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The Return of Kane.

Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
Ok so I was thinking to myself half way threw the PPV " Why the F*CK is the Great Khali vs Ziggler match after Rey vs Jericho and the ECW Scramble match? Like you would think that this would be the first match right? Well then I figuered it out. When Kanes music hit it was like "Yessss hes back" I thought he was going to go after Ziggy but then he whent for Khali. Now I think a Battle of the Titans type rivalry will be great but what do you think. Will WWE keep Ziggler in this as the little bitch of Kane or will the rivalry be based on how Khali and Kane went at it when they were in the World Title scene.

idk about this.... i was happy as hell when kane's music hit... but they already had a clash of the titans at WM24? i beleive Kane vs Khali when kane slamed khali like hogan did andre the giant... are they going to have kane win this time and what's going to happen afterwords? i thought kane was going to destroy khali and zigler to make him the uber heel again
Was the world really clamoring for Khali vs. Kane II, i don't really think so. This will be a disaster if it happens and will not be entertaining in the slightest. Hopefully Kane's interference was just a means for Zigglypuff to pick up the win and will not lead to a Kane vs. Khali feud, or even a Kane vs. Khali match, or even a tag match in which Kane and Khali are on opposing teams.

If they are trying to turn Kane heel, then WOW. They really can never learn their lesson about turning Kane. NOBODY WANTS A HEEL KANE. Kane will just get cheered for regardless, especially if he fights the great khali. Fuck.
Khali and Kane has been done before and it wasn't very good the first time. Khali is one wrestler I just cannot stand, and Kane has been bland ever since he lost his mask. I will admit to marking out when I heard his music cut, but that's about it. I mark out to everything, so take that with a pinch of salt.
Also, I dont think Kane bodyslamming Khali at wrestlemania 23 quite lived up to Hogan bodyslamming Andre...

What they should have done with Kane is bring him back alongside Undertaker and had the brothers of destruction feud with Jericho and Edge over the tag team titles. At least its better than The Fucking Great Fucking Khali.
I will agree that Kane vs Khali was slightly boring and that WWE should never try to make Kane heel but they kinda had to didnt they? I meen think about it, SD! only has 3 Heels, Edge and Jericho who will now go into the Mid cards with the Tag Titles and Punk who as much of a face that he is, isnt hated as much as the other two, So can you see why they did it? And I agree a little that maybe the Kane vs Khali II thing might be stupid.
I will agree that Kane vs Khali was slightly boring and that WWE should never try to make Kane heel but they kinda had to didnt they? I meen think about it, SD! only has 3 Heels, Edge and Jericho who will now go into the Mid cards with the Tag Titles and Punk who as much of a face that he is, isnt hated as much as the other two, So can you see why they did it? And I agree a little that maybe the Kane vs Khali II thing might be stupid.

Slightly boring is the understatement of the year. They made the Mean Street Posse look as entertaining as the Rock. Secondly, Edge and Jericho will be in the midcard for exactly one month so that they can be on the Night of Champions ppv, and then they will break up and feud. Smackdown is not in need of another heel, they can book to get around it, trying to shove a heel Kane down our throats is not the answer.
Khali is horrible, he is about to retire cuz he's in bad shape. Hopefully they use Kane to take him out. This may also be a way to reunite the Brothers from Hell if Kane can't beat Khali, bring taker back in to claim he is the best big man ever. But really Taker against Kane or Khali sucks as bad as Kane vs Taker, IMO get rid of Khali, let kane dominate smackdown until taker wants his spot back.
i'm happy that Kane has returned but he needs his mask. i'd love to see him be a monster again and win the championship. He'll have a pointless fued against khali and then another *thrilling* fued against meysterio. I've heard rumours that he will retire soon so i hope the creative team bring back paul bearer for his last run
Monster matches in WWE never have backgrounds. They don't usually have any type of story to them whatsoever. Kane and Kahli aren't exactly two of the best promo workers in the business. If they continue at all with this, it's going to STILL be the blow-off feud in WWE, but it will be better than Ziggler vs. Kahli, so...that's ok I guess.
I've always said that WWE will never use Kane. He's the best monster in the business in my opinion. Pretty much because he's the only monster anybody cares about.
Let's face it...Mike Knox, Koslov, Kahli...does anybody care about these three? Now Kane...Kane has experience. Kane has controversy. People love to hate him. Not because he's aweful, but because he's a great heel.
I'm not going to lose any sleep if WWE never makes Kane a world champion, but I really think he can bring some credit to some other titles. Can you imagine a Tag Title feud between the Brothers of Destruction and Jericho/Edge? How epic...won't happen, but it would be awesome.
I really dont want to see Kane vs. Mysterio again, but I do want to see Kane: Intercontinental Champion.
I liked putting the Dolff Ziggler Great Khali match in the middle of the card. Even if Kane didn't come back, you can't start a show with this match. Shows need a spark at the beginning, and the ECWWE title match was good at that.

I hope the Kane Khali feud lasts about 2 weeks, and then Kane moves on to wrestling Jeff Hardy, and untimately winning the title once more before he retires.
Of all matches for him to return...Khali vs Ziggler?
wow, he could have done somthing in the Rey-Jericho match where it could have went either way, A Rey-Kane fued(which they tryed with the mask angle) and have Kane be angry that he still has his mask, but I dont think anybody including me wants too see a full blown fued with these too, but I want to see a face Kane vs Jericho FUED for the Intercontinental title where Kane wins it in the end

He need his mask thou Kane is so much better with the mask, but wrong match to have him return
At this point, Kane wearing his mask wouldn't make sense. It's been 6 years since he lost it, he's made no attempt to bring it abck since then, so why now? Kane will always be a midcarder who gets a title match every 6 months or so when there is nobody else for the champ to feud with. That's it. He's a good wrestler but at this point he basically exists to put over other talent. A feud with Khali will suck, as it did the first time, but hopefully he'll come out the winner and maybe have a meaningful feud for once.
I think the whole kane attack khali story might revolve around the recent tour that kane made to India. I read a couple of the interviews involving kane and in each of the interviews conducted, he is asked about his views on khali and how khali has become successful in the wwe. Therefore, for kane, the "assault" on khali may have just been a way to say that he has become sick of hearing people saying how much khali has become big (especially for India). So the best way to prove he can destroy something big, he "attacked" khali. Pritty lame for a kane return, especially when you look back at his past comebacks (on youtube).
Has anyone thought of Kane vs. Ziggler? It would start out with Ziggler saying he's now the premiere guy on smackdown. Then Kane walks out and says that he helped him out with Ziggler refusing or something of that. It could start a good feud and give Ziggler a good rub into a great heel by getting disqualified with a couple of chair shots.
As a Kane fan I would have been happier had he not made his return at the Bash to be honest. I feel that a lengthly hiatus away from the ring would have allowed him to return in a major way with possibly some modifications or tweaks to his character, even a change of ring attire...but making a comeback in a Khali/Ziggler match isn't that earth shattering. Sure, it's always good to see a favourite make his return but I thought a longer break could have done Kane the world of good but now he's back I hope he doesn't enter into a full blown feud with Khali (possibly one match where he beats Khali in order to make up for that quick and decisive loss to him at 'Mania 23...imo Kane should not have lost in the fashion he did.) All in all, I hope Kane can get this Khali/Ziggler thing over with quickly before hopefully focusing on making a true impact on Smackdown...I can't help but feel his return was somewhat squandered.
I would love kane vs kahli for one basic reason. it keeps kahli away from the other mid carders and it gives him fair (at least in the kids minds) competition. To be honest i totally forgot about their last fued, it took a past post to remind me, it was that bland. I think it could produce some good things given the fact that kahli has been looking better and somehow kane has the uncany ability to make people look better and loose. I think kane will loose this one but what ever as long as it keeps a kahli benjiman fued happening, because that was the one i saw happening next. Hoping for something fresh between these two i think its a posibility
I like it, if only for the fact that it's Kane, returning and actually doing something. I feel that Kane is one of the better workers they have, and it's better than having the man do absolutely nothing. Also, since it seems the WWE has absolutely no plans to push Khali, it gives somebody to destroy. Kane as a compelling character has to be monster, capable of destroying anybody. Khali, to us, is a joke, but to other fans, he's still pretty intimidating. I mean, he's still seven foot and four hundred pounds, no matter how many times he jobs. Letting Kane absolutely destroy this giant makes him appear incredibly strong, whick works really well for me.

I'm not exactly sure how many years Kane has left in his system, but I can only assume that he doesn't have too many years before age kicks in. For Kane, if he goes to the gym, and builds himself back to form that he was in 2003, I can see him as a main event heel. Maybe it was the suit he wore before he unmasked, but ever since Kane unmasked, he simply hasn't looked as physically strong. Perhaps if if works out more, and is able to build himself into an intimidating frame, he could have one last run in the main event.

Rebuilding Kane may take a bit of work, but this is certainly a step in the right direction, and I whole-heartedly approve of this.
You mean you have a man who was considered someone who could hang with Undertaker make his return to attack the Great Khali? Seriously? Not to target someone like Rey Mysterio, whom he had tormented constantly on Raw, but had no real reason to. A feud with Kane and Rey with a title at stake can bring new meaning to the rivalry.

But feuding him with Khali would be atrocious. Hopefully, they have a two week thing and Kane moves on to Rey Rey for the IC title. Kane needs some of his danger to come back and needs the swagger he once had.
You mean you have a man who was considered someone who could hang with Undertaker make his return to attack the Great Khali? Seriously? Not to target someone like Rey Mysterio, whom he had tormented constantly on Raw, but had no real reason to. A feud with Kane and Rey with a title at stake can bring new meaning to the rivalry.

But feuding him with Khali would be atrocious. Hopefully, they have a two week thing and Kane moves on to Rey Rey for the IC title. Kane needs some of his danger to come back and needs the swagger he once had.

Lariat, my brotha, that's exactly what the E is doing, mang.

Think about it... All they have to is throw out Khali every night on television against Kane, let Kane kick his ass every night, and you have instant heat returned. Sure, he could attack Rey Rey last night, but the last time we saw these against one another, Kane looked extremely inept. He constanly jobbed to Mysterio, and was made to look like an utter fool compared to him. Beating up on another seven footer is a way to bring instant credibility to the man.

Remember when they had this man on their roster?


To get Youmanga over, they had Kane job to him constantly, and Umaga more or less whipped his ass for a good portion of two months. As a matter of fact, he beat him so badly, Kane had to switch brands.

Why did Vince do this? Because no matter who you are, it looks damn impressive chopping down a seven footer. I don't care if it's fucking Giant Silva walking his gargantuan ass to the ring; if you destroy that man, and beat him to a bloody pulp, it's instant credibility in the fans' eyes.

Patience, Lariat. Kane will probably get to Rey at some point. But first he needs to be built back up. And if you have a seven foot man who's willing to job, why not use that man to get your monster (Kane) over?
It's Kane.

We all love Kane. As crap as Kane's program with Khali will be, I'm just happy he's back damn it.

But for Lord's sake, when will people realize the WWE will never have a long-term Brothers of Destruction reunitation again, even if Taker is in the twilight of his career.
Seriously the World Wide Entertainment circus as they wanna be known as since TNA is PRO WRESTLING what are they thinkin WWE circus seriously we are getting repeats of matches HHH vs RKO for 50 times already now pleeez don t tell me Great Khali vs Kandy Kane AGAIN oh no lol I mean they don t know what to do with Big Slow/Khali/Kane and so on I know perhaps get Khali to feud with Big Sloz now theres an idea DUH
Khali is face and Big SLow is heel get it WWE
The only reason i would want to see this feud again is because the first time they feuded kane looked very weak. Khali would always have the upper hand. and i can remember khali choking kane with his own hook.

maybe this time kane can redeem himself. Does anyone else agree with me?????????????
Kane is one of my favorites. He has been a great worker for many years and has taken a lot of crap from the WWE-constantly losing to the most popular guys. Now he deserves a heavyweight title reign some time before he retires. A feud with CM Punk after Jeff Hardy leaves might be the way to go with that.

Then again, I was half expecting Kane to be one of the guys "traded" to RAW today, and he could still very well end up there next week. By the way, I totally called it that three ECW guys would come over. I nailed it.

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