Sting: How to put him over in the WWE?

Ok, the unicorn answer was probably one of the funniest things I've ever read on here just the whole post was funny, even though I'm one of the Cole supporters that was funny stuff. Everyone is saying that Undertaker has to be the face but why? What if Sting were to come out and Vince say's he is sending someone out to stop him. Sting would be a face right away and then knowing that Taker is working with McMahon would make him a heel, granted its been done before with the Miniestry I do believe, but it could work again to make Taker the heel and Sting the face. But instead of risking one of the two losing at Mania have Sting face McMahon The face of WCW pretty much vs the Owner of WWE, have Taker cost sting the match leading to a show down at SummerSlam, or hell even Survior Series if you could draw it out that for or if the Series is still a PPV this year. Just a simple idea but prob not the way it will go.
If it were to be Sting vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania, I would have Undertaker return on 2.21.11, have people believe it was him all along.

He starts to cut a promo about Wrestlemania, talking about the streak and how it will continue. Then the lights go out, come back on and Taker is laid out in the ring with Stings trademark baseball bat laying next to Undertaker.

Then the next week have Undertaker searching to find out who did it, search the building, and somewhere in the back, or even in the rafters, find Sting just crouched in the dark and creative can take it from there and potentially ruin it, but we'd be too excited to see Sting in WWE that we wouldn't even notice.

p.s. my fingers are crossed for the Unicorn scenario
Being such a big Sting fan this is a delicate situation for me. Having Sting lose to The Undertaker at Wrestlemania is NOT an option. Sting's whole fear of going to The WWE was that they'd make him look inferior to their product. Taker beating Sting at Mania would do just that. Sting would take it as an insult and he would either become disgruntled or just plain wouldn't sign a contract if the story was proposed in advance.

Honestly, almost nothing makes sense. Sting going after Cena? Why? They're both super heroes. Sting attacking the Corre or helping Taker? Why? There is no legit reason for Sting to care. Since Sting is known for being Anti-WWE him showing up to do something period doesn't even make any sense at all. Almost anything would feel awkward being a long time follower of his.

Here's my only loophole to possibly make something work. Take instances from the past, unfinished storylines, and have Vince start putting the pieces together. White paint was found on the exploding limo. Maybe a piece of trenchcoat was on the piece of stage equipment that almost landed on Vince (if i remember that incident correctly). Have him gradually come across clues until something new happens and a shadow is seen in the rafters. Vince figures it out and goes on a quest to hunt down Sting. When he finally finds him he realizes he can't do anything because hes not under contract and refuses to sign one. Vince either tricks or forces Sting to sign a contract and he becomes Vince's newest pet that he wants to embarrass. But it doesn't work. Sting keeps overcoming any odds thrown at him. Faces from the backstage area, mainly John Cena, would do anything they could to help protect Sting since he was their childhood idol.

Go anywhere you want from there. I can't settle on one idea after that. Sting has the mega rub from Cena which also gives him some back up to lighten his workload. Vince could throw anyone he wanted at Sting, even eventually The Undertaker. From there the feud could take on a life of it's own. I think that could be a likely culmination but I'd rather have the Vince feud last quite awhile. Sting could bring in demons from Vinces past for one shot deals. Wrestlers that arent receiving medical help who are in rather bad shape, wrestlers that never got their shot because they didn't have the right look, etc. Play majorly off of the reasons why Sting didn't want any part of The WWE.

I'd love to see Sting in WWE, but I just dont trust the writers. Do something like I'm proposing and I'd be more than thrilled. But honestly, with their past track record with non home grown talent, I dont give Sting a chance. We'd get three months of good storylines then an embarrassing run with Sting jobbing to youngsters. I'm probably the only person here that wants him to stay in TNA.
I don't believe Sting is coming anymore, and honestly if he doesn't, that would really deflate the card. I think Vince is trying so hard to get people interested (his speech on Raw about WrestleMania being bigger than the Super Bowl was an illustration of said desperation), but it's just not working. His one big shot was Sting, and if he DID come in, he'd obviously face The Undertaker. He could have began a program with HHH, had HHH been an active wrestler currently. I believe Sting, for whatever reason, just refuses to ever do business with McMahon, and that may cost him forever.
Okay i have had an idea that would be the best situation in my opinion.

2/21/11 is obviously the undertaker but still speculation swirling, you have to have taker return and have him cut a promo on Raw where at the end you have the lights go out and lighting goes off and then lights on and taker is confused. Taker goes to the back and goes straight to Kane who he believes is behind this, as well as the Corre and Nexus. Undertaker gets a match againt Nexus on Raw in a 4 on 1 hadicap match. Taker is getting beat by them and Orton makes the save clearing the ring and orton chases punk out of the arena and Taker stands tall. Lights go out again and Taker is laying in the ring knocked out...

the next Smackdown! taker is just pissed and believes that it is Kane who is doing. He cuts another promo at the end of the night and calls out kane who has been attacking him. Lights go out and taker again is left laying in the ring with a bat next to him

The next week on Raw Taker is in a match against Kane in the main event and taker pins Kane one two three. Taker says that Kane is no longer going to play mind games with the master of mind games. Light go out....Spot light on Sting standing in the rafters.

Then the feud can just go from there and be epic. I see this as a great way to play into the Sting character and Undertaker. Remember Sting never would just show up and take people out he would mess with them first.
I am not on the band wagon for Sting/Taker at this years Mania. I would like to see Sting win his debut, and WWE would not let Sting defeat Taker at Mania. To be honest, I wouldn't like it if Sting ended the streak.

The best thing would be if he signed a 1 year deal and wrestled at back to back Wrestlemanias. I would like to see him debut and beat someone like Chris Jericho or Kevin Nash, just to have some tie to his WCW past, and would be the reason he gets into the HOF.

So, have him win his WM debut and then next year he faces off versus Undertaker in his final match. Taker goes for 20-0 and it could possibly be his last match too. They would have a full year to build hype for this match. It could really be an Old School approach to a feud with him and would send both men into retirement on a high note.
First off, I think that if we believe that it is so obviously Undertaker on 2/21/11 then it probably isn't. Vince has made it clear that he doesn't like all of the leaks and has tried his best to prevent them in recent years. While the internet rumor sites are usually pretty good when it gets close to the day they are usually terrible this far in advance.

Its all speculation! Am I saying that Sting is definitely coming back, no of course not. I do think they are making it too obvious if it happens to be Taker making me think that its not.

Sting vs. Undertaker is the only way to bill a Sting move to the WWE at this point. After Hogan the only Sting Crow feud that mattered to me was the one with Vampiro. As WCW was dying this was one of the actually entertaining feuds. Which is what you are looking at on a much larger scale with an Undertaker feud.

A little off subject but the reason I could care less what rumors are posted on Wrestlezone. While I appreciate the news and updates and enjoy the speculation, these people are not professional and really could not be trusted as credible sources.
This is fantasy booking at it's best because it encompasses TWO fantasies! 1) Being that Sting would ever go to WWE .... and 2) That you get to book his debut! WOOOOOOOOOO.

My fantasy booking angle is derived from an earlier thread that suggests the 2-21-11 promos are actually promoting TWO wrestlers (The Undertaker AND Sting). So, to add a THIRD fantasy to my fantasy booking, I'm going to go with the idea that Monday night will feature BOTH the return of The Undertaker AND the debut of Sting!

Considering that most intelligent folks are aware that the vignettes have been promoting the return of The Undertaker, it is necessary for The UT to be revealed prior to Sting - 'cause Sting would be the shocker and it would completely overshadow The UT's pop.

At the beginning of Raw's final segment, I'd have the lights going out. A new 2-21-11 vignette airs on the Titan Tron ... the lights never fully go back on, but the hazy blue spotlight is shown on the ring, allowing us to see The Undertaker kneeling in the center of the ring. the crowd pops... the arena goes pitch black again. Another 2-21-11 vignette airs ... The arena lights go back on and Sting is standing behind the UT ... before the UT can turn around, Sting drops him with a Scorpion Death Drop (or whatever the hell he calls his reverse DDT.) The show goes off the air.

My main concern with booking it this way is that it might make The UT look weak in his return ... but then I remembered ... he's the freaking Undertaker. He has 20 years of amazingness behind him. Almost nothing is going to make him look weak at this point!

Anyway - I'm sure you all have your ideas. So have at it!
The Undertaker returns on Monday. He cuts a promo in slow character about Wrestlemania and how he needs a soul to take, etc. He challenges anybody in the back to accept his challenge to break his streak.


The lights go out. Complete silence until

The opening notes play, the crowd is in a frenzy. From under the ring, with his baseball bat and jacket, Sting is behind and, for the first time in a long time, Taker is chased out of the ring, acting like he had just seen a ghost. Thus, we have our Wrestlemania 27 matchup.
My scenario revolves around show's end as well.

After the Undertaker makes his return, the usual light and magic stuff happens, but this time, when the Undertaker tries to 'calm things down', the lights dim and the thunder and lightning continue, defying his 'powers'.

From a high profile position in the arena, Sting appears, bathed in light, bat in hand.

Not a word is spoken, simply a pointed bat. First at himself, then at the Undertaker, then at the Wrestlemania sign hanging from the ceiling.

The arena explodes as the show ends.

Cue the buildup to Wrestlemania!
The best way to start the Taker vs Sting feud would be:
1. Before Raw goes of the air the lights go off.
2. Lights back on Taker appears he does his eye roll thing when he is about to speak, the lights go off.
3. Lights back on Taker standing in the middle of a outline of a crow, Taker looks puzzle lights off.
4. Lights back on Sting appear with Taker in the middle of a now burning outline crow.
5. Raw goes off the air with no one speaking just a burning stair down.
This would be a classic way to promote Taker VS Sting for Mania, they don't have to speak till 3/28 Raw or 4/1 Smackdown , they cam just play mind games with each other.
I'd have Orton come to the ring and punt Sting's nose straight into the back of his head.

Sting's company lost the Monday Night Wars and he didn't jump on the train when I'm sure he had the chance, so, screw Sting.
I would have it as some sort of match w/ Barrett & Punk, so that Taker can get his revenge on the Nexus & ex-Nexus members, maybe even attacking Kane as well in the mix.
In the middle of the match 2/21/11 promo hits, lights out, Taker gets his hands on anyone that moves a muscle in the ring, eyes roll back, tongue is out,
then the lights go out
Sting Scorpian Death Drops him in the middle of the ring, only 4 Sting 2 be revealed next week on Raw as the HIGHER POWER of the Nexus Wade Barrett spoke of so long ago.
Setting up Sting vs. Taker
although, it would be hard 4 a heel Sting 2 get over esp since it's in Atlanta w/ it being WCW grounds,
but imean, crowd will be split anyway like Hogan & Rock
that's the way i would do it
Sting would be the Higher Power of Nexus
When raw first come on you see the crow up above without sting ok, now its the end of the show the lights go out and then 2/21/11 pop up on the tron the taker music come, then he come down 2 the ring but before he can do anything the lights go back out when they comeback on the taker laidout and they show sting in the rafters lookin down, but it wasnt him it. It was someone else, but the taker think it was and give him a shot at the streak sting win at mania. and then prove it was the corre
If I was Vince and had Sting signed I'd keep it hush hush and I'd debut him at WrestleMania to get him over. I wouldn't have him just walk to the ring and have it as some huge announcement, no no no I'd have him go and take out Undertaker after he's won his match to really get Sting over, but I'd also have Sting avoid Undertaker until the time is right maybe the May-June PPV I'd have Sting go over Undertaker with their rematch taken place at Summer Slam where Undertaker would go over before having their rubber match at WrestleMania 28 in a Streak Vs Career match.
it would be fun if raw starts, before the usual opening...with a shot of the cabin...and we see the figure of the undertaker coming out and start walking into the dark, then as we are seeing a shot of him with his back turned agains the camera the 2-21-11 thing comes up...but then go up in smokes and as the undertaker is walking away, a new pair of boots appear on camera and with the same font the word TONIGHT comes and go in smokes....

main event time and the undertaker comes out with his usual entrance...he gets on the mic to say that he has come back from the grave many times, but this time he felt he couldn't do it. he felt that the undertaker may have needed to finally rest in peace. but he realized that the undertaker cannot ever rest in peace, and that negative vibrations are surrounding the wwe and with wrestlemania looming, he has to continue to fulfill his legacy and protect the wwe...then a huge lighthing bolt hit the entrance and it starts raining(they have done this before so it is not so far fetched)...and then it happens....sting walks down the aisle for the first time in the wwe with the undertaker just staring inside the ring.

sting enters the ring and has a stare down with taker to a huge ovation. sting says that he has watched the undertaker since day one...and believe it or not, he respect him....even....admire him....for years he has seen the undertaker battle giants, battle monsters, battle the greatest performers the wrestling industry have ever produced. he has also seen the undertaker battle his demons and become a phenom...believe takes a phenom to recognize a phenom, something that angers taker. but sting says that he is a different kind of phenom. he is a phenom who started as a normal guy....blond hair, surfing clothes, living the life of his dream....but life turned him into the darkside. life obligated him to become a phenom to survive...and that for years both of them have had similar lives, yet their paths have never crossed. and he was fine with it. then he saw the undertaker this past year....he saw the undertaker become weaker....he saw the undertaker become...almost...human.....and that showed him that maybe taker didn't had it with him anymore. maybe he has just become a mortal man....but is easy to especulate...maybe it's better to find out for himself.....and he waited for the right moment...he didn't wanted to face a weak undertaker....he wanted him at his best....that's why he has been following him for months.....and he saw that as wrestlemania came near, he became more alive....and knew....he really knew...that the time had arrived....and that at 2-21-11 they're paths would finally cross...and he would have the chance to finally stand infront of him and ask....are you still phenomenal beat something he has never faced before.....another...phenom? they stare down and the crowd is going nuts....undertaker says that he has slayed giants, put monsters out of their missery and for 20 years be the unstoppable force in the far as he knows....there's only one phenom....and he doesn't back out from nobody....even if that means going to the gates of hell and facing the devil want to fight a real've got your chance at wrestlemania...and will......will....know my the lord...of....darkness....and the gong hit and it's a wrap...

hey....a man can dream right?:rolleyes:
The end of Raw comes. People have already wiped their mouths from the druel they drueled while watching the main event. Suddenly, the lights shut off. People wonder what is happening. Then the numbers, 2/21/11 appear and people go wild. A gong sounds. Mist appears everywhere, and then, the Undertaker walks out. People are yelling and screaming with joy. Taker enters the ring and begins to tell everyone about how he escaped the grave and had came back. Then the lights turn off again. People look around wondering who else is coming out. Then, Sting comes out. People give a huge reaction to Sting. Then, Sting points at Taker, and walks off-stage. The lights stay off, WWE logo hits, Raw ends, another show begins.

What do ya think?

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