The New Nexus- What Now?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
My first thread...go easy on me lol jk

So as we all know by now, whether CM Punk wins or loses at MITB, it will indeed be his last day in the WWE. His departure leaves The New Nexus, a team that oozes potential, leaderless. McGullicutty has the experience, Mason Ryan the look, and Otunga the celebrity to be some of the biggest names on the RAW roster. My question is, what do you think will happen to them after MITB? Do you think they will stick together or go their separate ways? Or go back to FCW?

Personally I dont think they will be sent back down to FCW. They're already recognizable and could help strengthen the midcard division. I think once he loses the tag title, McGullicutty will go for the US title, I think the title suits him perfectly. Mason Ryan could easily go for the WWE title due to his size. Otunga will be another Miz character to me, a big mouth, not much in the ring, but will turn heads nonetheless.

Your thoughts?
There won't be a New Nexus after MITB unless they want to put together a New New Nexus. Punk will be gone and I read Mason Ryan is out anywhere between 6 weeks and 6 months. All there is is Otunga and McGillicutty.

At this point, it seems played out. Otunga and McGillicutty will likely stay together as a team (they are still the reigning tag champions) but I don't seem them legitimately entering the mid-card as singles wrestlers anytime soon. Unless a veteran surprises and steps into Punk's role, The Nexus is likely over.
I read a report online today that said wwe is thinking of putting Otunga and Mike in a stable with Zack Ryder which I have no clue how that would work. While for Ryan I'm hearing bodyguard for miz or del rio which I think is senseless. Miz already had Riley although an apprentice not bodyguard and for del rio I wouldn't see why they wouldn't just bring back brodus clay as his bodyguard. Clays not near as bad in the ring as Ryan.
They haven't been very relevant since CM punk revealed himself as their leader, which basically turned Nexus from fresh to stale instantly.

Otunga I hope just goes away, he's still awful at everything except his look.
Mason Ryan need's a little more ringwork, he still does things like smiles while being a monster heel for microseconds, and things, that set his character off from what Batista was.
Henning needs to make a promo where he throws away the stupid name and goes to his real name, and begins from there. Joe Henning has way more potential than his ring name now.

I wanna see these guys go off on their own, the stabling has hurt their careers.
To me what makes the most sense is to just keep Otunga and McGillicutty as a tag team with the name The Nexus. Shawn Michaels and Triple H did it a few years ago with DX as there tag team name, although we all know DX is suppose to be a stable. Have them tag for a while until WWE has something better for them to do.
To me what makes the most sense is to just keep Otunga and McGillicutty as a tag team with the name The Nexus. Shawn Michaels and Triple H did it a few years ago with DX as there tag team name, although we all know DX is suppose to be a stable. Have them tag for a while until WWE has something better for them to do.

everyone says that about DX.. but HBK and HHH started DX as a tag team, with Chyna and Rick Rude as their manager / valet.. they didn't become an actual "stable" until HHH became leader and got X-Pac and the Outlaws to join :)

but I agree, they should keep The Nexus name and just be a tag team and I also agree that McGillicutty needs to drop that name, i've never liked it.. just go by Hennig.. yes that's how you spell it.. I hate when people say "Henning" :)
With Punk leaving, there really isn't a whole lot that can be done. Mason Ryan is injured, not that it matters without Punk around. He'll not likely be back right after he's cleared, he'll hang down south for a few more months before coming back to the main roster as someone elses bodyguard or something.

Otunga and Mike are the Tag Champs, who knows how long that will last, but once they drop the titles I see Otunga sticking around for a while in the midcard, and I see Mike slowly disapearing before being sent back down to FCW, if for no other reason then to regimmick him, because IMO he's staller then a nuns cunt.
With the Nexus disbanding we are pretty much left with a bunch of midcarders. This got me thinking about a possible revitalization of the tag team division within the WWE. The members of the Nexus are too well know to be sent down and brought back up with new gimmicks so that is pretty unlikely. Also,the recent push of the Usos could fuel a successful tag team division comeback.
I think it's over.

Let Mason fully recover from his injury and re-debut as a singles star in the upper mid card. He has the size, but he lacks intensity in the ring. If he works on that he'll be fine. He reminds me more of Rob Terry than Batista.

Also, let Mike and Otunga stay as a tag team. WWE needs some teams for the division, and they are reigning champions. Build them as a legitimate tag team. Give them some Smackdown appearances. Maybe a face turn where they're out to prove they can win without help from Nexus. Although I preferred McGillicutty and Harris as a team.

Maybe bring back Husky and Skip and make Otunga the center of the group?

OT: Do people want McGillicutty to change his name because they think it's better, or because they don't want to type out "McGillicutty". LOL.
McGillicutty and Otunga are horrible as a tag tea,. McGillicutty and Husky Harris actually looked like they fitted as a tag team, but these two as a pair just don't convince me.

I see them being put into a feud with Zack Ryder and possibly Curt Hawkins for the tag belts, with Ryder and Hawkins wining the belts at Summer Slam or possibly before. Both of them will likely be pulled off tv after that to try and find new gimmicks for them.
Leave them on Raw and let Otunga be the leader. He's a moderately good heel, can work the mic, and can be a believable big man. Nexus can thrive on Raw, like they've proved to be able to, without Punk. They've been built so strongly that it'll be a disservice that they digress. Let them use the heat they have and keep throwing darts at the wall. Something will stick. If not Otunga, then let Mason Ryan take the reigns.

Point is, I believe Nexus should stay on Raw as they can continue to add a stable heel dynamic to the show.
McGullicutty has the experience, Mason Ryan the look, and Otunga the celebrity to be some of the biggest names on the RAW roster.
Yeah, I guess they have that stuff. The problem is that none of them have much talent, and none of them has ever proved himself to be worth a damn in my eyes. I know Otunga and Perfect Jr. are employed (who they're dating/related to) but the fact of the matter is that they suck. They have no personality, and that counts in their mic work and in the ring. They're two boring stiffs who are basically just there, and don't really contribute anything meaningful, ever. Ryan has more potential, I guess, but I don't see the hype around him either beyond him being Batista Jr. I really wouldn't bat an eyelash if they future endeavored all of them along with Punk. In fact, Punk not being able to get these douches over should tell you all you need to know about them.
Just end it, please. This angle has gone on far past the point where it was still interesting, and Punk wasn't even able to make me care about them for more than two weeks. Punk will definitely move on, either to take time off or in a new angle, depending on how MitB goes, Mason Ryan will need to heal up after his recent injury, and Otunga and Mc... uh, Hennig, will focus on being the Tag Champs. This group is deader than dead, and everyone involved just needs to move on with their lives. Let Nexus go away.

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