The Rock vs Shawn Michaels?

Big Ace

Championship Contender
In your mind, is that a dream match? I think it would be a hell of a match. The Rock, second-generation superstar, arguably kept the WWF on top after Austin left. Shawn Michaels, one of the only top guys left back in 1996. If these 2 were to ''hook-up'' could it be one of the only dream matches that the WWE has yet to do?
That is most definately a dream match for me personally, but the odds of it happening are slim to none these days with The Rock being so busy with making movies about helping troubled urban youth.

I would love to see this feud though, especially at next years Wrestlemania, it seems whenever it comes time for WM Michaels puts on 5 star matches when he faces an excellent opponent like Chris Jericho or Kurt Angle.
No match involving The Rock is a dream match of mine. Sure it would be intresting to see. But I think the crowd would be completley on The Rock's side and like most of him match's it would be 15 of posturing and posing and about 7.5 minutes of actuall wrestling. You've seen one Rocky match you've seen them all in my opinion.
The crowd doesn't neccessarily always get on the Rock's side, look at Wrestlemania 18, when Rock (face) faced Hogan (heel). OK, maybe that could be considered a special circumstance, but anyways, if both men were still in their prime, this would be a spectacular match in my opinion. Those who compare the Rock to Cena..Rock could pull a better match out of a stale turd than he could out of Cena. Today, not so sure about today, since all of HBK's injuries and the Rock's ring rust, which would be really apparent, unless the build was really there, and both men had the time to get into the best shape possible. Under those circumstances, maybe not mania, but possibly Survivor Series, maybe even the Royal Rumble. As far as the fans, I don't see them taking just one side. It would be more of an even split, with the fans cheering almost every move. I would personally love to see this match happen if both men were given the proper time and build up.
I've always thought those 2 should feud
Unfortunately, the oppurtunity never presented itself, as HBK was injured
during Rock's rise, and Now Rock has left full time since HBK returned.

But who knows it could happen
I would save this for WM 25. Huge big name semi main event. I still think Hogan vs. Austin outdraws this match though.

I thought that their is real life heat between the Rock and HBK, which always makes for an interesting match. I think people are unfair on the Rock. sure he wasn't the best in the ring, but his Iron Man match against Triple H was much more entertaining then the WM 12 Iron man match.
I don't think he sold out, my honest opinion, he made a smart move. Sure, he may not make AS much money, but his movie career will last longer than his WWE career because there is always stuntmen to take the falls for him on set.
Put it this way, Austin and the Rock smelled the bullshit coming in WWE along time before it actually happened. 2001 was probably the end of the WWE rise of greatness. They knew that the WWE was just going to be down hill from there. The War was over and these guys had accomplished anything they needed to. The Rock was gone from fulltime wrestling in Early 02, and Austin left in June of 02. They both knew what they were doing. They hang around WWE still just to keep their names out there. Very smart business move on both parts. The Rock left in pretty good physical shape, while Austin, the jury is still out on his permanent physical shape.
No match involving The Rock is a dream match of mine. Sure it would be intresting to see. But I think the crowd would be completley on The Rock's side and like most of him match's it would be 15 of posturing and posing and about 7.5 minutes of actuall wrestling. You've seen one Rocky match you've seen them all in my opinion.

No match involving The Rock is a dream match, did you not watch WM 17 and 18?

The Rock is one of, perhaps even the greatest WWF superstar ever, not the greatest wrestler ever (Benoit or Angle will take that title) but The Rocks matches, particulary when he was in his prime were very entertaining.
My post said that no match involving The Rock would be one of MY dream match's. That doesn't mean they can't be somebody elses. I know you worship me, and it must be hard finding out I'm not a Rocky fan. But deal with it. His match's were entertaining. But there all pretty much the same.
I think that The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels would be good, 5 years ago it would of been awesome when they both in their prime somewhat, to have it now wouldn't be quite the same as The Rock hasn't wrestled for 3 odd years, however it it was to ever happen, and it had the correct build up, and The Rock wrestled a few matches in preperation, it would be very good.
The Rock isn't interested in wrestling right now, he's counting more dollars and making pretty decent movies (besides Doom). I actually think that The Rock is challenging Hogan's title for Most Recognizable Wrestler, considering how Rock's movie career actually worked for him and he hasn't had to return to wrestling because his films/TV shows aren't that good.

As far as Rock/Shawn Michaels, of course that would be a dream match. The Rock is a great performer, his matches are never slow, he moves so fast in the ring and he makes sure the crowd is into it, all the time. And Y2 Jake, if you see one of mostly anybody matches then you've seen them all, honestly. So yea, it would be a great encounter, and you wouldn't have to worry about any politics about who gets to go over or anything like that, because both of these guys are total pros who would do the favor for anybody. But it definitely will never happen though.
As far as Rock/Shawn Michaels, of course that would be a dream match. The Rock is a great performer, his matches are never slow, he moves so fast in the ring and he makes sure the crowd is into it, all the time. And Y2 Jake, if you see one of mostly anybody matches then you've seen them all, honestly. So yea, it would be a great encounter, and you wouldn't have to worry about any politics about who gets to go over or anything like that, because both of these guys are total pros who would do the favor for anybody. But it definitely will never happen though.

Err no. Maybe in WWE where they wrestle the WWE style. But outside of WWE you can see different styles of match's by the same wrestler each time they perform.
Are you serious? I can understand the starpower in an Austin vs. Hogan match, but who in their right minds wants to see Hogan anywhere near a ring ever again? The man is by far the worst worker probably ever in the history of this business. I respect everything he's done for wrestling, but he hasn't put on a good match since...well, ever. His matches were entertaining at best, usually just horrible crap wrestling followed by the big boot and the leg drop. The only match I remember seeing Hogan in that I actually though, hey, that right there was a good wrestling match, was his match with the Rock.

I'm all for any match involving the Rock again, god damn you really miss things the most when they're gone huh? What I'd do to watch a Rock promo and a Rock RAW main event as opposed to another goddamn Cena monologue followed by horrible matches.
Personally I think Austin/Hogan would completely out-draw any Rock/Michaels match, it would be a stink fest as far as an actual wrestling match goes, but the build alone would be worth it (although that wouldn't have been true 6 or 7 years ago, Austin would have got a good match out of Hogan).

I would put a great deal of money on The Rock never returning to Wrestling. I mean the guy is 35 this year, which is by no means past it, however considering he is probably tied up to movie deals for at least the next couple of years even if after that he decided to return he would be pushing 40, and to be honest I dont want to see a watered down Rock in the ring, and thats what he would be.

Basically what I'm saying is, that even though I would like to see it it really is not going to happen, and a match like this needs a really good long build, and if Rock were to agree, he'd probably only do four maybe five RAW's and the actual WM Match, so the feud would probably stink anyway.
Yea I definitely agree, I don't want no watered-down Rock just like I'm tired of the watered-down Flair that we've been getting the last few years. Hogan, that ain't too bad cuz he wasn't that great in the ring in his best day. I think The Rock walked away at the right time, he accomplished all there is to accomplish, didn't suffer any major injuries and didn't become a jobber (a la Flair). Legends will never die but they damn sure can get watered-down. That's what makes Shawn Michaels so damn good because even though he's 40+ he's still the man. I'd love to see that match, but the only way that's happenin is if you play SmackDown! vs. RAW 07.
I do believe there is some real heat between HBK and Rock. It stems back to oh, 97 or so when Rock first came in. Apparently him and Michaels didn't get along all to well. HBK has actually wanted to do this match as he seems to think him and the Rock would put on a hell of a program. The Rock however, as far as what I know, doesn't want anything to do with a Michaels/Rock match because of the way Michaels treated him back in the late 90's. I do think though that the build-up could be down right legendary. Two of the best talkers in history in the ring together, good stuff. I also think that Rock would be able to still hold up his end during the match. He's very much more athletic than most wrestlers you'll come across and that would help him out alot I think. I remember when Michaels came back at SS 02' and put on a hell of a match w/Hunter. No ring rust there thats for sure.
This would be more of the dream feud. The promo's on both sides would be outstanding. HBK and The Rock are two of the most charasmatic wrestlers in wrestling history. I think one of the things that got Rock over was his ability to cut a promo. Hell, one of his segments got WWE a high 10.0 rating for that segment. It was called ''This is your life, Rock'' or something along those lines. I dont know how good the match could be. I know HBK can still put up a solid match but can The Rock do his part? Rock carried Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 which was only a few years back but I figured he'd have ring rust. Anyway I dont think we'd see it because of Rock movie hollywood career but it sure would be interesting.
i think it would be a dream match but note the word dream. see the rocks not with wwe and he said if he came back he had no intrest in fighting hbk. also i rather see the rock in his prime vs hbk in his prime. hbk still a great wrestler but geting a win er him doesnt seem as specil anymore.

as for the match itself both men in their prime i think it would be a great match. both men can mix it up witanyone and can make each other look great. it would be alot like an old hbk bret hart match if i could relate it to anything.

i think other than the fact both wrestlers are good, there are two big reasons why they would mix well.

1. b oth men would do anything for the company, they really dont think about who wins rather if the match is good.
2. both men are so energetic.

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