The next Tag Team Champions


Getting Noticed By Management
1) Who will be the next Tag Team Champions?

2) Will Team Hell No break up when Kane and Bryan drop the titles?

3)How long will Team Hell No be champions for?

Without a shadow of a doubt Team Hell No have added a bit of prestige to the Tag Team Division, and the Titles. Proving this we will see the Champions in the main-event of the upcoming TLC PPV. (unless Cena vs Ziggler will close the show which it probably will)

To answer question 1) i think The Shield could be lined up to win the titles in the near future. Hmm.. how do 3 men hold 2 titles you say? Ambrose and Rollins could be the champions with Reins as the Muscle. Reins will be heavily involved in their matches, outnumbering thier opposition in heel like fashion.

To answer Question 2) i Think Team Hell No go thier seperate ways when they lose the titles. Daniel Bryan will almost certainly be a future World Champion in my opinion, and will go for one of the top titles. Kane will probably wind down jumping in and out of the Main-Event and Mid-Card as he normally does.

To answer Question 3) Team Hell No hold the titles and lose them at Wrestlemania. What about having Team Hell No losing to The Shield at WM29 for the Tag Team Championship. Would be quite a high profile match. (depending on how The Shield performs in the next few months obviously) If The Shield continue to do well, they could be the answer to keeping the Tag Division relevant.

I am usually way off with my predictions for future fueds and matches but this is what i would like to see go down.

What do you think or would like to see happen with the Tag Team Titles in the near Future leading upto Wrestlemania?
I dont think it will go til Mania. Id say the next champs almost have to be Rhodes Scholars. I think they are the future face of the tag team division. Id say Hell No drops the belts at Rumble or Elimination Chamber at the latest.
We that's the question isn't it, who is the next tag team to be on top. All that I know is... I want it to be a TAG TEAM. Not just two superstars put together because they have nothing better to do. But I can almost say certainly it will be Rhodes Scholars. I think maybe they will win at some point, Team Hell No will keep feuding with them for another month then Kane and DB will go back to singles work. Do I think the team itself will break up? Na'h, this team is to popular and I'd like to see them, even after they lose the titles teaming up every now and again.
To be honest I want new tag team champions, Kane and Bryan dont act like one, there should be mixture of moves between them. Usos winning will be good, having Rakishi carrying them at ring side or Cesaro/Ohno as kings of wrestling they have a perfect mixture of moves, they fit that picture very well. Kane and Bryan should go solo.
Kane should be treated or booked like Taker and Bryan like Benoit.
The top dogs in the tag division are Team Hell No and Team Rhodes Scholars. I expect these two teams to feud and Rhodes Scholars will eventually win the titles, while Team Hell No will break up afterward and Daniel Bryan will resume his tremendous singles career.

I expect Rhodes Scholars to hold the title for awhile after that feuding the likes of the Usos and Cara/Mysterio.

I don't expect The Shield to be involved in the tag division, aside from having tag matches against singles wrestlers. Their purpose is not to attain the tag titles at this time.
Why is everyone so high on The Shield? It's a Faction made up of 3 FCW/NXT nobodies who will be future endeavoured within 6 months and probably end up in TNA.
I think Rhodes Scholars will feud with Team Hell No. I'd have the 4 of them wind up alone in the ring together at some junction in the RR. Have Rhodes Scholars eliminate both of them. At Raws EC match (either for the WWE Title (if Punk retains) or a #1 contender match (if Rock wins) have them be the first 4 entrants, pin D-Bryan first and then double team Kane and pin him too. Then Rhodes Scholars will look strong and build momentum, demand a Title Shot at WM, and win the Titles.

I hate to kill the moment for the Shield lovers, but I have a feeling the TLC "main event" is going to end with Ryback and Team Hell No winning and "injuring" members of the Shield.

CM Punk is going to face The Rock at RR and I can't imagine WWE is going to have a Shield run-in (although some would argue Rock getting a title shot for no reason is "injustice", whatever). So they're going to need to write them off somehow. If they're up for it have Ambrose return at RR and eliminate Foley and they can do a WM program since Ambrose is ready to be on the top roster right now.
As of right now, Team Rhodes Scholars will probably wind up being Team Hell No's next opponents. From an overall perspective, they're the strongest heel team on the WWE roster right now and it makes sense for them to feud with Bryan & Kane.

When Cody Rhodes was injured, he & Sandow were facing Team Hell No for the tag titles on an episode of WWE Main Event. So, with Rhodes having made his return, it makes sense for him to want to seek "revenge" against Bryan & Kane by helping Sandow to take the tag titles from them.

As for how long Team Hell No will hold the titles, it wouldn't really surprise me to see them have them up to WrestleMania. However, it might also depend upon whether or not two members of The Shield form a tag team together. If Team Hell No gets past Team Rhodes Scholars and The Shield does form a tag team, then I expect them to go after the tag titles. The Shield has generated a lot of buzz and interest since their debut in WWE and if that interest stays up going forward, again if The Shield forms a tag team, then I think it's likely that they'll take the titles from Kane & Bryan.
I still would like to see a WM match/moment where Kane and Daniel Bryan challenge each other for the Tag Titles so that one can claim that "I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!" That is where I would like to see them split as a tag team. Still a dream of mine but who say it cannot happen :) Either way, the division is doing quite well with Team Hell No as champs. As for who's next in line....RhodeScholars without a doubt. It's been noted that WWE is very high on this team. The have great chemistry, though, I would prefer to see a team that can create move sets as a team rather than individuals.
1) Who will be the next Tag Team Champions?

The Rhodes Scholars, but I don't see them holding onto the belts for very long, maybe like 1 month, cause I think Car Stereo are gonna need it just 2 months before WM to set up their match for Wrestlemania. I think that's the only purpose behind the team of Mysterio & Cara - team them up for a while, make them look dominant and have them win the belts and hold onto it for a bit before having them lose it, and one of the partners blames the other for costing them the belts eventually leading to that guy turning on his partner, that's classic tag team turned rivals booking there. Or they could just have Car Stereo defeat Rhodes Scholars this Sunday at TLC and go onto defeat Team Hell No for the belts, but it would make more sense for Rhodes Scholars to win it first, so Cody can get his revenge on Bryan & Kane for his shoulder injury and so Car Stereo would be defeating a heel team for the belts instead of another babyface team, another babyface team that's more popular than them. I imagine if Car Stereo beat Team Hell No for the belts, they'd probably get booed.

2) Will Team Hell No break up when Kane and Bryan drop the titles?

Not straight away but like Mysterio & Cara I believe they will in time for Wrestlemania for a match against each other using the same tag team turned rivals method. I think the WWE will still have them teaming with each other after they lose the belts but they'll continue losing to other tag teams until one of them has had enough, believing the other is holding him back, and he turns on his partner. It should be Kane that turns heel on Bryan. Daniel is so over with the fans, I don't see how with the reaction he gets from the crowd they can turn him heel again.

3)How long will Team Hell No be champions for?

If my answers for the two questions above are indeed the plans leading into Wrestlemania, I'd say till the end of the year or early-January.
i can see shield taking out rhode scholars or team hell no for the injustice of real tag teams getting overlooked for title matches. perhaps winning the titles in the same right doing it for justice. as for how they can hold the titles being 3 people? the freebird rule.... or by lesser rule demolition/spirit squad. this is how i could see them winning if they upset team hell no.
I think The Shield will somehow soon get the titles but to be typical wwe they will either have them turn on Reigns and he will join his cousins the Uso's or the will act like they are not related but never have them have a match against the Uso's for the titles with Reigns included in the match. Team Hell No will break up and Kane will start to wind his career down and Daniel will become WWE Champion.
Am I the only one that sees a rhode scholars split coming sooner rather than later. I see a near future feud between them which will lead one to a Us title and the other to an IC title that will help both move into a main event picture in a year or so. I remember not to long ago many on here begging WWE to put Cody in the main event picture now everyone wants him to be in a Tag team division that will never go anywhere in WWE.
like blairvb79 said I don't see Rhode Scholars lasting that long. if any team are going to take the titles from Team Hell No the its going to be either The Sheild or The Prime Time Playerz. as for when will team hell no drop the titles then I imagine it will be at the Royal Rumble. this will give wwe time to build up a Kane vs Bryan match at WrestleMania.
Well, I think that Team Hell No still has plenty of gas left in the tank. I LOVED when they were first put together, in the whole anger management thing and I thought they were hilarious together and had a very rare chemistry. I'm not saying they were Edge and Christian, but as far as funny tag teams go, Kane and Bryan are top notch. Although, right after the Hell in a Cell PPV, Kane and Bryan (despite them being two out of my top 5) started losing appeal somewhat. The back and forth arguing and them predictably costing each other all their singles matches had run its course and it was no longer funny.

Enter the Shield and now Kane and Bryan are on the same page due to a common enemy of sorts. What I've realized is that in this long journey for Team Hell No, since they've come together it's been that much better seeing them united. Their matches will be better because they won't spend them arguing with each other and they could develop some nice tandem moves and I kind of like the choke slam with the quick tag to Bryan for the head butt or No-Lock.

So, now that they're on the same page I could see them going all the way to Wrestlemania. You have to think about it. The first month plus all they did was defeat Kofi and Truth for the gold while going through anger management together. After that, it was more of their own shenanigans while Rhodes Scholars were competing in a tournament to be #1 contender's and then they went into the Survivor Series tag team bout. Rhodes Scholars was a feud for them, but not a fully fleshed out one. There is miles to go there. The Shield is the biggest feud that they've had and it's not even for the belts.

When you think about the tag division with Team Hell No, Rhodes Scholars, Rey & Sin Cara, Prime Time Players being at the top of the division and then the Uso's, Tyson & Gabriel, Team Co-Bro, Epico & Primo, 3MB and possibly the Shield in the future (not right now of course), you've got more teams that could be contenders in the tag division than you have singles stars in either the US or IC title divisions. Big contrast to just even a few months ago.
Its obvious that team Rhodes Scholars should be the next tag team champions but with the WWE you never know. At one point, I really thought the Prime Time Players were a shoo in until they started showing vignettes of Kane and Daniel Bryan. Once that team (Bryan & Kane) took off that was it. If team Rhodes Scholars are not champions by wrestlemania, one team that the WWE has not considered putting together (but is right under their noses) are Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez. Putting them two as tag champs CAN WORK if done the right way.
Without reading any of the replies im gonna put in what i Think.

Question 1) I think without a doubt itll be Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow. They've been flirting with being the Tag Champs for a while now. and there seems to be more Face Tag Teams in the WWE right now so I think if Cody and Damien wins they could feud with Rey and Sin Cara, The Usos, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel Or even Team Hell No.

Question 2) I dont think they will break up. They are doing great right now as a Tag Team. They've been doing the same stuff for a while now and its still entertaining. I think if they break up there is nothing for either of them as a singles competitor. The WWE and World Heavyweight Championships are pretty much set for a while. I think Team Hell No will be a tag team going into Mania.

Question 3) I think they will drop the titles before mania then possibily have a 4 corners tag team elimination match for the tag titles. They've been supporting the 4 Corners matches lately and i would like to see it happen at Mania for the Titles. Team Hell No, Rey and Sin Cara, Prime Time Players and Team Rhodes Scholars.
1) Who will be the next Tag Team Champions?
While I don't really prefer it because I think it's almost holding Sandow back, Team Rhode Scholars. They seem like the logical choice & at this point, with what looks like an already full Mania card, a good team like Rhode Scholars defending the tag team title in something like a fatal four way elimination tag match may be the best use of their talents & the rest of the tag team division.

2) Will Team Hell No break up when Kane and Bryan drop the titles?
Yes. I don't see how they couldn't break up after losing the tag titles, especially since most of their gimmick is not getting along. But my worry from the begining has always been how do they break up? They already had a singles match at Summerslam & triple threat match for the WWE title. I hope they suprsie us with a somewhat unique Anger Managment video or something to break them up.

3) How long will Team Hell No be champions for?
I'll admit they have already lasted longer than I thought they would & it almost seems like they will last till Wrestlemania time. But I think they will lose the tag titles & split just prior to give other tag teams time to shine on the big stage & spread out some more talent for Mania.

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