The State of the Superstar: 2) Alberto Del Rio

In your opinion, is Alberto Del Rio a Success, Failure, or Neutral?

  • Success

  • Failure

  • Neutral

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I had to vote neutral even though he is trending towards boring failure status. That is more of a WWE problem than a Del Rio problem though IMHO. They botched his booking so severely it's insane. How could they have thought it was a good idea to make him face, even for one minute??

When Del Rio first debuted I was a huuuuge fan. When he quickly rose and won the WWE title I was still a pretty big fan. I remember one promo where I think Cena was making fun of him and called him a cross between DiBiase and Tito Santana. I think that was a veiled compliment for sure. He has all the makings of a classic character. I have no idea why they dropped the "Spanish Aristocrat" angle as it could have been perfect ina company desperate for a relevant heel. He could have bought some muscle and created a tiny stable, etc.

But he's stuck running around with "that belt" that means absolutely nothing. I'd rather him just be carrying and pushing other guys with mid-card feuds. It's embarrassing how the WHC has become an albatross and curse.
As far as accolades go, Del Rio Has been a major success. Nobody has been pushed more in WWE over the last few years like Alberto Del Rio and is currently a 2 time WWE champion and a 2 time World champion. The thing is he really does not deserve to be in the position he is know. The guy is not bad in the ring i'll give him that but as far as everything else goes, he just sucks. The guy has little to no charisma and is sometimes very hard to understand on the mic. Ricardo was the only thing entertain about him in the first place and now they have gone there seperate ways, I don't see how Del Rio is ever going to conect with the fans and I can see him being a mid carder before long
My question is why is thread like this wasnt made several years ago?

Del Rio was pushed heavily like jack swagger and suffered at the end. The differences is del rio continues to receive push after push.

He has the looks and the solid in ring work. But his overall charisma and promo skill are lacking heavily since beginning. His character is just bland. The crowd just not buying into him at all. All these concerns should have been addressed prior to winning the rumble, winning the world title etc. Now 2013, we're still seeing the same heel as he was in the beginning except without the cars. Suprise? no.

Ppl in the past likes to use excuses saying he has difficulty cutting good promo cause of his heritage and accents which affects his character not connecting with the crowd, blah blah blah. I cant buy into that excuses because there was a guy named Eddie Guerrero with the same background.

Del Rio is a 3 time world champion, 1 time wwe champion , MITB winner and a rumble winner. Yet something just doesnt feel right.
That's something I have been thinking for a while too... Why wasn't he able to connect with the audiences? He's good in the ring. He speaks good English. He's not ugly. WWE has been pushing him... Honest, I can't figure out what's wrong. His match last week with Christian was off the roof, top notched! But I find myself not rooting for either one of them.
The problem here is that they ever used Ricardo to get Del Rio over in the first place. They wanted to make Del Rio a main eventer over night, so they gave him a crutch. Now Del Rio can't stand on his own as a title-holding superstar because he's never been truly challenged to be one of those on his own.

I think he's alright, for the same reasons that I think John Cena is alright. He does what he has to do to push the story along, even if the story is stupid and boring he will still soldier up and work whatever angle they want him to work. I respect him for putting his health on the line every time he wrestles, but it was never really fun until he WWE fueding with Swagger. That particular fued was only interesting because it involved Ricardo and Zeb.

I'm neutral toward him, but I wish the very best for him.

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