The one guy to put Sting over.

Inferno Prince

Dark Match Winner
After last night's Network segment, we're no closer to knowing Sting's future than we were after his match with Hunter ended. Granted, some are of the opinion Sting has at least one more match left with the E before he woos off into the sunset.

You won't find many folks who don't want to see Taker vs Sting, especially now that we've seen both men are still very capable of putting on a quality match. The bigger question is the result. I can't see Sting going over Taker at Mania. But I also can't see Sting going winless in his WWE tenure. So who, if anyone, do you expect to take the fall in the ring against The Icon?

The one name that comes to mind for me is Chris Jericho. The man who jumped ship from WCW after constant underutilization, the man who always felt he was every bit as good as Sting yet was never given an opportunity like Sting's under Eric Bischoff's reign. Jericho as of late has basically been used to put people over, but his name still holds cache as a top-of-the-card superstar.

If the schedules are right, say around Survivor Series or Summerslam, could you see Jericho being the man to give Sting his big WWE victory? And if not him, who do you see if you see anyone at all?
Not a bad idea. Of course we want Sting vs Taker, but most don't want Sting to win that. Jericho, however isn't as admired in the eyes of wrestling fans, but is big enough to draw a lot of attention in a match vs Sting. Jericho has been openly critical about WCW since the day he left. That could be the basis of say, a SummerSlam rivalry.

I'd rather see Jericho lose to Sting. He has time to rebuild himself after the Sting loss, and he works good in situations where he feels he has been overshadowed.
Sting vs Jericho is a good idea. I would also like to see him get a rematch with Triple H at some point and win it.

In the ultimate fantasy booking that will never happen in a million years category, I would love to see Sting vs HBK at Summer Slam with Sting going over.
As many ideas for compelling feuds that all of us may come up with for Sting before he hangs it up, I have a feeling we are looking at the obvious route.

That would be Triple H vs Sting in a rematch at Summerslam or so for Sting to get his win back. He shouldn't have lost last night but that's for another time. It's Triple H and the match at Wrestlemania Play Button was an entertaining one it doesn't need a rematch in any way shape or form. It wasn't THAT good much like all of Triple H's big time matches. Look at the year long feud with Lesnar. Was there ANY reason for that to go on that long other than Triple H wanted it to and thought it was awesome? I don't think so.

So yeah I see Triple H vs Sting at a later show because Triple H thinks everyone besides him are clamoring for it and for him to take credit for "making" Sting in the WWE then Sting moves on to Undertaker next year at Wrestlemania Dallas Star. It's not very interesting but I guarantee you we aren't getting anything interesting with Sting other than a rematch with Triple H sooner than later.
Sting vs. Jericho. Two former WCW Champions who never collided.

It could work, but Jericho would take MASSIVE rebuilding. The younger casuals who don't know of Jericho's 1990s and 2000s work probably perceive him as an over-the-top jobber character, similar to Adam Rose or Fandango. It would be tough putting him against a guy whom the kids perceive to be on the same level as Triple H.
The problem with Jericho is that he spent quite a bit of time in WCW (as the Rock once famously said "fighting some guy named Juventud"). He has spent more of his career in WWE at this point, but he just doesnt have the feel to me of the WWE guy to put Sting over. It would take someone like Shawn Michaels for a Sting victory to really mean something. I also think it needs to happen soon. As iconic as Sting is he doesn't have the WWE history to go on the Undertaker schedule, so waiting around a year to close out with the Undertaker probably won't work either. The other choice, that I know no one here will like, is Vince himself.
I would pick a young up & comer do a play in the "legend killer" gimmick out to take out guys like sting that are stealing their TV/PPV time - I would make it somebody like ZIGGLER. He is a great move seller & could make the Stinger Splash & other maneuvers look epic! It would actually work even better if you had somebody like Finn Balor, Zayn or Owens come from NXT complaining about how they could be on the main roster if not for Fossils like Sting taking up all the space.

P.S. A dream match of mine......Owens vs Lesnar (off topic but it's all good)
Jericho is a mid carder, he hasn't had a relevant run since 2009, and he hasn't had any long runs since then either....He rarely appears and contributes next to nothing.

It would make much better sense to have a re match with HHH now that The Authority not only stopped him but also stole the World Title. If Sting was upset that HHH was ruining what is left of Pro Wrestling with his selfish manipulating ways before, he should be scared stiff now that he's finally wrestled the World Title from the likes of D. Bryan, Cena, & Lesnar, plus suspended Lesnar Indefinately!!! If there was ever a time someone needed to stand up and lead a charge against The Authority and HHH it is now and Sting would fit.

A match against Jericho would have no value because Jericho has no value, he hasn't been involved in anything meaningful in years and worse yet he rarely appears and when he does it is for VERY short times that end in him losing.

If not HHH then Id rather see an up & comer get the rub of working a full scale program with Sting. Sting would go over but at least someone who is new and works full time would get the benefit of being linked with Sting in a meaningful feud and high profile match.
Don't be a fool, Jericho would probably get cheered over Sting if a match was done between the two.

I would like a Jericho vs Sting match, I wonder if they would be interested in doing it. I'm not sure Jericho would as he prefers to wrestle younger guys to help out.

Jericho vs Goldberg was a great match in 2003, I think Jericho can pull one out of Sting.
I'd rather see Sting and Taker tag against rather than face each other, I have never and still cannot stomach one beating the other in a match.. :(
Chris Jericho would be a good opponent for Sting. He's a legend himself, he has no problems jobbing for a worthy opponent.....or, for that matter, jobbing to help a young opponent get over.......and, like Triple H, Y2J knows how to work effectively without hurting his enemy.

Of course, all that also applies to Triple H, yet Sting didn't get the victory there. If Sting's loss was set up only to give him a return match with Triple H.....well, for one thing, we'll know damn well Trips isn't going over Sting twice, right? The suspense is removed from the proceedings. Also, how much fan interest will there be in seeing the rematch? Once was entertaining, twice would be a bore.

If Sting is to face Undertaker, it could very well be a problem getting one of them to agree to lose....although that argument might be blown to hell by the fact Sting lost to Triple H. So, if Sting & 'Taker can't have a match with a decisive finish, they shouldn't bother at all.......leaving the door open for Sting-Jericho.
Great idea. Only problem is Sting may not consider Jerico worthy enough. He clearly said he'd go against either taker or trips. They should have kept Jerico credible enough. The only way it can work if it's going to be Y2J's last match ever. But then again his last feud if it were against The rock :worship:
Sting clearly can't go against the likes of lesner, he shouldn't beat rollins. Cena however is the perfect guy credible, hated and with a belt. Sting should have a title run why not give him the us title. This will surely be bigger than jerico vs sting.
After last night's Network segment, we're no closer to knowing Sting's future than we were after his match with Hunter ended. Granted, some are of the opinion Sting has at least one more match left with the E before he woos off into the sunset.

You won't find many folks who don't want to see Taker vs Sting, especially now that we've seen both men are still very capable of putting on a quality match. The bigger question is the result. I can't see Sting going over Taker at Mania. But I also can't see Sting going winless in his WWE tenure. So who, if anyone, do you expect to take the fall in the ring against The Icon?

The one name that comes to mind for me is Chris Jericho. The man who jumped ship from WCW after constant underutilization, the man who always felt he was every bit as good as Sting yet was never given an opportunity like Sting's under Eric Bischoff's reign. Jericho as of late has basically been used to put people over, but his name still holds cache as a top-of-the-card superstar.

If the schedules are right, say around Survivor Series or Summerslam, could you see Jericho being the man to give Sting his big WWE victory? And if not him, who do you see if you see anyone at all?

I don't see Jericho. The result would be too obvious. If anything, it'll probably be Bray Wyatt especially after Sting and Bo Dallas' segment after RAW this past week.

Sting is a fan of Bray. Bray is a safe worker.
Jericho has jobbed too much, people know when he comes back what he's there for so no, it wouldn't be a good idea. I actually don't know to be honest, but Jericho definitely isn't the answer.

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