Would Miz to Smackdown! kill the Push?


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So it is rumored, (in a Story you can read here: http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/wwe-rawseattle-presale-code-sd-roster-to-strengthen-109717), that Smackdown! will be "Strengthening" its current Roster for its move to the SyFy Network. One of the names reportedly (yet completely speculative) being mentioned is that The Miz is being hyped for an appearance on a Smackdown! Live Event.

Not my question is, would The Miz to Smackdown! be the beginning of the end for his current Main Event Push?

Not to diss Smackdown! but it is has far less exposure power then that of Raw and although it may have better wrestling and plots, The Miz should be a Raw Superstar if he wants his push to really take off.

Now don't get me wrong, I am of the thinking WWE is attempting to make The Miz the next John Cena, a very marketable guy who can do Late Night Talk Shows, go on Game Shows, the works, and that if he is booked right then that can happen as the "WWE Universe", along with the IWC (for now), seem to really like and are reacting to his push. However, if it is to continue, in my opinion, it has to be on Raw and winning the WWE Championship is a must. I don't think him being the "Top Dog" on Smackdown! is whats going to get him to the top, he needs to be the Top Dog of Raw before ever going to Smackdown!, in my opinion of coarse.

So how about you Wrestlezone, do you believe a move to Smackdown! for The Miz would diminish his push to a certain point, or would it simply continue on as it is right now?
I think the trade to Smackdown would be a brilliant step and I think you answered your own question through your comparison with Cena. Cena tweaked his gimmick, perfected his craft and moved onto the next level on Smackdown before becoming a phenomenon on Raw and I think The Miz should capatilise on such a similar opportunity. Yes, back in '05, the gap between Raw and Smackdown was smaller but a world title is a world title and if you have the talent like Punk or are over enough like Hardy, Smackdown can be just as important in gaining credibility as Raw. Realistically, Miz has Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Sheamus and Barrett ahead of him on Raw; whose stopping him on Smackdown? A part-time Undertaker, a part-time Mysterio, CM Punk and Big Show. Swagger is losing relevance and once Kane drops the belt I feel he will also lose relevance too.
Smackdown doesn't have to be a demotion; if The Miz shows enough hard work and dedication I truly believe he will shine wherever he is placed.
No doubt on the fact that Miz can shine wherever he goes, I have no doubt on that, but the difference with John Cena's move from Smackdown! to Raw was A) He was transitioning to the "A Show". B) He had the Title. C) He had already changed his Gimmick.

Although I do agree that Smackdown! is much, much, much less crowded then Raw, I have to disagree with the notion that he is farther down the totem poll then the likes of Jericho, Edge and Barrett. Miz does have the Money in the Bank Briefcase which can place him almost anywhere on the totem poll really. In my opinion that places him 4th-5th on said Totem poll, behind of coarse, Insert Champion, then Cena, Orton and bam you have The Miz.

P.S Swagger has lost relevance, I mean come on, he went from World Champ to facing Chris Masters on Superstars, if that isn't a fall from grace then nothing is.
Way I see it, if they can make Rey Mysterio, who I think is terrible on the mic and can't stand his David Vs. Goliath matches, into one of the top guys on Smackdown, then I gather that the Miz would be just fine.

He's at least got some real size to him that baby Rey just doesn't have, and I'd have a much easier time believing the Miz going over Kane than Rey.

I truly don't see the fascination with him in the big time. However, Miz continues to improve every time you see him, so I think he'd be just fine. May even be just what Smackdown needs to have a chance at competing with Raw.
Miz definitely won't lose his push by moving to Smackdown. in fact, i think he needs to move in order to continue it. he can't go much higher right now on Raw. Plus Raw has guys like Cena, Orton, and Sheamus that really can't lose matches or be jobbed out the way they are being booked. On Smackdown, I would say there isn't anybody like that who can't lose a match. Miz can cash in his money in the bank on the Smackdown champ, much like Swagger did several months ago, and become a big fish in a decent sized pond. There he can work with great workers like CM Punk, Christian, and Kane among others to improve his skills and when he's ready to move back to Raw he'll turn into another mega-monster like Cena has become.
My thought on this thread is, if you give Miz more power and a credible main eventer gimmick he (along with randy orton and edge) should move to smackdown. In that perspective you have an equal balance of main event types on both shows as on raw you have john cena, triple h, chris jericho, and sheamus. And on smackdown you have undertaker, miz, edge, randy orton, and cm punk. So to answer the question, the miz needs a little more main event exposure before moving to smackdown and have a few chapmionships on his resume.
Nah, it wouldnt be the end of his Main Event status, but he wont be as big a star as he would on Raw, WWE likes to push these young guys, but once they are up their, they have no frickin clue what to do with them, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, hell even Mr. Ziggles, who beat Batista, the great Khali, and others, Swagger held the world title as a "Jobber Champion" now he is completely out of the world title picture, and hell hasnt even been on tv as much since losing the belt, They had something with Drew and completely screwed it up, and this thing with Dolph is going no where, the IC title isnt even prestigious anymore, much like every other belt in WWE today. The Miz can't go to Smackdown, it will kill his momentum you are right about that, but it isnt because of the lack of exposure Smackdown gets, they will be much more of a contender now going to be on syfy, its how the WWE utilizes their young talent..
If Miz were to move to SD, then I would say have him jump through some "loop-hole" that allows him to cash in his MITB briefcase on the WHC. For one, Kane and Taker don't need to fight over the title. That angle sells itself. Have Miz win the World title, fued with Rey, Swagger, Show, Punk and maybe even another Raw guy that would move as well. That to me is the only way The Miz should move to SD. Put him right into the World title picture.
It makes me think of Swagger. He won Money in the Bank, wonn the WHC and did little with it, lost the title and isn't doing much now. This would also cause a problem because his briefcase is for Raw as far as I know, and I think the odds of him winning the WWE title and taking it to Smackdown are pretty low. I understand they want to strengthen the roster of Smackdown for the move to a new channel, but I thin Miz should stay and Raw for now.
The Miz is going to be pushed where ever he is Smackdown or RAW. It does not matter. The Miz is one of the hottest, young heels in the WWE right now and gets enough heat that he could do well in the Main Event. I think him moving to SD would be good for him and and SD because Miz could establish himself on SD in a persistent way unlike having to compete with all the competition on RAW such as Sheamus, Cena, Edge, Orton, Y2J, etc. Then on SD who do you have CM Punk and The Big Show. Swagger was a failed attempt at a main event heel, Kane is just going to be gone from the radar after his feud with Taker, Taker is barely on SD, and Rey is going to retire any month now. So yeah I think SD works good for Miz.
I don't think he should moved to SD right now, it would really disrupt his current momentum. While it could be a good move from the perspective that with the current weakened roster he could be a top guy, he is a top guy against the semi-main eventers and there is no one reallt to put him over bar Taker and he is tieed up, sure Rey could fued with him but what is he going to gain from going over a midget. Another problem is that SD focuses more on the wrestling and less on the promos and entertainment, this would be bad for The Miz as his greatest asset is his mic work and he wouldnt get nearly as much time for it on SD also SD usually features longer matches and, no offense to The Miz as I think that he is improving but I dont think he is that great in the ring and question weather he could work a 15 minuite match on a weekly basis without being found out.

On Raw however he gets mic time every week and less ring time, enough for a good showing but not too much that he is made to look bad in the ring, there are also pleanty of guys to put him over Cena, Orton and a returning Hunter, Jericho or Edge could aswell as both have had face pops recently especially Jericho. Also it wouldnt really make sense to move him at the moment as he is the holder of the Raw MITB and he couldnt cash it in on SD, unless he wins it before going there but then they either have to have him lose it quickly or swap the titles and neither are likely.
Although I do agree that Smackdown! is much, much, much less crowded then Raw, I have to disagree with the notion that he is farther down the totem poll then the likes of Jericho, Edge and Barrett.

Granted, he has the MiTB briefcase and he is currently getting involved with Sheamus and Orton, it does not mean he is suddenly top of the pile. Now it appears we will see him feud with Danielson which would suggest a drop in my books, albeit a very interesting drop as that feud as a lot of potential. The Nexus angle is currently the hottest angle in WWE with Barrett playing the leadership role brilliantly. He's got a guaranteed title shot like The Miz too so you could argue that they are both languishing on the same rung of the totem pole. It is the recognisable top dogs such as Edge and Jericho that are above him because they are proven draws. Edge carried SD! through '08 and '09 with his great heel work and Jericho's heel work is remarkable. As good as The Miz is, he will struggle to get ahead of those two so a move to SD! isn't that bad a thing.

Miz does have the Money in the Bank Briefcase which can place him almost anywhere on the totem poll really. In my opinion that places him 4th-5th on said Totem poll, behind of coarse, Insert Champion, then Cena, Orton and bam you have The Miz.

Now this is where i would disagree with you. A title shot does not suddenly make you a top dog. Hernandez was in a similar position with his title shot last year and i would not say he was a top player in TNA, but then you could argue about his injury. And its like you said, 4th-5th on the totem pole is nothing to really brag about. What are they gonna do; run fatal four-ways and triple threat title matches each PPV just to push Miz in the main event scene? A move to Smackdown could allow The Miz the room to breathe and actually be the top heel on SD! with Punk.

P.S Swagger has lost relevance, I mean come on, he went from World Champ to facing Chris Masters on Superstars, if that isn't a fall from grace then nothing is.

If you had read my original post, you would see that i am not only agreeing that Swagger has lost relevance, but that this has freed up a spot amongst the ranks of the top heels on Smackdown that The Miz could take advantage of. Overall, i believe if The Miz was to go to Smackdown in October and a decent face was traded over too, Miz's SD! career could work. With established faces like Taker, Show and of course, Rey to feud with in the main event, i think it could work. Also, Miz's in-ring work lets him down slightly so by trading him to a show where actual wrestling is held in such high-esteem, he can work hard and become a total package of good mic skills and good in-ring work.
Of course it wouldn't. The Miz is an over guy for WWE as a heel, as well as someone that Vince is obviously high on, no matter what you do, Miz's push won't die down because of being drafted. Hell I'm sure it would somehow make it easier for him on Smackdown because there's not that many big stars on there, he'd have easier making it in the main event.

However I don't see The Miz ever being drafted to Smackdown, at least not for now, he's over and Vince wants him on RAW, so he's on RAW. The Miz will most likely remain there, become world champion or something, and then later on he might be moved to Smackdown, but by that time he'd be over already and legitimate so there's no push to kill.
I'm going to say yes, it would kill his push. His current push. The push he is currently getting is fantastic. He is currently involved with the two biggest stars in the company and he is also involved with one of the biggest up and coming guys in Sheamus. He has been booked greatly and has looked dominant since MITB. His great promos add to it as well.

A move to Smackdown would stop this push. Its a different show with a different roster. I'm not saying he'll be back to the midcard on Smackdown. I'm not saying that at all. He will still be pushed to the main event and be where he is now on RAW. Probably the best push they can give someone on SD. But the push he currently has going is huge. No matter how you push him on SD, I dont think it will be near the push and the rub he gets on RAW.
To be honest, if he loses the United States Championship to Daniel Bryan, then cashes in his Money in the Bank contract to get the WWE, then moves to smackdown, then no.

I think it'd have the same effect it eventually had on Edge when he moved to Smackdown. Edge dominated Smackdown with Chris Jericho. I still think it was a mistake to take Edge of of smackdown cuz now he's just a jobber.

I think RAW has too many big guns right now and Smackdown has too little. If they send the Miz, they'd need to send 1 or 2 other guys to SD! but I think it could work. Because really, who could dominate th miz on that roster?

Swagger? hell no

Mcintyre? Yeah right...

I'll play my same old card and say that Matt Hardy and Christian could give him some good matches if Vince would let them have some good matches.

I'd love to see a Christian/Miz feud.
I think RAW has too many big guns right now and Smackdown has too little. If they send the Miz, they'd need to send 1 or 2 other guys to SD! but I think it could work. Because really, who could dominate th miz on that roster?

As much as I like how smackdown has few 'Big Guns" if the miz were to go to smackdown he would need to take two main eventers from RAW who isn't john cena. I mean yeah the Miz would fit right in on smackdown but I think the miz would mix better figthing the people on smackdown + two main eventers on raw like Edge and somebody else. But to answer your question I don't think it would kill it but he would be less over if he didn't bring two raw main eventers with him.

But I would love to see MVP and Miz start there fued again that never really got started it seemed like it would've been great.
I don't think it would kill the push. With Smackdown moving to a network that people actually care about and watch, I'd say that the WWE will put much more of an emphasis on the importance of Smackdown. Don't get me wrong, Smackdown is consistently a very good show, but I think the move to MNTV has hurt the general prestige and visibility of the brand.

However, The Miz is on a roll right now and momentum is definitely in his favor. I do think that Smackdown could use some beefing up in terms of the roster, but I also think that The Miz could lose some steam. The stuff that's happened with Sheamus and the attempts at cashing in the MITB contract has been great and the feud with Daniel Bryan on the horizon holds a lot of promise. There's a lotta good stuff The Miz has going on Raw, so I can at least understand the trepidation some feel at the possibility of him being moved to Smackdown in the near future.
It wouldn't necessarily kill his push but it would take away from all the things he has going on right now. What I mean is at the moment he is on the WWE's flagship show as the current United States Champion and the MITB winner. He has a feud going on with one of the hottest young prospects to hit the WWE in Daniel Bryan and he is teasing to enter the main event with attempted cash-ins on Sheamus. The Miz has been doing very well on the bigger show with the stacked roster and that's not only a huge deal but it's something to be admired as well. If you throw him on SmackDown, well now he's on the lesser roster and kind of takes away from the fact that he was step by step climbing the ladder of success on the bigger and more stacked show.

With that being said it could help him reach a world title faster. If The Miz were to move to SmackDown then he would most definitely be the biggest upper-midcarder they would have on their roster and at any moment could take a step up to SmackDown's main event. Feuding with The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, The Big Show or who ever they have on top at the time of his arrival. He could very well have a more successful attempt at cashing in on SmackDown and due to that it could be a beneficial move. But for the most part he's doing great things on RAW and isn't letting it's stacked roster get in his way.
The Miz is plenty good enough to be shooting up the ranks where ever he goes. His push is golden, he's getting booked just right. He looks like he could win the WWE Title over Sheamus in those positions where Sheamus is out. He works a really good mic, and he could be one of those heel champs that builds his credibility though his words. OR, he could not win MitB, be frustrated, demand a trade to SmackDown!, and try being face/heel there. If they want him built to be as dependable as Cena, they could establish his face gimmick better against the heels of SmackDown! (Those being Punk, Drew, Alberto, and Edge-Expected to move). Hopefully making fans like him enough to make him half as over as Cena. And it would be BETTER for this to happen on SmackDown!, because I think they have more heels that would work better. And Miz would bring a bit more mic skills to the SmackDown! shows.
No, because based on what I've seen on this forum, people love the miz and no matter what show he is on people will fawn over him. Just take a look at how many threads have been about the miz in the last few weeks, and then look at how many more threads that weren't originally about him yet somehow devolve into miz worship.

So no, he'll be fine.
iv said from the start that the miz would not cash in on the wwe champion. it will be the world champion. the undertaker and kane shouldnt really have the world title involved because it is being over shadowed by the whole kane attacking undertaker storyline. so i still say miz will cash in on whoever the world champ is between kane and the undertaker, and i dont want to hear "no he cant cash it in on the world champion." thts not true. it was just the RAW BRAND money in the bank match. they never specifically said it was for the wwe title only
I think Miz has a better chance of having a World heavyweight title run than he does a WWE title run. This is why i think he maybe is moving to Smackdown. Raw has several guys in position to be WWE champ (Cena, Edge, Orton, Jericho, Shameless) Whereas Smackdown is limited to the guys they have who are genuine Heavyweight champ material.
Smackdown's roster is very bare after Edge, Jericho etc moved to Raw. Undertaker isn't going to be around much longer and there is only so much they can do with Rey being 'the underdog/little guy'. Also i feel Morrison hasn't sepped up to the plate like i think WWE were hoping he would. So i feel Miz would be the ideal guy to take the top spot in Smckdown. And when he does so and proves himself that he can be a main eventer then he may possibly return to Raw to challenge for the WWE strap.

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