Sting: How to put him over in the WWE?

What I would do is have is have The Undertaker return to raw and have him get jumped by the New Nexus and then have the lights go out and then Sting will lay out everybody but The Undertaker. Have them two shake hands then out of no where Sting issues the challenge at Wrestlemania. Saying he has beat the best the world has to offer but has one more thing to do before he retires and that is to end the Deadmans Wrestlemania streak. Then a few weeks later you can have build up for the match and have them two wrestle in a tag match vs CM Punk and Wade Barret. During the match Sting can double cross The Undertaker and cost him to lose the match.
This might get me a little bit of heat but I think if I had creative control, I would wait and hold off until Wrestlemania for Sting's debut. I think if he were to come back at 2-21-11 that he would be rushed into a Wrestlemania match. So WWE could be patient and not debut him until Mania. Here is what I would do.

Barrett vs Taker are in a match at Wrestlemania. We all know WWE wants this badly for some reason. So, Taker will win his match. After the match, Corre comes out and starts beating Taker down. The lights then go out, and a black-coated figure is coming down from the rafters. He is looking down at the floor so you can't see his face. He has a bat in hand and the crowd is going nuts. Corre stops beating Taker down and looks at the black-coated figure with the baseball bat. The black-coated figure then looks up at Corre and it is Sting. He then takes out the Corre with his baseball bat. Sting gets a microphone and says, "Taker, I came to WWE to give every wrestling fan in this world what they want to see. Taker, I came to WWE to give them the dream match. Taker, I came to WWE to break the streak. I don't want you this year. I don't want you at your worst. I want you at your best. So next year at Wrestlemania 28, I want you one on one at Wrestlemania 28. Take the rest of the year off, come back next year and lets give every wrestling fan in this world what they want to see." Taker gets up, walks over to Sting, shakes his hand, and says, "It's on." Sting then says in the mic, "It's showtime folks!!!"

Then Undertaker could take the rest of the year off and Sting could be on Raw. He could even feud with the GM. For a couple weeks after Mania, he could be in the rafters looking on every week. Then Michael Cole will read the gm saying, "Sting if you want to show up on my show, then you are going to have to compete on my show. So get your coward but down here and get into my ring." Sting can then come down from the rafters with his bat and hit the computer with the bat, then hit Michael Cole. That would instantly get the fans behind him. He could then compete a couple times a month and not talk much, mostly just looking down from the rafters. Undertaker would return at the ROyal RUmble 2012 and Sting could throw him out the Rumble and say, "Remember, it's me and you. Noone else." From then on they would feud leading up to an amazing match at Wrestlemania. They both agree, it will be there last match and they are going to retire. Sting could go into the Hall of Fame the night before Wrestlemania 28. Then Taker would win the most anticipated match of all time.

I think if Sting returned at 2-21-11 that he would be rushed into a Mania match but if they do this, then it will make Sting look like a serious threat to Taker's streat at Wrestlemania 28. Taker wins at 28 and they both retire with Sting a Hall of Famer.
If Sting goes to WWE in 2/21/11, it's almost a given he's going to go against Taker. Say whatever u want, but do u really think matches like Punk/Orton, HHH/Sheamus, Miz/Cena, and Edge/Del Rio are enough to gain 1 million buys where Wrestlemania 25 & 26 failed? They need a match of god tier star power like Rock/Austin, Rock/Hogan, and Taker/HBK.

And since WWE has been indicating for years that they're keeping Taker/Cena for Taker's last WM match ever, why avoid booking Taker/Sting? For what reason?

Tag match? Do u realize how forgettable Orton, Batista, and Flair vs Rock & Foley at WM 20 was? Why repeat the same mistake again? Why not book Taker vs Sting to achieve 1 million buys?

Especially given Taker's health no one can even comment on whether he will make it to the WM 28, but he's been cleared for WM 27. Therefore, it is the case of sooner the better.

I mean, isn't it obvious WWE will never do Cena vs Taker at Mania? Then why postpone Taker vs Sting for another year?
I do like the idea of Sting returning during a Nexus or Corre beatdown. I would make it where the New Nexus, or Corre, is beating someone up and lights go black, you hear some thundering, the lights go back on, and you see Sting standing there with black and white face and a baseball bat. Then all the member of the New Nexus or Corre, except the leaders, CM Punk and Wade Barrett respectively, charge at Sting but all get taken out by Sting's bat. The leaders, CM Punk or Barrett whoever it may be, get out of the ring, and run for their lives. I think this sounds pretty good.

Have Taker Return and both the Core and Nexus come to the ring to attack him, while they are fighting have cena and orton come down.. They are still losing and the lights go out

When they come back on Sting is standing there with a bat and helps clean house.. Cena, Orton and Taker look on in suprise on one side of the ring as sting points his bat at each of them finally stopping at taker and we go off the air with Sting pointing at Taker..

If done right and played right, that could easily be the best moment in WWE history.
I don't believe you have to put Sting over. Sting has been over and will always be over. He is one of the most popular wrestler of all time. One thing that I would do is have Sting debut at Wrestlemania in the rafter. Sting dropped down from the rafter and scorpion deathdropped Cena after his match, which will set up a Cena vs Sting feud, and culminating into a Sting's title run. Sting goes on to face the Undertaker at next year's Wrestlemania for the title. Sting will not only put up his title, but also his career vs the streak.
what i think would be awesome is if taker beats wade at wm27, then as he celebrates sting comes through the ring/from the rafters. they have a staredown.

then over the next few months you could have undertaker losing mind games to sting (who doesn't even need to be seen) for instance, taker starts losing matches due to titantron videos/ music/ lights off etc.

you could then have sting come back at sslam, destroy taker and his opponent, then have a small rivalry with takers opponent. around the turn of the year have sting free to issue a challenge for the next ppv, but he chooses WM instead.

then you have 3 months of solid building for the last match in the career of at least one of these legends.
make sting look like a credible threat to undertaker??

easy simply have him take out kane in a match, Kane ruined the undertaker their past 3 matches and buried him alive.

if sting just ruins him it woud sure make him look legitimate to take the takers streak.
Simple have a great match with Undertaker. Sting will loose of course but if he looks strong loosing that's enough to put him over. A great match will make both guys look good no matter who wins or looses.

I mean no one said Jericho looked weak when he lost to HBK an WMXIX
I don't think it would be hard for the WWE to get Sting over because of his position that already exists in profession wrestling. I mean, let's face it, if Sting turned up on Raw one night, I don't think any of us would be able to hold our collective mark-out-moments in. Sting is a huge name for the WWE to bring in and the smart marks that go to the arenas for shows every week would know who he is. I mean, look at the reaction Booker T and Diesel received at the Royal Rumble, if this doesn't tell you that people have a sense of pride for the wrestlers who have made wrestling what it is, then I don't know what will.

That being said, I believe the same is true of Sting. If he appeared, he would have a huge following behind him. Even the fans of a younger generation might remember him from his TNA days and cheer him too. Personally, I don't think that Sting needs to do anything major to get over, People will just be happy to see him on WWE TV and he could dropkick a baby before anyone started to ask questions.

People are crying out for that face from the past recently. Whether it is The Rock, Stone Cold or Sting, people want that nostalgia. The easiest way to get him over is to pit him against The Undertaker because people would legitimately go into comas from how much they have marked out but at this point, I really don't see that happening. Whether it is the case or not, not a lot of effort needs to go into putting Sting on top. The effort will be keeping him there after the initial début is carried out.
Why not have Sting be the one who helped Taker out of the grave? That way both guys will win this year at Mania if the plans aren't for them two to fight there. I'm sure given the chance the WWE would probably rather have time to build up a feud for these 2.

Taker could come back and talk about what Kane/Barrett did and say he came back with help! Someone from the Dark side.Have him and Sting face Barrett/Kane. I would much rather see a match with little time to build up like this then one involving Taker Vs Sting with no time to build on.Just my opinion. Sting could be headed back to TNA for all we know.I dont buy the whole think Dixie is doing tweeting about "hoping Sting doesn't go to WWE" and them removing his name from They are probably preparing a similar thing for Sting if Taker is the one in the videos and Sting hasn't joined the E.
All they have to do is go the route they went with HBK. I like the idea of Sting playing mind games with the Undertaker. I like the idea of Sting, after years of sitting back and waiting, being the one who can finally end the streak. Vince doesn't need to "put" Sting over, because Sting would blow the roof off any joint in America in a WWE ring and Vince sure as Hell knows that. I still like the idea of having Sting debut and playing mind games with the Undertaker and having them face at 'Mania XXVIII, as opposed to XXVII, for a proper build.

As for Sting losing to the Undertaker. It wouldn't matter. The only reason people remember HBK losing to the Undertaker was because of the streak. The two matches they had were epic and will long be remembered. Sting and the Undertaker would more than likely do the same thing.
So, its been almost for a month that we've been hearing about a possible debut of Sting in the WWE.Now, we know that at this moment,these are nothing more than rumours,but it is quite possible as well with WRESTLEMANIA being held in wCw's home.
Now I just wanna ask you guys, how you will book Sting if he decides to work with E?How will you make him debut and who will he eventually feud with? And ofcourse how will he 'retire'?
P.S I will post my thoughts later,as I'm running away right now!
So, its been almost for a month that we've been hearing about a possible debut of Sting in the WWE.Now, we know that at this moment,these are nothing more than rumours,but it is quite possible as well with WRESTLEMANIA being held in wCw's home.
Now I just wanna ask you guys, how you will book Sting if he decides to work with E?How will you make him debut and who will he eventually feud with? And ofcourse how will he 'retire'?
P.S I will post my thoughts later,as I'm running away right now!

A lot of people have already been talking about a Sting vs. Undertaker match at WrestleMania. That is a pretty good idea as I think a lot of people would love to see that, including myself. I mean how cool would it be if Undertaker came back, and in the middle of his return the lights go black and we get a spotlight on Sting? Pretty epic.

That being said, I'm not sure that's the way I'd take this though. You've got Sting... a guy whose never EVER done anything with WWE. His mere appearance on WWE TV would mark out at the very least 95% of the wrestling fans. Not to mention this situation would be culminating in Atlanta, where WCW was based. Do you really make him heel? Yeah, I guess facing Undertaker he could still be tweener, but you're still putting him in a match he has very little chance of winning. Do you do that to a wrestler who would draw so much just for being on WWE TV alone?

Personally, I'm hoping next weeks 2/21/11 promo shows this mysterious figure, who later turns out to be Sting, grabbing a shovel. Have Undertaker come back at that Raw, but have him surprise us with a friend he brought with him, Sting, to help him take out the man who put him under the ground this time, Barrett. Yeah, it's not likely. And yes, it would be much better if the original Nexus still existed, but I still prefer Sting coming out on top, which is unlikely against the Undertaker.

My scenario would be harder to pull off maybe, due to the fact that the Corre has 4 members. Also, where would that leave the rest of Nexus, besides an obvious run-in on the likely Orton/Punk match at WM? But this is not a prediction thread so that's what I'm going with.
As disappointed as I was last night to hear the Johnny Cash song during the promo, I was equally excited to hear today that Sting's profile is gone from TNA's web site. Ironically i just posted my WM card, and had Undertaker vs Barrett on it. However after reading this, it got me wondering especially if 'Taker isnt ready to go for WM, have Wade Barrett vs Sting at WM. Sting can go over Barrett at WM and then depending on what kind of deal is he signs, maybe at SummerSlam Sting vs 'Taker could happen on more of a level playing field, with no streak on the line.
Simple: A Wrestlemania 27 match against The Undertaker. That's more than enough to pin him on the main event scene if he did sign a 1 year contract. Although I think he will only play in a part-time schedule.
Well...after hearing that song playing during the 2/21/11 video last night, I would almost guarantee that, that will be the Undertaker now.

If you remember, anytime there has been a Hell in the Cell that I've seen with the Undertaker in it(havent seen them all), but, I know for a fact, the 6 Man Hell in the Cell, and his two with Brock Lesnar, and Randy Orton, it had that Johnny Cash song as the theme song during the video.

So, I know this is how would I book Sting, but, unfortunately, doesnt look like he is coming now.

By some miracle if he is, a match vs. Undertaker would be the "money maker". One other choice, although, it's a long shot, is, having him team up with the Undertaker, to take on the Corre, this way, it doesnt put too much on Taker, just coming back from another injury, maybe even have the Big Show team up with them in it.

Even though they dont really need it, this would help get the Corre, WAY OVER as heels.
It is cool.. Yes it is, to have an Icon vs Phenom match at Wrestlemania.. But in honor of Sweep the Leg's post... They wouldn't book him in a match where he would have low or even no chance of winning. Really, would the streak end with 18-1, that's a weird way to end his legacy.. Sting coming back and the lights going off and "Seek and Destroy" music hits would be a dream of mine to see .. Sting would glare at Undertaker only to be revealed as his friend.. Maybe a Kane/Barret vs Undertaker/Sting match.. Personally, if it could very much happen I would want to see HHH vs Sting or even Diesel vs Sting.. But I'm just being realistic :p
How about on 2/21 have the mainevent be The Corre vs New Nexus. Halfway through the match have the lights go out when they come back on the ring is surrounded by druids. The Nexus and The Corre look confused. They go off again and everyone is laid out in the ring with The Undertaker standing tall. The tron starts flashing 2/21 and the lights go out again. When they come back on this time Sting is standing over The Undertaker holding his signature bat to end the show.

On a side note and I hope i'm wrong but what if The Nexus' and now The Corre's bigger picture and reasoning for attacking the Undertaker was all planned by Sting? It would be a way to tie it all together but I hate seeing higher power programs
How I would book Sting?

First off, assuming it's really him debuting on 2/21/11 (which I'm almost sure it isn't), I would have him come out and start a feud with a fairly young heel. A Wade Barrett, or CM Punk, or Sheamus, or even The Miz. Have him come out and be interrupted by one of them, maybe attacked from behind. All the aforementioned wrestlers have a good reason to do it (Barrett having a 'master plan', CM Punk being CM Punk, Sheamus taking out Triple H and now Sting, The Miz complaining because more people are talking about 2/21/11 than about the WWE Champion).

If Sting fights Undertaker, it WOULDN'T be at this year's WM. I know that fight is epic, but I wouldn't have Sting lose at WrestleMania so soon after debuting.... unless he's planning on wrestling full time for a whole year and has a swan song at WM28. THEN I would have him wrestle Undertaker this year, and have him win his final match against a young guy at WM28...
In WCW Sting, after the whole WCW not trusting Sting Angle and he shows up in the stands. This lasted a few months before he spoke.

Why not have the same thing happen. He show up in the rafters every week. Playing mindgames with everyone. Then come July jump Taker leading to a Summerslam match between the two. This would let Sting win, then come Next Wrestlemania Taker could even the score.

Dreamly though, I want Sting vs Taker at mania this year. With that, I see Taker on 2/21 and then all a sudden STing is shown in the rafters the next week Taker calls out Sting and a then the WM match is set. Who says Taker has to loose or win. Why can't it be a DQ. The likes of Diesel or someone else from Taker's Wrestlemania past could cause the DQ. Taker keeps his streak and Sting isn't defeated at his first wrestlemania. A feud between these two could go on for a year, if done right, and if they can both stay healthy.
No music. No fanfare. Hell, no makeup even. Sting comes out in street clothes. Walks down the aisle, heads over to the announce table and grabs Michael Cole and tosses him in the ring. There he spends no less than 11 minutes beating Cole to a pulp. Scorpion Death Drop onto a steel chair. Locks on the Scorpion Death Lock and Cole is out. Grabs Cole by the collar, drags him behind the curtain. Returns from the backstage area wheeling J.R. out on a chair and puts him behind the announce table.

Grabs a mic and says "Hey, that's really all I wanted to accomplish. Seriously. I'm good now. Later."

Then he flies away on a unicorn.
Everybody wants to see Taker vs Sting at WRESTLEMANIA.But I guess it would be awkward.If these two meet at Mania,one of them will obviously have to lose.Now,if Undertaker loses his streak will be over,but as we all know it won't simply happen.And that means Sting loses,which will mean taking all the heat off him in an instant.And why would he'll work with WWE,if his first match at the biggest event ends in defeat.
I don't mind the idea of Sting and Undertaker taking on the Corre and as somebody said it, why not put the Big Show in it?
Imagine Undertaker and Show getting beat down by the Corre and the lights suddenly going off and there when they come back on,there will be Sting with his trademark baseball bat and starts clearing the ring.
Personally,I would've loved to see Sting take on Randy Orton.Orton can go back to his "Legend Killer" persona and play a tweener.I guess that will be pretty huge as well.
The last guy stole my answer with the unicorn thing...
But I'd like to see Undertaker/Sting/Mania... No one would expect Sting to win but does that really hurt? I, personally, don't really care... even though no one has even a doubt that Taker could lose anymore if he didn't lose to Michaels either time. The way I'd do it is for McMahon to introduce Sting and instigate a plan to pit him against UnderTaker at WrestleMania... no need for a random beatdown to initiate a fued. The notion would sell itself once McMahon pitched the idea to the two wrestlers. The speculation alone would spark a feud leading up to the duel. They could beat the likes of Barrett and Kane in the weeks leading up to Mania to sell them as strong and settle loose ends from being buried alive.
Live Monday Night Raw:

Sting comes down the walkway top a massive fanfare. The crowd chants his name, he does the Sting scream then grabs the mic.

"I am here for one reason and one reason alone. Vince, I don't like you, I have never liked you. I didn't show me any respect when you closed WCW, you are a simple son of a bitch! I only came here to say I quit, I will never wrestle for you or your WWE universe. TNA is my family and I love them as much as I love God".

Sting screams again and then leaves.
Weird idea, but try this one... How about Raw on the 14th Sheamus comes out complaining about WM going to atlanta the home wcw and how bad it sucked and all the wrestlers are a joke and then Diesel comes out and challenges Sheamus to match and Sheamus wins then goes on Smackdown that Thursday running the same rant and booker t challenges him and loses. Back Monday night on Raw 2/21/11 (because if he doesn't come that day now with the hype he isn't) Sheamus comes out and claims his victory over wcw and that their is noone left then all of a sudden the lights go out for like 30 seconds. The lights come back on and sheamus is on the ground with a Bat and a trenchcoat is on he apron nothing more nothing less. Then in the upcoming weeks Sting conitnues to play mind games with Sheamus which leads to AND I QUOTE Sting vs. Sheamus at WM then you can go from there. if it is Sting vs. Taker at WM yeah it would be a good match up but I will not watch it and sting would have been right 9 years ago they would not have used him right.

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