The Rock: Post Cena Fueds

The Rock as everybody knows has announced that he is never leaving WWE permanently meaning he will be appear occasionally after his fued with Cena is at an end. Amidst rumours that he has already signed on for matches at Summerslam, Survivor Series and WM 29 I'm wondering who you would like to see him fued with next./QUOTE]

Having watched my share of pro-wrestling between mid 90s and early 2000s, I feel like I have seen enough of Rock vs. HHH. (Besides that would contradict the whole "Two last outlaws" angle they have with HHH and Undertaker.) I think it would be better if he went against current stars.

Also, since he is pretty much guaranteed to be loved by the fans no matter what, he should wrestle heels rather than faces. I think a Wade Barrett-Rock rivalry would be cool. Barrett is great on the mic and already has a reputation for taking Cena and Orton to the limit. A rivalry with Rock would further cement his main event status.

Another one could be Cody Rhodes. He is already having it out with other veterans of the WWE, like Booker T.
I think he will wrestle Cena in a best of 3, losing at WM this year, winning at SummerSlam this year to make him look relevant again in time for either SS or WM29. If he does end his series with Cena at SS then I think he will either wrestle CM Punk at WM29 or Randy Orton. I could still see Punk as a face up against the Rock though the men probably would turn on him at first, but I think he could and probably would get them back on his side.
all orton and the rock have done was their match at wm 20. rock n sock vs. evolution. other then that, nada. would be awesome to see two 3rd generation superstars go head to head
Honestly I would see The Miz and The Rock fueding next, Miz is currently pissed off that he is not main eventing wrestlemania. thus making him getting involved in the Cena vs Rock match at Wrestlemania and making the rock possibly lose at mania or something and starting his fued with The Miz till WM29 or SS.
Rock needs to face Punk and Orton simple as that. Those are the only two i can see him facing in the near future. And as for Mania 29 well there's one fued i've always wanted to see Rock in and that's Rock vs HBK at Mania 29. Dont think it'll happen but doesnt hurt to say it
Unless Rock actually does come back full time, his current feud with John Cena already proves that a proper feud is impossible. There's only so much you can do when 90% of your appearances are via satellite. What else could they have done besides suspending the feud, and having Cena feud with Kane for a while?

If The Rock isn't willing to come back full time, then he should be should back away for enough time in between "visits" so that he's fresh every time he comes out. Otherwise, he's just going to become another boring has-been that gets put on TV to put over another star.

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