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The Rock: His future in wrestling (if any)

Its kind of dumb how The Rock doesnt even care about wrestling fans anymore. If it werent for wrestling fans he wouldnt be where is is today. Look at Stone Cold he may not wrestle anymore but at least he still comes and entertains the fans every now and then. I believe The Rock shouldnt get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He just doesnt have enough passion for the business.
Its kind of dumb how The Rock doesnt even care about wrestling fans anymore. If it werent for wrestling fans he wouldnt be where is is today. Look at Stone Cold he may not wrestle anymore but at least he still comes and entertains the fans every now and then. I believe The Rock shouldnt get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He just doesnt have enough passion for the business.

Yeh but the Rock has a busier movie schedule the Austin. Austin has only done one movie wheras the Rock is doing heaps of them and once he finishes one movie he is already starting on the next. And plus, he gets more money and has more time with his family when he isnt doing movies. Im sure if the rock wasnt doing any movies he would pay at least one visit to WWE, and witht the writers strike, he might.
I wish that was true that he was making a movie at the time but supposedly the reason he didnt show up on the anniversary show is because he was on "public vacation". It sounds like he was not even making a movie at the time and he just did not want to show up. I remember earlier this year when he did that suprise video promo for the build of the Donald Trump/ Vince McMahon earlier this year I read he originally did not want to do that either but Brian Gerwitz convinced him to do it.
Please people don't get compare Austin to Rock. Yes Austin doesn't make much movies but when ever he had the chance to he an appearence and Austin is a guy who had a life threatninh neck injury and continued and went on and kept WWE alive , bust his 2 knees until he couldnt take it anymore. After this no-show for Anniversary show i lost me respect for Rocky. He's just too cocky and thinking hes to big for the comapny at the moment. Spend time with Family ? Hell he has his whole life to do it since he doesn't want to do anythign with Wrestling m couldnt he just spare 5 min to JUST a Titron promo ? He just moved on and so should we. He fullfilled all his Promises well theres one he didn't , it's not really a promise but...just watch and ull understand :


Well personnaly Im a huge Rock fan but Im just starting to dislike him. If he is the peoples champ then he will do anythignt to make one more appearence.
the rock might once in a blue moon come back for a hype promo etc.. but never full time, its not that he has forgotten his roots but there is more money involved in movie business and the insurance the wrestlers need in case they get injured on the job in a match is off the roof. so the rock went to the safe part and started doing movies, will he come back we don't know but leaving the wwe for lets say $500,000 more a year i wouldn't do that he made at least close to a mil in wrestling what difference would it make.
The Rock has a 99.9% chance that he will never.... EEEEEEEVER return to wrestling. AGAIN! He's found his true calling, as he has put it himself, and he has even preferred to drop "The Rock" as part of his name.

The Rock probably has some sort of pension from Vince McMahon, and along with his two-or-three times a year to act and get big bucks, he's probably set for the rest of his life. Later on, he'll show up again as a true "legend," be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame, and make random appearances for money. That's what all actors/actresses do when they are short on dough. Look at Gary Coleman. 1-800 Cash Call, people!!

So, for the future of Dwayne Johnson, it'll be similar to Bret Hart's career, with the exception that Johnson left on good terms.
I miss The Rock SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! The Rock needs to come back to the WWE (even tho I know it'll never happen :( ) The WWE and the WWE fans are what made Rock famous, and it is his true home. The blood of the WWE runs through his veins, and Rock should be aware of that. He should do the right thing and come back to the WWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Rock did it all, faced the top names of the business and won every title belt within the WWE. Honestly after that there really wasnt anything left for him to do. One could say he "sold out" i say he knew when it was time to "retire" unlike those around him who didnt know when to stop and are hurting from those decisions today. The Rock also had what many didnt which was the charisma and looks for hollywood, while he did leave in a few years. We should be happy for him rather than be angry and saying he sold out because he found something to do in an entertaining way besides wrestling.

Undoubtably he is greatful for what the WWE and wrestling has done for him or he wouldnt have done that Promo for Wrestlemania promoting Vince vs. Trump match. Never say Never with the wrestling business, one day he will get the itch to at least step in one more time. The Rock is a future HOF wrestler.
I miss the guy too but you've got to face the fact that he's not going to put his wrestling attire on again. The thing that annoys me about Dwayne Johnson is that he chose to make his acting life completely overshadow his wresting career. Fare enough that the guy doesn't want to wrestle anymore but he doesn't even want to show up at any special occasions like the 15th raw anniversary. But the thing that hurts me the most was that he wasn't even involved in a video or live tribute to Eddie Guerrero.
I miss the guy too but you've got to face the fact that he's not going to put his wrestling attire on again. The thing that annoys me about Dwayne Johnson is that he chose to make his acting life completely overshadow his wresting career. Fare enough that the guy doesn't want to wrestle anymore but he doesn't even want to show up at any special occasions like the 15th raw anniversary. But the thing that hurts me the most was that he wasn't even involved in a video or live tribute to Eddie Guerrero.

But this all goes back to the Rock already paying his dues in the business. He has nothing to gain by coming back for one shot appearances. He already was back this year with the Umaga/Lashley feud. Honestly, people just need to let the Rock go. How do you know that Dwayne Johnson doesn't want to be remembered as an actor? or how about a national champion at the University of Miami? Why as wrestling fans do we assume the man Dwayne Johnson wants to be remembered as a wrestler?

And as far at the Guerrero thing goes, they spent minimal time together in the WWE. The Rock was gone full time after 2001, and Guerrero was fired and rehired for his drug use. The Guerrero tribute show was mainly with guys that went up and down the road with the man. The Rock was in the WWE when Owen died, and they went up and down the road together, completely different situation.
maybe if he does decide to come back...but he's gonna have to gain some pounds and work out, because he's pretty small now compared to how he was before.

Maybe he will make a promo, insulting Cena (praying for that) or somebody. Not likely he'll wrestle.

Maybe he just doesn't want to be involved in the stupid storylines?

It could also be that he doesn't want to make too many "returns." It would get kinda lame, maybe he's looking for a HUGE "return."

Many possibilities.
Guys you will never EEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR see the Rock on any WWE programming, a-gain. Only under 2 conditions would he ever return...

1. To cut a promo like he did before WM 23 with Trump-McMahon
2. His movies fail and no one takes him for a cast member anymore.

And since no. 2 most likely won't happen, I only expect to see him cut a promo. If he does return it would be a big shock.
He will never return in a wrestling role. Not a chance in hell.
I dont see his film career being a long-term thing and he may be tempted to make the occasional appearance in the WWE but that'll be it. These days he looks like someone stuck him in the washing machine on too high a heat.
Sadly The Rock will never return to compete in the WWE ever again. The simple fact is that he can make way more money in the movie business than in wrestling and he is a great actor. There will never be a time were nobody wants him in there movies and if there is he will be old and no longer able to wrestle. I do expect to see him at the Hall of Fame, inducting his father eventually, and maybe do a random promo, but he will never wrestle again.
Ok, I'm tired of reading the posts that say "The Rock sold out". Rock didn't sell out. He made a business decision, like mostly anybody would do, and decided to take another job. That is not selling out. That is simply moving on with your life.

Rock doesn't owe WWE anything. They made him a star, sure, but he returned the favor by gaving the company everything he had for the duration of his contract. He was great on the mic, got the crowd going, put people over in the ring, strayed away from backstage politics, made WWE a buttload of money, and cemented his legacy in only about six, seven years. Honestly, there was nothing left for The Rock to accomplish in WWE. Nothing. What else was there for him to do? The people were even tired of The Rock around 2001, 2002, as he started to get just as many boos as he did cheers, whether he was face or heel!

Secondly, his films have made a lot of money. Whether many of them have been that good is up to the critics to decide (I personally have enjoyed most of them), but The Rock has proven to be a bankable movie star, in more than just action films. So why would he quit this job to revert back to his old one, if he's doing so well?

Come on people. Even if his film career dries up, he's a smart man, and he'll surely find something to do to entertain his time. But the bottom line is that we have to realize that he has moved on with his life, and as fans of his (I'm the biggest!), we should respect that and hope for the best for him. Still, you can never say never in WWE. WrestleMania is in his home state this year so you never know...
I agree for the most part that I cant exactly fault the Rock for making this decision but come on now guys doesnt this seem a little bogus? look at what the WWE did for him they made him anything they took Dwayne Johnson and made him a superstar and what does he do? takes the fame and runs with it, while this is a smart buisness move my problem with it is that it almost seems like hes currently trying to distance himself from the WWE who if it werent for them he wouldnt be the movie star he is today. Me personally am not much of a fan of the Rock but for all you Rock fans out there dont you think he should appear live at least once at one more WWE event? for all they did for each other? while I dont think he owes it to the fans, I don't think its unreasonable for the fans to expect something in form of an appearence out of him.
^^Yea, it would be nice to see The Rock re-appear on WWE programming, but seriously, what's the point? There's no point at all. Just like when Stone Cold makes random appearances now...there's no point at all. Mick Foley, no point. Fans don't even pop for those guys, and they're legends! Hogan appeared at the RAW 15th anniversity and didn't even get a huge pop. So, it would be great to see, but WWE needs to keep its focus on its current crop of talent, and only force the nostalgia on special occasions.
^^Yea, it would be nice to see The Rock re-appear on WWE programming, but seriously, what's the point?

For an appearance. An occasional promo, it wouldn't hurt for him to make either one. The Rock is a selfish dick. The WWE, The fans made the Rock what he is in Hollywood. He should at least have enough respect to make a few appearances here and there.

Plus WWE shows are so shit, it would be a refreshment to see The Great One in the ring yet again. Hell he should even wrestle another match or two, EVolution vs Rock & Sock....Wow...What a last match...:rolleyes:

Just like when Stone Cold makes random appearances now...there's no point at all.

I can tell you that when Austin makes those short appearances they are always the best part of any show.

Plus, Anniversary show, They pushed a Stone Cold appearance hard and the show got a high rating. Austin = Ratings.

Mick Foley, no point.

His surprise appearances are stale, he's been doing them since 2003.

Fans don't even pop for those guys, and they're legends!


Tell me you did not just say fans don't pop for Austin? Who got the loudest ovation at SummerSlam and SNME? Austin. He always has loud ovations.

Hogan appeared at the RAW 15th anniversary and didn't even get a huge pop.

Lolz, Pop of the night.

So, it would be great to see, but WWE needs to keep its focus on its current crop of talent, and only force the nostalgia on special occasions.

That's the problem. WWE doesn't have any true top talent, when these guys come in for their appearances, you automatically know and can tell "Wow these guys are so much better than what we have now".

Even if your a young fan. Rock and Austin will always capture your attention. That's why when Austin appears it's always easily segment of the night. As for "forcing" it on special occasions, That's my problem with Rock, Why can't he show up for a short segment on a "special occasion" for the company that made him what he is today? The millions and millions of fans. It's shit really. And seriously stop with your bashing about "working on talent they have now". There isn't any talent on the roster. Not one guy. That even compares to these two. Tell me what would you rather see...

A)a fucking pointless McMahon/Hornswoggle segment, or B) a classic Rock promo talking down on some jabroni?

Choice B please Wes. Just too bad he's too much of a dick to answer your call.
I admit to missing The Rock, with his amazing promos, and especially ripping into Coach. Returning to WWE full time would be the dream of a madman at this point thanks to his busy schedule in Hollywood, and the best he can do is make random appearances like Stone Cold and Foley do. I wouldn't mind seeing Rock every now and then, but after he past up going to the Raw 15th Anniversary, I don't think Rock will ever appear in a WWE ring again, sadly. And even though he'll retire from filming eventually, I wouldn't want a 70 year old Rock on screen. I REALLY don't think we need another Bob Backlund.
WWE made The Rock what he was from 1996-2003/4. Sure, he will probably always be remembered as a wrestler, but his films are not making all this money because only wrestling fans are going to see them. For the last time, Rock doesn't owe WWE anything. He's paid his dues. Excuse him for wanting to move on with his life. It doesn't make him a "dick" to want to be remembered as more than a jock. Remember, he didn't grow up wanting to be a wrestler. Sure, the business was in his blood, but he only became a wrestler because his football career fizzled. He did all that he can do in wrestling. Period. So now he is trying to do all that he can in the realm of acting. Wrestling is something that we all know and love, IWC, but it is a business and it is a job. The Rock enjoyed some great times in wrestling. But he has moved on. IT IS 2008. We need to move on, too.
WWE made The Rock what he was from 1996-2003/4

Damn right they did. Along with all of his fans.

Sure, he will probably always be remembered as a wrestler,

He will. I haven't see a Rock film that is worth a piss. He'll never win an oscar as a movie star.

For the last time, Rock doesn't owe WWE anything.

No he doesn't. But he doesn't have to be a dick does he? Would it really hurt Rock to make some appearances on WWE programming? No.

Hogan, Austin and Foley do it all of the time.

It doesn't make him a "dick" to want to be remembered as more than a jock.

He'll always be remembered as a wrestler. Name me one Rock movie that was worth two shits.

You can't. On the other hand I can name you about 10 matches that were easily.

The rest of your post was pretty much a bunch of letters put into a sentence so I didn't respond. I can't help but noticed you completely ignored my previous post and basically said the same thing you said before over again.
^^Well that post wasn't directly meant as a response to you, or else I would have quoted it in my response. I only tackled your calling him a "dick".

As far as Rock's movies, The Rundown, Walking Tall, Gridiron Gang and The Game Plan were pretty good. Go hit Blockbuster, buddy.

Austin and Foley are still under contract with WWE. Plus, they have no talent other than wrestling (that they have seriously pursued, besides movies/books, both of which were distributed through WWE), so they need to make appearances on WWE.

The Rock doesn't need WWE to make people go see his movies. And they don't need to worry about The Rock. That's why both parties continue to see success despite not being affiliated with eachother.

And lastly, Hogan, on the other hand only shows up when he needs a payday. His last appearance at RAW 15th anniversary was simply to promote American Gladiators. Other than that, it was pointless.

The Rock would be a sell-out if he jumped to TNA or badmouthed WWE in public, like Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar have done. He has done none of the above.
I miss The Rock too, but if he has any sense, he'll never return to wrestling.

I think he's currently at the point where Hollywood is just starting to see him as an actor instead of a"wrestler turned actor". He hasn't yet been offered many good parts, but he's been better than OK in every movie he's been in. I think he just needs that one break-out role to really make his bones as a leading man.

As a WWE Superstar, though, The Rock isn't The Rock anymore. Remember seeing him on McMahon appreciation night? He was a shadow of his former self as far as his promo was concerned.

The Rock has moved on, and we should too.
WOW did someone say the rock has decent movies? The rundown was a cheap action film with boring comedy, The grid iron gang was his best film. The Rock is always gonna be my fave wrestler. You may not notice but he was a BIG impact for the business. Where do you think kennedy got his ideas from being this cocky amazing promo guy. He MADE the tons of names like Jabroni,roodypoo candyass,smackdown,had great mic skills. Also who would cena have to copy?? What is the 5 knuckle shuffle? A BLATANT ripoff of the most electrifying move in sports entertainment.

Sure his movies are piss poor but the guy doesnt have to go back to where he started, hes making great money in hollywood and probally gets a little more time with the family including his ugly wife. This year there was a rumour that the Great One was FINALLY... make his return and thats the only reason i got back into it and i havent seen him since which pisses me off.

Wwe would be great to have someone of his stature in the ring again which i also believe impossible there is to big of a whole with him gone and now we have to watch a show where IMO the midcarders are the entertaining point seems like Cena and HHH run todays shows. I could sit and enjoy promos of the rocks for hours than have to watch a prune face and a wanksta on my tv so im glad there was an alt route there was MR. Kennedy and MVP also Santino Marella.

The Rock came to the WWE in late 1996.
By 1998, The Rock was a true star, and by the end of 98/early 99, Rock was one of the most popular wrestlers in the world.

By 2000, The Rock was on top of the world, undoubtedly. As far as mainstream and popularity goes, at least.

By April 2001, which is when The Rock took his first extended break for a movie, The Rock was one of the most recognizable entertainers in the entire world.

At this point, in mid-2001, The Rock NEVER had to come back. He was set for life. In 2001, The Rock could have easily retired from pro wrestling and been a full-time movie star like he is now. Can anyone really argue that? The Rock never had to come back at all, because he had already made a name for himself.


The Rock returns:
July 2001 - April 2002, with a full-time schedule.
June 2002 - August 2002
January 2003 - April 2003
March 2004
With at least a dozen random appearances between 2002 and 2004.

So...can anyone truly, honestly say that The Rock hasn't given back to the WWE and all of his wrestling fans?

What a ridiculous accusation. The Rock came back several, several times when he DID NOT NEED TO ONE TIME. How can anybody argue that point?

Its mighty selfish and judgmental of us to shit all over The Rock because he has moved onto another direction in his life. He found a new passion, so what? He gave the WWE and its fans so much, and even after he became a leading man in Hollywood, he STILL came back several times, for weeks or even months at a time. So now, The Rock's last LIVE WWE appearance was in August of 2004...since then, he has decided to concentrate 100-percent on his acting career. So what?

Anyone who clams The Rock is " A SEL-FISH ASSHOLE BCUZ HE NEVVER CUMZ BACK 4 HIS FANZ," should really think about what they're saying. Because its clearly not true.

And on another note...whose to say The Rock won't come back for an appearance or two? Maybe, just maybe, he wants his return to be unexpected and shocking. The Rock hasn't been seen at a live event for nearly four years...and look how much everyone wants him back. Steve Austin, Mick Foley, and others can be seen several times a year...but The Rock is truly something special.

In my opinion, we haven't seen the last of The Rock in the WWE.

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