Could The Miz be the next big thing?

The Miz i believe, is a part of the "future" mainly because, since they have been trying to build mid carders into main eventers, he has had a lot of TV time. Fighting Cena doesn't hurt either. I hope to see the miz become a WWE champion, same feeling with John Morrison.
morrion is grea.t morrison is the next shawn michaels. not brian kendrick. kendrick is shit. kendrick is below shit. the miz is a young guy with alot of potential, and he interest the crowd. they hate him. you guys hate him. thus its working. he has all the makings, but yes, his clothing needs a tune up. those pants look ridiculous. but hey, didnt the rocks "hundred dollar" shirts look retarted? i swear, he had that jerry curl and those loud tacky shirts and those sideburns. he looked the best hes ever looked in 2003. give miz time.

ps: morrison beats miz anyday.
Yup the Miz is a definete main-eventer! :p Give him a year or two and for sure he'll become the world champ or some one whos always on the title hunt like Mysterio or Batista! And how does the Miz remind you of The Rock? :eek:
The Miz is sure improving BUT he will never be a serious contender for a worl title in the forseeable future unless he seriously ups his in-ring skills and gets rid of the 'frat boy' gimmick as I doubt anyone with that gimmick will win a world championship, its just too much of a 'weak' look on your champion, if that explains it well. As far as mic skills, he gold.
Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against The Miz but i honnestly can't ever see him being as big as The Rock ever was..i couldn't even see him being a main eventer. He has tremendous mic skills and some good in ring talent, but I just can't see him being one of the top guys.:headscratch:
The Miz in without a doubt a very talented person. But there is no way he will even come close to The Rock. The difference is, The Rock had the body,the mic skills, the in-ring ability, the humor, and the arrogance, all of which you could argue The Miz has, but not in any way The Rock had them.
This is the most embarassing thread ive ever written in I can not believe my eyes.. the fucking MIZ? Are you guys serious? This guy belongs on ecw if hes lucky and deserves to job every week to the likes of kozlov and whoever else they got over there. This guy is a talentless loser and I'll explain why..
First of all comparing him to the Rock is absolutely insane The Rock had talent could make fans laugh get on their feet cheer anything he had an emotional connection with the crowd he could talk for an hour and the fans would be on the edge of their seats. He had the best matches, awesome finishers, the greatest catchphrases, the right look, everything needed to make it big in the wwe or anywhere he had. Now enough about The rock lets get to why i hate no dispise the miz so much. First of all this guy doesnt even belong in the wwe or in any wrestling organization for that matter ok maybe tna. He looks like a spring breaker at cancun who just enjoys getting drunk and getting laid every night thats it. He looks like a young guy who just thinks too much of himself when hes actually not all that great at all. No im not jealous i speak the truth he does not have the right look to be a professional wrestler. His matches suck he doesnt really know what hes doing in there if you watch.
His promos are the absolute worste please miz stop picking up the mic you suck at talking. He says things like "the big show couldnt beat john cena well now its miz timeee" like WTF??? did he really just say that? or "im the miz and im awesome" wowwwww i dont know a 10 year old that wouldnt be able to come up wiht that. And best of all "chicks dig me" ya.... really? oh ok cool... do we care ? no
The rock didnt have to say chicks dig him he didnt have to go out every week and cry to the fans telling us HEY GUESS WHAT LINDSY LOHAN HAS MY PHONE NUMBER CHICKS LIKE ME THEY REALLY DO PEOPLE ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME BRITTNEY SPEARS KNOWS MY NAME GUYS! HAHHAHA thats what the miz sounds like. The rock would never be caught dead saying any of that shit the miz says. The Rock never worshipped women they worshipped him. And he didnt have to tell us he got chicks people just knew. The miz sucks plain and simple and if he moves up in the main event i will stop watching the wwe. He is just not a good talent he has no talent. He dresses like hes in a club. Like WTF??? DUDE GET A PERSONALITY seriously this guy like thinks hes the man hes a peice of garbage. The reason why i am so hateful towards him is becasue hes taking up space and time on a show i use to love WWE Monday Night Raw. Now everytime the miz is on i try to watch him i really do but once he starts talking like " i am THE MIZ and everyone listen because its miz time now" haha i just wanna change the channel when i hear that. Go back and watch one of his promos he has 0 no below zero charisma, no wrestling ability, no look, no skills, he has NONE of the above that it takes to be in the wwe.
Ok i think i covered it. Anyone agree.. disagree? let me know :dark2:
This is the most embarassing thread ive ever written in I can not believe my eyes.. the fucking MIZ? Are you guys serious? This guy belongs on ecw if hes lucky and deserves to job every week to the likes of kozlov and whoever else they got over there. This guy is a talentless loser and I'll explain why..
First of all comparing him to the Rock is absolutely insane The Rock had talent could make fans laugh get on their feet cheer anything he had an emotional connection with the crowd he could talk for an hour and the fans would be on the edge of their seats. He had the best matches, awesome finishers, the greatest catchphrases, the right look, everything needed to make it big in the wwe or anywhere he had. Now enough about The rock lets get to why i hate no dispise the miz so much. First of all this guy doesnt even belong in the wwe or in any wrestling organization for that matter ok maybe tna. He looks like a spring breaker at cancun who just enjoys getting drunk and getting laid every night thats it. He looks like a young guy who just thinks too much of himself when hes actually not all that great at all. No im not jealous i speak the truth he does not have the right look to be a professional wrestler. His matches suck he doesnt really know what hes doing in there if you watch.
His promos are the absolute worste please miz stop picking up the mic you suck at talking. He says things like "the big show couldnt beat john cena well now its miz timeee" like WTF??? did he really just say that? or "im the miz and im awesome" wowwwww i dont know a 10 year old that wouldnt be able to come up wiht that. And best of all "chicks dig me" ya.... really? oh ok cool... do we care ? no
The rock didnt have to say chicks dig him he didnt have to go out every week and cry to the fans telling us HEY GUESS WHAT LINDSY LOHAN HAS MY PHONE NUMBER CHICKS LIKE ME THEY REALLY DO PEOPLE ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME BRITTNEY SPEARS KNOWS MY NAME GUYS! HAHHAHA thats what the miz sounds like. The rock would never be caught dead saying any of that shit the miz says. The Rock never worshipped women they worshipped him. And he didnt have to tell us he got chicks people just knew. The miz sucks plain and simple and if he moves up in the main event i will stop watching the wwe. He is just not a good talent he has no talent. He dresses like hes in a club. Like WTF??? DUDE GET A PERSONALITY seriously this guy like thinks hes the man hes a peice of garbage. The reason why i am so hateful towards him is becasue hes taking up space and time on a show i use to love WWE Monday Night Raw. Now everytime the miz is on i try to watch him i really do but once he starts talking like " i am THE MIZ and everyone listen because its miz time now" haha i just wanna change the channel when i hear that. Go back and watch one of his promos he has 0 no below zero charisma, no wrestling ability, no look, no skills, he has NONE of the above that it takes to be in the wwe.
Ok i think i covered it. Anyone agree.. disagree? let me know :dark2:

I take it youra big fan of the faces. I totaly disagree with you. The way you are looking at this is from the perspective that anyone thats not a face is less superior. First of all looks aside (questionable depending on individual preference) the Miz has all the other things necessary. Let me ask you show stopper do you think any heel puts on good promos, i dont thik you do. The Miz's job is to get heat not get the crowd to cheer so you would have to look back to when Rock was Rocky to make this comparison. Then if I remeber corectly everything but his look was questioned. And we l know that looks are an easy thing to fix. Rocky garnered simmular heat to the miz when he was heel back before he hit it big. Thewhole chick magnet thing works for a heel and hasn't been relied on in a while. This program might be off for a pg rating since it was origionally used to garner heat from those who arent so lucky with the women (so 90 percent of all the IWC or you would be on the computer allot less). If they change his gimic I think it will benifit him. Add in a quality such as constant wepon sneak attacks into his gimic and it will work even better. The Miz is one of the greatest superstars to ever step foot in the ring in my opinion and I devote my full heart as a fan to the Miz and he is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok first of all I do like heels and think they cut good promos. An excellent example of a really good heel is Randy Orton hes the best in the business today. So you were way off there.
Man you gotta be kidding me you obviously werent a fan in the attitude era because the miz just doesnt have "it". If you think he belongs in the names with the likes of Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Triple H, and so on you are completely nuts or on every drug known to man.
Listen i have no problem if the miz gets chicks thats great good for him but like hey if your trying to say i dont get girls because im on the computer.. why are you on the computer? lol you know?
And i do get chicks but i dont go around saying to people "heyyy guess what that girl i was with last night ya she digs me she digs meee!" hhaha That would be annoying now wouldnt it ?
The Miz is just awful i dont know what your thinking i mean i am not pro face and just cheer for the good guys i always cheer for orton and hes the king of all bad guys right now in the wwe. It takes talent to become a good heel and the miz just doesnt have it.. sorry. Ive been watching the wwe since 1992 (im 22 right now) so i know a good heel when i see one and the miz couldnt be further from that spot. Long live the :wwf: Attitude era!
DUDE U MUST BE HIGH IF YOU THINK THE MIZ IS ANYWHERE OR WILL BE ANHYWHERE NEAR HOLDING THE ROCK'S JOCKSTRAP. The Miz is garbage. He makes me wanna change the channel. I can't stand him. He sucks. He is not funny at all. The only thing he says that amuses me is "Im the Miz and Im Awesome" but after a couples times its not as amusing anymore. The Miz won't be anything near where the rock was. u must be smoking something strong to think that. God help us if he becomes champion. He is a confused ugly frat boy with a terrible tan that makes him look like more of an asshole. (nevermind his hair that gets gayer every day) IDK why they gave him his own spot on a PPV. Thank god Santino came out to save it. The Miz will be nothing great because he IS nothing great. Not funny. The only thing he should become is a super jobber. :schild13:, :fuckoff:, and :die:
Ok first of all I do like heels and think they cut good promos. An excellent example of a really good heel is Randy Orton hes the best in the business today. So you were way off there.
Man you gotta be kidding me you obviously werent a fan in the attitude era because the miz just doesnt have "it". If you think he belongs in the names with the likes of Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Mick Foley, Triple H, and so on you are completely nuts or on every drug known to man.
Listen i have no problem if the miz gets chicks thats great good for him but like hey if your trying to say i dont get girls because im on the computer.. why are you on the computer? lol you know?
And i do get chicks but i dont go around saying to people "heyyy guess what that girl i was with last night ya she digs me she digs meee!" hhaha That would be annoying now wouldnt it ?
The Miz is just awful i dont know what your thinking i mean i am not pro face and just cheer for the good guys i always cheer for orton and hes the king of all bad guys right now in the wwe. It takes talent to become a good heel and the miz just doesnt have it.. sorry. Ive been watching the wwe since 1992 (im 22 right now) so i know a good heel when i see one and the miz couldnt be further from that spot. Long live the :wwf: Attitude era!

I'm allot older then you and been watching wrestling allot longer so I do understand allot more then you think. I've seen Bruno Sanmartino wrestle i th garden, I watched alll the eat you vitiman crap of the 80's and frankly I'm sick and tiered of cookie cutter wrestling. Rock, Foley, Austin, and others were all great but they seemed a little to larger then life. In my mind the fact that they were media circus types (cena anyone). All of their matches were you know hat your getting and you got it. Since his origional debut till late 2002 the character goldust was brilliant. If you comprise all of hs works from this time period he is absolutely my faviorite of all time. The mid card has awalys been a longer part of the show then the main event. It's where the actual draws that keep viewers watching through out the show exist without it people would vew just the last match. There was a heel back in the day Sheik, sure no one else on this forum other then me grew up durring this time, he played on sterotypes and added new layers to how heels were viewed. He was one of the origionators of hardcore and he deffently is really forgotten about. Well the Miz is the same way. He can figue out new ways to take whatsgiven to him (90 percent of the tim crap comming from creative) and turn it into something verry good. Heplays on sterotypes and characters and does it with poise. He really putshis all into this buisness and it shows. I knew you wuld say Orton and I thought it because lets face it Orton is a face in heels clothing. Orton is given heel promos to give yet he comes off as dare I say hero. With the Miz he comes off 100 percen villian something that only jericho and jbl were able to do in the last few years. The job of a heel is to make it so tough to cheer for them and well its almost mpossiable to cheer for the Miz and real easy to cheer for orton. If you want to know why I hate faces so much and heels that resembe faces, you dont understand what it was like for an adult wrestling fan after the 80's take you vitamins era was over. I gag when ever I see crap like this.
If you wnt to know my actual top 10 of all time I will give it:
1) Goldust
3) sheik
4) sting
5) abdullah the butcher
6) adrian addonis (butchered the spelling dont feel like going on wikipedia to check it)
7) nikoloi volokoff
8) ted diabiasse sr
9) macho man randy savage
10) freddie blassie (as manager and latter end of wrestling carrer (the little that I was able to see do to tertitories)

So long end to post is that you don't know what you taking about when it comes to what makes a good heel because perception onlycomes with knowedge.
Give the Miz time and he will turn into no pun intended "AWESOME". He has something that not many of the young kids have and that is heart.

On Raw they're winners right now: The Miz, Cena, Orton, Kingston, Porter, to name a few.
And they're losers: Rhodes, Dibiase JR, Regal, and Snuka. But that's all due 2 creative.
The Miz has tooken what material if any and made it his own. So I thank Cena once again for helpin out the young lions cause he's 1 person that's wants the WWE to go 2 the future not past. This Cena/Miz thing might turn out to be the start of along rivarly hopefully and culminate w/ The Miz calling a "CERTAIN" A-Listers for next years WM's.
So for the losers who doesnt like the Miz, I've got 2 words for you "BE JEALOUS" and the winners who do give me a "HOO_RAY". He will become great in time just look at his ol runnin budy JoMo.
you are fucked up the law seriouslyyy you are fucked up man
you are insane in the brain i dont know who you are but you are just completely insaneee
man the fucking miz dude? come onn this guy has no passion, no drive, no charisma, no athletic ability, nothinggg people hate him not because hes a good heel because people are just annoyed with him its not one of those "boooooo lets boo him we want him to lose" its one of those "wow its the miz im gonna go take a leak and maybe get something to eat this guy blows" thats what hes like he will never sell a ticket he will never main event if he does watch a HUGE decrease in popularity in the wwe
man you put miz ahead of the macho man and you got the miz as number 2 wtf dude? i started watching in 92 but i watched old tapes of wwf in the late 80s and 90, 91. I dont know why you insult the hogan era it was really good i loved it. 2nd favorite era in the wwe in my life first was the attitude era then hogan era. Im not a fan of cena he sucks and hes nowhere at the level the rock or austin is. Vince trys to make him at that level but it will never work notice nobody goes to his movies, not many cheer for him i think vince finallyyyy gets the hint to stop shoving cena down our throats we dont like him. but if they start shoving the miz down our throats i may stop watching wwe altogether.
you really have to understand how bad this guy is just listen to him talking on a weekly basis on raw hes so awfullllllll
you are fucked up the law seriouslyyy you are fucked up man
you are insane in the brain i dont know who you are but you are just completely insaneee
man the fucking miz dude? come onn this guy has no passion, no drive, no charisma, no athletic ability, nothinggg people hate him not because hes a good heel because people are just annoyed with him its not one of those "boooooo lets boo him we want him to lose" its one of those "wow its the miz im gonna go take a leak and maybe get something to eat this guy blows" thats what hes like he will never sell a ticket he will never main event if he does watch a HUGE decrease in popularity in the wwe
man you put miz ahead of the macho man and you got the miz as number 2 wtf dude? i started watching in 92 but i watched old tapes of wwf in the late 80s and 90, 91. I dont know why you insult the hogan era it was really good i loved it. 2nd favorite era in the wwe in my life first was the attitude era then hogan era. Im not a fan of cena he sucks and hes nowhere at the level the rock or austin is. Vince trys to make him at that level but it will never work notice nobody goes to his movies, not many cheer for him i think vince finallyyyy gets the hint to stop shoving cena down our throats we dont like him. but if they start shoving the miz down our throats i may stop watching wwe altogether.
you really have to understand how bad this guy is just listen to him talking on a weekly basis on raw hes so awfullllllll

You sound like you don't have much understanding of what makes a good change of pace heel. Theres many heels that have been in the main event over the years with the same gimic, the one given to orton and edge. JBL provided something diffrent even though his wrestling skill was diminished from all the punishment he took early in his carrer. Go watch a video of the sheik (the origional sheik) and you will know what it means to be a good heel. I'm sure you never even seen a video o him. Then you will know how the Miz suceedes as a heel. Not everyone s a cookie cutter heel or face and its obvious that you love cookie cutter heels and faces. And why I hate the 80's wwf rock era so much, well its a watered down, unrealistic, media circus who pushed guys to nausium to the point that you couldnt escape it if you lived durring the time. I love the Miz because hes diffrent but in a good way, and oh yeah I also love raven, kidman, and the new age outlaws if your curious lol
ok first if you think Orton is the best heel today your way off on that buddy. there are several better then him right now lets start by naming a few. Edge, and Y2J have more promo skills then Orton could ever pray to have. he is not a bad heel but is far from the best. Miz is young and has already improved a hell of a lot compared to when he started the Diva search. He is gold on the mic. draws heat really well can wrestle above average. he will be a strong upper mid carder and maybe main evnet someday. He was the Mic in Miz And Morrison tag team.
I've never been a fan of The Miz. To say he'll ever be a huge phenomenon seems silly to me. That being said, I still think he's a valuable asset to the company. He definitely could be a career upper midcarder. The guy is pretty decent on the mic and on the ring. He's definitely unique. But at the end of the day he will always be the Marty Jannetty to John Morrison's Shawn Michaels. I think he'll be more successful that Marty though. Maybe the better comparison is that Miz is the Matt Hardy to John's Jeff Hardy. I hate to say that because I love Matt and hate Jeff but it's sadly an apt comparison.

It might seem like a cop out but I just don't think Miz has that "it" factor. We're all loving his recent anti-Cena promos but at the end of the day they're nothing special. Heck, they're really just a copy of what Jericho said half a year ago. Anyone who spouts those lines will get some IWC love.

Also, the whole Real World thing may hold Miz down. No matter how successful he gets he might retain that stigma of being a reality show loser. Guys like Morrison don't have that problem because he came from the third season of Tough Enough which wasn't watched by many or promoted much by the WWE. But Miz? He was all over Real World and it's spin-offs.

Miz is a talented guy even if I don't particularly care for him. But the next big thing is simply hype that he can't live up to. He's good. He's not great.
If he doesnt leave the WWE in 3 months, then yea sure why not. He has great mic work, he is pretty good in the ring, and he REALLY needs to get a new finisher and as somebody above me said, new ring attire, and even more importantly new theme music.
Watching Raw he is cutting a great promo. Man, this guy has gotten good on the mic. So good at getting heat from the crowd. To quote what he just said now....

"He may not be Tim Allen, but it's about to be Tool Time."

That was a sweet line. lol.
Ok people I just have to say that I can't believe you guy's are comparing The Miz to The Rock! Even early in his WWE career, The Rock was in a league and had a style all his own! No other superstar could ever hope to match what he had, past, present, or future!
The Miz will never be on the same level as The Rock. Nobody will ever be on the same level as The Rock. It's impossible. Just like no one can ever match Austin or Hogan. But The Miz has improved so much and is bound to improve so much he'll some day be the champ. Here's why: the way I see it he is the next Jericho/Christain in terms of an overall wrestler, and he has a gimmick that is unique to him. You can honestly say it's a gimmick all his own never done before, and it works. Plus he has passion for the industry, great heel heat (he makes people hate him, which draws ratings and money), and his ring skills are improving and show are his mic skills. And I like his pop culture references. Like his reference to Tim Allen and Tool Time on RAW. That had me laughing my butt off. I can't wait till he headlines Mania' one day. And anybody who hates him must not be a wrestling fans, because his passion and skill have won me over, and I used to hate him with a passion. if you still hate him, I trust you will be one over one day soon. And until then, can I get a big HOORAH! from my fellow Miz supporters?
This thread is giving me a fucking headache especially with show stopper and law sucking each other's dicks and butchering the English language but nevertheless I'm going to throw my 2 cents into this piece of shit thread...

The Miz has without a doubt come a long way from reality tv and that poor excuse for a tough enough 4, and he's got a long way to go. He will never be as big as Rocky was, but he may be able to really make a name for himself in the coming years nevertheless. His mic skills are definitely improving, and once creative starts to stray away from his "I'm the Miz and I'm awesome" gimmick and really gives him a personality to work with that fans can really react to, he'll go far. The dude needs to put on some muscle and work more matches, there's no denying that. There's a lot of potential in him, especially since he's a great actor and a great talker.

Should he become a big star, it won't be for at least another couple of years. This chick magnet frat boy gimmick will continue on for some time most likely, and if he doesn't eventually get over with the fans, he'll become a comedic heel in the same fashion (NOT THE SAME WAY) as Rocky did, not like how he's a complete toolbag *** like he is now. Honestly, if they gave him some shoot interviews some funny shit would come out. I hope that if that happens, he'll become more of a workhorse and start winning the mid card belts, working his way up to a possible world championship reign.

There is and was only one "next big thing," and that was Brock Lesnar. These days, calling someone "the next big thing" means that they'll be in the WWE for 2 months, get pushed to the moon, then get bored and leave. The Miz is not "the next big thing," but he has enough potential to be a future champion and be a big time player in the next 10 years if he's still around. For those of you who think he's garbage, just be patient. It takes years of experience to make someone a great champion.
Don't flip out yet until you hear the facts... or at least the opinion of a 25 year wrestling fan.

Last week, someone had the onions to say that The Miz is on theverge of becoming a Rock-like superstar in the "Praise the Miz" thread. At first, I kind of rolled my eyes and chuckled and most of the subsequent posts were laughing with me.

But last night, it kind of hit me about the same time The Miz started beating the tar out of The Big Show with that chair.

The Miz is following an eerily similar path as Dwayne Johnson.

No matter how much he tries to garner heat by insulting the fans or bashing Cena, he's actually receiving mass praise for speaking the truth. Plus, there's an awful lot of fans that don't like Cena and that will get behind The Miz simply because he's hating on Cena.

At the same time, while The Miz (or creative) is trying to send him down the path of a heel, their also sending him down the path of a face by getting the Big Show involved.

It appears as if they're trying to determine where his skills would be better served - as a heel or as a face. It's the same thing they did with The Rock after he split from the Nation of Domination. His mic skills were golden, he had a great gimmick, he had a great look and he had mass amounts of potential. I think The Miz has all of these same characteristics.

Then, even though I browsed over the subject, his mic skills actually are quite good. He's improving every single week and has developed quite a catchphrase - "I'm the Miz... and I'm awesome !!!" If you look at the current choice of superstars, very few actually have a catchphrase anymore (the phrase that always ends a good promo). The Rock had one of he best of all time along with Stone Cold and I could see The Miz developing his into the type the crowd chants along with.

In my opinion, his ring skills have already surpassed The Rock when it comes to actual wrestling ability, not necessarily his selling of the moves. The Rock wasn't exactly Bret Hart or Kurt Angle between the ropes.

I realize there's a LONG, LONG way to go before The Miz can even be classified in The Rock's echelon, but The Rock didn't exactly start out as "The Great One".

Be kind with the replies... please and thanks.
I have to say, I agree 100%. I was watching The Miz yesterday on Raw and I could really see the potential in him. He's good in the ring and on the Mic and has massive potential of being the next Rock. This feud with Cena and maybe even the Big Show could eventually push him in the right direction and make him one of the top superstars on Raw. I actually have more faith in The Miz than I do in MVP but that's a whole nother thread. lol! Overall, I agree with U all the way!
I, too, believe he will get there, but not right away. He is on the right path with this feud with Cena and Show. The thing is there are too many people ahead of him right now for him to be the next “Rock”. Then again, I said the same thing about Kennedy and look what happened to him.
I don't know about the next Rock, but I will say that I had little respect for the Miz or his abilities and in the span of a month his stock skyrocketed. One thing I don't agree with is this fued with Cena(and now Show). Where will he go after its over? To the world title picture? I don't really get why they started him so high on Raw. Hopefully it works out.

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