The Miz at Wrestlemania


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Speculation is rife about The Miz at Wrestlemania. He doesnt seem to be doing anything at the moment but I picked this up from another site.

I said something a few weeks ago in a thread about The Miz's losing streak being part of an angle and the fact he keeps playing up on the WM27 Main Event thing. I said he wouldn't have a match but some kind of angle. Thoughts?

There continues to be a lot of speculation regarding The Miz's role at WrestleMania 28. Miz, who successfully defended the WWE title against John Cena in the main event of last year's show, is rumored to be involved in this year's Rock vs. Cena match in some capacity. WWE is said to have a storyline ready for The Miz after WrestleMania and his recent losing streak is part of the buildup to that angle.
I would like to see where Miz goes from this, but I think he still needs to have some kind of match at WrestleMania. He main evented last year's Mania and beat arguably the top face of this generation in John Cena. He deserves more than this IMO.

If WWE doesn't go the route of Beth Phoenix vs Eve for the Divas Championship, then I can easily see Miz teaming up with Eve to take on Zack Ryder and Kelly Kelly.
Speculation is rife about The Miz at Wrestlemania. He doesnt seem to be doing anything at the moment but I picked this up from another site.

I said something a few weeks ago in a thread about The Miz's losing streak being part of an angle and the fact he keeps playing up on the WM27 Main Event thing. I said he wouldn't have a match but some kind of angle. Thoughts?

That's pretty interesting and it'd be really cool to bring everything full circle to last year. At the same time, having interference in Rock/Cena would be a bit much unless of course the idea is to turn Cena (which I think it is; still, I don't think he needs it unless they were planning to reintroduce Nexus or some sort of uprising faction that was behind Cena). Miz's involvement could also set up a big Rock/Miz match down the line (Summerslam?). Who is the real "The?" It does seem a bit preposterous however for someone who has fallen as far as Miz to suddenly interject himself in the biggest match of all time. But his gimmick is the most must see of all time. So maybe he's due for a massive push post-28. I wouldn't be opposed if it's handled delicately and well thought out.

Another possibility I could see playing out is Miz getting more and more fed up that he does not have a match, with his only hope being to join Teddy Long's team (after someone gets taken out - not going to potentially spoil any of the rumored participants). He'd have incentive since Ace has failed to schedule a match for Miz, and looking at the rumored participants, Team Johnny far outclasses Team Long. It'd be a good balancing act, plus you could play up the tension with a heel being on the face team.
I've said this before in the other thread but I'll say this now. Miz needs to be at WrestleMania. If he doesn't, WWE will have cemented the fact that he's in Jobberville & he ain't gonna leave for a long time. Just I mean, put him in the Team Teddy vs Team Johnny Ace match, pair him up with Eve & fight Kelly Kelly & Zack Ryder, hell, have him fight Santino for the U.S. Title. Just do SOMETHING with him at WM. I get it. Miz has stagnated. His promos have become noticeably repetitive, & he's pretty much has the same amount of wrestling ability that he had last year. But WWE, just put him in a match at WM, and i'm damn sure, he's gonna rise to the occasion. The man has done it before, he'll do it again, i'm certain of it.
Mixed Tag match with Kelly/Ryder vs Miz/Eve makes the most sense. It shouldn't be too hard to throw him into that storyline.

Both Title matches
Orton vs Kane
Team Long vs Team Laurinaitis
IC Title Match
Kelly/Ryder vs Miz/Eve

That is 8 matches and probably the WM card.

Beth Phoenix has not been on tv since EC. I doubt she gets a match. Eve being a hoeski and actually getting a reaction from the crowd probably knocked Beth off the card. Eve is the most over diva right now.
The Miz should stay as far away as possible from John Cena vs The Rock. There is no need for him to be involved. Despite the fact he is nowhere near the star level of either of them, it would piss a whole lot of people off with him coming out and getting involved in this dream match up.

I was never and probably never will be a fan of The Miz, but I do know he came a long way and it would be a shame WWE wasted a main event of Wrestlemania last year on a guy they were just going to be jobbing out the rest of the year.

I can see Miz maybe coming out after Rock vs Cena to get beaten down by the both of them so they can both save face. Other than that, no. Keep Miz away from this feud and match like the plague.
I've said this before in the other thread but I'll say this now. Miz needs to be at WrestleMania.

Pretty much this.

The Miz main evented Wrestlemania XXVII; plain and simple. WWE knows this, and we know this. What exactly does it say about the WWE's booking if The Miz is simply left off the card? Do I think the WWE is that foolish to do so; no. I believe he will wrestle at Wrestlemania but for some reason, some stupid fucking reason, the WWE doesn't put The Miz in a match at Wrestlemania, they’ll be calling his entire main event push a damn joke.

The Miz pointed it out; he's a somewhat big star within the WWE. He's featured on alot of shows outside of the WWE and WWE should utilize that. No, he doesn't have to be involved in the main event. No, he doesn't have to be involved in the Laurinaitis/Long rivalry, but for fuck's sake, a match at Wrestlemania is a must for someone fresh off a win at last year's 'Mania. Maybe I'm looking a bit too deep into this; maybe it's all part of a new direction for The Miz's character. But I could give two fucking rats asses less what match he's in, The Miz needs to be at Wrestlemania.
I completely agree that The Miz needs to have a match at Wrestlemania. He got the push of a lifetime last year when they let him retain against CENA in the main event. His push will have been for nothing if they just ignore him, and guess what that means? Those of us who sat through his main event push will have had to endure that for nothing, it will have been a complete waste of time. I don't even like Miz much and I'm here defending him. If you're going to push someone to the point where they sneak in a victory against someone like Cena at the biggest show of the year then you need to follow through with your plans and push the guy.

I don't care if Miz opens up the show in a filler match where he squashes a jobber like Trent Barretta or Curt Hawkins. He just needs a match. I think he will end up on JL's team for the GM match. There are no filler feuds in sight for him at the moment. They could feed him to the Funkasaurus in a random filler match, that gets both of them onto the card. Perhaps they are still mad at him over the low Survivor Series buyrate, which wasn't even his fault. That or the botched spots, I still think it's hardly worth keeping him off the card for. Miz will end up on the card somehow because it's better for business to push guys you invest nearly a year's worth of time of bulding up. Fans hate having their time wasted, WWE know that by now.
I liked the idea of having Miz being so desperate for a spot on the Wrestlemania card that he joins Long's team. I think there are two scenarios either he is part of the Gm's match or

He comes out in the middle of the card IE after the Sheamus and Bryan match cuts a promo bitching that he was not on the card and demands an apology from the GM, either of one of two things should happen have the GM who wins the match at WM come out and say they apologize and they have found an opponent for him and introduce the return of a superstar like Rey Mysterio, Batista (unlikely I know) or Brodus Clay who hits a finisher and clears him from the ring. Setting up a future feud down the line. Or just have a superstar return without introduction from either GM.

I think the fact that they have been giving Miz airtime to argue the fact that he is not getting a spot on WM is setting him up for some part in WM. I just don't think the part he will play will be that huge. I mean if he does enter into either GM's team I don't think the role he will play will be huge and he will be just another filler wrestler in the team.
The Miz will obviously end up on the card somewhere.

He still has main event chops ... and the WWE higher ups have to know that. They are not just going to completely bury someone that won in the WM Main Event last year and had a six-month world championship reign.

I actually like the storyline. It is keeping Miz on the tip of people's tongues and might actually be a way to turn the guy face if they so choose.

He was clearly way over last night in Cleveland and put on a very solid match with Punk. It is quite possible he gets so desperate that he goes onto Team Long and this will all but assure that a full face turn is in the works.

He has solid "catch phrases." Has "the look." And the crowd generally reacts one way or another to him. They are not going to leave him buried forever ... no matter what his transgressions were.
Here's what I think

With Team Teddy and Team Johnny looking like this

David Otunga, Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Christian. Alberto Del Rio vs. Santino Marella. R-Truth. Kofi Kingston. Evan Bourne. The Great Khali

That leaves two more slots for the faces which could either go to Justin Gabriel, Zack Ryder, Rey Mysterio, Drew McIntyre (hey Teddy's giving him a 2nd chance), or some other lower mid level guy like Jackson or Riley.

Assuming Team Teddy needs another popular face to join make the match look equal I say either Ryder or Mysterio will be part of Team Teddy while the other will face the Miz.

So it looks like we can see The Miz vs. Mysterio or Ryder vs. The Miz. Both can work for The Miz. Mysterio is a former World Champion and Ryder is very popular at the moment.

The Advantage here if the Miz is to have a single's match, its possible his match won't get a lot of time. I say 5 to 10 mins tops. Mysterio can produce an entertaining match despite the limited time given to him and Ryder, you wont really need that long of a match to entertains the fans.

I say we get Mysterio vs. Miz at WM.

Storyline: Sometime this week The Miz gets pissed at loosing and challenges anyone in the backstage on RAW. Mysterio is the surprise opponent and beats The Miz, leading to a Mysterio beatdown and a grudge match at WM.

or maybe The Miz will be added to the 12 Man Tag Team Afterall

or maybe ... the Shaq vs. Big Show is just a ruse and the WWE is really planning .... Shaq vs Miz at WM?
Maybe an Edge type situation from past EC?

Take someone out from one of the Long/Larangitis team whilst they make their way down the ramp, and replace that person on the respective team.

Or maybe one of Santino's picks get injured during the weekend & santino reveals a surprise entrant once everyone is in the ring to begin the match & miz turns unexpected face for one night only?
Your's truly and currently the best poster on this website likes the Idea of Miz joining Team Long against his wishes, just to get a spot on the card. During this process he could start to form a connection with Teddy and resent against Team ace for rejection. Still The Miz does not want to be seen as the face. I would book it as though he's in denial about helping Teddy an he's just on the team for the spot on the card. But when it comes to the match it's 3 on 1. Miz vs Delrio/Ziggler and Otunga. Face turn so simple here. Teddy needs his help. Miz finally cracks paying Teddy back for the spot and taking on the heels. He fights. The turn has been teased for so long. Ace has treated Miz like shit, much similar to how Miz treated Alex Riley. Let Miz pin Del Rio/Otunga and have Ziggler cheat to beat Miz. Such as Ace helping him or a low blow. Miz loses. But the corwd is fully behind him. Let MIz have his HBK moment. Then let Miz fued with Ziggler and Ace for the pre summerslam season. Simple.

Kind Regards MR Ferguson
I think we'll see one of these two options.

Option 1: Miz either takes the final spot in Team Johnny or gets one of the final spots on Team Teddy. Pretty simple. It is unlikely that Miz gets a spot on Team Johnny so he could beg and plead Teddy Long to give him a spot. Simple booking really.

Option 2: Middle of the show Miz comes out and whines and complains that he doesn't have a match. I mean he main evented WM 27 for crying out loud, that is worth something right? Actually it does mean something and I don't even like Miz. This could lead Miz to demanding a match and boycotting WM until his justice is served. Out comes Brodus Clay, who does what he does best and squash people. This sticks with the whole Miz losing streak thing they seem to be running and gives Brodus a nice rub by beating someone who is actually relevant.

That's it. Pretty simple honestly. These are pretty much the only two options left as there isn't really enough time to build up a feud between Miz and someone else. That's just how the cookie crumbles.
Either the Miz turns face in the next week, interrupts a Team Teddy beat down and helps them beat up Team Ace and is then announced to be the final member of Team Long, or he interrupts a match at Wrestlemania and makes one hell of an impression.
The Miz will obviously end up on the card somewhere.

Which speaks volumes by itself, doesn't it? After all, just about everybody gets a little something to do at WM, simply because it's the event of the year and management wants to give everyone some exposure and allow them in on the payday. They often throw in some kind of battle royal or other vehicle to let the mid-carders in on the fun. No storyline, no real effect......just a chance to be a part.

In Miz' case, it's already kind of embarrassing: he's the guy who main evented WM last year and has nothing to do this year. The fact they'll "find" something for him doesn't hide the fact of how far the guy has fallen in a relatively short period of time. All the major players have angles set up already, and even all of them are overshadowed by Rock-Cena, one of the most dominant main events ever for a PPV.

Now, at this late date, the company has to find a way to insert The Miz into the proceedings. A lot of folks have speculated he'll have a place in the GM Wars, a logical presumption since that's what Miz has been angling for.

But, hell, even if he gets in there, that's a far cry from the main event, isn't it? Doing your level best to find a spot in a match that contains guys like Kofi Kingston and Jack Swagger is hardly reaching for the stars, no?

Honestly, I think part of the problem is that Miz never should have been a main eventer in WWE in the first place and his inclusion at the top of the card last year had more to do with his mouth than his ring ability......and now, he's a man without a defined role: a mid-carder who's been a main eventer.....and Creative is having a hard time figuring where to put him and what to do with him.

Now, if his Wrestlemania participation is limited to doing a run-in and influencing the result of someone else's match......well, at least it would have some impact, but it's miles away from having all sorts of promos built around your upcoming match in the main event, isn't it?
Now, if his Wrestlemania participation is limited to doing a run-in and influencing the result of someone else's match......well, at least it would have some impact, but it's miles away from having all sorts of promos built around your upcoming match in the main event, isn't it?

While the execution was poor at times and the outcome was less than tolerable The Miz's run as a chaotic rebel-rouser with Truth was some of his best work. Attacking the wrestlers, referees and camera crew lead to some shocking moments. I could see The Miz not being a member of either Team Johnny or Team Teddy but instead coming out and causing a no-contest. I don't think WWE wants to take either guy out of their GM roles. I personally think one show if enough for both guys. This could also create an anti-authority role for The Miz that could re-pique the fan's interest. I just don't know if it would be in a negative (see Anderson, Ken) or positive (see SCSA/DX) way and give him a post-WM storyline.

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