The more delusional fans: Mr. Kennedy in 2007 or Ziggler fans today?


Excellence of Execution
So many similarities. Both have/had incredibly delusional fans which think they are the greatest wrestlers ever. Both sets of fans are blind to the fact both wrestlers are mediocre. Both wrestlers have blonde hair (I needed someone else). Both sets of fans seem to know nothing about pro wrestling.

So which fans are worse? Those who thought Mr. Kennedy was the greatest ever back in 2007, or those who think Ziggler is, and I quote, a "top 5" wrestler today?
Ziggler fans by far. They all marvel at his in-ring ability while he bores me to death. Anderson fans are in the same boat, but at least he can be amusing at times.
Nuff said really, especially their 6th member.
Although I have no hate for both guys but I will go with Ziggler fans.

Kennedy did entertain me, I never thought he was anything special but he definitely had quite an upside which was his mouth. Ziggler is good in the ring (just good) but to this day he hasn't done anything that I would say memorable if nothing else I remembered Kennedy's entrance but I can't say the same about Ziggler.

I know its about the fans not the talent but Kennedy was good enough that at one point the WWE was willing to put A LOT of stock into him so he definitely had something in 2007 (a US title run, MITB winner and the initial choice for Vinnie Mac's son). Ziggler to me is just another guy and can be replaced easily. It's a lot harder to replace a mouth then it is a good wrestler (once again good, not great).

All in all Ziggler fans were more delusional, Kennedy had a mouth and a lot more charisma than Ziggler has, Kennedy had the potential to be great but all I see in Ziggler is a good mechanic, nothing more.

I guess the best way to put it is I could at least see why Kennedy fans were so over the hill for him with Ziggler fans I don't.
I must be oblivious, but Ziggler fans don't really bother me. Dolph at least has had an entertaining match, something Kennedy never has pulled off. The Kennedy hype was just at a ridiculous level. The Ziggles might get there, but it's no where near as obnoxious as Kennedy at his peak.
Yeah but Kennedy's fans were justifiable in their delusions because of the effort WWE were putting into himuch
I don't see any reason Anderson could not have exceeded the Miz's output, so lumping his fans in with Ziggler's is confusing at best. Aside from their hair color they have almost nothing in common.
I don't see any reason Anderson could not have exceeded the Miz's output, so lumping his fans in with Ziggler's is confusing at best. Aside from their hair color they have almost nothing in common.

Both guys have fans that are completely delusional as to the true quality of the man they supported.
I would definitely vote for the Anderson fans. In 2007, he was being touted by these fans as being the next Stone Cold Steve Austin, except for a few problems. Can't wrestle, injury prone, and a gimmick which was amusing for a few months, then got real old real fast. These fans were delusional enough to draw the analogy, even though simply put, there'll never be another SCSA.

I think Ziggler fans are slightly less delusional. Sure comparisons to Mr. Perfect have been made, but I hear a lot fewer people spouting this nonsense. Most Ziggler fans are happy with his current status and think he should approach the main event, and that's probably realistic. Anderson fans who thought, and probably still think, that he's all that, truly delusional.
Ziggler fans, because Kennedy was over as fuck towards the end of his run and would have been pushed towards the title eventually if he hadn't been so careless.

There's nothing to suggest that Ziggler will ever be pushed to that level again.
Kennedy fans for sure. I saw nothing in the guy yet he is being seen as the next SCSA by his fans. At least Ziggler can do well in the ring and not injure every other wrestler in the ring with him.

All Kennedy fans have is the misguided sense of injustice that he was not give his biggest push as Vince's son. His fans should be grateful they still have something to hold on to to defend him because I believe a push as Vince's son would have exposed his flaws like how Jack Swagger was exposed when given the chance to be the focus of a main event storyline.
Kennedy fans for sure. I should know, I was one of them. Got hyped at everything he did, whether it was talking or wrestling. Probably the only guy that marked out when he won MITB, but slowly came back to reality of how average he was and only a few weeks later I was one of the many that was happy when he lost MITB.
Mr. Kennedy fans, because he's in TNA now and they still think he's the "shit" when he's in fact just complete shit. Kennedy was injury prone, overrated on the mic, and horrible in the ring. COMPLETE SHIT. I'm not sure how anyone latched on to him believing he was the next or second or anything special. Bad look, horrible gimmick, ugly tattoos, and bad physical conditioning. Oh yeah and the two TOP guys in the WWE hated his guts, bye bye

Dolph Ziggler has and will continue to be gold. I'm sure if anyone paid attention to his sexy abs and blonde hair on Monday they noticed that he and Rhodes did most of the in ring action for the respective heel team. Aside from his sexy abs, and golden locks, he puts on great matches, he's been a multiple time champ who has yet to be put on the shelf due to injury. Ziggler pay have started off as a cheer leader, but remember the Spirit Squad got legitimate heat from the crowd. If Ziggler was to brake away from Vickie, he could turn face faster than you could do a 180 and the fans would eat his shit up in CM Punk style. Ziggler has also had great matches with Edge(LEGEND) Orton, and Cena.

If you want to talk to some delusional fans, talk to Morrison, Kingston and Bourne fans...
I feel that Kennedy fans were more delusional. Even after being pushed to the moon, Kennedy never seemed like a legit main-eventer. Ziggler, on the other hand, has been one of the best US champions in the recent years.

Also, Kennedy never had an above average match, something that Ziggler manages to do almost every time.
Seen as it's more about the how deluded the fans are, gotta be Anderson. Some people rate Ziggler fairly highly but Anderson has had the burden of people thinking he could be someone who could reclaim the glory days.
The fans of Ziggler actually have some sort of merit when it comes to them profiling him. He does put on some great matches and although his in-ring work is boring, he at least keeps everyone in good condition and sells not only his but his opponents moves very well. Only thing Anderson fans had to go off was his mic skills but as someone mentioned previously his talking wasn't entertaining for the entire time.

So yeah, Anderson fans for sure.

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