ECW or Smackdown? Which better suits the Miz?

Can The Miz! anyone can beat Satino send him back to LA for tv show, In fact can satino for losing to the miz!
Do not can chavo for losing to that thing,{he needs to some honor to the family name,}
Couple of excellent points, I did not think aobut the fact he could have violated the wellness policy and this was a good way to get him off TV. The whole being banned from Summerslam thing doesn't surprise me though. The only fued he has going is with Cena and Cena is facing Orton so I didn't see him having a match there anyhow. There is also the chance that one of the upcoming guest hosts reinstates him on Raw.

I was really annoyed last night though, the lumberjacks all whopped Cena every time he came out of the ring, yet the Miz still didn't stand a chance. Does it make any sense at all to bury a guy you give as much TV time to as the Miz? Why the fuck was he on TV so much if they weren't trying to push him? I think this whole Cena program has basically made the Miz look weak. Sure he was weak before, but nobody noticed because he wasn't on TV as much and wasn't in a program with the biggest star. Now everybody knows he sucks.

Anyway hopefully he doesn't go to ECW, although I don't really see where he fits on Smackdown. Smackdown did take a huge hit with the loss of Edge, so moving the Miz over could be a way of making up for that, but he is not a main eventer like Edge was.

There is a chance of a feud with the Undertaker, Teddy Long could declare his new acquisition this week even, Miz may come out and challenge Smackdown's biggest star The Undertaker. Knowing full well that he is not coming out and we could have the Cena feud all over again.

You stole my idea... I was reading all these posts and thought same thing maybe he failed a test and needed a reason to be written off tv... it fits and will alow him to cmoe back down the road to TV... About the post question though I hope he doesnt end up on ECW because he is just better than that I hope he ends upo bACK ON Raw at some point bc it is the show I can watch most consistenly and I like what the MIZ posesses and potential
You are telling me the Miz has more credibility than those two? If he got in the ring with Hornswaggle at this point a loss to the troll wouldn't be out of the question. Seriously think about what I just said....

If the Miz lost to Hornswaggle with some kind of stupid okie doke pin would you be surprised? If he was in a match with Primo would you automatically say Miz wins? If he faught anyone other than a notable face jobber right now (Jimmy Wang Yang, or maybe R-Truth) and he lost would you be surprised? I don't think the so. The character has no importance man, its not needed to progress anything from a television standpoint right now. Maybe later, but now, no importance.

He's no longer on the "A" show and he won't be at the 2nd biggest PPV of the year (as per the storyline). How is he a level above Chavo or Carlito? At least they are on RAW now.

Hey Sunee,

Why are you trashing Miz when you have his picture in your signature smart guy?

Bottomline is that Miz is the best Vocal Heel on WWE right now. His skills improve every match. Like someone else stated, these guys have a hard time leaving the spotlight and letting the new era emerge. I personally fast forward through Raw's second hour anymore because I am sick of watching a combination of HHH, Cena, Orton and Legacy.

At least someone smartened up and brough Swagger in.

Sorry to disapoint you but Miz is part of WWE's future along with Swagger, Bourne, Morrison and Punk.
I don’t see how Miz was buried at all, if anything Cena would have been the one buried if he got pinned by Miz. The Miz is not getting buried at all. He lost to a star that is much bigger than he is and that he has no business beating. Miz shouldn’t have been pushed to feud with John Cena when he joined Raw because he didn’t deserve it. He only had his mic skills to get him over but he still didn’t prove at all that he deserved to be wrestling John Cena. He was a mid-carder who never proved that he was deserving of being a mid-carder yet he was pushed to feud with John Cena. Anyways, Miz got over because of his association with Cena, even though he didn’t deserve to be associated with him at all.

Now, I’m glad he’s gone from Raw. He obviously wasn’t going to be considered a main eventer no matter what. The mid/upper-card on Raw has way too many people while on Smackdown they are in dire need of mid/upper-card wrestlers. If anything, being on Smackdown will elevate his career. On Smackdown he probably won’t be stuck in the mid-card, he’ll probably be given a chance to wrestle the main event wrestlers like Jeff Hardy for example. By wrestling Hardy he’ll probably be given a title shot like Morrison was given. Also, by wrestling main eventers on Smackdown, he has a chance of defeating some of the wrestlers. He is just better off on the Smackdown roster where he might be used well than on the Raw roster where he wasn’t going to move up because there are more deserving wrestling that are simply better.

Also, you have to remember that the guest hosts of Raw have “power” (not really) and they can do whatever they want (not really). Did it ever cross anyone’s mind that next week’s host (Sgt. Slaughter) can reverse all of the decision of this week’s host? If he wants to give Miz another chance to remain on Raw then he can give it to him and he can give him a match where he will basically be guaranteed the win. Simply put, anything that happened this week can be un-done next week. Anyways, I still think he would be better off on Smackdown where he is needed more.
let's hope he goes to ECW where they will do something with him. though i am not a huge fan of 'fizz' he is not terrible but would only get in the way of progress on smackdown! though i'm sure many would love to see him and morrison feud it would do nothing for the shaman, really just give 'fizz' the rub. though i am higher on some people on ecw that can't catch a break, if he went there they would have him compete w/christian for the title. the upsides of that are; 1. tommy dreamer, vlad koslov and zach ryder wouldn't be top contenders right now and 2. the verbal jousting between the two would be very good, and christian could really help him in the ring with storytelling. i'm just sayin...
First of all I'm not completely sure that the Miz is going to leave RAW. This kind of came abruptly so I could see it being part of a bigger storyline that would really push the Miz.

However, if he does end up leaving I think Smackdown would be by far the best destination for him. Going to ECW would be a huge step back in his development. On Smackdown there's always the possibility of a feud with his former partner Morrison, which I believe would help both men. There's also a lot more opportunities on Smackdown. RAW is a big cluster fuck of upper mid carders. They have MVP, Swagger, Kofi, Mark Henry, Carlito, and now they have Masters. Smackdown doesn't have as many of those guys especially on the heel side of things. You have the main event heels in CM Punk and Jericho. Then you have the upper mid card heels like Ziggler and Kane, and that's pretty much it.

A final reason why a move to Smackdown would be good is because they are a more wrestling based show then RAW is. We all know that Miz is great on the mic, but his in ring work still needs some improvement, and Smackdown is the perfect place for that.
I am a fan of the Miz so i hope he goes to smackdown. i think that is the best fit for him. He has already been on ECW. Smackdown is a fresh start for him. Personally i hope to see him in the main event picture by the end of the year. But to start i see him fueding with john morrison (but there goes morrisons title push). Or i could see him fueding for the IC title against rey mysterio. But hopefully come wrestlemania 26 he will have a match with undertaker, that would be sick.
If you follow Wrestlezone and read all the articles as well as actually watch WWE programming, you can put the pieces together here like a puzzle. Jericho and Big Show will be utilized on both shows as tag champions and that puts them basically out of title pictures (clearly u see that Show coulda won yesterday but that's not in the plans). Then you had the sudden injury to Edge, the surgery for Undertaker which could push his return back some, and the return of Chris Masters to the company and his insertion onto Raw. Couple that with the recent confirmed news on Wrestlezone that Jeff Hardy will indeed take time off after Summerslam and you are left with a main event picture on Smackdown of Punk and ........Punk. The obvious opponent for him is John Morrison, but at this point, Morrison hasn't shown the ability to match wits with Punk on the stick despite clearly matching wits in the ring. It's going to be pretty bare and painful over on Smackdown....except WWE I think decided to move Miz over. You can expect a Miz/Morrison fued because it's the old "Miz explains his actions and degrades Morrison" act. He will do it very very well because it's excellent on the mic, but this feud, where Morrison should have something emotionally invested in it, could help Morrison learn how to sell a feud. Even if Miz carries it, and he will, Morrison will have to hold his own. It wouldnt' be very believable for Miz to own Morrison on the mic and then Morrison to just go out and dominate in ring. Expect a few good matches with mixed results, and NO this is NOT bad for Morrison's push. This is the best thing for him. Clearly Punk will get a decent reign now which is probably good, but thinking long run, if Morrison or Miz ever want to be champion, they will prove in this feud whether people care about seeing them go at it. Also remember that Vince is high on Miz and feels he could be a champion. I think it was clear that he wasn't going to get that chance on Raw, especially with Swagger moving over and fitting that Angle/Lesnar heel role and eventual champ, Miz will have every opportunity to become a champion on Smackdown. He can work with any of the faces like Morrison, maybe R-Truth, Rey, Taker, Edge when he returns if he's still on Smackdown, and go toe to toe with any of them. As much as I'll miss him on Raw, being I'm an avid Raw follower as its tough in my schedule to watch the other programming consistently, I'm excited at the possibility of him shining on Smackdown, and excited to see if he can get Morrison to do something other than smile and kiss face butt.

Conclusion, this is not rushed, nor stupid, nor burying Miz. It is simply a way to get him to switch shows without another "trade" or draft or something. WWE had to compensate for their losses on Smackdown and this is how.
[/QUOTE] Im not sure where exactly it weent wrong or even if it has ended for Miz on Raw....take note of Piven being the one who set the whole thing up for Miz to "be banned", yet at the end of the match he turns on Cena, with no explanation or lead doesnt make sense what the hell the WWe is doing or trying to do.....At what point did Miz not become good wnough to be on Raw....I for one certainly would take Miz over an MVP in a new york still waiting for someone to explain to me , or figure out the whole piven swerve thing, and after the match at seems that if they were going to go at Cena, why not do it during the match, and put Miz over.....the problem isnt with the Miz here folks, its with the WWe and its booking of this whole thing. It was ridiculous. He shouldnt have never been brought to Raw at all, if he was going to be done in 8 weeks or so....hence my thought that it isnt actually going to happen and we will see the Miz on mondays for weeks and months to come....!!

P.S. is it me or was the little jap doctor a complete idiot on that show....I think he totally took away from Piven being ARI Gold-ish out there last night....his schtick had no place last night....[/QUOTE]

I was also confused as to why all of a sudden Piven and the asian Doc turned heel out of the blue. The only thing I can guess is that they were afraid of Orton kicking them "in the skull". I think the writers once again dropped the ball on this show.
Did anyone also notice the announcers' complete lack of pointing out that the Miz was now off of Raw after the match. Seems to me they would have built up that fact if WWE planned a storyline out of him being gone, so maybe it is a wellness violation after all.
I honestly hope that either of these 2 things happen:

The Miz is one of the next guest hosts on Raw and not only reinstates himself, but, also deals out a heavy hand of revenge on Cena and continues their fued after Cena loses to Orton at Summerslam(hopefully).

The Miz does go to Smackdown to fill Edge's spot as one of the main heels next to Punk and Ziggler. Talk about a young heel movement. I don't count Jericho as he's now on Raw and Smackdown.
Smackdown gotta be no other option really :p
He needs a good run though and a push but i don't know how this can be done due to Jeff leaving and pnuks heel turn the only person left as a face main eventer is John Morrison so i don't see how the bookers can possibly get rid of the miz from raw it dosen't make any sense to me its stupid and i'm very open on that :p
I'm assuming this whole thread is nothing but people complaining that Cena actually won in what they'll call a "Superman finish." As if HBK, Triple H, Orton, Edge, Taker, Hardy, or Punk have never pulled a win out of their asses. Oh, and them complaining about someone who is no more than a prior tag team champion losing to a mega-face top competitor.

If Piven's ruling takes hold, which I still doubt because of his heel turn at the end of Raw, Miz should move to Smackdown. Morrison has who to face after he beats Punk? Kane? Everyone else is tied up with other things. Morrison/Miz could actually be worth half a shit promo and match wise.

As far as having Miz go to ECW...that's too far of a fall for Miz. When you go to ECW you feud with new stars and go on to job for them. Miz isn't a star of Kane, Regal or Goldust's magnitude, so he can't take job after job and be considered viable.

Miz to Smackdown, if he doesn't weasel his way back to Raw.
did everybody forget THE MIZ has been part of Smackdown before he took THE UNDERTAKER to the limit in a beat the clock challenge back in jan of 2007. If he's needed on another show to help out the company or this could BE PART OF A BIGGER THING FOR HIM. Anybody rembember who is so called banned or had to leave a brand but returned there later. Matt Hardy who lost to Edge. Just don't assume anything till we see how the story plans out. Other people who left their brand but returned later was Kane, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy. Lets see how its plays out. If he does go 2 another brand Smackdown! would be better for him.
The miz shouldn't be on either show. But if I had to choose one I would say that they should just leave him on ECW and let him feud with Christian and the rest of the crap on that show. He doesn't deserve the push that he is getting. They should have fired him and kept Mr Kennedy and gave him the push that The Miz is getting. Hell, it's more entertaining to watch Spanky wrestle then the Miz. He is just some douchebag reality star that got lucky and got a dream job with the WWE. I think Miz's push will be all for nothing and Morrison will be a way bigger star then Miz will ever be.
Savage Taker......

you make absolutely no sense whatsoever,

according to your thought process, HHH is buried cause he cant beat Legacy, and Orton is buried cause he lost to Mark Henry clean on RAw his first night back..... Cena cant be buried, and losing 1 time to him wouldnt bury him.....its a joke you would even start a post with that line....

I guess Miz's work with , what is considered the best tag team in WWe in the last few yrs , wouldnt show he deserved to be atleast a mid carder.....must of been Morrison carrying the whole team, with his phenomenal mic work, and it must have been Morrison carrying the whole dirt sheet gimmick as well.....I wonder what would happen to miz and his character if he was allowed to be booked to win 1 match over Cena, the same way Henry went over clean on the WWE Champ on a Raw telecast....on his first night on RAw coming over from, then he slaps around Jericho, who is widely believed to be the best in the game right now, and in my opinion should be wearing one of the singles titles,. see what happens if he is given an oppurtunity to go over. Oh, mark henry has stellar ring work , far superior to Miz's....that must be it.

Eventually im guessing enough people will respond to your nonsense, that it will sink in and you will get it. Clearly you have no understanding of character enhancement and elevation.....cause thats exactly what it would be by letting Miz beat Cena, and nothing more,....not 1 single thing more....a loss to Miz does absolutely nothing to hamper Cena's push or character. He is the biggest star in the business right now, and his spot is cemented, win lose or draw....for you to say Cena would be getting buried by losing to Miz, is a joke, and shows your lack of understanding for what is really going on vs what really should be going on?
Who really gives a damn at this point?

Its quite obvious the thread starter does. I do as well. So...Theres two people for ya.

His character has no importance or credibility

Really? Fueding with the top face of the entire company the week after Backlash is nothing? Interesting, indeed.

He isn't on SummerSlam and he's banned from RAW, what more do you want to do with the Miz character?

Obviously, we want to see him on SmackDown, ya know, where stars are made. ECW develops em, Smackdown makes them, RAW hogs all the glory. RAW's a gluttonous bastard.

Where does he fit?

Oh you know, Morrison, Hardy, Taker, Mysterio. They're no bodies.

I can't even think of something he can do other than feud with Morrison, and he'll get crushed in that feud probably too, because Morrison is on fire.

Too??????? What do you mean "Too?" Miz has yet to be crushed in a fued.

He's not that good in the ring,

Hes fairly entertaining in the ring. He wrestles a very unique style, that I've come to enjoy.

and his only saving grace was that he could cut an awesome promo.

Why are you speaking in past tense? You act like they've allready delivered the release papers to The Miz. Its quite obvious hes heads for ECW or SmackDown. Most likely SmackDown. If he gets his release papers, I'll litterally kiss my own ass.

As of the last year or so unless it was HBK or JBL, the WWE sakes huge shits on great promos by either burying the wrestler or not letting them talk at ALL on the mic.

What the hell did you just say? Just curious?

(Why do you think Miz was so refreshing? He was allowed to talk).

Lots of people talk, all dang show. It becomes a problem when they can't tell a story, nor cut a promo.

With that said, do they have time for someone to just come out and talk?

Because I talk to people daily. I watch wrestling to see a promo.

There's no room on ECW, and Smackdown! seems a little crowded too.

Hows it crouded? ECW maybe, SmackDown? No, theres like 2-4 heels on SmackDown.

Maybe this was a way to write his character off of TV for a while, if not to release him.

Once again, I'll kiss my own ass if he gets released. That would be a much bigger shock to me, than Kennedy.

They started it up properly, but completely dropped the ball.

How so? There were several 10-15 minute matches, in which The Miz completely dominated, only for Cena to "Overcome the odds"

Yeah it was against Cena the biggest name, yadda, yadda, random justification, etc, but fuck that.

So? Because what is said is true, its "Random Justification?"

You can't bury your future before they even begin to take root.

I'd hardly call the Miz's future "burried"

DQ win, Countout Win, all helps.

It would have been nice to see some sort of pin over Cena. But, it didn't happen. Either way, I think The Miz is still like 7-6 agaisnt the best wrestler the WWE has.

Not squash and pin in the middle of the ring.

Good, because there was no squash and pin in the middle of the ring. There were several 10-15 minute matches. A squash lasts 5 minutes at best, with one wrestler completely dominating the entire match. The Miz dominated for 10-15 minutes, for Cena to cmoe back and defeat him. That is NOT a squash.

What's the difference between Miz and say...Carlito or Chavo in the eyes of the fans?

Oh ya know, the Miz is entertaining. The Miz can cut a promo? The Miz is doing something of worth right now? Well, so is Carlito. Hes got the fued of his life to carry out with his brother. Then I can only see better things coming from him. Granted he doesn't piss off creative again.

Nothing. 3 scrubs floating around doing nothing but jobbing, and getting their characters buried.

Carlito, and The Miz both aren't jobbing by any means necassary. I have no clue what you're rambling on about from there. Besides, you don't even watch anymore, do you? Chavo, always has some sort of credibility, because of his last name.
Savage Taker......

you make absolutely no sense whatsoever,

Seems to make sense to me. But that could just be me, that rambling SavageTaker, he never does make much sense. He is from Flordia, ya know? No in all seriousness. What the fuck are you talking about?

according to your thought process, HHH is buried cause he cant beat Legacy,

:wtf: Since when was it portrayed that HHH couldn't defeat Legacy?

and Orton is buried cause he lost to Mark Henry clean on RAw his first night back.....

Yes, because after having 3 consecutive matches in a row, a man is expected to defeat a whooly mamoth in Mark Henry. :rolleyes:

Cena cant be buried, and losing 1 time to him wouldnt bury him.....its a joke you would even start a post with that line....

Granted it was troublesome reading what SavageTaker was saying at first, Later on he completely explained himself. Learn some context clues.

I guess Miz's work with , what is considered the best tag team in WWe in the last few yrs ,

YEARS. Work with me now. Thats two more buttons you have to press. The e is right above the d. The a is on the home row, how can you miss it?

wouldnt show he deserved to be atleast a mid carder.....must of been Morrison carrying the whole team, with his phenomenal mic work, and it must have been Morrison carrying the whole dirt sheet gimmick as well.

...Hes obviously not saying that he deserves to be in the MidCard. Hes saying he deserves to be in the Upper midcard- main event. With SmackDown currently low on both heel wise, this allows him to elevate his career.

....I wonder what would happen to miz and his character if he was allowed to be booked to win 1 match over Cena, the same way Henry went over clean on the WWE Champ on a Raw telecast..

The same thing that happened when he won the other 7 times he defeated John Cena?

..on his first night on RAw coming over from, then he slaps around Jericho, who is widely believed to be the best in the game right now,

By who? I'll gladly debate them on it. Jericho is good, but hes not the "Best in the game" right now.

and in my opinion should be wearing one of the singles titles,. see what happens if he is given an oppurtunity to go over.

:wtf: Did you just say?

Oh, mark henry has stellar ring work , far superior to Miz's....that must be it.

Its quite obvious he does. Mark Henry plays his roll tremendously. Maybe I'm just a Mark Henry mark, but I've always loved him.

Eventually im guessing enough people will respond to your nonsense, that it will sink in and you will get it. Clearly you have no understanding of character enhancement and elevation.....cause thats exactly what it would be by letting Miz beat Cena, and nothing more,....not 1 single thing more....a loss to Miz does absolutely nothing to hamper Cena's push or character. He is the biggest star in the business right now, and his spot is cemented, win lose or draw....for you to say Cena would be getting buried by losing to Miz, is a joke, and shows your lack of understanding for what is really going on vs what really should be going on?

I've read this about 10 times now. Maybe my reading comprehension just sucks. But I'm fairly sure this is just completely nonsense. You seem to be just rambling away.
Savage Taker......

you make absolutely no sense whatsoever,
Let’s see if you make any sense.
according to your thought process, HHH is buried cause he cant beat Legacy,
Did I ever say Triple H got buried? I didn’t think so. Triple H did not get buried because it took two guys to beat him down and finally pinned him. Then he sold it well after the match by making it look like he was in pain. Triple H didn’t get buried; it took two people to defeat him.
and Orton is buried cause he lost to Mark Henry clean on RAw his first night back.....
Did you watch that match at all? You do realize that Orton had just defeated Evan Bourne in a match and Jack Swagger let him win. He was obviously tired after having just faced Evan so it’s not like Mark Henry was the one who tired Orton out. Anyways, have you seen the size of Henry? He is bigger than Orton so it wouldn’t make sense to have an exhausted Orton defeat someone who had all of their energy and is much bigger than him.
Cena cant be buried, and losing 1 time to him wouldnt bury him.....its a joke you would even start a post with that line....
Yes, Cena would be buried and I don’t see how you would think otherwise. Miz is a mid-carder who has yet to prove he deserves to be on the mid-card. John Cena is a solidified main eventer. It doesn’t make Cena look good if some mid-carder defeated him. It would make him look weak because it would indicate that any mid-carder can defeat him, which shouldn’t be the case. And you want to talk about jokes? The fact that you said Triple H and Orton got buried is a joke.
I guess Miz's work with , what is considered the best tag team in WWe in the last few yrs ,
There’s a difference between being a tag-team and singles wrestler. Miz was in a good tag team but it doesn’t automatically mean he is a good singles wrestler.
wouldnt show he deserved to be atleast a mid carder.....must of been Morrison carrying the whole team, with his phenomenal mic work, and it must have been Morrison carrying the whole dirt sheet gimmick as well.....I wonder what would happen to miz and his character if he was allowed to be booked to win 1 match over Cena,
Miz was already given credibility by facing John Cena; he doesn’t need to defeat him at all because he is already facing a main eventer. As far as him winning a match, it would help him but it would make Cena look weak because some mid-carder defeated him. That would be a stupid thing to do.
the same way Henry went over clean on the WWE Champ on a Raw telecast....on his first night on RAw coming over from, then he slaps around Jericho, who is widely believed to be the best in the game right now, and in my opinion should be wearing one of the singles titles,. see what happens if he is given an oppurtunity to go over. Oh, mark henry has stellar ring work , far superior to Miz's....that must be it.
Let’s see first of all, Mark Henry weighs near 400 pounds and stands at 6ft 1in. Chris Jericho weighs 226 pounds and stands at 5ft 10in. Do you think anyone would actually believe that Mark Henry couldn’t slap around Jericho? Mark Henry is bigger than Jericho so it makes absolute sense to have him beat him Jericho around. And what talent have you seen from Miz as a singles worker? His only good matches as a singles wrestler are the ones with John Cena that he got carried through.
Eventually im guessing enough people will respond to your nonsense,
Didn’t you respond to my post? You did a horrible job if you were responding. If you want to talk about nonsense then read your entire post and that would be the exact definition of nonsense.
that it will sink in and you will get it.
Trust me I get it, but I don’t think you do.
Clearly you have no understanding of character enhancement and elevation.....cause thats exactly what it would be by letting Miz beat Cena, and nothing more,....not 1 single thing more....a loss to Miz does absolutely nothing to hamper Cena's push or character.
Clearly you don’t know a thing about pro-wrestling. Having Miz defeat Cena makes Cena look weak because he is a main eventer and Miz is a mid-carder who hasn’t even proven himself worthy.
He is the biggest star in the business right now, and his spot is cemented, win lose or draw....for you to say Cena would be getting buried by losing to Miz, is a joke, and shows your lack of understanding for what is really going on vs what really should be going on?
I really do think you know nothing about wrestling. Cena is a main eventer but he can easily look weak by losing to Miz. I’ll say it yet again and hopefully you read and learn a thing or two: The Miz is a mid-carder who hasn’t proven himself to be worth of being a mid-carder. John Cena is a main eventer who has proven himself to be worthy of his spot. Mid-carders simply do not go over main eventers. Do you understand that? I doubt it since you clearly and obviously know nothing about pro-wrestling.
I think it would be a better fit for him on ECW, because what happened to him on RAW is exactly what will happen if he goes to Smackdown. I'm not real high on the guy, personally, but see a slowly growing star in the works. Seriously what's the rush right now, both main shows' midcards are juiced.

Smackdown is fine with what they have and what they have coming back. "Fizz" would surely be thrown up against Morrison and stunt his push. The only real positive for anyone in those matches would be "Fizz" getting the rub from Morrison.

ECW would give him the opportunity to shine. I think (hope) creative understands that nobody gives a rat's ass about Vladamir Koslov, Zeke Jackson, Ryder gets a little heat/comedy (he's just not funny @ all) but nothing to write home about. Dreamer is surely moving out of the title scene so who else is really gonna step up and make and impact there?????? ECW has put out some decent programming and some real goodcmatches this year, they need to keep rolling and have "Fizz" vs. the instant CLASSIC. I'll give him credit for one thing, he is good on the mic, and not that bad in ring work. the two of them would have some really good verbal jousting going onand Christian would really help him with ring psychology and being a championship caliber performer.....if he payed attention. this really may not seem like it to some, but this is the best career scenarion "Fizz" has, plus, it's best for the other brands. i'm just sayin...
Miz should definitely go to ECW. I think he'll do much better on ECW by becoming the top heel because he lost much of his credibility after his feud with Cena. Plus I think he'll get lost in the shuffle on Smackdown right now.

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