The Rock Lands Another Major Movie Role


According to reports, The Rock has snagged the top role in another big film. The Rock has landed the role of Hercules for the Brett Ratner directed film, "Hercules: The Thracian Wars". Apparently, the film is based on a popular graphic novel with production scheduled to begin in "early 2013".

Whenever I read anything about The Rock, it seems that he's always signed to work on yet another movie. His schedule suggests that he's barely got time to wipe his ass every morning. I'm sure WWE will be hyping the crap out of this movie during The Rock's return and probable WWE Championship reign. From a personal standpoint, I think it's just another perfect example of why Rock shouldn't win the title.

Given the nature of the role, namely that Hercules is really kind of like the first super strong superhero when you think about it, The Rock might show up even more jacked up than he has been.
Good for The Rock. And I do think Rock should win the WWE Championship and maybe defend it once a month and only show up on PPVs. It will increase the prestige of the WWE Championship.

Then Rock should defend it against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 29 by losing the championship to Brock Lesnar.
I do agree that having Rock hold the belt might bring some weight back to it. I'm just not a fan of having him hold it with everyone knowing he'll somehow lose it within a couple months. That doesn't do much for me as a fan. I don't care how he'll lose it, it's still predictibility.
It doesn't bother me much. Like PWF said, it brings back the prestige of having the title instead of it being a mere prop.

I don't care how he'll lose it, it's still predictibility.

Him winning it is just as predictable. Even more so. At least with him losing it, that part still hasn't been decided.

As for Jack Hammer's question regarding how jacked up Rock looks, judging from his tweet to CM Punk, I'd say he's pretty massive. This is the biggest I've ever seen him.

I just don't think he's going to win the WWE Championship. With the movie and his other projects, he will barely have time for the WWE. Maybe WWE might put the strap on him, but I doubt it.

At this point, I think The Rock will lose at the RR to CM Punk and CM Punk will continue on to *crosses fingers* the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
There's absolutely no way The Rock loses at Rumble. Lets face facts there's no way he's taking time outta his busy schedule to come in a lose, there's no way Vince puts him in this match to have him lose, and there is no way WWE survives another day after Royal Rumble if he loses. It was already a stupid idea in the first place to put him in a title match but it would be far and beyond more stupid for him to lose. If he loses nobody wins. Punk doesn't gain any credit for beating him even if he does it in a dominant way because Rocky fans will quickly point out that he beat a part timer with a chaotic schedule. If The Rock loses his Hollywood credibility takes a big hit because he loses a little bit of his "badass" appeal by losing to a "fake" fighter. Then the biggest lost of all will be squarely on the shoulders of VKM and WWE. Baring a sudden surprise the #1 reason most ppl are going to buy tickets or ppvs will be to see The Rock leave as champ. Yes that finish is predictable but like it or not The Rock is in rare air with only SCSA and Taker's WM streak as unbeatable forces so while it would be shocking anything but The Rock winning the title could prove catastrophic for WWE.
Rocky does indeed have a very busy schedule, but he seems to thrive on that. He'll obviously be pre-occupied with a new movie role, but the fact that he ever came back at all showed that he still loves the business and the ability to perform for it.

I see them granting Rocky the belt at the Royal Rumble so there can be more money in the Wrestlemania main event, he'll drop the belt at WM and immediately go back to proving that he's the only pro-wrestler with any acting ability.
About the movie, good for him. He lands some pretty good roles. He pretty good at acting but as a action star fits him better. Now about the Royal Rumble I believe he will lose to Punk only to then enter himself in the Rumble and win it. Then from there we'll see who he's fighting. Maybe a triple threat or goes for the WHC. Him and Sheamus maybe. I think if they go with him winning the rumble it opens more possibilities for a gig wrestle mania match rather then he wins it now what he fight seldom and who does he fight. If he defends it against top contenders and retains it, there is really no Wrestle mania match.
Good for Rock. Him and Stone Cold are the only pro wrestlers with any acting ability. Now as for the Rumble, I see the Rock losing to Punk just to put Punk even more over.
Putting Punk over then winning the Rumble actually isn't a bad way to go for the Rock.

It takes away the problem of the Elimination Chamber in February. That problem basically being... does he have the time to work the PPV? I'd imagine that's right when filming will be starting.

Plus if he's going to be champ from January through Wrestlemania, you're going to want him working some extra dates. How many will he be able to work?

Let him win the Rumble, then make appearances leading up to Wrestlemania. Decide if you want a Punk rematch, or another match with Cena and have that guy win the EC. Go into Wrestlemania, and I think no matter what, you need to have the Rock put over whomever (yes that means he doesn't get the belt).

He can always take it at a later date when he can be around a little longer (if that date ever comes), but guys need to start going over strong in the WWE, and Rock putting over Punk then Cena... or even Punk back to back, helps accomplish that.

No more 50/50 booking.
I can see a run in from Brock Lesnar costing the rock the match and setting up Brock/Rock at wrestlemania but I think they're going to put the belt on Cena at survivor series and have the rock beat him at the royal rumble and have Punk win the rumble match and go over the great one at wrestlemania.Personally i think Cena should go against the Undertaker at wrestlemania, now that would be a match with some real tension
If he loses nobody wins. Punk doesn't gain any credit for beating him even if he does it in a dominant way because Rocky fans will quickly point out that he beat a part timer with a chaotic schedule. If The Rock loses his Hollywood credibility takes a big hit because he loses a little bit of his "badass" appeal by losing to a "fake" fighter.

I don't see this being the case at all and I think WWE would have a lot to gain by Punk going over in this match. Punk is the best heel they have had in a years and is having a pretty impressive reign as champ. Why not; when tons of people are only buying the PPV to see the Rock, have your number one heel just kick him in the balls or something and steal a win. Punk retains, his reign continues, it leaves the possibility open for a rematch AND he accomplishes the one thing Cena hasn't done in his WWE career, he beats the Rock. Punk could hold that over Cena's head forever. I think if they really want to push Punk as a big time player and they want to have somebody on the full time roster even remotely close to being on Cena's level, this is the way to do it.

As far as the Rock losing credibility, it wont happen. People will still watch his movies regardless of the outcome of this match and if he decides to wrestle at Mania, people will still be interested in that too. I think if anything, this actually helps Rock's credibility. At least in the wrestling world. When wrestlers are at the end of their career, they should put over a deserving up and comer on their way out. I'm not saying the Rock doesn't look like he has a few matches left in him, he certainly loos to be in great shape, but his full time days are over and have been for a while.

Basically the Rock doesn't need the win and the outcome doesn't effect him either way. Punk on the other hand gains a lot from winning, maybe just what he needs to cement his legacy as the longest reigning champ in forever and a day.

As for the movie, probably won't be going out of my way to see it.
Yep, I'd rather the Rock lose to Punk at the Rumble, then win the rumble or EC for number 1 contender shot at WM. Then he beats Punk at WM for the title. We also eventually get us a Rock and Brock rematch with The Rock winning. Then have Punk beat him for the title at SS or some new up comer. Hell, I'd even have a face vs. face in which The Rock pushes Ryback to the limit, but Ryback picks up the victory in the end. At the end of the match they shake hands. Brock and Ryback feud anyone :)?
People really need to take a step back and truly appreciate how much entertainment we'll get in promo buildup for a Punk/Rock match. I mean Cena was (in my opinion) The Rock's greatest rival on the mic. Especially the second half of their feud, Cena's promos were starting to have more fire. Now we all know what Punk is capable of when he's allowed to go off the rails a bit. It would probably be even more of a challenge for The Rock to contend with on the mic when he isn't there a lot.

I see a very entertaining back and forth between the two. And that alone makes me not care so much about the specifics of how Punk loses the title and how Rock gains it, if he does at all.

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