The MVP Losing Streak

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- WWE SmackDown Superstar MVP is on a huge losing streak. He hasn't won a match on television in nearly two months -- the SmackDown after SummerSlam in a win via count out over Festus. He's lost nine consecutive matches, including nine clean pinfall losses. He's also lost on eight consecutive editions of Friday Night SmackDown. Here is his loss report:

08-29 SmackDown - Pinfall loss to Jeff Hardy.
09-05 SmackDown - Pinfall loss to Shelton Benjamin.
09-07 Unforgiven - Pinned twice; by Jeff Hardy, and by Triple H at the conclusion of the match.
09-12 SmackDown - Lost Fatal Four Way Match to Jeff Hardy when Kendrick was pinned.
09-19 SmackDown - Pinfall loss to Triple H.
09-26 SmackDown - Pinfall loss to Triple H in tag match vs. Triple H & Jeff Hardy.
10-03 SmackDown - Pinfall loss to Jeff Hardy in All Star Eight-Man Tag Team Match.
10-10 SmackDown - Pinfall loss to Jeff Hardy.
10-17 SmackDown - Pinfall loss to R-Truth.

Now a couple of months ago I had a brain fart and I said that MVP wasn't that good. I admit that I was wrong. Maybe that was down to me thinking he was being overpushed, it certainly had a lot to do with his matches with Matt & Jeff Hardy being a bit average, and his over reliance on catchphrases. Either way I was wrong. I want the old MVP back. You know what's coming, a Kennedy feud, that'll help neither of them.

Anyway, I can't understand why they've suddenly stopped pushing the guy. I hear because he said something to a drug tester. Big deal. Orton game an RKO to a TV nad nothing happened to him. Punishing MVP doesn't do anything for anyone. WWE is all about pushing black guys at the moment, push MVP. He's a million times better than R-Truth.
I agree. It's ridiculous. The guy has all the talent in the world to make it big. Having him on a losing streak doesn't help him nor the WWE. The guy is the next big thing. Hell, some people have even compared him to The Rock. But I believe there is a reason for the losing streak. I have noticed that during MVP's matches, Hurricane Helms has been ripping on heels, including MVP and has often pointed out that MVP has been on a huge losing streak lately. This tells me that the WWE realize his losing streak and are obviously playing along with it.

Also, MVP mentioned something alone the lines of that if he wins one more match, he receives a certain bonus that came with his 'contract'. I think it may be a WWE Championship opportunity, but I could be wrong. I don't see a Kennedy feud happening yet as it could be a great feud if both are at their prime, which they are not. A face turn for MVP is possible, but I'd rather Edge turn face as MVP plays a good heel, despite the lack of boos from the fans. He hasn't hosted an VIP Lounge segment for a while, and I think thats where he really shows off his mic skills.

He can wrestle and he can speak very well on the mic. He just needs a better finisher. But the losing streak must be occuring for a reason. The WWE are well aware of the streak which leads me to believe MVP will get a big win out of nowhere, similar to CM Punk's World Title win. I am not saying he should win the WWE Title yet because he isn't ready yet. But I think he will receive a shot at Triple H's WWE Championship in the near future. MVP deserves to win the Money in the Bank ladder match at Wrestlemania 25, but a losing streak isn't what he needs going into that match, if he does take place in it. If the WWE really want to push black superstars, MVP is definately the one to push.
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I agree that it's ridiculous that he's getting punished due to making a pretty funny remark to one of the drug testers. MVP is still one of my favorites overall. He's great on the mic, and is such a good wrestler.

At the beginning of the year, I thought he was definitely primed for a WWE Title run. Somewhere along the way, something happened where the WWE lost faith in him. His downfall has been very similar to Kennedy's downfall. Don't forget that Kennedy was in the midst of being primed for a title run last year, and he's really lost his way. It's very disappointing that he's getting shafted, but I definitely agree that this losing streak is going somewhere. Losing streak angles rarely pay off... I think Jericho was the only one to really pull it off back in WCW, and that was really due to the fact that he was great on the mic. MVP could pull it off, but it could also be very damaging to his career.

If done right, a feud between MVP and Kennedy, the two underachievers, could really pay off huge for both of them. Back when they were fairly new and teamed together against Kane and The Undertaker, they had really great chemistry. A feud between both of them, culminating in some sort of gimmick match at Wrestlemania could save both of them.
The MVP losing streak has got to be an angle that the WWE going somewhere with. Normally if a wrestler is in the doghouse they wouldn't have him point out in interviews about it his losing streak, nor would they talk about a ridiculous 'one more win' bonus incentives that came in his contract, when did he sign that contract again exactly. If he was in the doghouse he wouldn't get interview time, nor would the losing streak ever be mentioned by him, only by announcers where you could almost hear them say, 'tough break kid, why'd u do it'.
I see the angle leading to a number of different options. The incentive being a WWE title shot is possible, but looking in the longrun, it looks like HHH will be feuding with Koslov for a while, so I doubt that is it. Besides, I'm not sure, but I think they've stated it is cash that the incentive is. Helms has been an annoying head in a bubble for sometime now, and has noticablly targeted MVP more than anyone, so I could see them beginning a mini feud when Helms does return. I could also see them also planting seeds for a future face turn for MVP. He did cross the Orton stable at No Mercy. I could see Punk/Kingston coming out and saving MVP from them and helping him pick up this big win he needs, then he'd show a little graditude and team with them to fight them at Survivor Series. Having him feud with RAW stars can foreshadow a move to RAW, which I see being a strong possibility for him next year if they have a draft. And just because he's a face, does not neccessarly make it a bad thing. There's lots of people he can feud with on SD in the short term as a face, Umaga, The Brian Lendrick, Shelton; then if he moves to RAW next year, WWE could have the option of keeping him face or turning him back heel. A brief stay as face will remind the casual fan why they like MVP, and would be more beneficial for him than him being in the middle with a bunch of other heels. That's where I think MVP's losing streak is going and that's all I have to say about it.
MVP needs to request his release and salvage his career elsewhere. Places where African American talent is needed. I had hoped that his "de-push" was leading to an eventual frustrated switch to RAW, where his youth and experience would make him an ideal heel on the rise. I even thought that back when people used to pop for him that an eventual face turn was in order. But I guess that I was completely wrong. I'm not sure what they are trying to teach MVP as I haven't seen him win since his qualifying match for the championship scramble, but I think that he has more than paid his dues on this whole matter. He not only has had to endure the losing streak, without any resistance, but he has also had to endure other wrestlers getting to ridicule him on television. He essentially is being made to look like and being called a "loser". And that's a waste. He has one of the biggest intro's. one of the most flamboyant looks, and gets major matches. Only problem is he's jobbing.

You know what really ticks me off about this. Carlito and Shelton Benjamin each have a long reputation for being lazy in the ring. They have been told that they have so much potential and yet they refuse to use it. And what had WWE done to encourage them to do better? They have been given titles shots, title reigns, and been paired with people who they love working with. And all of this has been done in the name of "motivating" them to do better. MVP makes one comment and he's in line for the Steven Lombardi lifetime achievement award at the next Slammy Awards alongside Funaki , Kenny Dykstra, and Tommy Dreamer.

How else can you convince people that there are not politics on Smackdown if you are not running the same program over and over with Triple H and Jeff Hardy involved and MVP being jobbed out completely along the way? Wasn't he in the title picture somewhat when Batista was on Smackdown? But now what is he? A running joke. Someone who is punked and prodded by Triple H and his buddies week in and week out. I mean he was punked by Shane Helms' little bubble promo for god's sake. Does this mean that he will have to job to Helms once he returns? Because if so, then you may as well cut this talented youngster, because WWE obviously doesn't plan to push the man who they have invested so much time and money in. And that's just shameful.
David cougar beat me to the punch. At least MVP, announcers, and promos backstage are recognizing his losing streak and turning it into a storyline. If he was in the doghouse, or just not getting pushed anymore, there isn't usually much in the way of acknowledgment...the wrestler simply becomes a jobber.

Since that isn't the case here, I think any suspicions about MVP becoming a jobber are premature.
mvp needs raw now and a face turn badely. he could start by taking the intericonintal tittle from that sick ass santino. then you move him back up to mainevent level. raw needs face main eventers right now to many heels.
I couldn't put it better then what Afro-Ameri-Spawn said. I really do not see this losing streak going anywhere i just see them using him to get new or young talent over. He's become like a gatekeeper for who moves up or who moves down. Not only can he cut a good promo but he also is a pretty good technical wrestler. Its a real big shame such a big waste of talent. I think it may be to late for a push or anything to much damage has been done. As people have been pointing out he comes out to cut a promo only for another wrestler to come out and make him look stupid. I would recommend a release sure he wont make more money elsewhere but atleast he has a chance to still become somebody more then a mid card jobber. A possible christian route? maybe.
I think it is too early to tell where he's career is going. Remember Jeff Hardy has been in the WWE for along time and is just now being put into the mainevent(except a few matches here & there). The thing about MVP is that his gimmick is great and he can use a mic. I think MVP will get out of this rut and be alright and the losing streak won't matter much. I think MVP probably has a bad attitude or something and doesn't get along with creative and that's the reason why his career is going in the crapper. I also believe maybe he was pushed to soon in his career and now creative just is tired of him(same can be said about Kennedy)Also he's cocky heel return is getting kinda repetitive so a face turn may work(like Kennedy).
To be honest, I just noticed M.V.P.'s losing streak last week. Over the past 9 weeks he's lost 4 times to Jeff Hardy, three times to Triple H, once to Shelton Benjamin, and once to R-Truth. M.V.P. keeps saying that he is one win away before getting some type of bonus on his contract. Meaning that the losing streak is leading to a really good part of his career, possibly another title reign. The fact that WWE announces his losing streak means that it's not a bad thing and it will lead to one of the biggest wins of M.V.P.'s career. He'll be fine.
yeah i will believe that when i see it. the creative team is dumb as a door knob. they wouldnt know talent if it hit them in the face. mvp is much better then half of the people on smackdown and some of the upper mid carders main eventers. example big show.
This is a strange move by the creative team. Why would they let one of their top mid-card stars have a losing streak? It makes no sense at all. M.V.P certainly doesnt deserve being mistreated like this. He is one of the main reason people watch smackdown. Because his character is amazing.

I agree with rusty that this guy has all the talent in the world, and he deserves a decent feud. I hope that creative find something for M.V.P fast. I dont want M.V.P to end up just like Mr Kennedy
I agree that reverting to MVP being a jobber is quite early in the get go, but as his losing streak has gone (for about two-three months), it's just hurting his image. Heel-wise, MVP is great, but retaining that heel spot should mean some heel dominance along with cutting some frickin' amazing promos. It is very sad to see WWE creative throw away many good wrestlers out to the dogs, and have them struggle to the best of their ability to outshine who is out there, and creative doesn't even give wrestlers that chance. And there are going to be some top dogs out there (namely HHH) that will always be on top because of who he's involved with. Steph, being on top of the creative staff is not going to let her hubby die out so easily, and HHH I think is too prideful to ever step down. How is MVP going to outshine such a star as HHH and with enough corporate backing? No one will, unless the Game permits. HHH is deemed the Wrestling God.

MVP has tons of talent, going to aste because of what Creative can't decide what to do with him, like a lot of the other wrestlers, and there isn't enough TV time for them. When the WWE got rid of Velocity and Heat, that killed a lot of opportunities for wrestlers to stay on, and granted, it also pushed quite a bit of wrestlers to stand out a bit more, but MVP isn't given that opportunity, and if his frustrations are not only confined to kayfabe television, creative needs to do something quick or else risking a top performer.
To be honest, I just noticed M.V.P.'s losing streak last week. Over the past 9 weeks he's lost 4 times to Jeff Hardy, three times to Triple H, once to Shelton Benjamin, and once to R-Truth. M.V.P. keeps saying that he is one win away before getting some type of bonus on his contract. Meaning that the losing streak is leading to a really good part of his career, possibly another title reign. The fact that WWE announces his losing streak means that it's not a bad thing and it will lead to one of the biggest wins of M.V.P.'s career. He'll be fine.

Exactly my thoughts.

They had him job to Hardy a few times to try and build him Jeff up to his current championship contender status, and everyone jobs to HHH. Other than the Benjamin loss which I didn't get, it's not a big deal. It's not like he was jobbing to nobodies for no reason.

Now of course, due to this smart move by creative, he'll start jobbing to nobodies like Funaki because of this whole "one more win until his performance bonus" angle. I can't see this ending badly to be honest. He'll keep jobbing and everyone will start ripping on him because of this losing streak and his inability to get his bonus. This can only build up to a championship reign or monster win of some sort. It is a long ways away, but it would be great to have him continue to job until WM when he finally snaps the losing streak by winning money in the bank.
....does nothing for anyone. I absolutely have no comprehension of what the idea here is. Truly.

Its amazing to think what a difference a year makes. From were this guy went at WM 23, to what is going on now. He isnt even mid card anymore. This is the worst possible thing they could think up for him, the losing, the storyline, all of it. at NWO even, he seemed like a serious threat. Now, nothing. the guy is nothing. all that building they did, to just simply waste this guy away. if he kept on the same build he had last year, he would be feuding with Triple H by this time, over the WHC. now?? Nothing. I have no idea what they are gonna do with this, or were they are gonna go with this.
This boggles my mind. He was even given that spot in the Next Generation/Punk and Kofi angle at No Mercy where he teased a face turn. Since then, nothing. What are they really trying to do with him? He's over, good in the ring, cuts good promos. It can't be his age (35 today), as to begin with, that's not that old, and since when has age mattered? He's being buried yet Carlito is given a title run? Honestly, what's the point? Unless a face turn comes out of this, they're messing up again.
MVP's momentum was killed when he dropped the US Championship (yeah, the championship's momentum dropped as well...) and since then things have only gotten worse. He's a good worker and one of WWE's best guys on the mic, so this one makes little sense to me. If it's because of the heat he's got, WWE are doing themselves a disservice by jobbing him out. Punish him by giving him less pay or whatever, but don't hurt your own company by derailing and ruining the credibility of one of your top trump cards. That just makes no sense.

I really hope the losing is just part of a storyline that will end up benefitting MVP. Perhaps a face turn or whatever. I still maintain my position that drafting him to either Raw or ECW would have done wonders for MVP. He's just been on SmackDown too long and there's nothing left to do, nobody left to feud with. The mid-card faces hardly exist and the main eventers bury him. Hell, even the jobbers (Kung Fu Naki) bury him.

The way he's being used put such great doubt into the future of the guy. I'm fearing that he may end up like Kennedy - masses of potential, but gets relegated to a low position on the card or even in fear of losing his job due to his attitude or receding work level (rather than Kennedy's injuries). MVP deserves better than this (no pun intended) and unless this is an angle it would be damn wise of SmackDown's "creative" division to wisen up and give the guy a damn push or at least stop jobbing him out. He's not even getting a stable reaction anymore. WWE have killed the momentum of one of their most promising guys. Why? After this, I can't see any possible way to get MVP over as a heel again, so switching shows or a face turn would help solve this stupid ordeal. But in the end, it's their opinion, so...yeah, backstage politics suck ass.
I dont know what the win bonus is but it better be good, MVP has been great since day 1 and while I could never see the hype in Kennedy this guy was just a great heel. It's a shame to see him lose like this but at least the guy can keep his heat after these losses which is more than what some people can do.

I hope this leads somewhere good, its not impossible to bounce back from a losing streak in wrestling, hell Batista's lasted for about a year before they pushed him as a heavyweight title contender. Hopefully we'll see MVP back on full form before too long. I wouldnt say he needs to turn face but I would like him too.
so the word is that MVP will eventually turn face after his losing streak.

but where will this lead to for MVP? i mean after all that losing, will anyone care? i really would want him to build up again strong, but where does everyone else think he will end up? how long will this losing streak last, because it has been a while now.
His win better be huge because I am a huge MVP fan. It better be so damn huge that it really gets the crowd behind him. I hope it is over someone like Kozlov. For MVP to end his losing streak against an undefeated Kozlov at WM will be absolutely awesome.
Hopefully once MVP becomes babyface, he'll become like the Rock, not trying to compare them, but it'd be awesome if he pulled the whole " these people have backed me the whole way, they knew I would come out of my slump, I'm doing this for them " card and had a similar connection to the fans that the rock had, I just see MVP as the guy to get that connection again.
Hopefully once MVP becomes babyface, he'll become like the Rock, not trying to compare them, but it'd be awesome if he pulled the whole " these people have backed me the whole way, they knew I would come out of my slump, I'm doing this for them " card and had a similar connection to the fans that the rock had, I just see MVP as the guy to get that connection again.

That was my thought when i heard of the plans for a babyface turn. He can keep his cocky-ness but instead of mocking the fans, he can mock all other wrestlers FOR the fans. He will never be as big as The Rock, no one ever will be, but he does have the potential to be a great face, in a company that only has three good ones at the moment (Hardys and Cena, NOT HHH, Taker, HBK)
i think that if he was to go over someone like Kozlov, it would only hurt Kozlov because of MVP's losing streak. it may seem weaken Kozlov's image if you know what i mean.

but i hope he can build up again, sorta win the US title in the near future and rise again and main event hopefully, but at the moment, it might not seem believable that he comes out with one big win. its going to take more convincing then that win for him to be over IMO. but i think MVP is great, solid talent.
Maybe the angle is that someone is threatening him to lose every week, and the end result could be like his life is in danger but it turns out that he calls that very person out to face them once and for all and it turns out to be CHRISTIAN CAGE!
If They wanted to MVP could win at WM against... The UNDERTAKER that would build him up instantly and to make 'taker not look too bad he could lose by Kane interfering not making MVP Heel (so he can face) or Taker look bad.
option two is MVP feuds with Kennedy Loses against him then is forced into a tag match with Kennedy against Colon Bros, wins and says that fans supporting him was his inspiration and teams with Kennedy to Win the titles jumpstarting the tag team division

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