A WWE Movie


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was doing some thinking today while working and an idea came to mind. I have searched around to see if there was a thread about this already and came across none, so if there is please feel free to merge it with any other thread there is.

I was thinking if someone in Hollywood decided to make a movie about the WWE, no not a Ready to Rumble type movie. More like a movie about the life of Vince McMahon and how the WWE rose to be where it is today. I was trying to think of who could play Vince. It would need to be someone that normally could look like Vince of the 80's and 90's and then with some hair dye and makeup could be the Vince of today. I keep going back to Josh Brolin for the role, he's in his mid 40's right now and could definitely fill the role of Vince from the 80's all the way through today.

Other roles I figured would be needed are: Linda McMahon, Shane and Stephanie McMahon (both young and old), Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H. Yes there would be a ton of other roles needed to fill but I was thinking more along the lines of what moments would HAVE to be in the movie. So, Wrestlemania 1, from the original idea to the build up and the actual event. The Montreal Screw Job, because it was a huge turning point and created the Mr. McMahon TV character. Of course we need to have Austin vs McMahon, and the Rock was a huge part of all of that. Also thought the steroid case against the WWF at the time would fit.

So, I ask everyone. If you were in charge of making a WWE or Vince McMahon movie. Who plays the main role and maybe even the other roles? Also what moments in history would you want to see on the big screen? And if it's a stupid idea tell me about that too, I'm open to any conversation on this.
If I understand what your shooting for its similar to the Facebook movie, which shows how an idea went from the start to where it is today. This idea worked well for Facebook as few people knew the backstory and the company didn't have much publicity until it made it big.

With WWE the story of it creation as well as the key incidents that made it what it once was and what it is today are much more well known with information about things like the territory days, Hulkamania, Montreal Screwjob and Monday Night Wars already public knowledge. With the network as well they show you everything that has come before so there really is no need for a Hollywood movie about WWE's creation but I think a network special documentary about Vince would be a good alternative where they look back at his career and have a number of the big stars talk about the key moments in WWE history and how Vince influenced those events
This is a good question, the face that popped in my mind was James Franco. I could see him playing a smug, uptight asshole like Vince McMahon yet also coming across as caring at times. Somehow if a WWE movie did get made I could see Hulk Hogan worming his way into playing himself.

EDIT after thinking about it for a few soconds maybe Franco would be a better SHANE McMahon.
Sounds like a bad idea, especially for a Hollywood movie.. It would have to be from WWE studios and i doubt they'll do a movie like that, just a documentary.
It would make a good documentary but not a movie, I don't think it would be believable having actors playing the top wrestlers throughout the years.
This is why I rarely come to the forums anymore, is it really that hard to READ the post and respond accordingly? We all know there is going to be NO WWE movie, the purpose isn't to discuss if it is a bad idea or not, or if it would be better as a documentary. This is about discussing WHO would play the roles IF a WWE movie was made. It's that simple.
Well I did add on the last line if they felt it was a stupid idea to express that too but that was just because I wanted to get conversation going whether it was good, bad or indifferent. I understand that this idea wouldn't actually happen but if it were to I just want to see who everyone thinks would be cast in the roles and what moments in the history of WWE not the business as a whole should be included. I could see the very beginning of the movie going into how the old territories worked with a voiceover by whoever plays Vince leading into the whole beginning of the Rock and Wrestling Connection. But that's just a thought.

Peter Dinklage and Hornswoggle...........Come on, don't tell me you can't see it. :)

Meanwhile, I can't imagine how a story about WWE could be realistically brought to either the big or small screen. If someone wants to do the real deal, the best way, imo, would be a tell-all book by Vince McMahon.

Now that, I'd read.

Peter Dinklage and Hornswoggle...........Come on, don't tell me you can't see it. :)

Meanwhile, I can't imagine how a story about WWE could be realistically brought to either the big or small screen. If someone wants to do the real deal, the best way, imo, would be a tell-all book by Vince McMahon.

Now that, I'd read.

And Hornswoggle would need to be in the movie, he is Vince's son
This is why I rarely come to the forums anymore, is it really that hard to READ the post and respond accordingly? We all know there is going to be NO WWE movie, the purpose isn't to discuss if it is a bad idea or not, or if it would be better as a documentary. This is about discussing WHO would play the roles IF a WWE movie was made. It's that simple.

The last line asks for people to comment if they think it's not a good idea. Which people have done.

Maybe READ the full post before making a bit a twat of yourself.

In answer to the post that I have READ fully. I think a movie could work, but as people say, more as a documentary style. Perhaps using behind the scenes videos at events etc and having Vince narate it. Have him comment on what the thoughts were behind decisions. Maybe if they have videos of creative meetings and such, add them in and narate what was going on. People backstage watching wrestlemania main events.
The last line asks for people to comment if they think it's not a good idea. Which people have done.

Maybe READ the full post before making a bit a twat of yourself.

In answer to the post that I have READ fully. I think a movie could work, but as people say, more as a documentary style. Perhaps using behind the scenes videos at events etc and having Vince narate it. Have him comment on what the thoughts were behind decisions. Maybe if they have videos of creative meetings and such, add them in and narate what was going on. People backstage watching wrestlemania main events.

and you're exactly right I did put that in as the last line to welcome criticism if people thought it was a bad idea. I just wanted to get the conversation going. I hear ya that a documentary would probably be the best bet, if it were done that way, and I know this is next to impossible. But, I would want it not to be a WWE films or WWE production. I want real stories of things that went on not how Vince or the WWE wants it to sound so that they come off looking good. I enjoy reading and hearing things more when they aren't WWE produced because you get a much more real story.

That being said, I still think if someone wanted to try a movie out with real actors it could work. It won't make $100 million at the box office but it could catch the attention of former wrestling fans that want to see how some of their favorite memories from the past were made.
I'd say a chunk of the movie should focus on Vince's biggest threat when WCW started buying all the big stars and winning the ratings war with a Monday Night program running opposite his Monday night program. That was a huge victory in Vince's life , right up there with the birth of Wrestlemania.
That really is an awesome idea. And I like the Josh Brolin idea, but I would think Henry Cavil could pull it off too. But man, this movie would be hard to pull off. As mentioned, a tell all book would be a good start, maybe after that, make a movie based on the book. But I worry it wouldn't cross over into mainstream as well as comic books have. You have to know too much about wrestling to be interested in a movie like that. Plus sports entertainment is always a target, and there are many critics and others who would attempt to sabotage any success the movie would have because they say it's 'fake' or 'sexist.'

But WWE movie talk always makes me think of "no holds barred." Maybe the silliest movie ever. But You gotta love the extreme level of Kayfabe in that movie. I mean hulk hogan wears his tights all the time and beats up bad guys, with wrestling moves, all the time. Almost makes me wish they would make a kayfabe movie about a modern character.
I can't see this happening until Vince is dead. Also, it would have to be a pretty honest documentation and highlight the scandal WWE has been in and the company would never agree to this. I think if WWE was ever sold or went under then a movie like this would be great.

Dennis Quaid would make a fine modern day Vince McMahon.

Chris Hemsworth would make aq decent Hulk Hogan.

And sorry Paul Heyman but Danny Devito should play you.

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