The new DX???

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Wooo... first thread. If its crap, tell me & I will know for next time. I'm just testing the waters here.

Ohkay, I live in Australia and dont have as much access to behind the scene news as others have. However, from what I have heard by the mouth of a good relible mate who happens to be a wrestling enthusiast (aka complete & utter wrestling nut & junky) that due to the predicted ratings slump that when HBK returns, he will do so reforming DX... again. Legacy will enlist the help of Big Show as their big man bodyguard [which they really need to save their credibility.]

Here comes the catch, when Batista returns... he and John Cena will join forces with DX & become a new stable. This is planned to be completed before survivor series to have Legacy v.s. DX. I know it sounds crazy, but if you think of the logisitics & WWE creative, its doable.

Thoughts please...
Hmmmm.... i like it! Big Show wouldn't join legacy because he isn't 2nd generation, they could randomly bring up that he is related to Andre the Giant or something if he's going to be in Legacy. Cena being in a new DX would be interesting though. It wouldn't be the first time he teamed up with them. Cena and DX won a tag match back in 2006, he did the DX poses with them as the X pyro went off after the match and everything. It was awesome then, it'd be quite interesting now too. Doubt it will happen though.
This sounds like a complete and total lie your friend told you for a variety of reasons. You should never put your eggs all in one basket, and that's exactly what this "plan" is suggesting. RAW would be putting all their Main Event guys in one large feud, which would make things very boring otherwise. Also, Big Show doesn't fit into the Legacy scheme, as he is a first generation superstar. Secondly, John Cena had about two weeks of being a degenerate when he messed with JBL's car, and I think that's all he had in him. Now he is all about respect, remember? He doesn't fit into the Dx profile. The whole thing sounds extremely improbable.
I know Big Show isnt 2nd generation, thats why he would be a bodyguard only. Sort of like how Bam Neely was with La Familia. He is just there to do the dirty work.

And I know it is completely improbable, this is why I posted it to find out if anyone has any information on it.
It would be interesting to see, but I don't think it would work. Really DX isn't what it was back in the day. All in all I'm tired of seeing trips vs orton because as long as there together trips will win...
that probly would be interesting to see but i dont think it will happen. i kinda do think that wwe will bring back dx one last time just to take out legacy once and for all. i dont know about yall but i am tired of seeing the same matches at every ppv. rivalries that started before wrestlemania are still going on. isnt that the point of backlash? so wwe's creative team is gonna find some way to end legacy and dx are the only ones capable of doing it.
its an alright idea but noi chance of happening. the big show as legancy's big man sounds cool but DX could not work with the WWE's PG rating. also if cena and batista joined dx they would look less credible.
I wouldnt dismiss this as totally off the wall. Looking at the news today, Batista will be out for 4 months, which has him back in the ring around October, isnt this plenty of time to bring him into a storyline for Survivor series?? Vince is high on Orton and Legacy that much we can all see and I see this stable being around for a while longer maybe even till Thr royal rumble and have Ted win it and challange Randy..but thats for another thread.

I think we'll see HBK back in a month or so, leading to DX reforming, Big Show or Cena will win the Title at the next paperview, leaving HHH and Orton free to continue their feud, HBK comes back, gives his old buddy HHH a hand with Legacy ALA against the spirit squad, feud builds to a conclusion at Survivor series in a traditional match, with all the names in the mix, HBK HHH against Legacy They then add Big show to team legacy, John Cena and the returning Batista to DX, not creating a new stable but a one time only allianze. This could set up new feuds, Batista is responsible for HBK or HHH or even Cena getting pinned.
Well I think I'm the only person on these forums who loves DX. Why not? As much as I dislike Batista. They're planning on reforming DX for the European DX tours, I'm not sure whether that's also going to move over into Raw, or whether it's just a way to sell tickets for the house shows. We need a good stable war, they're always fun. And it would definately interest me, as well as give Shawn something to do when he returns, and stop people complaining Triple H is in the title scene.
:wcw: mmmmmm.....I like the idea, but I think it sounds better on paper then actually seeing it. IMO I would much rather see HBK going back and getting one more WHC shot before he retires, having him be the leader, and batista and cena being a tag team. HBK has the WHC, bat & cena with the tag titles. hell, that might be good for the tag division. i know what your saying about big show being a bodyguard not technically a member of legacy. to be honest i think big show and legacy is more realistic then the new DX. none of this will happen but its sure as shit fun to talk about!! do me a favor. if the person who wrote this thread or anyone for that matter reads this, im kinda new to this and i cannot figure out how to make my own thread. if someone could email me and tell me where to go, man i would really appreciate it.
[email protected]

Anything that has "DX" and "reform" or "new" or "reunite" or something along those lines, I tend to hate these days. Why can't it just be Hunter and Shawn and that's that?!? Yeah not a big fan of the whole New DX thing, but I do like your idea. I don't know how credible that actually is, but if the WWE could even pull it off for a few weeks without fucking it up it would be enjoyable. They could tease HHH and HBK gettin' back together when Shawn comes back, then they could branch that off into HBK/HHH II... now that would be awesome!
interesting, but meh i doubt it'll work

for starters, if anyone has noticed, Legacy is incredibly weak. Rhodes/Dibase just plain suck..either they suck or creative of the two

and i agree with others, using all the big faces and forming a stable sounds cool, but its hard to believe the WWE will go with it, think of it this way, will the WWE induct HBK, Undertaker, HHH and the Rock on the same night? No, it'll never happen..
I only like the fact that HBK and HHH will reform DX again. Cena and Batista joining...just no! They wouldn't fit in, DX are the guys who crack jokes about everyone even each other, when they're in the ring they're serious when it comes down to it. But Batista has more seriousness to his character, Cena is 50/50. Turn Batista heel once he returns, think back to 2005 when Hunter returned to team with Flair against Carlito and Masters, he returned as a face but turned heel once the match was over on Flair, they could do that with Batista, have him return, team with Cena or HBK or HHH, hell all three, after the match turns on one of them or all of them. DX are just about the only team that can feud with Legacy though, they have the skills and experience. Legacy should go into Survivor Series holding the WWE Title, and Priceless with either the WWE Tag Titles, or World Tag Titles or if they still have the Unified Belts, then them belts against DX with another partner or 3 much like the Rated-RKO/DX SS feud
I don't think this will work at all. Why would you have all your main-eventers in one huge feud anyway? It was sort of okay when it was Orton and Edge against HHH and HBK because Cena was the champ and he had Umaga occupied for a few months. The 2006 reincarnation of DX was awful anyways, so I don't see any point of bringing them back.
In my opinion, bring back DX is just pointless, in whatever form whey do it. HBK and HHH; HBK, HHH, Cena and Batista; HBK, HHH, Hornswoggle and Goldust...whatever, it's got to be a no go.

I just hope the European DX tour will simply show HHH and HBK doing a tag match each night and nothing goes on camera because although I respect both of them, DX is now over 12 years old, let it rest in peace.

Seriously, Cena and Batista in DX? I think the Oddities would pull it off better!
the only credible idea out of the wholeof this would be Big Show joining Legacy, because they need another guy to look more credible as, IMO, they are always going to be in the shadow of Evolution. Sadly, as a pre-requisite for joining Legacy, it would appear that you have to be a 2nd or 3rd generation superstar, which Big show isn't...

anyway, back to the point. The only way I see this working or happening is in a survivior series scenario. i.e Team Legacy (Orton, Rhodes, DiBiase, Big Show) v Team DX (Triple H, HBK, Batista, Cena). Batista and Cena really don't fit into DX at all. Batista lacks the charisma to join DX and doesn't fit their profile, whilst Cena is no longer a degenerate (JBL is poopy is hardly risque).
While reading this I thought of 2 things #1. A new DX comprised of the younger ccoky talent would be cool with HBK/HHH as mentors. Possibly MVP/Morrison/Ziggler and have them be the "immatures" if you will. Or a Degeneration Malcom X MVP/Cryme Time/R-Truth. and #2. Which I rather like would be to have Hart Trilogy attack Rhodes/Dibiase making them turn face and Trilogy join Legacy. that would do a couple of things like make Legacy Stronger and there might be enough sympathy to get behind a couple of second generation superstars like Rhodes/Dibiase. At that point you could bring in 1 or both of their fathers for extra pop. Now that there face you have a much tougher tag devision and the brick work for a future graduation into the Million Dollar Heal turn for Dibiase. Your thoughts on that!
No. No. No. No. No.

I loved DX. It was arguably one of the best stables ever in pro wrestling (The Four Horsemen will always hold that title, IMO). At the time (Attitude Era), they were a great group because they bucked authority in an era when Vince and the Corporation or the Nation of Domination were the top heels.

The era of the stable, sad to say, is pretty much over. The trend lately is to push wrestlers as solo competitors. There are some good teams in WWE. TNA is bringing back the tag-team division, thankfully. Now, you have Legacy and the Hart Dynasty... and that's about it. Both have promise, but they need to not let these groups get overblown (NWO anyone?) Don't put every single second-gen and beyond talent in Legacy just because. I like the Hart Dynasty idea as well.

As far as reforming DX, Trips and HBK are not young bucks anymore. They've both moved on from DX (for the most part) and have successful single careers. I honestly didn't like when they added the NAO at first, but they grew on me. Bringing back DX full time would be a digression in the careers of Trips and HBK, and adding guys like Cena and Batista or anyone else would just be ruining the legacy (no pun intended) of DX.

Plus, Vince usually isn't a fan of rehashing old angles/ideas. A DX reunion every now and then is nice, but I don't think you'd ever see it return full time.
I find this to be really far fetched. Although I am sure that WWE loves to bring back DX from time to time for marketing purposes and to generate merchandise sales, I think the realization is that the faction has grown stale. The only way DX would ever work again is to probably go as far as bringing back the new age outlaws to keep it fresh, but even with the new PG theme going on, it wouldn't help as much.

If DX were to reform, I would want to see it more as a heel stable then anything. I think it is the only thing that could knock HBK and HHH up a notch without having to put a title on either of them.
I'd rather not see it happen. For one it would be a complete squash match for D-X and for 2 the last reunion ended up sucking. If they brought it back and did it right I wouldnt have a problem with it, but if they bring it back and make it a stable full of megastars and have it full of dull childish skits, I'd hate it. Overall I honestly think it's a bad idea period. There's just no use in bringing it back unless they're wanting to spar feuds from it. So HOPEFULLY D-X stays gone forever.
Well did you see Raw this week, right at the end. The crotch chop from HHH???? Also, the DX tourn in the UK in November? Its looking likely :D
yeah, the last DX reunion kinda sucked.. there were a few things that made me laugh, but it wasn't that great... i really don't wanna see a new DX reunion, if Legacy has to feud with a stable, i say bring Hart Dynasty to Raw.. turn one of the stables face and start that feud.. all DX would do is destroy Legacy left and right, it'd be ******ed... oh and having Cena and Batista as part of DX would very stupid.. why not just bring back Evolution instead with those 4
I don’t know about Cena joining this group, but I do know that it should not be called DX. Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Batista forming Evolution – X (or Evolution – DX or DX – Evolution) would be better. DX is not what it once was, so some sort of change needs to be made, at least to the name. Adding Cena would then be “putting all ones eggs in ones basket” as someone has said. Add Flair to the group and you have "the Greatest collection of World Champions” since the days of the Main Event Mafia. Oh wait, is that still going on in Orlando??
Ehhhh....I don't like DX returning. Just because. I like them much more when they're doing their own thing and not completely squashing the Spirit Squad. Though the Spirit Squad did suck balls.

But, in theory, it'd work. Cena and HBK will take the pins, and Batista/Triple H will stand around looking hurt so that they can act surprised when they lose. And if there is one thing that gets your group heat, it's when you beat up Cena. Everyone loves Cena. You beat him down 4 on 1, you're getting heat. It's unavoidable. Which is exactly what Legacy needs.

I think it speaks volumes that Creative would have to have Big Show join Legacy to lend legitimacy to the group. It's called actually booking your other 2 members to do something with themselves. You know, like how they're feuding with the tag champions right now? That was about 3 months too late, but I'll take it. the one bad thing about Big Show being in Legacy is that I'll have to see that jankety Camel Clutch thing he uses. It looks really awkward, and it just weirds me out. But meh. It works.
I could see something like this working for Survivor Series, but having Batista and Cena in DX more then that is just stupid. The only thing I'd worry about for Survivor Series is who is going to be in the championship match?

Anyway if they bring back DX, they should add someone new so it can be an actual stable. I'm thinking of one man the MIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His cockiness fits perfectly with DX, and after this Cena feud is over the WWE could turn Miz face in a heartbeat with the following he's gaining from his recent promos.

Actually the only reason I'm saying the Miz is so he can turn on them, and creative can then have him go over HBK(obviously Hunter would never allow it).

Also Legacy asked Batista to join, so why wouldn't they Big Show in? Neither are 2nd gen superstars, but I don't think it fully matters anymore.

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