The Rock As Hercules


Off and on since last year, a few pictures of The Rock in costume as Hercules have popped up. Most of them either show him from behind, while he's in the make-up chair or being fitted for his costume. This link shows the first pics I've seen of him in full costume, or at least where you can see his face:

Generally speaking, I think he kinda looks like a really jacked up Jesus Christ in the midst of a 'roid rage episode. That's a good thing, however, as that's really what I always kinda pictured for Hercules. This film version of the mythological demi-god is based on a graphic novel "Hercules: The Thracian Wars" and is set after the character's legendary 12 labors. In the myths, Hercules joined Jason & The Argonauts in searching for the Golden Fleece, so they're obviously going their own way here, which is the beauty of mythical characters of a dead religion in that you can do pretty much whatever you want without pissing people off.

Based on what I've read, certain aspects of the film's plot characterize Hercules as a tortured soul, someone who's life has been met with little more than tragedy. This goes hand in hand with the myth as the myths portrayed Herc as someone who suffered and endured hardship all his life, mostly due to the jealousy of Zeus' wife Hera. As a result, I don't think there'll be much light heartedness in Rock's portrayal. Makes sense, after all, if your stepmother was the queen of all creation who hated you because you're a living reminder of her hubby's infidelity and did everything she could to make your life a living hell.

Movies based on Greek myths have been very hit or miss the past several years. The Clash of the Titans remake in 2010 was panned by critics, but it made nearly $500 million worldwide. It's sequel, Wrath of the Titans, was panned even more and made about $302 million worldwide.

Another Hercules movie, "The Legend of Hercules" was released in January this year and was a raked over the coals. Rotten has it at a 3% rating, which maybe the lowest I've ever seen for any movie, and it was a big flop at the box office, making only about $40 million worldwide.

With a reported budget of $110 million, this movie might set the tone for The Rock's movie career as he's the only major star in the film. The only other two I'm familiar with are Ian McShane and John Hurt. McShane's probably best known to American audiences for the role of Al Swearengen in the HBO Series "Deadwood", for which he won a Golden Globe Award, and for playing Blackbeard in "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides." Hurt's a Golden Globe Award winner and two time Academy Award nominee probably best known to American audiences for the roles of Kane in the first "Alien" movie, he's the guy that had the Alien burst out of his chest, Max from the 1978 movie "Midnight Express" and for is portrayal of Joseph Merrick in "The Elephant Man." Both of them are British actors in their 70s, so they're not exactly the kind of guys you'd associate with a summer blockbuster. As a result, The Rock's THE lead guy, so it ultimately falls on his shoulders. If The Fast & The Furious & G.I. Joe movies flopped, then the blame could be spread around given that they were established franchises long before he came along.
With a reported budget of $110 million, this movie might set the tone for The Rock's movie career as he's the only major star in the film.

That's true.

Hercules is a big test for Rock's drawing power as a major action star, but I'll hold off any make or break predictions for Hercules's success (or lack there of) impacting Rock's future for now. Rock can rely on the Hobbs character and the Fast & The Furious films to stay in the spotlight, and I'm not 100% sure, but I remember reading some rumors about the possibility of a Hobbs spin off.

As far as The Legend of Hercules goes, I'm not surprised it flopped. Withholding a film from critics for pre-screening reviews is a big red flag 99.9% of the time, the cast is full of no-name actors and actresses, and the trailers were terrible.

If Hercules is a major success, Rock needs an action vehicle/series as the main character. Arnold had The Terminator, Stallone had Rambo, and Willis has Die Hard. If Rock proves himself as a strong draw without any help from big name franchises, then it's time for Rock to take control of his own film series as the star.
Well, he certainly looks the part, at least. I was more thinking 'roided up Prince of Persia than Jesus, but it's a very similar look. Nice wig they got him - I was worried about how they were going to depict a bald Greek god.

I don't know how I feel about the Rock playing a tortured soul. He's a great comedy guy and even in his action movies it had some funny moments - Scorpion King, Walking Tall, Other Guys, Pain and Gain, his last two Wrestlemanias... So this role is going to be a defining one.
I don't know how I feel about the Rock playing a tortured soul. He's a great comedy guy and even in his action movies it had some funny moments - Scorpion King, Walking Tall, Other Guys, Pain and Gain, his last two Wrestlemanias... So this role is going to be a defining one.

I think Scorpion King is a good comparison. It's the same sort of film (swords and sandals) and The Rock was tortured in it to a point (death of his brother, seeking revenge, learning to be a leader etc) Also The Rock was the most well known name in that film also (Michael Clarke Duncan and Kelly Hu have more select fans to be honest) So it will be interesting to see how Hercules fairs (as I really liked Scorpion King)

I will say the thought of not having any comedic elements will be interesting as most of his well known films have those elements. But Gridiron Gang didn't as far as I can remember and that was a great showing of The Rock's acting talent.
The first trailer for the movie was released earlier today.

The trailer doesn't give away a ton of details about the plot, but what encourages me is that there's footage of Hercules performing some of his labors. I'd heard some people say that the graphic novel the movie is based on doesn't contain much, if any, of the mythology of the character. However, the trailer clearly shows him performing some of those 12 Labors. The lion that's leaping at him, which looks to be about the size of a rhino, is the Nemean Lion; a monster with near invulnerable skin, the boar he nails with the club is the Erymanthian Boar, the multi-headed serpent he's fighting in what looks like a swamp is the Hydra and the three headed dog is Cerberus, the dog that guards the gates of the land of the dead. I dunno if those are flashback scenes or if the writers of the screenplay have adapted the labors to coincide with whatever the primary plot of the film is. Having a Hercules film without his superhuman qualities and heritage would like doing a Superman movie where he doesn't wear his costume or fly.

The Rock's given what, in my opinion, are some pretty good performances in some of his more non-action films. I'm not saying that he's the next Daniel Day-Lewis, but I think people look at The Rock's action movies and forget that he does have some acting ability. I'm curious to see how he does here. In the myths, Hercules was one tortured bastard and everything was pretty much a struggle. I mean, Zeus' wife, Hera, was queen of the gods and she made his life a living hell for the most part. Any happiness he earned, she essentially took it from him. He wasn't some happy-go-lucky muscle man who went about his life with a smile on his face. He wasn't John Cena. :p
Rock's acting aside (which I assume will be good) I know I'm in the minority but I'm hoping it stays least relatively true to the legend.

Being a big fan of Greek Mythology I'm just hoping they don't screw it up. The Clash Of The Titans remake was a rather sucky version of the Perseus myth (the original was better) and the fact they made a sequel is astounding in itself. Troy was also a poor retelling of the original story.

I know it sounds nit picky but I would like a film that at least stays pretty close to the original stories then I'll be happy.

EDIT: Checked Wikipedia and The Rock is also playing Achilles (the guy from the Trojan War which didn't happen until after Hercules died) I'll still watch it, but I'll have to try and take it as it is I guess

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