go back to Digiorno, I'll eat all of OYDK's socks.
Oh. My. GOD!

First off; my opinion of Digiorno is pretty low. Don't get me wrong; they're great, the only thing is Digiorno is the Geico of frozen pizza. Freschetta on the other hand is more like State Farm. Digiorno sells you a modestly sized pizza, in a big ass box. Freschetta sells you a modestly sized pizza, in a modestly sized box. Not that that really affects the pizza, it's just a huge problem for my OCDs.

I emplore you sir, try a Freschetta pizza. If you do and go back to Digiorno, I'll eat all of OYDK's socks.

Have you tried one of the Screamin' Sicilian frozen pizzas yet? They're pretty good, but holy hell are they expensive for a frozen pizza.
Have you tried one of the Screamin' Sicilian frozen pizzas yet? They're pretty good, but holy hell are they expensive for a frozen pizza.

I've seen those in Walmart. Yeah, I try to budget a few things when I go grocery shopping. My girlfriend is a vegan, so if I eat pizza I pretty much have to devour the entire thing quickly so my brain won't have time to figure out that I'm full.

I have to budget my money, and I have to budget whether or not I could fit that entire pizza into my body. While I still have the same metabolism I had when I was a teenager, I'm at an age where I spend a few hours on the john if I eat more than six bagel bites at one time.
I've seen those in Walmart. Yeah, I try to budget a few things when I go grocery shopping. My girlfriend is a vegan, so if I eat pizza I pretty much have to devour the entire thing quickly so my brain won't have time to figure out that I'm full.

I have to budget my money, and I have to budget whether or not I could fit that entire pizza into my body. While I still have the same metabolism I had when I was a teenager, I'm at an age where I spend a few hours on the john if I eat more than six bagel bites at one time.

I'll only buy them when they go on sale at my local grocery chain. I mean, a large pepperoni pizza from the pizzeria down the street from my house costs less than one of them Screamin Scilian pizzas when they're at regular price.
I'll only buy them when they go on sale at my local grocery chain. I mean, a large pepperoni pizza from the pizzeria down the street from my house costs less than one of them Screamin Scilian pizzas when they're at regular price.

The best deal for me is to just order a medium rectangular pizza with extra sauce from Hungry Howies, which is right near my place, as a carry-out order. I end up paying less than $10 and it's the most heavenly tasting pizza I could buy.

While I could go to the commissary and buy a Freschetta pizza for $4, those are a little too heavy on the cheese for my system to be able to properly process them.
Oh. My. GOD!

First off; my opinion of Digiorno is pretty low. Don't get me wrong; they're great, the only thing is Digiorno is the Geico of frozen pizza. Freschetta on the other hand is more like State Farm. Digiorno sells you a modestly sized pizza, in a big ass box. Freschetta sells you a modestly sized pizza, in a modestly sized box. Not that that really affects the pizza, it's just a huge problem for my OCDs.

I emplore you sir, try a Freschetta pizza. If you do and go back to Digiorno, I'll eat all of OYDK's socks.

I'll leave myself a note to get one to try next time I go to Walmart. Digiorno I really don't get often due to the price. Red Baron and Tombstone have been my mainstays for frozen pizza for around 20 years though.

Have you tried one of the Screamin' Sicilian frozen pizzas yet? They're pretty good, but holy hell are they expensive for a frozen pizza.

Haven't had one of those yet. Sounds like how I feel about Sasquatch. Pretty good and the triple pepperoni does have a ton of pepperoni, but they are so expensive I might as well get Pizza Hut. Speaking of Pizza Hut.... Pizza Rollers. I discovered them a year ago and they are amazing. Fairly cheap too.
I'll leave myself a note to get one to try next time I go to Walmart. Digiorno I really don't get often due to the price. Red Baron and Tombstone have been my mainstays for frozen pizza for around 20 years though.

Honestly; I've never seen Freschetta pizza sold at a Walmart. I always have to buy them from the Commissary, but you might have to use Google to see where they're available in your local area.
Honestly; I've never seen Freschetta pizza sold at a Walmart. I always have to buy them from the Commissary, but you might have to use Google to see where they're available in your local area.

Pretty sure HEB has them so I'll check there too.

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