The Official Lost Thread

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
So, any other hardcore Lost fans? Such a brilliant show, everything from the writing to the acting to the editing is just spot-on awesome.

I must admit I'm still pretty new to the show, and only started watching about 6 monthes ago, but since then I've been going back and watching the old seasons while watching the new season going on right now.

Now, considering every single god damn time I post a thread about a popular TV show, no one responds, how about SOMEBODY FREAKIN' RESPONDS TO THIS THREAD?! Christ, the Movies & TV section is more dead then a crowd watching a Glenn Gilberti match.

So, who else loves this show? Hell if you hate it post in here too.
I was actually debating whether or not to start a Lost thread after last night's episode. Considering the fact that there wasn't one created already, I pretty much assumed nobody watched it.

Anyway, last night's episode saw the return of Michael. It was a lock that he would have appeared by now, and the big reveal wasn't all that surprising, considering his name has been in the opening credits all season. Was anyone else hoping that when Sayid shook his hand after seeing him for the first time in a long time that he'd break it? Sayid's the epitome of badass, and that would have brought him to a completely new level.

And then we saw the apparent death of Jin. I don't think he's dead. The gravestone had his death taking place in September of 2004. I think (and hope) he's still alive on the island.

And the Oceanic 6 currently stands as:
I am a huge fan of Lost and have watched every episode since Day One.

Last weeks episode was pretty good, is Jin dead or on the island, great question that nobody can be really sure of, if I had to guess I would say he is dead.

Tonights episode looks good, somebody dies right, wonder who it will be, I could guess, but I know I would be wrong, cuz thats how this show works.

Basically Lost is a great show, if you dont watch it you should, it is amazing.
I recently started watching Lost since everybody was saying it is the best show ever and I was practically the only guy not watching it. They did a really good recap of the past couple of seasons last month when the new season started and it really helped me understand what is going on with the characters and events. Last week's show didn't make sense to me though, they showed Jin going to a hospital for someone elses baby and then we find out he is presumed dead, but when did he visit the other baby then(his boss' grandson, I believe)?
Last week's show didn't make sense to me though, they showed Jin going to a hospital for someone elses baby and then we find out he is presumed dead, but when did he visit the other baby then(his boss' grandson, I believe)?

Well it's either one of two explanations I'm guessing; either he fakes his death; or it was a flashback to the past, which is what I thought it was personally. Kind of like they did a flashback to the past earlier this season in the episode focusing on Desmond.

Little over half an hour to the new episode, should be a good one.

Damnit I still need to get my hands on the first few seasons. I feel Lost without them (feel free to use that fantastic pun anytime you'd like).
I've never seen this show before, and i kinda regret it with all the good things being said in it. Hasn't it won all these freakin awards and everything for like best tv show and shiz like that. I feel it would be useless to watch it right now without watching it from the very start, i feel i would be lost. And by just reading whats going on in this thread, it seems so interesting, but im so lost haha.
Spoilers... you've been warned.

Wow, what an episode. I thought the Michael flashback was extremely well-done. It did an awesome job establishing how he got back onto the freighter, Tom returned and had a pretty big role, and Widmore definitely staged the other crash. That's just scratching the surface.

Then, the ending was a huge shocker as both Karl and Rousseau got killed. My theory? Ben set them up as he sees Alex as being "his", just like Juliet. He's always seen Karl as being an annoyance, and you know he wants Rousseau offed. He probably communicated to Richard (who's probably coming back, with Cane off the air) to get ready to take them out.

I know they tried to wrap up as much as they could in case the strike would kill the season, and as awesome as this episode was, I know there would be so much frustration if this was the season finale.
Couldn't agree more Petey, what a great episode. The ending was an absolute and total shock to me, as while Ben has always shown dislike for the Rousseau, I never thought he would have her killed; I mean thats the mother of his child!

Guess I underestimated Ben's wickedness.

Damnit, now we have to wait another month for new episodes of Lost...ah well, should gimme time to catch up on the past seasons.
You've probably read the theories, but I for one do not believe that Rousseau is dead. We have yet to see her full story or discover who she really is or what she does on the island. What was the science expedition about if there really was one? I believe that either the wound is non-fatal and she's playing dead to lure whoever shot them into a trap or that the island would heal her. I am more hoping for the former as Lost is showing us that all have work to do that are on it and thus Rousseau still has work to do. It probably has to deal with fighting off the Freighties. We will see her again. Not to mention someone as tough as Rousseau who could be called a female Rambo won't die that easily.
I've never seen lost. I missed the first 2 seasons so I just never picked it up. All the people that I know watch it say it is good, but no one sells it to make me want to watch it. Can someone Sell lost to me to get me to go buy the season dvd's, and start watching it on a regular basis?
I'm really sorry to have bumped an old thread, but this should at least be on the first page.

I along with many others wasnt watching Lost when it first came out. Only recently have I caught up on all of it and I must say I'm very impressed. I absolutely love this fucking show. All the characters were cast appropriatly and potrayed with such emotion, especially Hurley who gets me to feel for him in every fucking episode he is in. I am now just awaiting the Season 4 finale which is this thursday. Thank god I rarely watch TNA because im going to spend my time watching Lost.

I also love the fact that every episode leaves a Million questions with only a few answers. It keeps it fresh and leaves me wanting more. Bottom Line....AWESOME SHOW.
I also love the fact that every episode leaves a Million questions with only a few answers. It keeps it fresh and leaves me wanting more. Bottom Line....AWESOME SHOW.

It's refreshing to hear that since I so often read people complaining about that very thing. The fact that they have a set end date allows for them to give out the answers at a certain pace so I know that we'll get them and even if not everything is answered I'm fine with having some things left up to the imagination.

I started watching a few episodes into season 1 but it was early enough that I could continue watching as the episodes aired and understand what was going on since it was still being established.

It sucks that in two days it's over for several months but life goes on and I always have the dvds for the first three seasons and all of this seasons taped to keep me occupied if I need my fix. Does anyone here ever check out official Lost Forums or anything of that nature to get the quick fan reaction for the days following each episodes?
It's refreshing to hear that since I so often read people complaining about that very thing. The fact that they have a set end date allows for them to give out the answers at a certain pace so I know that we'll get them and even if not everything is answered I'm fine with having some things left up to the imagination.

I started watching a few episodes into season 1 but it was early enough that I could continue watching as the episodes aired and understand what was going on since it was still being established.

It sucks that in two days it's over for several months but life goes on and I always have the dvds for the first three seasons and all of this seasons taped to keep me occupied if I need my fix. Does anyone here ever check out official Lost Forums or anything of that nature to get the quick fan reaction for the days following each episodes?

Yeah I don't understand why people bitch about that either. Its that right there that keeps you entertained. I guess people need something to bitch about though. I have all the DVD's too. I bought them because I couldnt get enough of it. Ive watched Season 1-4 until the last episode about 3 times now. It never gets old because each time you notice something completely different about that particular episode. Its great. I'm soooo freaking excited for the season finale on thursday. Thank god this show is confirmed until 2010 otherwise I might die.

People also say that the show went downhill after halfway through season 2. I don't agree with that because they just keep on adding to the already great storyline. I have not seen an episode yet that I didnt like....Honestly. Thats never happened before. Thank god for this show. It really is must see TV for me. But hey...thats just my opinion.
People also say that the show went downhill after halfway through season 2. I don't agree with that because they just keep on adding to the already great storyline. .

I never really saw those complaints but saw them regarding the first half of season 3. People were disappointed with how season 3 started out. The first 6 episodes, leading to the "Run Kate Run" line by Jack were aired then there was a few month break before the remainder of the season was aired. Those episodes mostly focused on Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and the Others as you know and not as frequently on the rest of the cast so it annoyed a lot of people, myself not included.

Another complaint was the additions of Nikki and Paulo. I do understand that it seemed awkward how they were incorporated seemingly out of nowhere but at the same time we always knew that there were a large number of other survivors so I liked the idea of having a couple of them be intended to become more prominent. Enough fans weren't buying it though that the producers opted to do what they did to them in the episode "Expose".

BTW there's a cool site called lostipedia that you may be aware of that I find to be great. I hope that's not considered advertising cause I'm just referencing a site that I have nothing to do with. There's even a part that mentions the many star wars references. I knew that there were a lot but didn't realize how many.
One more day until the season four finale. I'm hoping we finally figure out who was in that casket that Jack was at the funeral for. Maybe we will finally find out who Jacob is. I have my theories on both but I will keep them disclosed. Very interested in also seeing how Jack's father plays out, hoping we get to see more of that as well. Also what will happen with Ben Linus?? Only one more day. I can't wait!!!! I need my LOST fix NOW!!!!
What interests me the most is how next season will play out. So far island time has happened at a slow enough pace to only be a few months but the furthest scene that we've seen so far in the forwards (Jack and Kate at the airport) was at least a couple of years after. So whenever the 06 heads back will be a couple of years after island time. At some point I presume that island time will have to skip ahead a couple of years.

My guess is that next season or the end of this begins with the 06 returning to the island. Then the flashbacks for Sawyer and whoever is left behind will tell us what happened between the 06 leaving and returning and the 06's flashbacks will be what we currently know as forwards. We'll find out tomorrow or next year and I definitely look forward to it.

Do you have any theories on who is in the coffin. The newspaper article that Jack was reading brought about a lot of speculation but the producers have since said that the article was just a prop and has no bearing on anything.
Yeah. I'm really looking forward to see how the next season plays out as well. My theories on who is in the coffin. Haha. Well me personally I think it's John Locke. Why you ask? Because if you remember the funeral director asks Jack "Are you friend or family?" and then Jack responds "Neither". I just have a feeling its him and with Locke being in that coffin it gives them a chance to go back to the island. With the body of Locke with them. Since that island seems to have powers they would bring him back there to try and bring him back to life. I know that it sounds really weird and far fetched. But come on what else on that show isnt far fetched. LOL. I guess we will just have to find out tomorrow.
I am also a hardcore Lost fan, I remember tuning in to the first episode and I've been hooked ever since. It's been a long time since something has got me this engrossed. While the constant questions are somewhat annoying it's what the show is now, we don't know anywhere close to everything and we slowly get fed information as the show progresses. A lot of people I know stopped watching the show because of how it has progressed but personally I think they have moved it along so well that I cant not love the show.

The series finale airs on Sunday here so I'll be holding myself up in a box for the next few days to avoid spoilers from America.
Yeah. I'm really looking forward to see how the next season plays out as well. My theories on who is in the coffin. Haha. Well me personally I think it's John Locke. Why you ask? Because if you remember the funeral director asks Jack "Are you friend or family?" and then Jack responds "Neither".

I don't think it's Locke. If it was, there would be a lot of press there, due to the fact that it's a new survivor from the plane. Also, it appears he's going to be taking Ben's role as second in command to Jacob. The Others, namely Richard, are treating him as if he's the second coming as well.

Sayid was my original theory for the majority of the season, due to his line of work, and Kate wouldn't care about his death due to the fact that he's working for Ben. Then again, there's the issue of press coming to the funeral.

I'm betting it's Ben. He has no family. Jack would be distraught over his death due to the fact that he's been trying to get back to the island, and now there's his last hope of getting back, dead. Kate wouldn't care, because Ben's been a general asshole. The coffin was about Ben's size as well. It would be a huge bombshell to drop as well. If it's anyone, it has to be him.
I don't think it's Locke. If it was, there would be a lot of press there, due to the fact that it's a new survivor from the plane.

Not if he used an alias or returned with no fanfare and was sneaky about everything like Ben for example.

Also, it appears he's going to be taking Ben's role as second in command to Jacob. The Others, namely Richard, are treating him as if he's the second coming as well.

If he doesn't stay dead like Monkey_Mania suggested then he can still do that. At this point anyone who dies but still appears still is in fact dead and also not a full time character. However, if Locke really is as important to the island as we've come to be told that he is, maybe he'd actually be alive again if this scenario were to be true.

Jack would be distraught over his death due to the fact that he's been trying to get back to the island, and now there's his last hope of getting back.

As true as that is, he'd also be distraught over Locke's death as well cause between everything that Jack has on his mind and also what he's experienced since leaving the island, knowing that Locke died would only confirm that leaving the island was a bad idea which is what Locke said from the start.

However he can also have those feelings towards other options of who is in the coffin based on various reasons. Widmore could be an option as well as we don't know what sort of knowledge Jack has of him after returning, what interactions he may have had with him (if any), etc.

The thing is that whoever is in the coffin can still appear in scenes leading up to the death of course but if a scenario similar to the one I mentioned with how things may be presented happens, that wouldn't be the case. I honestly think that both Ben and Locke are people that would appear in the series until the end, meaning in scenes after the coffin one. That's why the whole "bringing back to life" thing would make sense even if it's Locke that is in the coffin.

The series finale airs on Sunday here so I'll be holding myself up in a box for the next few days to avoid spoilers from America.

Should one of us make a thread specifically for finale discussion with this thread being banned from discussing the finale as or after it airs?
Ahh. I see your thinking the same way I am Klown. Its good to have someone else have the same warped brain that me, and the actual writers and producers for the show have. Your right that he could have came back just as Ben always did. Also PRH he was not one of the Oceanic 6 so for him to comeback with no fanfare would be easy since no one knew he was on the flight. Also I dont think we should create another thread just to talk about the finale. We can wait a few more days to do so. Plus by then are brains will probably go through the whole episode and understand it better.
I'm also a hardcore fan of the show. I think this is the best show of the season,(and this isgood becuase they hit a low point last season). So many unaswered questions this season(How do the Oceanic Six got off the island?, Are They the only ones who are still alive, Who si Charles Widmore?, what are the rules that he and Ben must follow?, Why is Claire on the cabin?, what happens to her?, why is she acting like she didn' care about her child?, Can Ben control the Smoke Monster?, How is John going to move the island?)

I hope all these questions can be answered tonight on the season finale, because this season has been the best of the four and I've been very high on tonight's episode, but there is one thing I didn't like. Why they have to kill Jin he was a good guy, and I'm praying they don't kill Sawyer. He's one of my favorites.
^^^What makes you so convinced that Jin is dead? We know that he doesn't get off of the island as an 06 member which probably means that Sun was staring at an empty grave and talking to him based on what it symbolized. Maybe she just thinks that he's dead.

Edit: Since I assume we'll learn what happens to him tonight i'll edit later to add more
^^^What makes you so convinced that Jin is dead? We know that he doesn't get off of the island as an 06 member which probably means that Sun was staring at an empty grave and talking to him based on what it symbolized. Maybe she just thinks that he's dead.

Edit: Since I assume we'll learn what happens to him tonight i'll edit later to add more

The way that Sun acted when she was with her father on "There is no place like home part 1". The way she told her father that she had bought part of his company, and when she told him that there were two people responsible for Jin's death and that he was one of them, she said that and you can see that she's very angry and I don't think that she's lying, and also the explosives that they found on The Freighter made me think that he died on The Freighter

But I gess we'll have to wait to see if he's really dead.
The way that Sun acted when she was with her father on "There is no place like home part 1". The way she told her father that she had bought part of his company, and when she told him that there were two people responsible for Jin's death and that he was one of them, she said that and you can see that she's very angry and I don't think that she's lying,

I have absolutely no doubts that she doesn't think that he's dead, I'm just saying that it doesn't mean that he is. Keep in mind that the 06 thinks that Sawyer is probably dead, the people on the island probably think that everyone including the 06 are dead based on the freighter exploding, etc. So people will act out their emotions based on what they believe happened. If Jin is alive it will make for yet another emotional reunion between the two.

As for him blowing up on the typical cliffhanger fashion they never actually showed him dying wheras it was made clear that Michael died (there's no way out of that one lol), Jin would have had to have quickly jumped off of the freighter and held onto something in order to survive, plus he'd have to somehow end up near the others but I feel that it's very possible seeing as that it's a tv. show. Sadly it'll be awhile til we find out but this was definitely a great season.

I really enjoyed the finale. I'm sure that a lot of people will be upset about Locke being dead but he can still be in island scenes leading up to getting off, he can appear in forwards since they all spoke to him and apparently they plan on resurrecting him. So he’s apparently in it to the end.

BTW Monkey_Mania I assume that you read the spoilers? I know that I caved in and did it but since they left a lot out and seemed ambiguous people on the forum I looked at weren't buying it so that's why I mentioned other theories of who it can be in case the spoilers were false and also cause if they were true I didn't want to ruin it for anyone.

I have plenty more to say about how much I enjoyed this episode but I'll let others do some talking and I'm sure that I'll have more to say.
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