The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan?

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Turd Ferguson

It's something that's been on my mind since tonight's episode of NXT ended.

The WWE has pushed the hell out of the Miz/Bryan pairing for about a week now, and tonight's episode was all about these two. The show started off with them, and we had about 15-20 minutes of the beginning of the show devoted to these two alone. From Bryan rolling his eyes at Miz listing his accomplishments, to him one-upping and iceburning Miz during his promo, to Miz slapping him and getting him booked against Jericho, to the end of the show where Miz beat the crap out of Bryan, we've already had a great deal of buildup between these two.

It's very apparent that they're building to something big between these two. And as awesome as NXT becoming the Miz and Daniel Bryan Show would be, it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the rookies who all showed tonight that they're also very talented and deserve a good long look. Each rookie tonight showed that they have something to offer the WWE roster, and I daresay that they can already replace some of the dead weight currently on the roster who haven't been on television in months.

With them accelerating animosity between Daniel Bryan and The Miz, where it's already quite apparent that it won't be a mentor/protege pairing where Bryan learns from The Miz. It's going to be a pairing that is not going to last long, and it's going to overshadow the rest of NXT.

Here's what I think might happen...

So far, a lot of the WWE's top stars have a definite direction they're going in for Wrestlemania, whereas The Miz is still without a real direction for the show. Sure, they could have ShowMiz do a Tag Title match, but it wouldn't really utilize Miz to his full potential on the biggest show of the year. Maybe Daniel Bryan graduates from NXT a little early. Maybe they'll have a next step here where Miz refuses to be his mentor, he joins the Raw brand, and they build to the US Title that way. Maybe Miz can challenge HIM to a match, saying that if he thinks he's so much better than The Miz, why not prove it at the biggest stage of them all, with him putting his title on the line?

I think they're moving to something big here with these two, and I think that Daniel Bryan is going to have his match with The Miz at Wrestlemania.
I am pretty sure that I read that NXT will be on way past Mania, so I don't think this is an option. While a lot of you have problems realizing that Danielson is a rookie...HE IS! I think he's really good, but he is a rookie.

Also, he is the biggest rookie name on Sci-Fi. To take him away, or have him "graduate early" will not happen. Vince wants that show to be more successful than ECW, and taking their biggest rookie star away wouldn't help that at all. Also, as famous as he is in the wrestling world, he will not add to buy rates on Mania, so there would be no real reason to bring him up early. I see him finishing out his run on NXT, and then feuding with the Miz on Raw for the U.S. title (if the Miz still has it by then).
I would like to see this feud, just not a mania. Danielson just doesnt look ready to me, he came off as bland and does need some more work on the mic. He has some good moves in the ring, so with more work he could be a star and could have a legit feud with the Miz
I hate to disagree with ALL of this but I honestly can't be the only person that does'nt see this coming. Based on what was seen on "NXT" tonight and the background of the two "rookies" they focused on it is VERY obvious on what the outcome will be. The final "NXT" show will feature Brian I ment Daniel Brian with Miz vs David Otunga and R-Truth and here is exactly why it will end this way. The WWE is a complete MARK for celebs and the only reason David Otunga is around is because the WWE is sucking up to Jennifer Hudson. I have seen this guy not only live ( in FCW ) but also on TV and this guy is WAY TO GREEN to be pushed. He cuts a good promo but thats about it. Daniel Brian speaks for himself. The bottom line is that Miz will cost Daniel Brian the match which will result in Miz costing Brian his "contract and chance" to be a WWE superstar while giving Otunga the rub and making WWE look good in the eyes of Hudson but please.....give me a break. If anyone remembers the WWE diva search ( please note my sarcasm ) dispite being voted off the WWE signed most of the girls anyway. Point being is that Otunga and Brian are the stars of that show and it will end that way with Otunga winning NXT and Brian getting a built up storyline with Miz which will probibly result in Brian winning the US title from Miz at some point.
I would love to see the Miz v. Daniel Bryan for the US title at Mania, BUT, it's too soon. It's a pity that NXT didn't start a couple of months ago because then it would be perfect timing, but as it is, it's too soon, and while it would be a really good match, and the build would be awesome, it just isn't going to happen, especially because the Miz and Big Show are going to defend their tag titles at Wrestlemania... against who I don't know.

I hope that we see this fued culminate with a PPV match(or two), but it isn't going to happen at Mania.
Best thing to do?

Keep him on NXT for a long time so the show has a solid main-eventer rookie. Why not though, build up this feud between the two, have Daniel insult Miz, say he's better than him, and challenge him to a match at Wrestlemania for the US title.

"But the thing is Miz...your championship is my ticket to RAW. When I beat you for it, never again will I be forced to call you "pro"

And then have Miz beat Daniel at WM with some help from The Big Show. Bryan gets to go to WM, we see a great match, great feud which can cross over to RAW, and at the end of WM Daniel is still the reason to watch NXT for the time being.
:disappointed: No, just No.

This would be way to early. He debuted 2 days after Elimination Chamber. Who goes to Wrestlemania about a month after their debut?We have only seen him once in WWE! He has the personality of a dying diabetic raccoon on fire. And last time I checked, that doesn't get you to Wrestlemania. No one except for us in the IWC give a damn about Daniel Bryan yet. He still has a long way to go with developing a character and a look, he's not ready for Wrestlemania yet. I'm not hating on him,I too am Daniel Bryan fan. I just think he needs work before even appearing at a PPV, let alone Wrestlemania.

The question is though, where does that leave Miz? Maybe MITB? I don't know. Lets just hope the E finds something for him to do at Wrestlemania. He way too big of a talent to not be at 'Mania.
Guy, I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. Wrestlemania is way too early for what looks to be a great feud to have The Big Match. I want to see a lonnnng buildup for Miz/Bryan. Slowly, Bryan would get more and more over, until he just flat out beats the hell out of Miz. THEN they can have their big blowoff match, with Bryan winning the US championship.

I don't want this angle to be rushed. It has the potential to be amazing.
:disappointed: No, just No.

This would be way to early. He debuted 2 days after Elimination Chamber. Who goes to Wrestlemania about a month after their debut?We have only seen him once in WWE! He has the personality of a dying diabetic raccoon on fire. And last time I checked, that doesn't get you to Wrestlemania. No one except for us in the IWC give a damn about Daniel Bryan yet. He still has a long way to go with developing a character and a look, he's not ready for Wrestlemania yet. I'm not hating on him,I too am Daniel Bryan fan. I just think he needs work before even appearing at a PPV, let alone Wrestlemania.

The question is though, where does that leave Miz? Maybe MITB? I don't know. Lets just hope the E finds something for him to do at Wrestlemania. He way too big of a talent to not be at 'Mania.

Big Show did... :D

Anyway. I'd love to see this happen but I have to agree with the general feeling that it's too soon. NXT on Tuesday was bloody brilliant and Miz-Bryan is going to be a phenomenal feud whenever it actually goes full on, but like someone above said, it would kill NXT now to take Bryan away from it.

I would like to see Bryan involved in whatever Miz does at Mania though. Maybe Miz can make him come and watch is match or something like that, give the angle some real mainstream exposure, as I imagine a lot of peopl even who will buy Mania won't bother watching NXT.
as much as i want to see this match i think its to soon to have a nxt rookie at wrestlemania and showmiz could be defending the tag titles so i dont think this match will take place
I don't think so. as every one said, no matter how good Daniel is, he is too green to compete at a wrestlemania. the only way i could see him even being at WM this year is if they have a battle royal type thing with all the NXT rookies. And as people have said the miz is most likley defending his tag team titles against someone.
yeah i gotta agree with most and say i dont believe this will happen, would it be cool? yeah! could it draw? nope! and vince is all about the money when it comes to mania, if this match were to happen i would be very suprised
This match would create a lot of buzz, and send shockwaves through the IWC, but it's just too soon.Just from watching one epiosde of NXT, you can tell this is where WWE wants to go with these two. Byran just made his debut, and I don't think WWE would put him in a Wrestlemania match so soon. I think it's highly likely that this match will happen some where down the line, but just not now.
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