The more delusional fans: Mr. Kennedy in 2007 or Ziggler fans today?

I think that Kennedy's fans were more delusional because they hyped him as the next Austin or something of that sort every single time he was even in a tag match with a bunch of main eventers. I have seen a few Dolph= HBK comments but not too many. In 2007 I remember some guy writing an article on the WZ main page about how Kennedy was the next Austin. It was either Chris Cash or Madden though I could be wrong their. Anyhow what I want to say is that Kennedy was more overhyped.

But I would still say that Kennedy is better than Ziggler. He is definately more charismatic and in TNA I feel that he has been booked quite badly at times. Ziggler is interesting as long as Vickie's with him. Other than that he is just a decent but altogether uninteresting wrestler.
I feel as though there are some pretty big generalisations going on here. I mean we can talk about Ziggler fans and Kennedy fans as if they're a big collective of rabid fangirls or we can consider that there are different people who are fans of these guys.

I mean, Ziggles I'm quite the fan of. I think he's a great upper-midcard talent and his mic work is evidence that he could stand on his own without Vickie (but I reckon he'd need to do a face turn to get over). I think with a bit of repackage work he could be an alright main eventer. I've never heard anyone compare him to HBK. I've seen Perfect comparisons and to be frank, the shoe fits. Even if he's not as good as Perfect for whatever reason, people have still seen a similarity. I do NOT rate him higher than that. Someday I might, who knows.

Mr. Kennedy is an amusing and enigmatic character. On the rare occasion I do watch TNA Anderson keeps me into it. Him, Morgan and Pope are probably the only ex-WWE guys I don't mind seeing at the upper level of TNA.

I'm not detracting these guys as being shit but I also don't think they're the greatest thing ever either. I'm saying you can actually appreciate someone's strengths without thinking they're God. And if I were to say "Kennedy is quite bad in the ring" I don't mean that that invalidates his other abilities.
I'm a proud Ziggler fan. I don't think he's the "greatest ever" that goes to Kurt Angle but he's up in my top 5. Am I delusional? Hell no! I'm not gonna tell you that "you know nothing about wrestling" if you're a freaking Khali fan cause that's your fucking opinion. Guys like you who sound like smartasses just can't respect anyone elses opinion can't they? I'm not right. You're not right. We're both right. You have your opinion(apparently that Ziggler is "mediocre") and I have mine. It's like you think everyone has the same fucking opinion as yours when you just go ahead and straight up ask "Which fans or more delusional?". Seriously, Ziggler is a hell of an athlete in the ring and if I'm his fan I know nothing about wrestling? This just doesn't make any sense at all. Ziggler is getting better on the mic. But if we're talking about talent then I don't think he's mediocre I think he's great. Mr.Kennedy was crap in the ring but one hell of a gimmick and a great talker. That's my fucking opinion. And if you can't respect it then what the fucking hell? Does everyone have to be Slyfox around here? FUCK. Sorry if I sounded like Jim Cornette but then again.. His rants are fucking awesome.
Kennedy at least had (and still has if you ask me) that quality that makes him feel like a potential star. Ziggler feels like he'll never get out of the midcard.
I'm a proud Ziggler fan. I don't think he's the "greatest ever" that goes to Kurt Angle but he's up in my top 5. Am I delusional? Hell no! I'm not gonna tell you that "you know nothing about wrestling" if you're a freaking Khali fan cause that's your fucking opinion.
Nobody said you're delusional because you like him. I call those people who think, objectively speaking, the quality of these wrestlers great delusional.

Guys like you who sound like smartasses just can't respect anyone elses opinion can't they?
I respect good opinions, not silly ones. I have no problem with you liking either man, just have a problem if you think, objectively speaking, they are/were any good.

Does everyone have to be Slyfox around here?
If they were, this place would be so much better. We wouldn't even have to agree on things, as long as logic could be found.

Sorry if I sounded like Jim Cornette but then again.. His rants are fucking awesome.
Perhaps, but yours are merely pathetic.
I respect good opinions, not silly ones. I have no problem with you liking either man, just have a problem if you think, objectively speaking, they are/were any good.

Why isn't Ziggler any good? He's still young in his career yet he can really go in the ring against top talents like Cena and Orton. He's improving his mic work and is currently in the upper midcard. Where he belongs right now considering he's got everything and now all he needs is to establish his character more.

If they were, this place would be so much better. We wouldn't even have to agree on things, as long as logic could be found.

No offense but if they were then this place would be hilarious. Everyone trying to outsmart each other while actually having everything in common.

Perhaps, but yours are merely pathetic.
If you thought that was a huge rant then you're dead wrong. But I can listen to Jim Cornette verbally raping Vince Russo all day.
Why isn't Ziggler any good? He's still young in his career yet he can really go in the ring against top talents like Cena and Orton. He's improving his mic work and is currently in the upper midcard. Where he belongs right now considering he's got everything and now all he needs is to establish his character more.
You just mentioned everything that makes him not good. He can really go against top talents? How about guys who aren't top talents? How come he looks so bad against them? I keep going back to the Capitol Punishment match with Kofi which was just awful, and mostly of Ziggler's doing.

No offense but if they were then this place would be hilarious. Everyone trying to outsmart each other while actually having everything in common.
Closest to a utopia we'd ever see. :)

No offense taken. It would be hilarious.

If you thought that was a huge rant then you're dead wrong. But I can listen to Jim Cornette verbally raping Vince Russo all day.
Meh, Cornette can rant all he wants, but at the end of the day, his contributions to wrestling haven't exactly been influential. Russo's influence help build one of the greatest wrestling promotions in modern wrestling, and depending who/what you believe, also helped destroy one of the greatest wrestling promotions in modern history.

Cornette will just always be the weaselly guy with a tennis racquet.
You just mentioned everything that makes him not good. He can really go against top talents? How about guys who aren't top talents? How come he looks so bad against them? I keep going back to the Capitol Punishment match with Kofi which was just awful, and mostly of Ziggler's doing.

Capitol Punishment was the only time Ziggler didn't pull a good match out of someone who's at least decent in the ring. The botched finish was awful because Kofi tried to sell a zig zag when he was being put in a sleeper hold. But out of this match I don't see any other awful Ziggler match. He's had good matches with midcarders like Daniel Bryan which was rated the 2010 match of the year by along with Taker/Michaels and the main reason I even bought the Bragging Rights 2010 DVD, his match with John Morrison at Hell in a Cell 2010, and his match with Kaval at the 2010 Survivor Series. Seriously, other than that botched match with Kofi he never gave a lousy performance.
Capitol Punishment was the only time Ziggler didn't pull a good match out of someone who's at least decent in the ring. The botched finish was awful because Kofi tried to sell a zig zag when he was being put in a sleeper hold. But out of this match I don't see any other awful Ziggler match. He's had good matches with midcarders like Daniel Bryan which was rated the 2010 match of the year by along with Taker/Michaels, his match with John Morrison at Hell in a Cell 2010, and his match with Kaval at the 2010 Survivor Series. Seriously, other than that botched match with Kofi he never gave a lousy performance.

I've seen several mediocre Ziggler performances, the Capitol Punishment one just sticks out in my mind. I'll go back and watch some others, and point them out.
Meh, Cornette can rant all he wants, but at the end of the day, his contributions to wrestling haven't exactly been influential. Russo's influence help build one of the greatest wrestling promotions in modern wrestling, and depending who/what you believe, also helped destroy one of the greatest wrestling promotions in modern history.

Cornette will just always be the weaselly guy with a tennis racquet.

Yeah but Cornette is probably the only past wrestler/wrestling personality that has interesting shoots. He even made a shit list of the top 5 people he hates most in the wrestling business. His career highlights might only be managing Vader and Yokozuna but when he shoots he's epic.
Yeah but Cornette is probably the only past wrestler/wrestling personality that has interesting shoots. He even made a shit list of the top 5 people he hates most in the wrestling business. His career highlights might only be managing Vader and Yokozuna but when he shoots he's epic.
Al Snow in one Guest Booker shoot out-did everything Cornette ever dreamed of doing.

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