So today my dad was telling me a story on the drive home like he usually does. Except, the difference between today and any other day was that the story was actually about something interesting and not his online poker addiction.
Anway, here it is---I'm not exactly sure where this took place though. Apparently a seven year old boy went to the hospital with his mother and father with a fever and a headache. The hospital turned him away and simply said to take tylenol to fight off the fever and headaches. So, he went to another hospital after still receiving headaches and still having a fever. They told him the same thing. So after a short while, he was in so much pain, he could hardly walk---a SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY could hardly walk!!! The next hospital he went to, which his parents carried him into, did the same thing, and turned him away simply because he was showing symptoms of the H1N1. Two days later, the boy died due to Meningitis. All simply because the hospital would not take him in for tests. And suddenly my dad said something, probably the first smart thing I've heard in a while. More people will die due to other diseases that have the same symptoms as H1N1 because they will be turned away from testing/hospitals.
And I was just curious, what is everyone's opinion on this and the whole H1N1 " pandemic " and such.