Alberto Del Rio Is The Most Underrated Superstar In The WWE

I Like Del Rio, but he's not at that level of pure amazement yet. However, it would be a shame if he is just holding the belt for Cena or even Punk. What I would like to see is a Triple Threat match with Cena, Punk, and Del Rio, but for some reason I don't see it happening.
Just like I called Miz years ago, I feel the same about Del Rio.

He needs just a LITTLE work on the mic. He might not floor you with promos, but it's not fair to compare him to Punk. He's got more charisma than most of the roster to make up for that. His ring skills are impeccable. Used to be a luchadore, from what I read.
What were you smoking to think that he got over in Chicago? That crowd was pretty silent after Del Rio won most of the reaction was to ADR pulling off Rey's mask (just went back and watched the last bits of the match). Shaemus got a bigger pop than Del Rio did, and Shaemus didn't win the SD match. Miz, also, got a bigger pop than Del Rio did when he came hopping out from the back.
Anytime del rio got close to the belt they got loud. When he won they popped. Yea, Miz was more over but he's the fucking Miz. Go back and watch it again, ADR is over with smarky fans because they love heels. He's over in latin markets because...well I really shouldn't have to explain that one.

People who are bored with his promos because he "says and does the same things" do you really think that's his doing?

Don't think of what he's saying but HOW he's saying it. He puts as much character into everything as anyone. Not really his fault the writers have been using the copy and paste with his promos the last few months.

If you question his overness based on what you hear, ask anyone who's been to a live event, he's over. WWE has people in the arenas who just listen. Due to the acoustics of a building, the mic set up, the camera set up, etc, you may not always get as accurate of a response on TV as you do live. WWE likely has financial and "scout" evidence that ADR is over.
I think that Del Rio is underrated too.

His ring skills are pretty good. Much better than most of the people in the WWE. His enziguri is like an actual enziguri. I remember him doing an enziguri to Matt Hardy on Smackdown last year and it sounded way louder than a chest slap. His Cross Armbreaker or armbar actually looks lethal. I do agree that his weakest point is on the mic. He always mention about "destiny" everytime he talks. If he improves his mic skills then he would be pretty good overall.
He's boring and not ready to sell PPV's. Promos are ALL the same, and the WWE title looks ridiculous on him IMO.

Funny but that sounds exactly like Cena.

I don't think ADR is over or underrated. He is where he should be right now. I am getting tired of the "IWC" bitching how the WWE uses the same guys yet when they try to get others over they still bitch. They whined about the Miz and now about ADR. Sorry but I am sick and fucking tired of looking at Cena's face. I don't care if they brought back Katie Vick and gave her the world title as long as it takes time away from Cena.
He doesn't have the full package at all that's an idiotic statement imo. I don't know how you could praise his mic skills because he has shown the inability to draw in and encapsulate a crowd when his speaking. That could be blamed on the booking but it's his fault as well. I don't mind the guy but I wouldn't say he has the it factor either as he doesn't stand out one bit when his usually on tv and just seems like a mid carder. This will give him some good heat so it's up to him now to show us what he has.
Del Rio as said is good enough in ring but that's it. every other part of his character is awfull. I don't think he's underrated or overrated, he's been the champ almost at Mania and now is the champ, that's as good as it gets. It's all a personal taste, like Cena either you like him or you don't. I liked the potential to start with but i'm over it now.
I hear a lot of praise for Del Rio so I would not really say he is underrated. He has only been in the WWE a short while and already has won a Royal Rumble, Money In The Bank and become WWE Champion so the company must see his potential. I personally like him and have since his debut.. his character and look work well together and he has what it takes to be a top heel for years to come. His mic work is ok but I thought last night when he came out around the start of Raw the promo he did in the ring was not great. That could be down to having things to remember to say instead of just going for it free flow but overall I think he gets enough praise and he deserves it.
I find it hard to consider the someone who is the current WWE Champ to be considered underrated. I guess it depends on someones point of view on the matter. Right now I would say the most underrated would either be Santino or Drew McIntyre. A few years back both were drawing great heat, and just last year Santino was getting over really well as a face. Santino just doesn't have the physical build to ever hope for anything other than a mid card title. I find Santino to be the most entertaining promo guy, you can even look at his FCW promo's to see him as a serious character which he can pull off quite well for someone so small.

Drew McIntyre used to draw some major heat. The best example would be his rivalry with Matt Hardy, the crowds hated him. He wasn't an amazing promo guy, but he could hold his own. He was good in the ring as well, I'm not exactly sure why he is now jobbing on Superstars. It seems like he should be in a similar position to Dolph Ziggler, although I feel that Ziggler should be in the main event scene by now.

I guess I can give a quick mention to Layla as well, she is the best diva on the mic right now and could wrestle a good match, I admit she wasn't good enough to pull a good match out of someone like Kelly but if she was in the ring with a decent competitor she could pull off a great match. Layla and Michelle McCool's rivalry was the best I've seen since Trish left the WWE. It is unfortunate that both Layla and Kharma are out of the WWE for now, it looked like Layla was going to be the main diva standing up to Kharma.

So there are the three I would say are the most underrated. Those three barely get a mention anymore, yet they all have a lot of potential. I guess it would be pretty easy to argue that Santino has peaked already.
I disagree with the ideal heel part, right now I see 3-4 other people who can be main event status.

CM Punk
The Miz
R-Truth (Not championship but main event)
and ofcourse Alberto Del Rio

During his promo yesterday I thought he was going for some crazy face turn because he talked about respect and doing fan friendly things, but clearly he was being typical Del Rio and I think it worked well.
Underrated? No. Not really.
He's the WWE champion, Royal Rumble winner and Money in the bank winner, you shouldn't be calling this guy underrated.

I myself don't like Del Rio.
He's got this really annoying voice that I can't stand listening to. But that's just a personal thing.

You called him intimidating, because he's 6'5? Too bad he's got a very average muscle definition.

And your comment about him speaking spanish drives americans crazy thing...that insults me.

And I don't want to say anymore cause the OP is clearly just a massive Del Rio mark.
Dude, Del Rio better then Miz? Really?... REALLY? Del Rio is a great wrestler but his promos are boring. He doesn't hold a candle to The Miz.

Exactly. Del Rio is good on the mic but sucks compared to Miz when it comes to promos. Del Rio and Miz are both good in the ring and are able to make fans hate them. Miz is better in most parts than Del Rio. Not to say that Alberto Del Rio isn't talented,but he doesn't match The Miz.
Dude...Del Rio is horrible on the mic...last night he said he was facing mysterio in his 1st ever WWE match... obviously he meant WWE title match but thats just one example of del rio on the mic...he's ALL OVER THE PLACE...half the time im shaking my head and the other half i just laugh...perfect heel for the present and future? How about swagger,miz,ziggler,ryder,sheamus,barret,otunga, the list go's on...Del Rio is no young star he is older than Cena,Punk and everyone else on that list...WWE can make a star out of whoever they want...i believe Del rio is a waste...
I find a few of the divas underappreciated. I think Wade Barrett doesn't get enough love for his rasstlin'. But what is really underrated is the actual definition of charisma.

A lot of people claim this guy has 'naturally charismatic.' Da fuck he is. He has been around for a year (or close idk) and has gotten more of a shove than most of the guys who have been around for 3-5 years.. And is just as memorable/able to move the crowd as them. Difference being is that he has gotten stale in a much shorter amount of time. Heck, I think the only time people really gave a shit to boo this guy is when they were in Texas and he had to speak Spanish for that to happen.

There is absolutely no reason to push this guy any further considering he hasn't done shit with what he has been given so far. No character development. No memorable moments and/or matches. All he is a bunch of wins that are suppose to elevate people and the same damn promo every week. If he is really as good as he is suppose to be, why in the world would they give him a Rumble win AND a MiTB shot within 6-7 months of each other? Those aren't treated like winning the random Raw battle royal for number one contendership.
He's got this really annoying voice that I can't stand listening to.

That's part of the package: it's deliberate. What we have in our midst is an old-style villain. Many folks don't appreciate the guy whose lineage goes back to Gorgeous George, Buddy Rogers and Ric Flair. These guys were flamboyant, obnoxious, overconfident and flashy. They lorded their material wealth over the rest of us and played the part of a guy who is universally hated even as he proclaims to be universally loved. Alberto Del Rio is heir to all that.

A necessary part of the persona is that the guy has to really know his way around the ring.....and Del Rio measures up. You might not like his wrestling style, but it fits the old-style persona so very well. Each of these guys delivered the goods once the bell rang, leaving the trappings and adornments behind (in Del Rio's case, it's a set of car keys:)).

I think Del Rio is a terrific ring technician and a refreshing change of pace from the modern-day brawlers we see every week.......and as far as I'm concerned, the more obnoxious he acts, the better.

After last night, don't you want to see John Cena clean his clock?
The Miz is a far better heel than Del Rio. They're not even close. I think Del Rio is slightly overrated. I don't think he's terrible overall. I think he definitely has a future but keep in mind, he's 3 years older than the Miz. The Miz is going to WWE's top heel moving foward, not Del Rio.

I agree with the person above that said the only reason he has the belt right now is because WWE is going on tour in Mexico.

He can wrestle and has an MMA background so I'm not going to say that he sucks, I just don't see how he's underrated. He won the Rumble, he won MITB, he won the WWE title AT SUMMER SLAM (One of WWE's biggest events). He's definitely NOT under rated.
Del Rio ? Really? really ? Bro I don't know what tree you fell out of but get back in it. Del Rio trash brahh. Only thing that stands out is his in ring ability, he can work a good match but that's it. You talk about his mic skills like he's a god. Really? So your telling me if guys like Cena//Punk//Miz went around talking about its their destiny to win the title for over 10 months.. SAME PROMO, EVERY SHOW makes them great on the mic? Get a clue bro, you sound like a fan boy that needs to stop riding on Del Rio's overrated rodeo. Also, PLEASE DO NOT compare Del Rio to the Miz, Cena or Punk. He isn't even in their league. I will never take Del Rio seriously, I mean how can I? Beats up Rey, Beats up Christian, Wins 40-man RR, wins Money in the bank, wins WWE championship - after all that. ZERO CROWD REACTION. Like get real bro :banghead:
Mustang Sally, I know what you mean, but when I say I can't I stand listening to his voice, I mean, I CANT STAND IT. I have to switch channels.
I know what you're getting at, but, I just hate his voice and speech patterns, really does not agree with me.
Most underrated? OK, but from whose perspective? WWE does not seem to be underrating him at all. He has won the biggest Royal Rumble in history, the MITB and now the WWE Championship all within the space of a year. Some fans, on the other hand, seem to be a bit cross with him due to the repetitiveness of his promos. There are others like the OP who believe that he is better than he actually is. So, it mostly depends on opinion. There is no such thing as overrated or underrated, it all depends from person to person.

I personally believe that Del Rio is a solid, dependable performer but nothing more than that. He is old fashioned and not the type of heel that usually appeals to the tastes of the IWC who like someone like Jericho or Punk, who are guys with slightly out of the ordinary gimmicks. But Del Rio is a guy who will always work. You could just put him in any feud with a face at any time and he will do a good job. He has a stereotypical heel character that has never failed to deliver over the years, just like Cena has a face character that some people will always get behind. Del Rio's gimmick is safe rather than spectacular. I can understand why you may not be willing to compare him to the best in the business but it does not mean that he is shit either.
That's part of the package: it's deliberate. What we have in our midst is an old-style villain. Many folks don't appreciate the guy whose lineage goes back to Gorgeous George, Buddy Rogers and Ric Flair. These guys were flamboyant, obnoxious, overconfident and flashy. They lorded their material wealth over the rest of us and played the part of a guy who is universally hated even as he proclaims to be universally loved. Alberto Del Rio is heir to all that.

A necessary part of the persona is that the guy has to really know his way around the ring.....and Del Rio measures up. You might not like his wrestling style, but it fits the old-style persona so very well. Each of these guys delivered the goods once the bell rang, leaving the trappings and adornments behind (in Del Rio's case, it's a set of car keys:)).

I think Del Rio is a terrific ring technician and a refreshing change of pace from the modern-day brawlers we see every week.......and as far as I'm concerned, the more obnoxious he acts, the better.

After last night, don't you want to see John Cena clean his clock?

But you yourself said the other day that having Del Rio cash in at SS would be a mistake. I'd like to think that WWE know what they are doing here, but I'm just not convinced by Del Rio, he just dosen't seem to be over as a heel Even after WWE have been pushing him no end, having him win the RR (which was supposed to be the springboard to get people interested in him) and main eventing WM.

To me there was no real shock with Del Rio winning the title, there was a certain Inevitability to it, it had been predicted by most 5 months in advance.
Hes boring as all hell. Walks to the ring with a stupid jack swagger smile with his arms spread out. Walks into ring. Speaks a little spanish which doesnt anger me, it just makes me go... " bored". Then he speaks english with an accent which makes it hard to understand im bored.

Then he says nothing note worthy. I cant remember anything he has ever said except "Im ADR" and "its my destiny". I honestly cant think of anything else memorable about him.

Plus hes boring in the ring. He has no moves except his stupid arm bar, a couple punches and a couple kicks. Boring.:disappointed:
It's an interesting comparison when looking at The Miz and Alberto del Rio as heels and their ascent to the WWE Title.

The Miz was someone who came in to the WWE as a joke, bottom of the card material and suffered ridicule from his peers early in his career. Flashforward to 2008 and Miz is given his first chance to shine with the big boys, the infamous "undefeated streak" against Cena. Did most WWE fans find him annoying? Absolutely, and that was the point. Over the next two years he was built up as a solid midcarder who had one of the best U.S. Title runs of the last few years. He then surprised many by winning Money in the Bank and cashing in months later, headlining Wrestlemania and giving Cena his only 1 on 1 loss at the Big Dance.

Alberto del Rio on the other hand was put on a pedestal before he even stepped in the ring, with the classic vignettes we all remembered fondly from yesteryear. He came in as a prototypical cocky heel (The Mexican Million Dollar Man, perhaps?) with his own personal Ricky Ricardo and immediately was made to look like a star, putting out superstars and entering a high profile feud with Rey Mysterio. Since then he won the Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank, had a championship match at Wrestlemania and has frequently been a part of main-event level feuds on Smackdown before winning the title at Summerslam.

Looking at them as of today, the Miz has started to develop a more aggressive attitude and is showing that he can be at the main-event level without having to have the title. While I see him getting back involved in the title picture in the next few months he has a chance to grow his character, increasing his fanbase and bringing us a step closer to the inevitable faceturn that the Miz will eventually be given.

Del Rio, on the other hand, has become stagnant with his character. The entrance, the car, the announcer (who seems to be more over than he is) and the same basic putdowns regardless of who he is facing. I was a big fan of his once he got his feet under him on Smackdown but to me has shown virtually no development on the mic. I'll never question his in-ring ability (which is stronger than Miz's, no revelation there.) but I wonder whether he can legitimately carry the title over the next couple of months.

To me it would be very easy for the WWE Title to become a distant second to the Punk/HHH/Nash storyline (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) but if people start clamoring for more Punk and more HHH, do they risk the WWE Title becoming unimportant in the grand scheme of the show? Let's hope there's a sound strategy in place or if the WWE decides to hit the easy button and put the title back on Cena too quickly again.
Can you win the Royal Rumble, have a World Title match at WrestleMania, win Money in the Bank, and become WWE Champion at SummerSlam and still be considered under-rated? I feel like he's being rated just fine...

Just because CM Punk, John Cena, and Triple H are having an interesting feud (that del Rio never should have gotten in the middle of) doesn't mean that the current champion is under-rated or being under-used. The fact that he's been a focal point of all 3 major PPVs in 2011 so far is enough reason to believe he's doing just fine. What do you want, the Sheamus treatment? Do you want him to just be handed a title and crammed down our throats for a few months before fizzling back down to the midcard? Do you want everyone in the forums to praise him like a wrestling god? Because people pretty genuinely like the guy. He's got a lot of charisma, good in-ring ability, and carries himself well. He's a good wrestler, a good worker, and a good superstar. He's not amazing. He's not legendary. Therefor I am not going to rant and rave about him all day like he's Chris Jericho or Eddie Guerrero. Dear god, he's not Eddie Guerrero. They have given him a lot of opportunity this year that could have been given to a lot of other guys, so shut up and enjoy it while you can. Alberto del Rio is not under-rated, he's the damn WWE Champion.
Guy above me basically said what I would say. Being WWE champion is not underrated. Everyone knows Del Rio is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and if they don't like him then they don't know what the fuck a good professional wrestler is.

Del Rio is fucking brilliant.

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