The Most "Honest" Act?

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I think WWE will follow the path of Karma here and not do their same old Bullshit of having Punk written out or have him come up with some crap and say oh nexus is a fail so im going to go to go into a cave for the next year and return bigger and better. I think they will let Punk talk and do one of his great shoot/work promos that he did when he was in ROH and let the man really talk
I won't disagree with you that CM Punk would do wonders for TNA, but I don't see it happening at this point in his career. Punk is a really smart guy, and he does what is best for him financially, and for his future. The best example of this is his recent struggle with the WWE powers-that-be over control of his name. He's a guy that doesn't have a ton of outside commitments, that can handle the work schedule and loves the industry. He knows it inside and out, better than most because he's had such an intensive indie run before movie up to the big leagues. The only reason I can see Punk wanting to go to TNA is to keep his name. But at that it really worth it?

The obvious is that it will be CM Punk leaving the Nexus and somehow taking some time off. They could do this by having Punk bash the Nexus and taking the simple beatdown, putting him out of action indefinitely. I really hope that isn't what happens, because Punk is probably my favorite heel in the business today. Mayhaps he is reigniting the Nexus by adding to the group? I guess we'll find out in a few short hours...
monumental would have nothing to do with him leaving nor would the most honest act. im seeing this as a start to punk vs austin or he is going to say he is the gm. i would love it to be the monumental storyline of punk challenging undertaker next year.
CM Punk Honest act will be that he joined NEXUS just to destroy it. Lets not forget Punk was also attacked during Nexus debut in Miami. Don't be surprise to see Wade Barrett back on Raw or Nexus move to Smackdown with Barrett. Punk may start a 1 man crusade SES.
There is no way he will go anywhere else if he leaves the WWE, he will probably just do nothing for a while, then return (like Jericho).

I think he is going to say something that will probably lead to his last feud before he leaves. That is all I can think of.
Anyone thinking Punk is going to TNA needs to go listen to his on air words about Hogan and TNA.....and how Hogan feels about Punk........i don't think its going to happen.

I feel this is going to involve him starting his final feud here with Cena.......but in reality i hope its him leaving the Nexus. Either way...........should be a suspenseful raw.
I think the key words here are 'honest' and 'monumental'. What would be a monumentally honest thing for CM Punk to do?

Maybe admitting to being led astray from straight edge?
Maybe not believing in the ideal that he tries to encompass to the universe?
Maybe letting people in on the backstage politics (Cena, Orton, Taker etc) and how he's being held back for wristband sales??
Maybe that TNA is actually a lot better than WWE but all u idiots are too blind to realise it? (wait for the groans of dismay)
Maybe that he is the Son of God, our saviour, King of the Kabbalah and re-incarnated in the form of a ......punk???

What do you think would be the most monumentally honest thing that Punk could say?

Be honest now.... TNA is second rate, small time, minor leagues, nowheresville, irrelevance personified.

As for Punk's little moment tonight, I expect it to involve John Cena. Neither guy has anything to do right now, and I honestly can't see a continued R-Truth title chase...
He is going to start going by his real name. The contract issue revolves around the WWE's desire to trademark the CM Punk name, so he is going to change it to his real name, Phil Brooks. The WWE can't trademark his real name, so if they want to keep him, its a moot point.
Punk's announcement is going to be about how he deserves a title shot, what else would it be about. His character has always been about how he is so much better than everyone else and seeing how he beat Cena last week what other logical thing could it be.

He isn't going to go to IMPACT Wrestling, the very idea is so incredibly stupid I can't believe you people are even entertaining it. If he was going to leave and go somewhere else it would more likely be ROH or something like that, but forget all that because the whole thing is a fucking work! How can you not see that. Face it, he wouldn't be on TV getting a win over Cena and teasing a feud with SCSA if he was really thinking about leaving now would he, no, it would be quite the opposite. He'd be in some lame program loosing matches to Evan Bourne or some other jobber, getting buried so his leaving the company would be less impactful, like MVP.

Furthermore, if Punk is going to feud with Austin, and I think he will, it's going to be a Wrestlemainia, not on Raw. Couple that with the Cena vs Rock and you would get 2mil + buys.
Being world champ in TNA in front of 1,500 people isn't saying much.

By that definition then the same should apply to

NWA/WCW who used to tape in Univeral Studios

ECW - Self Explanatory

and ROH.

The problem with that logic is that it's based on elitism and nothing else. Running shows in venues that hold 10's of thousands of people doesn't mean you provide a superior product, especially when your PPV's are barely better than the regular TV show the competition puts on with their abysmal booking. It also says nothing about one who chooses to work for a smaller production like say.. Mr Anderson who can and has perform on a larger stage.
I can go on but the thought of Flair, Sting etc having reigns that are insignificant because of the size of the crowd is baffling.

Incidentally, all these companies still in business have had better quality champions in the last year than WWE has had in the last 5 easy.
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