Predict The Futue: Tag Team Wrestling & Titles


It's not a question of if Team Hell No breaks up, it's just a matter of when. The team seems to be right on the edge of breaking up so the question of the future of the tag titles is one that I've been wondering.

Since THN became the champs, there's been a very solid resurgence in the WWE's tag team division. The progress of the tag team division, however, seems to have been put on holed during WrestleMania season. I'm truly hoping that Vince doesn't just send the tag team back to where it was and that things will pick back up post WrestleMania. There are still several good teams in WWE and there are several more that could be created. It would just be a huge shame to waste all the work and effort put into it by the wrestlers of the roster.

It's hard to say what will happen with the tag titles and the tag team division as a whole. Vince is known for bizarre mood swings in which he'll be very much a fan of something one week and totally despise it the next. However, the revival of the tag team division has been one of Triple H's babies and, allegedly, Triple H is gaining more and more power. While Vince still has the final say of course, Vince seems to listen to Triple H and trusts his judgment. Triple H is really the reason I still have hope that all the work & effort won't be wasted and that it's just been put on hold for WM as a whole because, maybe, the tag team division isn't at the overall level WWE wants it to be for a big WM showing.

Since Team Hell No's time is, in my opinion, very nearly up, who are the next champions? As of right now the main teams that WWE seem to have are Brodus Clay & Tensai, The Prime Time Players, probably Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio if Rey can deal with whatever this "family issue" is that's kept him occupied for a while and possibly Kofi & R-Truth. Kofi & Truth haven't tagged since Truth's return but Truth has only just returned and did come to Kofi's aid. I also have to think that, post WM, The Shield will form a team with two members, or possibly a team with interchangeable members, operating under the "Freebird Rule".

If The Shield does indeed throw it's hat, in one way or another, into the tag team scene, then I think there's little doubt that WWE intends to move the tag team division forward. The Shield have been hot for months in WWE and I'm guessing they'll be involved in another big six man tag match for WM, resulting in another big win for them.

As of right now, based on what we've seen this week, it's looking as though the PTPs are going to be the ones to take the straps from Team Hell No. They're a solid team and could be good champions IF things pick back up for the tag team picture post WrestleMania. Though if The Shield is part of the picture, then it might be a good idea to turn the PTPs babyfaces and have The Shield be the strong heel tag team in WWE.
As of right now, based on what we've seen this week, it's looking as though the PTPs are going to be the ones to take the straps from Team Hell No. They're a solid team and could be good champions IF things pick back up for the tag team picture post WrestleMania. Though if The Shield is part of the picture, then it might be a good idea to turn the PTPs babyfaces and have The Shield be the strong heel tag team in WWE.

I thought PTP would as soon as TRS disbanded, but after this week they have been beat twice with Team HELL NO! being blindfolded and a hand tied behind their back. I can't see them doing it now.

Right now i see The Shield as the next champs. Give them a nice long reign before they brake up.
Hell No (I refuse to put "Team" in front of their or anyone's tag name, it sounds absurd unless it's a Survivor Series team) have been garbage since day one in my book. The Rhodes Scholars were the breakout stars of the resurgence in the tag team division, and not putting the belts on them was a horrible mistake. Now, the Prime Time Players seem to be the only remaining competition for Hell No, but they've been buried for so long that I don't think a win here or there before WrestleMania can change that. My prediction is that WWE is going to promote a "WWE Tag Team Champion vs. WWE Tag Team Champion" match between Kane and Daniel Bryan for WrestleMania, only to pull a swerve and have them lose the titles to the Prime Time Players in the WrestleMania pre-show due to a Daniel Bryan heel turn, leading to Bryan beating Kane later in the show.
While the PTP vs Team Hell No match on Raw was entertaining, i just think it was a mistake to make them look like a joke. Titus O'Neil is a frikkin beast, and he gets beat up by a 1 armed man and a small guy who is blind.

I understand the angle of carrying on the disfunction between Daniel and Kane but come on, after watching that The PTP now look weak. I missed Smackdown this week so maybe they the PTP gained a bit back. Based on Raw though the match was hard to watch (had a laugh watching Daniel trip over the ropes though)

For the future of Tag Team wrestling.. these types of matches won't help. PTP appear weaker to me now, thus killing off the Tag Division again.
tag team division in WWE is a joke a and has been for years. I do not see it getting any better, they need to bring young guys in who start as a team and stay together. Throwing wahed up mid carders together has not worked since Too Cool or New Age Outlaws
I think the next team to hold the titles will be PTP, and they deserve it by all accounts. Even after WWE tried to job them out since late last year, they STILL get consistent heel heat that is embarrassingly louder than Cesaro's or Barret's. Even though they lost a bit of steam, I see PTP winning the titles off Hell No either at or before WM29, which will initiate the breakup of Team Hell No.

Once PTP has the titles, expect them to hold it for a while, seeing as how they are the only legitimate heel tag team left. The Shield is an option, but they seem to be on a whole different path than the Giant Pennies, so we can hold off on that. I can see maybe PTP turning face to lose the titles to the Shield, Brodus and Sweet T trading the titles with them or even a slow-build, feel good title program for the Uso's afterwards.
Long term I do believe that the Shield will claim the titles but they simply need to focus on making their tag teams look strong. Stupid decisions like putting PTP up against at blindfolded Kane and a one armed Bryan doesn't help at all. Team Hell No was formidable for a while there but there breakup is obviously looming and most of there matches from now on are going to be more about their downfall than anything. Long term I do believe that the Shield will step in but they still have a lot of loose ends in the upper card and will need to tie them up before taking a few steps down and out of the proverbial limelight. If they can keep the titles on them for long enough than people are going to start to care about the tag team division and it's been shown how compatible they are as a team. And with that you can start building prestige and whoever they would lose the belts to would be provided with a good push in the right direction.
I personally would love to see the Uso's get a chance to be booked strong and have a good run, they seem relatively over and are exciting to watch, but truth is there doesn't seem all that likely.

My guess is the immediate future of the belts is the Prime Time Players and I imagine they will feud with Brodus and Albert as their first program.

there's the possibility The Shield will get them down the line and invoke the Freebird rule but I am not sure if that will see them lift the division or merely make them look weak after facing nothing but top guys since their debut.
As things stand at the moment, it looks as if PTP are going to be the next champions, but putting the belts on the Shield would be a far better idea in my opinion. the trio of Ambrose Rollins and Reigns are really over at the moment and winning the titles would help to cement there place on the roster and keep the titles relevent. Also doing this would allow WWE to turn the PTP face and go on to feud with the The Shield for the titles, which could also be a good thing.

As for the rest of the division, there is still a lot of work to do, You still have the Uso's and the team of Primo and Epico, but other then the occasional win on superstars and NXT all I see them doing is Jobbing to the likes of the Shield and PTP's. the only other team that I think has potential is the Wyatt family and while they have only be seen on NXT so far, I really think they have the potential to be future WWE tag team champions and if WWE can bring in or put together another good team them things will start to look a lot better.

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