The Miz as a Commentator?

the Miz is really growing on me at first i found him to be incredibly annoying i tape raw because it on at 1am here in uk used to be 2am but when he was on i would fast froward when he was on but now i don't i watch his promos because he great on the mic and he is getting better in the ring.

On to his commentary i loved it he was perfect at it when he came to the table i thought fuck over 2 hours of hearing him i can't stand that but i got to hand it to him i love it he was really good he put over rey when he said he not missed a step he was fair and still made time to put himself over and had that arrogant heel to him i hope when his wrestling days are over he will become a Commentator he got the mic skills to do it
Normaly, i'm not even close to becoming a Miz fan, but yesterday, i have to admit that the Miz on comentary was a breath of fresh air, he seemed a little green at first, but as the night progressed, he kept getting better and better, in fact, the Bryan/Kane segment in the ring was very funny, and the Miz added a little spice to it, and made it a little funnier, he was totaly impartial, and he was a true profesional, so after yesterday, i think i might start to like this guy, or at least on comentary.........
The Miz did a great job, in about fifteen years I would love to see Miz and Punk on commentary as a team. I imagine that Punk would do the play by play and The Miz would be color commentator. It would be better than the current Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole. His worst moment was during the Falls Count Anywhere match where he was dead silent, it was around the time He and Cole had to stand up to avoid being crushed by the table. I think he was quiet because he was nervous he might get injured by a botched spot and as IC champ an injury could destroy his push.

Miz was good as a face who was still somehow a heel. His best moments were during the Rey and Cara vs Tensai and Cody match, he put over Rey, gave a good assessment of Cody's mental state, and got himself over as well. All in all I wouldn't mind the Miz showing up more often.
Miz did well, but I really see it as a vehicle to get him into a match or feud with Punk after NoC. I see Punk winning, especially now with the inclusion of Heyman. From there, he'd go after Miz for saying that Punk did turn his back on the fans.
The big reason why Miz and Cole worked is they have chemistry. They are perfect to be working together because they have had previous success in different programs in the past. Miz and Lawler won't work because they don't have that chemistry together. I am a Miz mark but he was just okay. Great compared to Josh Matthews and Booker T but not what Raw needs. Raw needs to have the future of the company in the ring at all times. The only way I am okay with Miz on commentary is if he is injured, just to keep him relevant. Miz is a superstar who will one day step into the shoes of Cena or CM Punk and lead this company with guys like Ziggler and Rhodes. If Miz changes, I'd like to see a face turn.
I think he's horrible in ring and not great on the Mic but he does seem to know the business and isn't bad as a commentator. He could transition like Jesse Ventura or Jerry Lawler to be a above average and entertaining commentator
I don't find Miz entertaining as a wrestler or on the mic. Everything about the guy really annoys me. I don't think he has the look or in-ring skills to be anywhere near the top of the card, but I seem to be in the minority on that.

But, anyway...I think he could actually be a good heel commentator. The whole Miz persona is annoying and heel-like and could transfer well to the announcers desk. I don't think this will be a long-term thing as Vince and the WWE top dogs seem to rate Miz highly, but if this was the direction they chose to go in then I think it would work.

He was pretty average for his first go at it, but obviously he must have been pretty nervous and will have had people in the back yelling stuff down his ear which would be pretty difficult to deal with- Mick Foley especially came out and said how much he hated having to deal with that as an announcer, and Miz would obviously improve over time.

I wouldn't be against him being on the desk as Lawler's long-term replacement eventualy, although I would MUCH prefer to see JBL back in the role.

The Miz was hilarious on commentary. I am just fed up with Jerry Lawler to be honest and anything sounds better than him in my opinion.

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