The Rock Saying Something Very True.

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I am watching The Rock Just Bring It DVD which is a documentary style DVD which is very non kayfabe (Words like Heel/Face and other insider terms are used too) look at The Rock the person not the entertainer.

Ok now the people who haven't heard or watched the DVD before should have a idea about it. So the thing The Rock says which i find very true is when he talks about his character and how he also liked being beat and shown to have weaknesses he then says "When i was a kid watching superman i always wanted to see someone just punch him in the mouth" because he liked knowing that Superman can be beaten and shown to have weaknesses.

He points to the similarities between his character and Superman how fans also like to see the hero fail as well as win (Fans like unpredictable outcomes) Looking back The Rock did lose quite a bit too which shows he personally felt this way too and not just talking BS.

What do you guys think of The Rock's statement? Do agree or disagree?

In my opinion this is what i think of Randy Orton (No not Cena i will explain why later) The guy just finished a fued with CM Punk and Orton was not made too look weak or beatable at all during this fued and it's just not good for even the mark fans if they think "Orton will kill Punk he keep getting one up on him" and then making him win.

While John Cena showed cracks in his amour during the build up to WM27 with Miz getting the last laugh for 3 weeks. Mark fans was like "I hope Cena wins but i am not sure that sneaky Miz might beat him some how" which is what most matches should be like.
I totally agree with this. I think it's telling of the Rock's non-traditional approach however. There's always going to be guys in the business who see it as a real sport as opposed to acting a role, and for them looking strong is as important for their own ego as the show as a whole. The Rock never lost credibility as a top guy due to losing so much because, more than your win/loss record, it's the fans who make main eventers. Seeing John Cena made Nexus's bitch is similar to this, and was a good storyline. The Hogan style superhero isn't automatically the best way to push a fan favourite anymore. I notice how heels are all cowardly cheaters now. That's fine, but where's the dominating heels (who aren't playing monsters?).

The Rock and HHH's fueds worked well because HHH was a legit prick but also a legit competitor. Of course he cheated but they didn't make him look like a pussy the whole time. Compare the way commentators talked about him to the way they talk about someone like The Miz. Sometimes having the heel be strong and the face needing to find their strength can make a brilliant story.
Here is the problem. Dave Meltzer mentioned that Cena is a "Yes Man" to Vince McMahon and WWE management no matter how stupid or dumb it makes him look.

Meltzer also said that during this past week was the very 1st time Cena spoke up against the writers.

Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold, and etc...were never a "Yes Man" to WWE management and Vince McMahon all the time.

Meltzer said Cena is a big enough star where he has the power to speak up, but he doesn't. Until this past week.
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