The Rock vs CM Punk Before Wrestlemania 28?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was reading somewhere on youtube comments that CM Punk is better on the mic and in the ring than the rock could ever be.

First lets compare the two.

The rock was in the wwe for a little less than a decade with wrestling being in his blood. His promos were arguably the best ever seen. He could make the toughest guy look like a joke with his promos from austin to hhh to the mcmahons to big show to even the undertaker. and he could talk trash without cracking jokes as well. like his promos against hhh during their feud in 1999 and 2000. the rock at that time was one of the best in the ring (yes he was. there wasnt a single match of his that nobody didnt love even against giants like big show). but then again he had huge competition with guys like benoit, guerrero, angle and jericho. and he pretty much lived up to their standards. he held almost every major title multiple times. wwe/f, tag team, intercontinental, wcw. he won the rumble albeit controversially. has had his share of wrestlemania moments. all in all without a shadow of a doubt one of the if not best superstars the wwe produced.

then theres cm punk. hes been in the wwe for about 6 years including ovw. started out small in wwecw. but was captivating from the start. his promo work has been amazing. his ring work is the best in the wwe right now. his shoot promos have been one of the best ever and his regular promos have been good as well. especially his recent post nexus ones. he has won ever major title in the wwe. world wwe intercontinental tag team and ecw. 3 time slammy winner. sure shot hall of famer one day. and heel or face the crowd loves him. hes put on the best matches in the wwe as of late. especially the ones against rey mysterio which have been my personal favourite matches of cm punk. he however is the best in a time when the competition isnt all that great. apart from 3 or 4 people there arent a lot of main eventers in the wwe right now. but thats besides the point. hes handling himself pretty well with the talent hes working with. and hes worked with some of the best wrestlers in the business. rey mysterio, edge, jericho, christian, cena, jbl etc.

i also found a video on the net comparing their promo styles. il put it on youtube and post a link here later on

now although people might say that the rock hasnt wrestled in 7 years and wont be able to carry a match, thats not true. when ur in good shape which the rock is in, it takes no more than a month to get back into shape. its like riding a bike. u never really forget how. iv personally seen guys get back into fighting shape after years of inactivity. and we saw on tough enough that the rock isnt bent out of shape either. all in all i think he can still put on a better than decent match.

now on to the topic at hand. after punk goes through nash and hhh and with him talking shots at 'Dwayne'. wouldnt it be cool and make sense that as a buildup for wrestlemania the rock and cm punk go at it in a match with the rock calling out punk for talking trash. they could both work extremely well with each other on the mic. more so than rock and cena. and im pretty sure that both of them can keep the crowd on their feet. im also fairly certain that they could work an amazing match as well. im not gonna discuss the outcome but imagine rock and punk going at each other midway now and wrestlemania around after survivor series or something.

your thoughts.

PS: IMO the rock (in his prime) > punk
Never read the youtube comments. They're the ******s of the ******s. They know even less about how pro wrestling works than most of the IWC. I read a comment on the Royal Rumble 1993 page that said "back when wrestling was watchable" if 2 squashes, a midcard match, and a squash on Raw is "watchable" then that person has low standards.

Anyways, regardless of how the seed for this idea was planted in your head, I agree that Rock>Punk. Rock was actually the most over guy on the roster for an extended period of time, something Punk hasn't done.

I don't doubt that a Rock/Punk feud and match could be good, but it doesn't carry at all the weight of Cena/Rock. That is icon vs icon. So I don't want Punk vs Rock to happen first. Although Punk fans and Cena haters alike will want it more and say "it'll be a higher quality match because Punk is better in the ring" or some shit equally as stupid and irrelevant.
CM Punk is not better then Rock in anything of that..He's good,maybe even good as Rock(hardly) but not better...And people that posts comments like that are ******s of ******s and probably just a kids soo you shoudn't take comments like that seriously...And i would love to see a feud betwen Rock and someone before WM28 but not Punk...
You're taking some YT comments seriously?! Look, First of all, CM Punk is nowhere near the rock at this point. He's been the hottest thing in wrestling for 3 months now, but still can't compare it to rock have done for years. Now as far as the comparison goes, punk might be slighty the better technical of the two, I'm saying slightly because I thing he's a bit overrated in terms of in-ring skills. But when it comes to in-ring athleticism, I'll take rock anyday. On the mic, punk is good, but he's not creative. He's just reading off some IWC ideas, and it's a matter of time till he get exposed. Rock, yes, his promos depends on the pharses, but only to keep the crowd alive and entertained(They want to hear it). And unlike punk, he's creative, he came up with his own stuff, that's why the fans are dying to see him get on the mic, they want to hear what he have to say. On the mic, Rock, hands down.

Like I said, it's to early for punk to be compared to The Rock.
Like the guy above said, it's way too early to compare Punk to The Rock as to who has the best promo of all-time. Right now, it's The Rock hands down. Punk has only been cut loose since July to do his own thing, so time will tell how long he can keep up the great promos.

Plus, it's comparing apples to oranges. Most of what Punk says is a shoot within the boundaries of course of obscenities and completely going overboard about someone personally. The Rock's stuff was always funny, yet I'm sure scripted and cleared with Vince before it was said live on Raw. So it's complete opposite styles. Tough to compare.

As for a feud between them, I'd love to see it. The Rock is definitely appearing at Survivor Series. I thought it would probably be to face The Miz if he wrestled at all, but this would be 10x more entertaining. If not at Survivor Series, hopefully at the Rumble. Of course Survivor Series will probably be the last time The Rock shows up before the build-up to Mania. Funny, coming from a guy who said he was back and never leaving again.
Never read the youtube comments. They're the ******s of the ******s. They know even less about how pro wrestling works than most of the IWC. I read a comment on the Royal Rumble 1993 page that said "back when wrestling was watchable" if 2 squashes, a midcard match, and a squash on Raw is "watchable" then that person has low standards.

Anyways, regardless of how the seed for this idea was planted in your head, I agree that Rock>Punk. Rock was actually the most over guy on the roster for an extended period of time, something Punk hasn't done.

I don't doubt that a Rock/Punk feud and match could be good, but it doesn't carry at all the weight of Cena/Rock. That is icon vs icon. So I don't want Punk vs Rock to happen first. Although Punk fans and Cena haters alike will want it more and say "it'll be a higher quality match because Punk is better in the ring" or some shit equally as stupid and irrelevant.

Are you FLIPPING kidding me? Punk IS a better wrestler than Cena and the match WOULD be a better MATCH. How is that stupid? Why wouldnt a purest wrestling fan want to see a match with two guys that can flat out go? You love Cena, thats all there is to it. The guy can do no wrong to some of you people.

However, Cena has been more popular far longer than CM Punk has been this hot, so the excitement for a Cena/Rock match would DWARF that of a Punk/Rock match but the latter would be a WAY better match. There is absolutely no doubt about that.

As for Punk being better than Rock? Now don't be ridiculous people. Rock in his prime was far better than anything that is out there now.
CM Punk is my favorite current wrestler. . .

But he's nowhere near Rock at mic work, or anything else really. As for The Rock not even being around for 7 years. . .it doesn't matter. He still gets at least double the pop of anyone else just when his music hits. There's a reason why. He is the most interesting and watchable wrestler in WWE history imo.

Think about it. Let's say there's a fued going down next week on Raw. The good guys are in trouble, there's a big heel team forming. Somebody's music hits. . .it's an old time wrestler who hasn't been around in awhile.

Can you pick a single wrestler who would be more welcome and get more pop than The Rock? Even Stone Cold and HBK wouldn't. Hulk wouldn't (too old + would see almost awkward/cliche to see him "dominate" at this stage). Ric Flair wouldn't. Bret Hart wouldn't. Chris Jericho wouldn't.

If The Rock wasn't more interesting on the mic and in the ring, why does he -always- get more pop than CM Punk? Why has he -ALWAYS- gotten more pop than Punk even when he was a heel? Seriously, think about it.

Anyone saying that is just dumb. . .or is a new fan who wasn't watching when The Rock was prominant. So they don't understand why the arena erupted when he was named as the host for Wrestlemania, and think their current fav' is better than he ever was. Just simply isn't the case.
Are you FLIPPING kidding me? Punk IS a better wrestler than Cena and the match WOULD be a better MATCH. How is that stupid? Why wouldnt a purest wrestling fan want to see a match with two guys that can flat out go? You love Cena, thats all there is to it. The guy can do no wrong to some of you people.

However, Cena has been more popular far longer than CM Punk has been this hot, so the excitement for a Cena/Rock match would DWARF that of a Punk/Rock match but the latter would be a WAY better match. There is absolutely no doubt about that.

As for Punk being better than Rock? Now don't be ridiculous people. Rock in his prime was far better than anything that is out there now.
lol you're an idiot. Why is Punk a better "wrestler"? Because he does more moves? Because he does more of a variety of moves? You know what a pro wrestler does? He works the audience.

Pro wrestling started in carnivals where guys would work crowds into paying money to see the local guy fight the unbeatable wrestler. A "PURE" wrestling fan, whatever the fuck that means, should just be someone who enjoys watching a guy who gets the audience going into a frenzy.

Although in IWC speak, a "pure" wrestling fan is someone who enjoys basic chain wrestling that everyone on the WWE roster can do regardless of how over that match is.

Punk is good in the ring, but you said "two guys who can flat out go" can Cena. Guys with far more credibility than you have praised Cena as a great in ring wrestler.

"Rock is far better than anything out there right now" speak for yourself. Rock couldn't get over in a PG environment, it wasn't until he was allowed to cuss that he got over. Do you think Rock could have gotten over with Rocky Maivia in today's PG climate (a climate they must have after Benoit)?
I think people have put too much stock in to CM Punk just because he's had a couple of good PPV matches....with John Cena. Look it's simple, Punk is not even on the same field as Cena is and it's not because he's not good enough. Cena has been on top for the past 6 years. That's 6 years he's been the flag carrier from the company. He works the crowd and get a better reaction than anyone on the roster. Hate him or love him, the facts are the facts. CM Punk needs to be able to do it year after year for the company and be able to stand on his own without the help of Cena/Orton. The Rock/CM Punk doesn't even make sense because CM Punk has no appeal to the casual fan. Everyone knows who Cena is, only the IWC and all the die hards know who CM Punk is. The Rock is a worldwide super star, so it only makes sense to go against the WWE's version of a superstar.
A rivalry between the two could definitely work. I dont see why people are so quick to compare Punk to The Rock. One is a legend the other has just experienced his rise to the top. The two have their own unique promo and in ring styles and both deserve praise for it. And yeah like everyone else said, Youtube comments tend to be idiotic from time to time, I wouldnt pay much mind to them.
You're taking some YT comments seriously?! Look, First of all, CM Punk is nowhere near the rock at this point. He's been the hottest thing in wrestling for 3 months now, but still can't compare it to rock have done for years. Now as far as the comparison goes, punk might be slighty the better technical of the two, I'm saying slightly because I thing he's a bit overrated in terms of in-ring skills. But when it comes to in-ring athleticism, I'll take rock anyday. On the mic, punk is good, but he's not creative. He's just reading off some IWC ideas, and it's a matter of time till he get exposed. Rock, yes, his promos depends on the pharses, but only to keep the crowd alive and entertained(They want to hear it). And unlike punk, he's creative, he came up with his own stuff, that's why the fans are dying to see him get on the mic, they want to hear what he have to say. On the mic, Rock, hands down.

Like I said, it's to early for punk to be compared to The Rock. [Rep] [!!]

CM Punk is using the ideas of the IWC.... And you said YT comments were dumb? If you think that the WWE and CM Punk pander to the ideas of the web... you're a ****** of a ****** of a ******... To quote the ridiculous comment above. Rock shouldn't wrestle anyone until WM, any match immediately takes the gloss off the main event for the spectacle.
Remember Rock VS Hogan? That was Hogan's first WWE match in many years, and it would have spoiled it if he faced anyone but Rock first. This is the new icon VS icon, Attitude VS PG.
I would love to see a Rock/Punk match, but the fact is that Punk is (not yet,at least) on the level of John Cena. No-one is in the WWE as of right now, and that is fact.
i nevers said i took youtube comments seriously.

im just saying that they gave me an idea which this thread is about.

as the guy above said. i get it. not having the rock wrestle a match before wrestlemania. itl take the magic away but the truth is wrestlemania is a long long long time away. and as far as hogan/rock was concerned. hogan showed up a month and a half before wrestlemania. rock/cena has been made a whole year in advance. u cant really expect not to see action on the rocks part before that. i mean i loved seeing michael cole rock bottomed and ppl elbowed as much as the next guy but unless he gets into a fight with a guy like miz or punk. one who has history with the rock and the other who pretty much talks trash about him whenever he can.

ok i got the punk/rock idea from youtube frm a dumbass comment but still whos to say it wont be entertaining. that is before wm 28
You're taking some YT comments seriously?! Look, First of all, CM Punk is nowhere near the rock at this point. He's been the hottest thing in wrestling for 3 months now, but still can't compare it to rock have done for years. Now as far as the comparison goes, punk might be slighty the better technical of the two, I'm saying slightly because I thing he's a bit overrated in terms of in-ring skills. But when it comes to in-ring athleticism, I'll take rock anyday. On the mic, punk is good, but he's not creative. He's just reading off some IWC ideas, and it's a matter of time till he get exposed. Rock, yes, his promos depends on the pharses, but only to keep the crowd alive and entertained(They want to hear it). And unlike punk, he's creative, he came up with his own stuff, that's why the fans are dying to see him get on the mic, they want to hear what he have to say. On the mic, Rock, hands down.

Like I said, it's to early for punk to be compared to The Rock. [Rep] [!!]

CM Punk is using the ideas of the IWC.... And you said YT comments were dumb? If you think that the WWE and CM Punk pander to the ideas of the web... you're a ****** of a ****** of a ******... To quote the ridiculous comment above. Rock shouldn't wrestle anyone until WM, any match immediately takes the gloss off the main event for the spectacle.
Remember Rock VS Hogan? That was Hogan's first WWE match in many years, and it would have spoiled it if he faced anyone but Rock first. This is the new icon VS icon, Attitude VS PG.
I would love to see a Rock/Punk match, but the fact is that Punk is (not yet,at least) on the level of John Cena. No-one is in the WWE as of right now, and that is fact.

LMAO!! you can't even quote right. Now, If you think that rock shouldn't be facing anyone before WM 28 than you my friend are a ******. The guy has been out of the ring for so long, and he need to wrestle AT LEAST to matches to be ready for mania, mark my words, he will...

"Remember Rock VS Hogan? That was Hogan's first WWE match in many years, and it would have spoiled it if he faced anyone but Rock first."

Of course I remember that match, and I also remember that hogan DID have a match before mania 18. NWO vs Austin & Rock. Unlike you, I lived that era, so stop talking about something you know nothing about.

"This is the new icon VS icon, Attitude VS PG."

All I know is, there is only one icon in this Rock-Cena match.
Punk VS The Rock would be pretty huge. The build up would be the promo war to end all promo wars. It could help put Punk over huge and give The Rock something to do between now and Wrestlemania. If they do it at Survivor Series it would give that show a much needed boost to hopefully cause an increase in its recent low buy-rates. Some might be against The Rock wrestling a match before Wrestlemania 28, but that's not something to be concerned about because his match with Cena will draw no matter what at this point. Why not use The Rock's star power to sell another PPV in the meantime, and help put over another guy in the process? The Rock would probably need to win the match, but Punk should be booked strong to where he has a good shot at winning in the whole match ultimately coming up short in the end.
Punk VS The Rock would be pretty huge. The build up would be the promo war to end all promo wars. It could help put Punk over huge and give The Rock something to do between now and Wrestlemania. If they do it at Survivor Series it would give that show a much needed boost to hopefully cause an increase in its recent low buy-rates. Some might be against The Rock wrestling a match before Wrestlemania 28, but that's not something to be concerned about because his match with Cena will draw no matter what at this point. Why not use The Rock's star power to sell another PPV in the meantime, and help put over another guy in the process? The Rock would probably need to win the match, but Punk should be booked strong to where he has a good shot at winning in the whole match ultimately coming up short in the end.

It would be huge, but the outcome of the match will either hurt Rock-Cena WM match or Punk's development. If this match would happen, it need to happen after mania 28. Anyway, I see these two cross bath right around the road to WM.

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