The Raw GM


Pre-Show Stalwart
The Raw General Manager position has become very interesting now that Triple H is ' in charge '. As we all know the GM had supposedly been using a laptop that Michael Cole would use to read an e-mail sent by the GM which usually was just to gain heat for Cole. But it was pretty evident to us knowledgeable fans that WWE just did not have a clue who could be GM. Here I will run through the candidates that I believe are the only ones worthy of becoming GM.

Shawn Michaels

Lets start with the Heartbreak Kid. Mr WrestleMania has been to the top of the mountain in the WWE. Winning nearly every title there is and becoming possibly Mr McMahon's favourite guy. Contreversial is an understatement but with over 17 years of WWE experiance under his name he would be an amazing GM each Monday Night. The main factor is that he is probably Triple H's best friend and so the reasoning can be just that. Would be nice to see HBK once again on Raw but I don't see it happening.

Kevin Nash

Once again a friend of The Game's. This man made an amazing return at the 2011 Royal Rumble of which I was there to see and believe me when I say he got the loudest pop I've ever heard in a WWE arena. However, after this Diesel would just go onto sign a Legends contract and go to Press Conferances from time to time. It is no lie that Nash wants to be on TV getting the same feeling of which he got when he walked out in the Royal Rumble. Its very possible but I have doubts due to his association with TNA.

Stone Cold Steve Austin

I would love to see The Rattlesnake back on our screens raising hell every Monday night but there is one reason I wouldn't, the possibility of him taking on CM Punk at WrestleMania. I'm one of few who believe this will go ahead and believe me it would be bigger than Cena/Rock. But if that does not take place he should be the odds on favourite for the Raw job in my opinion because of the amount of TV time WWE have given him (Tough Enough, Some Raw appearances). Would love it but doubting again.

Mick Foley

Is apparently in talks with WWE over a possible deal which will probably be a Legends contract which I agree he deserves but hope it does not mean he is not given TV time. Lets face it Mick Foley is one of many likeable wrestlers these days. A guy who was willing to put his career and possibly his life on the line for Vince in his match against Taker in that hell in a cell. What else do I need to say about this man? Only that if he does become GM he should be Mankind. Love that gimmick and his mic skills are amazing.

Others worth mentioning

Bret Hart - Was doing alright until the Nexus attack.
Chris Jericho - I just want him back whether he has to just sit at a desk and piss people off
Booker T - HATE HIM ON COMMENTARY. Just do something else with him please!
JBL - Hilariously funny and intelligent on Fox. Great look with the suit and always reminded me of a man in authority.

Who have you got in mind for the Raw job?
All of those are very likely picks, except for shawn michaels, I just don't see him returning to the spotlight anytime soon. After Edge retired, I thought that they were going to eventually name him GM. He's funny, and the crowd loves him, and he can also make them hate him. Today I heard about the contract that Kevin Nash had with WWE that I had no idea about. After all, he hasn't shown his face once. With HHH the new head guy, Kevin Nash is the most likely choice if they ever reveal who it is. Edge is my 2nd. I just don't see Vince paying someone that has as much popularity as Nash to just sit on his ass. I don't like the guy one bit, but that would be HUGE!
Edge!!!! It's obvious WWE wants people to get behind HHH 100% (probably a set up for a heel turn) and they're doing a good job with it. What better way than re-signing Edge. Also it would be awesome if Edge was the one that got to fire the GM.

Maybe Teddy Long. Edge can be Smackdown GM and let Teddy move to Raw. He is stale on Smackdown. Maybe a change of scenery would help.
Edge destroyed the GM laptop on one of the RAW's in the past, so why would he destroy it if it was himself?

HHH will just give some half-assed explanation along the lines of "I'm firing whoever that was, cause I'm doing things different around here" and then introduce a new GM and we'll never actually know who it was.

Though I would have to think recent retirees like Michaels and Edge are unlikely choices given they would like to enjoy a little of their new found time off. Others, like Foley and Nash are much more likely options. Though it could be anyone that will get a good reaction really, because basically all of this is being done to make HHH likable.
My prediction for the identity of the anonymous RAW GM is the same now that HHH is in charge as it would have been had Vince still been in charge. The identity of the mystery GM will never be revealed. Either WWE will totally ignore it and not address it in any manner, counting on the short memories of WWE fans to be distracted by everything else and just forget about it. If they do choose to address it, Triple H will simply say he's in charge now, the mystery GM is fired, and his identity will not be made known. If they do in fact identify someone, Triple H will reveal he was the mystery GM all along, but it's no longer a mystery, and that's that. I don't think WWE ever had a clue who it would be, they were just letting it develop on the fly, and now that the "new regime" is in place, the mystery GM storyline is over.
SCSA is around too much, I wouldn't want to see him on RAW every week as the GM.

Shawn Michaels did his time and he's now gone, let it be.

Out of that list, I'd personally love to see JBL, The Wrestling.......GOD!

JBL has size, he has the suit, the authority to be a good GM. I've always liked JBL, great mic guy, great heel.

He'd be great as a heel GM.
Edge destroyed the GM laptop on one of the RAW's in the past, so why would he destroy it if it was himself?

That is what would make it even BETTER! Picture Edge coming out and saying that he set up a feud with himself just to entertain the crowd as well as make sure people didn't know he was the GM. I think it would be hilarious. It would play perfectly in for the WWE. First off the kids who watch would be totally shocked which would make it perfect for them. Then for us who are older and understand that everything is fake and that WWE had no idea where this storyline was going, it would give us a good chuckle. If anybody could make us believe he started a feud with himself it would be Edge.
HHH will just give some half-assed explanation along the lines of "I'm firing whoever that was, cause I'm doing things different around here" and then introduce a new GM and we'll never actually know who it was.

Though I would have to think recent retirees like Michaels and Edge are unlikely choices given they would like to enjoy a little of their new found time off. Others, like Foley and Nash are much more likely options. Though it could be anyone that will get a good reaction really, because basically all of this is being done to make HHH likable.

God help me, I actually love that idea as bad as it sounds. The whole angle was kind of aggravating and the build up can't possibly yield the reward we want- unless it is a huge return of some type. I'm all for Shawn Michaels, but he's probably gone for good so its pointless.
That is what would make it even BETTER! Picture Edge coming out and saying that he set up a feud with himself just to entertain the crowd as well as make sure people didn't know he was the GM. I think it would be hilarious. It would play perfectly in for the WWE. First off the kids who watch would be totally shocked which would make it perfect for them. Then for us who are older and understand that everything is fake and that WWE had no idea where this storyline was going, it would give us a good chuckle. If anybody could make us believe he started a feud with himself it would be Edge.

I honestly could accept that from Edge. That kind of thing just reeks of awesomeness. Edge feuding with himself, honestly, we all know its a cover for having no end game, but indeed from a character standpoint, it isn't a reach. Edge has done all kinds of crazy shit over the years, and we love him for it.

So I say, why not?
I thought the perfect time to end the whole anonymous GM angle was last Monday night. After Michael Cole did his little rant and HHH announced he had a match next, I expected the GM to chime in...

Cole would then get that smug look on his face and read the email out loud without first checking the content thoroughly..."and if you're not down with that, we got two words for you!!!" Thus revealing HHH was the GM all along. Mystery solved
Everyone here is only posting who they want to see back on TV and so they are day dreaming that it will be HBK or Foley or Kevin Nash. HBK/ Nash are signed to Legends' contract and they don't have time to appear on TV on a daily basis so it won't be them.

You need to think from a "business" perspective as to who the Raw GM would be and all fingers point towards one person - Stephanie McMahon. It is a known fact that after Vince goes, Steph and HHH will run the company. That is what resulted in the angle where HHH told Vince that the board has decided to remove him for the time being and put HHH in charge of everything. So the next logical step in that direction (and to make fans get used to seeing HHH/ Steph as the bosses instead of Vince) would be to make Steph as the anonymous Raw GM. She will surely get a good crowd/ fan reaction when she appears on TV, and it can be explained that she did not appear for so many days since she was on maternity leave. Nothing else can explain why the Raw GM has not been able to reveal himself/ herself for a year.

What's more - she also appears as the Raw GM in the SVR 2011 DVD. But now that the WWE have delayed this story so much, who knows when the plans might change and they might pick someone else up for the role without explaining anything in the past and without explaining any logic (e.g., if Edge is the Raw GM, then who was talking to Edge via the computer when Edge himself broke that computer? Similarly most other people mentioned here like HHH would also have interacted with the Raw GM at some or the other point so how will that be explained? That he had a dummy who was responding to him?).... pls think logically before suggesting any name out of the blue as the Raw GM just because you want to see them as the Raw GM and nothing else by giving reasons like "the crowd loves him" and "he is funny" and what not.... but then the WWE is also known for being very illogical in this PG era....
For a year now that RAW general manager role has been played by a f'n laptop. Leaving the question, who is behind the living role of the annonymous GM? There has been rumors that the role could be "big sexy" Kevin Nash as the annonymous GM? Kevin Nash is one of Triple H's homeboys from the kliq, and Nash along with X-Pac has been pointed by Triple H himself to look for fresh young talent to sign to the company.

So with Triple H (along with his wife Stephanie) taking over the company in a couple of years, Kevin Nash signed with the WWE to a legends contract, Shawn Michaels retired going in & out of the WWE as he please's, and X-Pac once again working for the WWE in some capcity. Could the infamous Kliq who ruled the WWF/E backstage back in the day be taking over the WWE from within the corperation?

Almost makes you miss Scott Hall doesn't it?

We've already seen the sign's that Nash just could be the RAW general manager. When last year via laptop the RAW GM took a shot at WWE hall of famer Bret Hart by saying that "he never liked Bret". And the RAW GM put over Sheamus last year on RAW, who is Triple H's pet project. So Kevin Nash just could be the anonymous RAW GM?
Everyone here is only posting who they want to see back on TV and so they are day dreaming that it will be HBK or Foley or Kevin Nash. HBK/ Nash are signed to Legends' contract and they don't have time to appear on TV on a daily basis so it won't be them.

You need to think from a "business" perspective as to who the Raw GM would be and all fingers point towards one person - Stephanie McMahon. It is a known fact that after Vince goes, Steph and HHH will run the company. That is what resulted in the angle where HHH told Vince that the board has decided to remove him for the time being and put HHH in charge of everything. So the next logical step in that direction (and to make fans get used to seeing HHH/ Steph as the bosses instead of Vince) would be to make Steph as the anonymous Raw GM. She will surely get a good crowd/ fan reaction when she appears on TV, and it can be explained that she did not appear for so many days since she was on maternity leave. Nothing else can explain why the Raw GM has not been able to reveal himself/ herself for a year.

What's more - she also appears as the Raw GM in the SVR 2011 DVD. But now that the WWE have delayed this story so much, who knows when the plans might change and they might pick someone else up for the role without explaining anything in the past and without explaining any logic (e.g., if Edge is the Raw GM, then who was talking to Edge via the computer when Edge himself broke that computer? Similarly most other people mentioned here like HHH would also have interacted with the Raw GM at some or the other point so how will that be explained? That he had a dummy who was responding to him?).... pls think logically before suggesting any name out of the blue as the Raw GM just because you want to see them as the Raw GM and nothing else by giving reasons like "the crowd loves him" and "he is funny" and what not.... but then the WWE is also known for being very illogical in this PG era....

Finally, a response that actually makes sense. Everyone seems to be clamoring for the GM to be some wrestler or Vince, but the whole point of the anonymous raw GM was so that this person could hide behind the computer. Wrestlers (and Vince) don't hide behind computers. It would make them look weak. Stephanie, on the other hand, would make perfect sense from a storyline perspective....she could be sitting from a corporate office somewhere sending emails. It wouldn't make her look weak, since she's an executive and not a wrestler.
I assume now that HHH is the COO, the anonymous Raw GM will no longer be used. Personally, I liked the mysterious anonymity of the authority figure. I think it could have gone on for a while and didn't have to be rushed to reveal who it really was.

So many mysterious reveals have been quite disappointing (thoughts come to Mick Foley being the "network" representative and Vince McMahon as the higher power to the Undertaker). Why would the Raw GM need to be revealed? Now that HHH is in charge, it is the same authority figure as always. What I am saying is I liked the angle. Is anyone in agreement with me?
I didn't hate it.

Heheh I don't know, I was rather luke warm on the issue. At first I really liked it because I thought it was going to turn out to be The Rock at or before Summerslam last year. But as time wore on I got so I just accepted it and lost most of the interest in who it was. Even still I didn't hate it.
Oh God, I hated that crap. I hope its finally over with. Along with Cole's heel turn, one of the worst and most obnoxious parts of the show for a long while now. It was totally useless and didn't do anything to help progress the quality of programming. Its obvious WWE is or was totally clueless as to how they what direction to go about it. It should have been Cole, otherwise it did nothing to elevate anyone else. If it 'was' HHH, whatever, they brought him in another way and the reasoning was fine with me. The whole BS computer that typed faster than people talked was incredibly idiotic, didn't sync with story lines, was just entirely pointless.
Honestly I was indifferent to it. I found it somewhat annoying at times but it provided quite a few great put downs at Micheal Cole. Like I was saying though I don't think it was relevant enough at this point where anyone would notice if they quietly dropped the angle now that Triple H is in charge. It was a good idea for awhile while they were looking for a new GM after Bret Hart was "fired" but they obviously couldn't find anyone to fit the role and they just gave up eventually.

Also watching RAW I haven't seen the podium yet but I just tuned in and there wasn't a good point of view so I'm not totally sure but I think it was gone which would mean the angle was over but don't quote me on that.
I'm kinda glad it's gone because it was getting annoying and had no direction. It got to the point where you didn't care who it was anymore.
Anyone who says they miss it is a complete and utter WWE fanboy. It was never good, it continued to be horrible and I am so glad it is gone, I never want to hear that annoying thing again.

It can just go into that long list of angles and story lines that never went anywhere, and good riddance, because I don't know if anyone cares.
i thought it was stupid could see on the computer that everything was pre typed for cole to read, and it wasnt an "instant message" from the gm....i hope its over
What it is is a big mistake by the wwe that they're going to sweep under the carpet and hope it goes away. They couldn't figure out who the GM would end up being and just needed a way of making matches without having to hire anyone.

Just like Nexus which is now gone without a storyline, things get swept left and right and we're supposed to not notice.
wasnt really going anywhere. Seemed very multipersonality to me. Some time it was face and sometimes hell. Made it confusing as all hell. I did love the Jericho and Edge losing there minds over it though. That was funny. Also Jericho said he know who it was and then "poof he was gone"... LOL if you don;t know the reference youre out
You miss it? Really? But it was annoying as hell. If the GM was revealed after a month or something it would of been okay but it lasted months. So it like many other things in wrestling got stale and even more annoying.
The Raw GM is still around they still have the podium set up in the back ground. I think either it will just vanish or after a few more weeks(after the CM Punk John Cena title mess cleans up) they will reveal who they are and demand to Triple H that there show is taken from them and they want it back. :banghead:
I forgot about the Anonymous Raw GM. It served its purpose and really doesn't need to return. I'm fine with never knowing who it was too.

The only good thing about it, it cut down on long ring segments and got to the point quickly. It was only dragged out because Cole took forever to get over to the computer to soak up the Heel reaction.

Done and done. Move on to Triple H's reign.

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