The Miz should be on his own.


Occasional Pre-Show
I don't understand why WWE is obsessed with putting The Miz with BigShow. To me they are not all that and don't work well with one another. I can name you tons of tag teams that could easily beat them. One of them includes Kane/Undertaker. The Miz was establishing himself as a superstar. He benifited with his feud with Cena and yes even if some say Cena buried The Miz, I don't believe that to be true.

If The Miz benefited from feuding with Cena (which he did) to me that is not being buried. I do think though that The Miz need's to be on his own. He was doing so well. He has the US title and should be in feuds with that, along with the IC. Put the Miz in single competitions and find something new with Bigshow. Sometimes I think that the reason they put them together is because they don't know what else to do with Big Show.

When they were on Raw, I truly didn't see anything special with them.
Something about the whole Miz and Big Show pairing to me seems like a way to make Miz seem legit because he gets a good partner, who can put him over as a strong force to be reckoned with even though Big Show is really the force to be reckoned with.

On the other hand, The tag team division and a good pairing with great mic skills gives something for Big Show to do, Big Show would be lost in the shuffle doing little to no use in the upper mid-card / main event scene if he was a singles competitor, as opposed to a tag team champion with as mentioned, a guy with great mic skills, because we all know Big Show lacks those, another reason why Jericho also paired well for Big Show.

While I wouldn't mind Miz doing singles competition, and defending the US title, making him seem strong on his own, give him powerful title defenses like Kofi Kingston had to really make him strong, I feel that also being in a tag team gives him the availability to further his versatility and importance on the show, because he can be anywhere (cause of the unification part) and be fighting both tag matches and singles competition.

So really I don't mind Miz being in a tag team with Big Show, it gives Show something to do, and makes Miz seem powerful and puts him forth more firmly because of the unification titles allowing him to pop up wherever he damn well wants to.
All about credibility...It's more like a rub from a establish Main Eventer...

All preparation for him to move into the Main Event, where he is in and out of now
It's something for Big Show to do and by having three belts, they're trying to make the point that this guy is becoming a big time player. Teams like ShowMiz and Jerishow also serve to increase the credibility of the Unified Tag Team Titles, something which as much I love them, DX did not do very well during their reign. He gets exposure on all three shows as a Unified Champ and as a pro to Daniel Bryan, so they're trying to get the guy on TV whenever they can, because they see him as one of the future top heels. More US title defenses would be nice, but I don't really see a reason to break this team up yet.
There's no question that part of the reason they're together is so that Big Show has something to do. He fits well in the tag division right now because he's done everything else. That in itself is another reason he's a good part of Miz's storyline. I have no doubt the Miz will eventually be a main eventer, but I don't think they're going to do a crazy fast push with him like they did Sheamus.

The Miz not too long ago was a real jobber, but when he came to Raw his minor feud with Cena really gave him an "awesome" push. If it went too long I feel he would've been buried because at the time he couldn't compete with someone like Cena. But it ended fairly quickly and he got just enough of a rub to show that maybe he belonged. But not too much of a rub that they pushed him too fast. Now that he's with Big Show it gives them the opportunity to have Big Show mentor him along the way, giving the Big Show a real purpose, not just being "insert random wrestler here"'s tag partner. That's really what he ended up being with Jericho, just a fill in for the injured Edge.

Their partnership really does help both of them in different ways. The Miz eventually gets pushed into the main event status and the Big Show actually has a purpose besides just showing up and doing his thing.
it would be awesome to see Miz do more single stuff. he is certainly improving and has great heat from the crowd. plus i like his new look and attitude.

what i'm really hoping for is that the ShowMiz team will split in such a way that it causes a feud between the two. if done right, this could really put Miz over as a top talent, even if he cheats to win.

and back to an earlier thread, if the team were to split and feud, it'd be a great excuse for Miz to consider a new finisher, one that could be applied to Big Show and defeat him. maybe add a subMizion or something to that effect.
Well there really isn't much for the Big Show to do, him and the Miz are doing pretty decent as tag partners. The Miz can do fine with out the Big Show but then nothing could happen for the Big Show that I can think of, but they should loose the tag titles (showmiz) and do something with the us title.

I'm not gonna lie the us title is kinda disapeering with it being on the miz, i dont remember the last time he defended it, he's also doign tag team stuff. I think there could be good us title storylines on raw with the miz and christian or something (even though christian should be in the main event IMO). Also other midcarders on raw, miz vs christian has a nice ring to me though (IMO again).

But really, Raw has nothing going for the midcard, I like raw, but nowadays its fill-in matches, normally a mainevent hyped up to be big, guest host segments, gimmick diva matches/segments (some of these guest host/diva segments involving santino and hornswoggle). Also John Cena promos, Showmiz promos, you know the stars you see trying to take up time every week.

Okay ive rambled on enough, but i have my thoughts out now xD

It wouldn't be good for the big show, but the tag team titles should be taken off showmiz and involve the miz in good midcard storylines with the us title on raw with the likes of christian, kofi, bourne, maybe even push yoshi tatsu that would be nice (IMO xP). Also draft coming up, lets see what happens.
I think the bigger problem is that they have nothing for the Big Show to do, and this is why the team was created. He's not a true title contender, because you know the WWE won't put the World/WWE title on him. When was the last time he actually won a singles belt? So, they put him in the tag teams. Jerishow wasnt bad, because they had good chemistry and Jericho can sell anything. But ShowMiz is a weak copy. The 2 don't have the same chemistry, and while the Miz has good mic skills, he's not Jericho yet. I agree that the Miz should be focusing on the US title and building himself up that way. If he's done that, he could be a legit contender to win the Rumble next year.
Right now the best thing for the miz is to stay in the title picture. Whether it is the US Champion or if he continues this run with the Big Show as Show Miz. I personally like the pairing and hope to see them in the future together. So the Miz could be in singles competition or in a tag team he will be gold.
I'm not gonna lie the us title is kinda disapeering with it being on the miz, i dont remember the last time he defended it, he's also doign tag team stuff.

I think the last time Miz defended his US Title was back at the Elimination Chamber on Feb 21. And that had been the first time he did a title defense since the Royal Rumble a month earlier, also against MVP. (This is equal to the same number of IC defenses by Drew if you count the title defense against the jobber last month).

If they want the Miz to step up into the main event anytime soon, they probably ought to give him more US Title defenses against credible opponents instead of making it obvious that he's only winning anything because of the Big Show. Big Show might be giving him the main even rub but he's also holding him back in some ways and it wouldn't surprise me if the Miz goes off on a big losing streak the moment that the Big Show stops watching his back.
Th way I see it either way Miz is geting a push. It doesn't matter if he's US champion or tag team champion. However I do feel he should drop one of the titles and focus more on whichever division he is champion of. I think the US title is making Miz look weak since he's not even defending it. It seems like to me he is just afraid to defend the title and he loses credibility as a champ.
There are cases where there is one breakout star in a tag team. This isn't one of those cases for a couple reasons. Big Show isn't keeping Miz down in any way. If anything, he's strengthening the Miz's character because of how well they play off of each other. Big Show is a veteran in the game and yet he's seemingly taking orders from someone who is far less experienced. When you team with someone who is far more credible and experienced than you the rub can be extremely beneficial. It's not like he's teaming with a rookie. He has one of the most dominant big men in the industry at his side. Right off the bat he has something to aid him in his quest to climb up the ladder, something majority of people in his situation didn't have.

He's also one half of the unified tag team champions. A little more than a year ago, being a tag team champion mean nothing. Not that the tag team scene has changed much since then, but the tag titles have actually found a way to be slightly more relevant. Creative books the tag champions far better now then they have previously and the champions benefit from being able to appear on both shows. The more screen time a wrestler gets, the better. It's also a pass to allow them to appear in the main events, something single mid carders rarely get the chance to do.

He also has the mid card on check since he's the US champion. Granted he isn't defending it a whole lot, but it't not like the title has meant anything for a while. Not that I completely agree with the booking of the title, the fact that Miz is carrying it around along with his other belts creates the image of a champion. You see the gold, you think that person is important, and he has plenty of gold at the moment. It's a singles title, one that he had won on his own with no help from Big Show as he had won it before they teamed. That would tell me that he's doing fine as a singles wrestler as well.

So no, Big Show isn't holding Miz back. Everything that Miz has going for him right now can be attributed to him alone. Big Show is just helping the process of a little right now, and doing a good job of it. Nonetheless, it would look very similar for Miz if Show wasn't there.
I simply cannot believe The Miz and I say that in the nicest way possible. The Miz is in my mind the most hardworking wrestler I have seen in a long time. A lot of people don't realise what Miz went throught to get where he is. It was not so long ago Chris Benoit locked him out of the locker room because he didnt "belong". Also I vthink The Miz gained shitloads from his rivalry with Cena, for gods sake he faced the Face of the E at one of the big 4!
I don't see what the problem with Miz teaming with Big Show is. If Miz was on his own he'd have just the one belt, and let's be honest, 3 belts looks awesome. Show is the enforcer and Miz the mouth of this tag team and it works well IMO.

Keep the titles on them through the summer and maybe build to them losing them at Summerslam. I'm not sure when NXT is going to end though, and I am pretty sure that Daniel Bryan is beating Miz for the US title after it. Once Miz has lost that title he will hopefully move into the ME scene and maybe even get a title match at the Rumble(remember the Rumble sells itself so the title matches don't need to be Cena v. HHH).
I simply cannot believe The Miz and I say that in the nicest way possible. The Miz is in my mind the most hardworking wrestler I have seen in a long time. A lot of people don't realise what Miz went throught to get where he is. It was not so long ago Chris Benoit locked him out of the locker room because he didnt "belong". Also I vthink The Miz gained shitloads from his rivalry with Cena, for gods sake he faced the Face of the E at one of the big 4!

I agree with that entirely, I didn't know the Miz was so awesome on the mic until he came out and started ripping promos on Cena. It's a pity that he didn't look more credible in the actual match with Cena, but it really did elevate him and show us that WWE sees a lot in the Miz. HHH said recently that Miz is one of the hardest working guys around, always looking to better himself, and if HHH is on your side that's half of the battle won.
i think the miz has an 'awesome' amount of charisma and his in ring skills get better every time he's in the ring, i dont see a problem with him learning from a seasoned veteran like Big Show but i also see how he can manage just as well by himself. I mean the guy is just as good outside the ring as he is in it, just take a look at his segments on Blue Peter this week which is a british kids tv program, he worked the room like he owned it, stayed in character the whole time (despite the presenter not quite understanding that) and was VERY funny to watch. youtube 'Miz on Blue Peter' it's very funy watching him talk about trash talking and 'helping' to build a thumb wrestling ring...crazy, but funny!
nope .. atlast i don't think so cuz wwe's Tag team division is so fuking Dead .
They have to grown they tag team division .. and what the better idea that use miz to do that .
man i wuld honestly say the shomiz promos with MIZ on the mic is my favorite of the show these days on Raw...besides RKO of course. but Miz and Show are doing great as champs and a feud with the harts wuld be so great!

I love the Miz. He was great when he was with Morrison, he was great when he was fueding with Cena, and now hes great at the US champ and tag team champ. I think the only thing they need to change about him is his finisher. "The Skull Crushing Finale" is one of the worst finishers I've seen in a long time. At least the Reality Check looked good, but this one bites. Other then that, they can keep him as he is. More US title defenses would be better.
I agree the Miz's finisher sucks. But he is still awesum. I think they shud hav a championship scramble 4 the US titleagainst a few of the mid carders. That wud be truely excellent.
I don't understand why WWE is obsessed with putting The Miz with BigShow. To me they are not all that and don't work well with one another. I can name you tons of tag teams that could easily beat them. One of them includes Kane/Undertaker.

I like the team, Big Show plays a good straight man to Miz's comedy. Not to mention being unified tag champion gives Miz two big title belts to carry around besides his US title. The three championships are visually impressive and have really made Miz look credible for an eventual push to the main event.

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