The Most "Honest" Act?

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JC CooL 420
Before his match with Rey Mysterio at last night's Capitol Punishment pay per view, CM Punk vowed to do the most "honest" act in WWE history. Nothing happened and I have received a lot of emails about it today. Punk posted the following on his official Facebook page today:

"Last night at Capitol Punishment, I not only defeated Rey Mysterio...I also vowed to perform the most honest act in WWE History. Join me on tonight's Power to the People episode of Monday night Raw, and witness the genesis of something monumental."

What could that mean ???

Is it something involving the Nexus?

If he is taking time off, what will happen to the rest of the Nexus? (Not like anyone of them are doing anything important...)

The only way I would like to see Punk leave WWE is if he is planning on jumping to TNA... (I know WWE marks will jump all over me for that) I think his character would do wonders for TNA as they really don't have a TRUE heel like CM Punk can be...
I think that he will announce that he is taking time off and that he is letting the Nexus free...I'm gonna hate to see him leave but the E isn't doing anything with him. He's the best talent and best heel they have and he is rotting away right now. The E needs to get with the program before they lose the best thing that has happened to them in years.
You should probably mention that this was an article posted on wrestlezone by Chris Cash. Just saying. I don't think this has anything to do with his taking time off, as his contract isn't up until September, unless of course him and WWE have come to an agreement where he gets the summer off as long as he re-signs. I hope he disbands the Nexus, or hands leadership over to someone. I've grown so tired of them. I don't care if they keep Mason Ryan with him as a protege of sorts, but do something with Nexus. Perhaps allow Otunga to lead, and fall further into obscurity. I honestly don't care as long as it gets Punk away from that fucking yellow N.
The only thing i can see happening (his contract expires in September, why would he leave now?) is the return of either Slater and Gabriel or Skip Sheffield who help CM Punk become the new number 1 contender.
First - Who is the hottest chick in your signature?

Now back to the topic, I think that CM Punk is going to attack Cena and become the 1# Contender, it has something to do with Cena that's for sure.

The Nexus was so hat last year by now, that kinda makes me feel sad about the New Nexus, he doesn't give a crap about nexus, so it has nothing involving them (maybe)...

If he is taking time off, The Nexus will be disbanded or ruled by another guy, that will make it a joke now.

Now about the TNA question, it is a silly question sorry, it's like being demoted, do not forget that every "good" wrestler would rather be a mid card champion at WWE than a World Champ in TNA.
TNA is a very new company, in terms of fan base and the product they give, we all know that, and there is no way that a guy as over as CM Punk is going to leave WWE to be part of TNA, nobody in his right mind would do that.
Sorry :X
I'm in the majority thinking that it may very well deal with John Cena and the WWE championship. The whole situation with Punk leaving or staying likely won't get addressed on the air, but with Money in the Bank being in his hometown of Chicago I could see him putting his career or something of sorts on the line to face Cena for the championship. It certainly is an honest thing if you ask me. I really have no idea as to where it is going, but I'm hoping for something entertaining. Only other thing I can come up with is Punk reveals the "bigger plan" Barrett was always talking about. However that is highly unlikely.
First - Who is the hottest chick in your signature?

Now back to the topic, I think that CM Punk is going to attack Cena and become the 1# Contender, it has something to do with Cena that's for sure.

The Nexus was so hat last year by now, that kinda makes me feel sad about the New Nexus, he doesn't give a crap about nexus, so it has nothing involving them (maybe)...

If he is taking time off, The Nexus will be disbanded or ruled by another guy, that will make it a joke now.

Now about the TNA question, it is a silly question sorry, it's like being demoted, do not forget that every "good" wrestler would rather be a mid card champion at WWE than a World Champ in TNA.
TNA is a very new company, in terms of fan base and the product they give, we all know that, and there is no way that a guy as over as CM Punk is going to leave WWE to be part of TNA, nobody in his right mind would do that.
Sorry :X

The girl is Mickie James from her first TNA run before WWE...

Now, about TNA being a demotion...

Not all wrestlers care about making the most money and being a part of the "machine" that is WWE...

Kurt Angle is a prime example... He has made more than enough money to retire I'm sure... (Unless he lost it all in divorce) But, he has a love for the business as a whole and not just WWE... So, he went to TNA where he can work a lighter schedule and still be a part of the business that he loves... Not to mention, he also said recently on Twitter that he is making more now in TNA than he was in WWE...

CM Punk leaving WWE for TNA would not surprise me at all... Punk is not like guys like Cena, Rock, and Batista... WWE's money isn't his main objective in life... I'm sure he has enough of their money saved up to where he could explore other options and TNA would be stupid not to throw a check book at him...
The only way I would like to see Punk leave WWE is if he is planning on jumping to TNA... (I know WWE marks will jump all over me for that) I think his character would do wonders for TNA as they really don't have a TRUE heel like CM Punk can be...

HAHAHAHAHHA. Oh and stop with the use of the "mark" word, it's just pathetic and immature.

He's not going to TNA. He doesn't like Russo.

If he does go however, that would be sad. It hasn't done much for guys like Ken Anderson.

Being world champ in TNA in front of 1,500 people isn't saying much.

Kurt Angle is a prime example... He has made more than enough money to retire I'm sure... (Unless he lost it all in divorce) But, he has a love for the business as a whole and not just WWE

They can pay Angle well but not people like Daffney, Taylor Wilde, or Jesse Neal who says he recently qualified for food stamps.
i got to say if cm punk goes to tna he will regret it becauses tna's booking is very bad. and even if he is hired on he will most likely regret it because his character would probably be changed every other week. and he would make so much less money( whether he cares about that or not idk) but if he goes to tna it will make his time at wwe look like pardise.

back on subject i think his big annoncement will be him leaving the new nexus because the new nexus is not being straight edge or something but i very much believe he will take some time off soon.
I say CM Punk will do somethingo to Cena something to do with the title.. And how can yall say that CM Punk has done nothing to help the nexus?? Do yall not remember CM Punk just help david otunga and michael mcgillicutty win the unified tag team titles? they are still champs.. CM Punk has also helped mason ryan keep a spot on tv for as long as he has cause we all know he's still green in the ring.. I see the nexus going nowhere without punk or barrett as the leader!!! PLUS punk going to TNA wouldn't be shocking as he was in TNA as cm punk before he was in the WWE..
Maybe he comes out of the closet.<-----just a joke

Seriously Cm Punk and WWE have me dumbfounded on what he's going to do. You smarks complain that WWE is no longer unpredictable, well where's the predictability on this one. If it's him vs Cena again been there seen that. Hell Cena took out Nexus one by one to get to Punk. Punk may reveal who's the GM.

This maybe the first true mind fuck WWE has pulled on us since the Nexus was formed.
I think it's either:

He'll fire Nexus


A face turn.

I highly doubt he'll come out and say he's leaving but who knows?

i think he is going to start a program with austin tonight. they met in the back and i think tonight it starts

I'd like to believe that, I really would but at this point I think we're all just dreaming of that happening.

Has Austin recently said he's willing to come back? Last I heard, he would never wrestle again because of his broken neck.

If WWE puts Punk in a program with Austin, there would not be talk of Punk leaving. That type of huge program would be enough to keep him.
Although the thought of CM Punk being in TNA would totally get me excited for their product more, i mean its CM Punk one of the very best, i would feel underwhelmed because like the above poster said it isnt the same to see someone with so much talent in front of a crowd of 1500 when he can go over in a 15000 people arena every time. Doesnt sound right. How do we know TNA would use him right either? I dont know.

But I have a feeling it involves Punk breaking away from Nexus. Nexus(Much like the Corre) has completely overstayed its welcome. Its not getting better for Punk and these guys havent been on in a while(Nexus,minus Punk), they either job or get taken out by the face Punk is against. Besides the whole thing with Nexus is dumb, they certainly dont strike fear into anyone anymore, they dont go around and ambush faces anymore, hell they dont really help in Punk's matches at all.

Hopefully Punk isnt going anywhere, ive patiently been waiting for him to begin a fued for the title. I honestly am pretty curious to see what we have in store for tonight.
I think the key words here are 'honest' and 'monumental'. What would be a monumentally honest thing for CM Punk to do?

Maybe admitting to being led astray from straight edge?
Maybe not believing in the ideal that he tries to encompass to the universe?
Maybe letting people in on the backstage politics (Cena, Orton, Taker etc) and how he's being held back for wristband sales??
Maybe that TNA is actually a lot better than WWE but all u idiots are too blind to realise it? (wait for the groans of dismay)
Maybe that he is the Son of God, our saviour, King of the Kabbalah and re-incarnated in the form of a ......punk???

What do you think would be the most monumentally honest thing that Punk could say?

Be honest now....
It won't be anything about TNA. There is no chance Vince would allow CM Punk to mention anything about TNA, on the air. I also thing there's <cue the music> No Chance In Hell Punk goes to TNA. He may take time off but it won't be to go to TNA.

As I, and others have mentioned, it's either that he's breaking up The Nexus (could be something like he says it was a fraud all along and he was toying with them) and/or a face turn.
Going by his image and attitude I can see this being something along the lines of a 'shoot' promo where he utters the word(s) that shall not be mentioned. How this is worked into a feud I don't know, but it really would be something right up his street.

As far as Punk going to Impact, ultimately I'd love for this to happen but only if he was given the sort of push that Desmond Wolfe initially received and was allowed to carry it forward. At present, I would be concerned that this would not be the case. Given TNAs current perchance for factions, I'd be afraid he'd be lumbered in this way because I feel he actually works better alone. TNA operate a lighter schedule and allow more freedom, both in spontaneity, in the ring and in content - if they got it right, Punk could literally be the lightning in the bottle as far as ratings are concerned that the older legends have failed to produce.
It won't be anything about TNA. There is no chance Vince would allow CM Punk to mention anything about TNA, on the air. I also thing there's <cue the music> No Chance In Hell Punk goes to TNA. He may take time off but it won't be to go to TNA.

As I, and others have mentioned, it's either that he's breaking up The Nexus (could be something like he says it was a fraud all along and he was toying with them) and/or a face turn.

I never meant to imply that he would announce tonight that he was leaving WWE to join TNA...

That would never happen... Not a chance... If he even tried to grab a live mic and say anything about TNA I'm sure they would cut to commercial (Seven sec delay) or anything else...

I simply meant that the only way I would be happy Punk is leaving WWE is if he were to join TNA...

I just don't want him to simply take time off...

He should atleast pull a Christian... Go to TNA, get a run with the World Title and return to WWE for a higher spot on the card and more money...
Here's a bullet of truth to the skull of WWE marks.

"How would we know TNA would use him right?" - You don't, but whatever he does it's going to be a heck of a lot better than what WWE's doing with him, which drove him to quit it, at least for a while.

"A talent like Punk shouldn't waste his time infront of 1500 people" - It doesn't seem to bother Sting, right? It doesn't seem to bother Kurt Angle, or Bully Ray, or AJ Styles, or Robert Roode. All of the people I mentioned are close to Punk's talent, or in some cases better. You people are forgetting that CM Punk made his name in the Indies where he wasn't wrestling for thousands of people. The size of the crowd really doesn't matter to him. If it did, he wouldn't go to ROH.

"He won't go to TNA, he hates Vince Russo" - And Hogan and Bischoff love him, right?

"He'll make less money there" - Who said so? If Kurt Angle can make a damn good living, I see no reason why CM Punk won't. TNA doesn't seem to be operating in the red, and they love to throw money at former WWE talent. Here's one that will make it worth your dollar.

In the end, the possibility of CM Punk leaving the WWE and ending up in TNA is pretty darn huge. Crazier things have happened, and personally I would love to see Punk in TNA, where he belongs, in my opinion. WWE refuses to appreciate him. Fine. They don't deserve him.

Now, as far as what he's going to on RAW - I have no idea. Whatever it is, I'll be sure to tune in just for that and see what he does. I love CM Punk. The only reason why I care about anything WWE related these days.
I think he tells Nexus they are garbage, and he's done with them. He goes on a rant saying that they haven't done a damn thing in their career. Mason Ryan has done nothing, and Otunga and Henning only have fluke tag title wins.....maybe he tells the fans the McGuilicuty isn't honest about his last name lol.

I really have no clue, I have a wait and see mentality.
It's a long shot, but I actually reckon it could involve the Rock showing up out of the blue, assisting Nexus in an attack on Cena and confirming himself as the Raw GM. It was teased at Mania where he stood on the GM podium. Plus it would tie in with the 'bigger picture' mentality Nexus have preached from day one, and would tie into Cena's match with rock at Mania next year to draw heat. Plus the title of the show.. 'power to the people' and with the rock being 'The People's champ'.. Would punk use him as the honesty angle by giving the power back to the fans through him =/
CM Punk strikes me as a very smart guy. I can't see him leaving WWE (if his reasons are that WWE is not using him correctly) to go to TNA even if he is the "top guy" there. What does that prove, in his, or anyone else's mind? Of course they're going to give him the belt just to shove it in Vince's face. Despite what you people may think, TNA is, and always will be, a second-tier organization, behind WWE. CM Punk is a MAJOR talent and to leave and be the top guy over there really makes no sense. Don't bring up Hardy. He left because he was forced out due to drugs.
I really hope it has to deal with him getting rid of the Nexus...they are just a waste of time. It's been overused ever since Barret left. It's also been weighing Punk down way too much. The only good thing the Nexus has done is introduce Mason Ryan(who has been green since Jaunuary). Please..just let the nexus go, all of them except for Henning (oops i mean "McGillicuty") and Ryan.
Do the people hating on TNA even watch the shows? Because even though the story lines can make no sense (like all WWE's story lines make sense) I actually enjoy their stuff, way more than what WWE is giving us.. WWE has been very boring in the past 5 yrs or so.. but for some odd reason I continue to watch.. I guess one main reason I watch was for Edge, but he's gone.. also another reason I watch is for CM Punk, he's currently my favorite superstar, so I'd love to see him jump over to TNA..

I mean, what is the WWE doing with him.. he's just leading a group of jobbers, that will probably do nothing in WWE once the group splits..anyway, as far as his announcement tonight, i have no idea..

maybe he'll say, he's no longer straight edge.. he had a beer with Steve Austin last night..
First of all, I have no idea what his news will be. For those trying to say that this is WWE's first "mind-fuck" (or whatever), since being predictable for too long...I'd say this is more Punk than WWE creative. I don't think it's that he's leaving immediately (or going to TNA), or that he's going to work with Austin. On the same token, I don't know what it could be either.

Second of all, I can't believe some are actually against Punk ending up in TNA. Furthermore, I can't believe that some are saying TNA wouldn't use him right. Are you fucking kidding me? TNA would throw SOOOO much money at Punk, so he could be on the roster when Jeff Hardy returns. Obviously that was such a hot feud in WWE right before Hardy left, and it's a perfect way to get Jeff back over as a face. It might not (okay, definitely won't) skyrocket Impact's ratings, but TNA would have to be salivating over the possibility. Besides, having Punk unscripted with a mic in his hand IS using him correctly.
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