What if: Big Apple Takedown The Movie


Getting Noticed By Management
I just finished the book Big Apple Take Down that came out about 8 years ago. I thought it was pretty good and was wondering about if WWE Films did a movie. It think it'd be neat because they could include several superstars in the film. For those that haven't read it it's about WWE Superstars playing themselves but on the side some of them become Secret Agents for the NSA. Some of the ones used in the book are no longer there. Here are the wrestlers used in main Roles and whom I think should play that role if the movie is done.

Vince McMahon- Should ofcourse be played by himself.
Triple H - Himself, I feel his role would be good for where he is today. (However if replaced maybe Cena could play that role)
Cena - Also Himself (if replaced maybe with Miz)
Batista - He's the muscle and newest of the team I'd have to go with Mason Ryan or Roman Reigns
Chavo - Technical genius (I'd have to with Rey (if he ever removes the mask) if not maybe someone like Kofi Kingston.
Torrie Wilson - (Not many beauties on the main roster now) I'd say make it a dual role with both Bellas doing it but only playing one role. If not maybe an NXT Diva.
Stonecold - Perfect role for Austin to play.

I doubt this will ever happen but should be interesting to see who everyone pick.
This is the movie I'd make if I ran WWE Films. Why not? Forget all those non-starter star vehicles. This story is a great showcase for an ensemble of the company's talent, kind of like The Expendables meets that one scene in MacGruber when they all piled into the van.

Here's a cast list that would work today:

Vince - Himself. No question.
Triple H - Also self, or replaced by Cena.
Cena - Unless self, this type of role would work for Jericho
Batista - Since he's booking acting roles now, he could play it. Limited to the current roster, Kane or Ryback.
Chavo - Daniel Bryan (If Kane is also cast) or Santino
Torrie - Layla or AJ
Stone Cold - If Austin isn't available, The Rock will be.

The idea of an ensemble film in general is a good move if WWE wishes to give fans a reason to see their movies outside of Wade Barrett and David Otunga.
I remember seeing the book, skimmed the back cover synopsis and thought it was a great idea for a movie. Very surprised WWE Films never did it, though.

As for the roles, if they were done now:

Vince - he's perfect as himself but due to his age and all, they might want to go with someone younger and if that's the case, I'd move Triple H up into that role.
John Cena - Keep him. He's fine as-is.
Batista - he could still do it as he's done some acting roles since leaving WWE, but if they want current WWE guys then probably Brock Lesnar or Ryback to fill the muscle role.
Triple H - leave him but if he's moved up to Vince's role, I'd go with CM Punk to fill his slot.
Torrie - AJ (WWE's current it-girl) or Layla
Chavo - Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan are both great suggestions
Austin - himself but if he's not available, the Rock or Shawn Michaels. Gotta have a legend in there.
they won't do it because that would mean everyone on here would not be able to appear on house shows at a minimum and we know how much die hard members of the IWC love it when wrestlers dont do house shows but potentially everything meaning no cena, rock, ryback, Kane or bryan throughout the entire filming process

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