Who's The Next WWE Superstar You Want To See Star In A Movie?


The Cerebral Assassin
Quite a few superstars (past and present) have ventured into the movie business in order to make a film (or several). Names such as Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena, Kane, HHH, & Mr. Kennedy come to mind.

So, in your opinion, who would you want to see star in the next WWE movie, and try to describe what role you'd love to see them in/what role would be best for them.

I, for one, could definitely see John Morrison doing some sort of comedy movie. I think he's very funny during comedic promos. I could definitely see him doing a college-oriented comedy film (something like the American Pie series). I couldn't really see him starring in the film himself, but I could definitely see him being one the main supporting actors. Let him play a role similar to his in-ring character- let him be cocky, arrogant, and better than everyone else- it could be comedy gold. It would obviously work well with his WWE character, as he could promote the movie himself by just... being himself each and every week on TV.

Do you guys have any other ideas?
I would like to see Chris Jericho in a movie of some sort, maybe play in a superhero kind if movie as a bad guy

I could also see him play Miles Jackson in 12 Rounds.
yeah jericho would play a villain really well. id also love to see orton as some sort of bad guy, maybe a thug for some gangster in a drug related film. orton is a good actor, and he could do well with a small role, but i dont think he could manage a main part yet
Jericho has been in a movie too. Some C movie on sci-si about three years ago. He was some kind of space traveller or something like that. I can't quite remember. I do remember he was alright as an actor, though.

I'd like to see Orton in an "American Psycho 3 or 4" movie. I think he could pull it off well as long as he didn't have too many speaking parts. I'd also like to see Kelly Kelly or Maria in any kind of porn movie. Does that count?
I could see MVP bein some sort of informer or weapons dealer in a movie. Like the transporter 4 or somethin
Even though I have absolutely no interest in seeing WWE create any more movies, as not a single one of them has interested me enough to even Torrent the thing, lol....if you were talking about movies in general, there are 2 choices in my mind: Chris Jericho (a guy who could be a legitimate actor, most likely, if he wanted to) and someone that almost nobody would really think of at first....THE MIZ.

Miz has charisma. He does a great job with his character. His lines are never forced, he knows how to play to the crowd, and he never really seems to be phoning in his acting performances. The Miz I think would be great in a movie - assuming, naturally, that the thing is written and directed well. No actor in the world can save piss poor jokes in a comedy or a plethora of "Narm" moments in a drama.
I don't want to see anybody good go and be taken off of programming for a few months.

If I had to choose though, I'd go Orton. He has a great antagonist voice and could play a similarly successful role in a movie as he does now.

Again, I wouldn't want him to though, especially not in a poor produced WWE film.
I think most of the guys would be better off doing anime or video game voice overs.

I do agree that Jericho has the chops if he is offered a better role other than a Sci-Fi original flick or a WWE produced movie.
I'd also like to see Kelly Kelly or Maria in any kind of porn movie. Does that count?

First of all, I second this one just add Melina and maybe Maryse in there and have it be a not-so-Fatal Fourway. :la:

Second of all, interesting thread. If I had to choose any one superstar to see in a movie it would hands down have to be Santino Marella. To me this is a no-brainer, COMEDY flick starring Anthony Carelli PLEASE. The man is fucking hilarious week in and week out.

Here's the kicker though, for what I've heard about "Santino" he is actually one hell of a wrestler but I haven't personally seen his indy work. Humor me for a moment and suppose that WWE launched a film and during said film morphed the Santino character into a legit performer. Right now he's a bumbling idiot of sorts, have him start the film as he has been acting on TV then progressively begin to take on a more serious persona, just to show the fans that this guy is really THAT good at selling a gimmick. When he returns, gimmick change or not, it could open up an opportunity to take things in a new direction. I see this the same as how The Marine impacted Cena's gimmick, for the worse IMO, but there was a noticable change in how the crowd viewed him.
I would want to see these two superstars in a movie

Randy orton and Chris Jericho

both are amazing at being "vilain" characters!

i can see Jericho as the guy in a bad gang group who goes around kicking your a** and talking crap to you
and i can see Orton being the guy who sits back with his head down and looking up still like he does in the WWE now, and then coming up slowly to just knock you out!
Ted Dibiase & Randy Orton starring in "I love You"...which basically is an adult movie about two lovers(played by Orton & Dibiase)moving to Canada to get married. I could even make a cameo. Both have the good movie star looks and Orton is a decent enough actor to pull it off and isn't Ted already staring in a movie or something? But honestly I think Orton could become a good actor someday. He seems pretty confident in the WWE, has the looks, and is already a prima donna.

If not thoes two I would love to see Melina in a movie. I think she could play a great bitch character or stuck up movie star. She's pretty, has charisma, and when she's playing thoes types of characters in the WWE it seems natual and effortless. I think Melina would do great in acting and it would be awesome to see her in something someday.
Ted Dibiase & Randy Orton starring in "I love You"...which basically is an adult movie about two lovers(played by Orton & Dibiase)moving to Canada to get married.

Ha! Ha! I don't know if you're joking or serious, but, it's funny as hell. Maybe throw in a jealous Cena who tries to break it up and get Orton for himself until he realizes he's not really in love with Orton, it was just lust. Damn, that just sounds wrong.
Truthfully, wrestling is about 75% acting- so in theory, any wrestler should be able to pull off an acting gig. I would love to see Santino in some crazy comedy; Christian could pull off a comedy roll as well. Of course, any movie with RVD in it I would see at least 10 times in the theater (then buy a few copies on DVD). Maybe RVD could star in Half Baked 2.

I haven't seen The Marine yet (you're bringing it on BLue Ray, right Sly?) but I will definately be seeing The Marine 2. Not sure if it will be hitting theaters or if it is going to be a straight-to-DVD movie; regardless, I will be there. Two hours of Ted Dibiase...never a bad thing...
I'm a big fan of B-rated action flicks, and CM Punk in one as a Straight Edge Vigilante is something I would pay to see. I think that would be awesome, personally.

Edge is another guy I wouldn't mind seeing a film revolved around. I think he would do extremely well in a comedic role, or as a villian. As shown in the E&C skits back in the day, the guy is funny as hell when he wants to be. And as shown today, he knows how to make people hate him, while also be entertaining.
Kane, in See No Evil 2. Seriously, the guy didn't speak, which is exactly where John Cena went wrong in The Marine.

Triple H wasn't bad in Blade Trinity, he was actually the best thing in an awful movie. I honestly can't see anybody else as Thor. But I have no intrest in Thor so I don't care if he fucks up.

I'd also cast The Undertaker as The Saint Of Killers.

There's a reason I'm not a producer, answers on a postcard.

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