The Miz is the *NEW* WWE Intercontinental Champion

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During the pre-show for last night's WrestleMania, The Miz defeated Wade Barrett to become IC champ for the 2nd time in his career. I've always liked Wade Barrett, the guy's always shown tons of star qualities, but WWE completely buried him while he was IC champ. They buried him during both runs with the title for that matter. For some strange reason, WWE saw fit to bury both mid-card titles during the build to WrestleMania and ultimately had the titles looking weaker than they have for a couple of years now.

Miz capturing the title at this time simply doesn't feel like it means much of anything. Guess we can only hope that Vince stops burying the title now that WM is over with.
I think WM would've been the perfect opportunity to unify the titles. I mean, come on! When you can't get your main MC title on the 'Mania main card, and you can't get the US title on the card AT ALL, it shows how much the titles are cared for. Good luck to The Miz as champion, will probably use it to promote the Marine 3 somehow. But, eventually, hopefully the next few months, the titles should be unified.
I think WM would've been the perfect opportunity to unify the titles. I mean, come on! When you can't get your main MC title on the 'Mania main card, and you can't get the US title on the card AT ALL, it shows how much the titles are cared for. Good luck to The Miz as champion, will probably use it to promote the Marine 3 somehow. But, eventually, hopefully the next few months, the titles should be unified.

I totally agree with you here. Since Miz and Cesaro were fueding prior to Miz's feud with Barrett, they could easily go back to a Miz-Cesaro feud and have it culminate in a championship unification match at Summer Slam. This would be a good side-story for Summer Slam and would actually bring interest back to these championships and the mid-card.
Its a shame that people didn't even know he'd won the IC Title until they were told during the actual WM. The title should have been on the card. It shows that WWE don't care about the mid card titles. :banghead:
I think a unification would have been a much better idea, however, the WWE might just wait for WM30 so that it is just a must-see event.

I'm glad Barrett dropped the belt because he can move on to better things. I like The Miz but were does he go now? Feuds with Rhodes,Sandow or Fandango could work. I think that having a program with Rhodes so they both have something to do before dropping the belt to Fandango would work really well.
Is Miz done with promoting Marine 3? I got the feeling Barrett only got the title so he could show it off to Colin Farrell when Dead Man Down was being promoted. Maybe now Miz will take it to army barracks or on chat shows or whatever. Sad to say that seems like literally the only reason he won last night.

Although WWE market Miz as undefeated at Wrestlemania, and that continued last night - is it possible they are trying to build another streak?

I have said this once and will say it again. Barrett losing the IC title is not a bad thing for him at all. Yes the WWE completely buried the mid-card titles and really in a way dissed their champions in such disrespectful fashion. I hope sooner than later they at least unify the titles in some sort. Miz and Cesaro,work very well in the ring together and a clash at Summerslam to unify the titles would be epic.

Barrett is a sure fire future world champion sooner than later. True his runs with the IC belt both times were not very memorable at all. That in itself,is a damn shame. The only negative last night was the E buried their mid-card titles and no Divas at all. That is disrespect. Maybe if they didnt have a shit concert put on by P-Diddy they would have had time
I hope sooner than later they at least unify the titles in some sort. Miz and Cesaro,work very well in the ring together and a clash at Summerslam to unify the titles would be epic.

I really hope this is the plan. They could really hype it up and it would bring some real interest in the midcard. I'm assuming they're just giving Miz the IC belt to promote Marine 3 BUT if the plan all along was to unify the titles, then I give WWE creative a lot of credit. I thought the Miz-Cesaro feud was good and it seemed like they were setting it up for Miz to win the US title but then they focused on Miz and Barrett. Even if they didn't plan it out and just kind of fall into a unification storyline, that would be great. The time is right and there's really no need for two midcard belts. They couldn't even get one midcard belt on the main WM card and the other midcard belt wasn't on the card at all. Just unify the titles and call it a day.
During the pre-show for last night's WrestleMania, The Miz defeated Wade Barrett to become IC champ for the 2nd time in his career. I've always liked Wade Barrett, the guy's always shown tons of star qualities, but WWE completely buried him while he was IC champ. They buried him during both runs with the title for that matter. For some strange reason, WWE saw fit to bury both mid-card titles during the build to WrestleMania and ultimately had the titles looking weaker than they have for a couple of years now.

Miz capturing the title at this time simply doesn't feel like it means much of anything. Guess we can only hope that Vince stops burying the title now that WM is over with.

I agree with you vince has a bad habit placing emphasis on Heavyweight titles and world titles and none on IC and US title? Why? This was the worst wrestlemania 29 ever not even the woman's title was defended unlike TNA all titles are defended no matter what . Would ve been g reat if t hey can at l east unify the US title with the IC title and make it a 3 threat with Antonio Cesaro vs Miz vs Wade Barrett but they screwed up as usual
I think WM would've been the perfect opportunity to unify the titles. I mean, come on! When you can't get your main MC title on the 'Mania main card, and you can't get the US title on the card AT ALL, it shows how much the titles are cared for. Good luck to The Miz as champion, will probably use it to promote the Marine 3 somehow. But, eventually, hopefully the next few months, the titles should be unified.

I totally agree with you there but Chris Jerichod be pissed if Miz was to proclaim himself UNified Champion can you imagine the feud between these 2 so I guess they didn t want to go ahead with that but would ve been nice it is too bad they didn t show this match on the PPV this wrestlemania 29 was again the worst one just like last year
It's too bad worst wrestling entertainment wheelchairmania has all the oldies and n ot giving the recognition for its young talented wrestlers to shine and get the push they deserve he was great as Heavyweight champ over john cena but then pushed down again . wwe screwed up by not adding this viewed ppv on the card
Wade Barrett was pathetic as Intercontinental Champion. He cuts boring, terrible promos. His matches aren't exciting. I didn't care when he won matches, because there was nothing offered that I want to see again.

The Miz is a solid talker who often does the best he can with what he's booked in. He brings intensity into a match, he has cool looking signature moves and a legendary submission finisher. I actually look forward to matches with the Miz. He's a much better Intercontinental Champ. Also, this is his first title run as a babyface. He's on track to break back into the main event against a top heel.

Wade Barrett should go to NXT, or form a tag team.
I don't really know how to feel about it. The mid-card division is in the same place just different champion. I doubt miz's reign will change the division at all unfortunetly. the only thing i think will come from this is maybe miz moving up to main event status
I like The Mix and I think he deserves to be Champion and hopefully one day he will be the Wwe Champion again.

Miz is a brilliant superstar and I think if he has a long run with the title he could make it worthwhile again.
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