Colt Cabana As A WWE Commentator....


The Doctor Of Veganomics!!!
I was listening to CSR and it was suggested that Colt Cabana work as a WWE commentator. I think it's a great idea. I'm a fan of his podast. It's always entertaining, Colt is funny, knowledgeable, a great interveiwer and has a great personality.

I don't know what WWE was thinking when they released him from his contract a few years back. Colt is the epitome of "Sports Entertainment". If you seen him in action, you know what I mean.

What are your thoughts on Colt as a WWE Commentator?

I wrote this thread, "Live from the studio.....AAAAaaapartment!"
Im also a fan of the Art of Wrestling podcast. Colt is extremely entertaining. If WWE would just let Colt be Colt he would have 0 problems getting over. I recently saw CM Punk say there are some things in the works and Colt Cabana could possibly return to the E. Hopefully if he does return its as Colt Cabana not Scotty Goldman.
If WWE would just let Colt be Colt he would have 0 problems getting over.

And therein lies the problem. WWE is a lot like Microsoft lately. They can't let anything be successful. Once something starts succeeding, all the vultures swoop in and attach themselves to the idea, until all of the life is beaten out of it and what remains resembles nothing like what was successful only months prior. Then they all shrug and grumble and wonder why it's not getting over anymore, before moving on to the next horse to beat to death. :banghead:

There's no sink or swim anymore. If you're able to swim, they will find you and drag you down.

Of course, if you look though history, it is easy to understand this position. They want this control, and not just out of the vanity of their name being associated with success. They don't want things to become larger than the mothership that fronts them. Once the name on the card gets top billing over the brand, that gives the name power and leverage. Money. It all goes back to money. And trust. But mostly money.

They want the slice of the money associated with that success, while controlling the flow of money so that the successful piece doesn't get too much money to buy its own influence. To that end, Colt could never be Colt. See also: Zack Ryder and YouTube.

That Punk has been able to be Punk has been an amazing concession to witness, and proof of the kind of money, stories, and success you can have when you are able to find that balance of trust, ownership, and money. He is the exception, because he had the leverage and mind to just walk away, and was able to negotiate for what he got. Other guys aren't so fortunate to be in that position. You can watch the rule play out in every other business decision on the planet, in virtually every company.
In the future yes but if he is to return I'd like him to have a run as Colt Cabana in singles competition. He could liven up the mid card, maybe have a run with the U.S. or Intercontinental title. After a few years he could make the transition and be a really good colour commentator.
I think they'd have to have him as a singles competitor for a short while, just to get the fans who don't know him see the kind of guy he is. They wouldn't need to over do it, just give him a few backstage interviews and some other storylines/mic time, at the same time, let him start announcing on NXT or Saturday Morning Slam, that way they get to see how well it works if at all, and give him some pointers, leading to him becoming a full time announcer on SmackDown, and maybe even eventually Raw.
Why does everyone have this hard-on for Colt Cabana? I've heard his podcast, he's a funny guy and I've seen his YouTube series / Five Dollar Wrestling videos. But as a WWE commentator? For the jokes? I don't think he's a better commentator than anyone on the roster, and that includes Booker T.

If Colt Cabana were to CM Punk like Alex Riley was to The Miz, I would support that. Some guy who helps Punk from getting his ass kicked, and ends up having a midcard role. But as a commentator? If you want humor, go to a comedy club. I would much rather have JBL as a commentator than Cabana.
I doubt that will ever happen. It's a struggle for VKM to put, in my opinion the best commentator there is, JR on commentary so I doubt they're would be much chance of VKM putting Colt Cabana, who has no experience as a commentator and was, let's be honest here, a flop in WWE.
A "flop" generally implies that the Wrestler failed on his accord. I hate complaining when popular Indy wrestlers aren't successful in WWE as most of them were actually given plenty of opportunities, but weren't nearly as good as they were made out to be. With that said, the term "flop" really doesn't apply to Colt Cabana. You have to actually be given an opportunity and later fail to be considered a flop. Colt literally had one semi-competitive match on WWE television.

I'd just like to stress that, IMO, Colt is the exception, not the rule. Most, if not all of the guys who came out of ROH that got signed by WWE were all featured on television most weeks and given fair opportunities. Obviously, there has been varying degrees of success.

As far as Colts potential as a color commentator goes, I don't see it. He did some commentary during his time in FCW and while he was relatively competent, WWE already has a ton of OK-ish color guys. If we're talking WWE's commentary in general (we aren't, but whatevs), I think WWE just needs a strong Play-by-Play commentator. It's been a real issue basically ever since Jim Ross left. Oddly enough, it's been better since JR stepped back into the booth earlier this month, and Michael Cole has been a lot more focused since then too.

Byron Saxton, in my view, is the only half-way decent PBP guy they have outside of the previously mentioned. Hopefully he gets called up soon. He and JBL would be a fun team.

In short, I don't think Colt would add much at this point. I'm just really hoping Punks comment was in relation to him being rehired and brought back up to the main roster. As he's said in the past, Colt would be an awesome white Junkyard Dog.
Colt has commentated in Ring of Honor before, sometimes as a stand-in, and despite him being entertaining on his podcast, which is edited and published by him, it doesn't mean he'll instantaneously translate well to a commentary position. He was never anything special when he commentated in ROH, only one memorable line stands out which was comparing Adam Pearce's head to a bowling ball.

If WWE wanted to look for a competent commentator with actual experience, who is consistently entertaining, Nigel McGuinness has been praised since stepping up to the color position in Ring of Honor. Steve Corino is also very funny and plays a good heel commentator, very energetic. Colt may have a personality, but Randy Savage also had a personality and he didn't transition too well into a color commentator either.
DEFINITELY enjoy the AOW podcast, and it would make great sense to have Colt do color at some point. Commentators who were/are wrestlers are great for bringing up points from a wrestler's view.
I don't know if Colt's humor would translate over to commentating. It might take him five years of TV time just to get the rhythm of that kind of work. It took JBL almost six years to get to where he is now and he still has room for improvement. That being said, I'd give Colt a shot at the job. Doesn't hurt to try him out and if he fails then bid him adieu and wish him well.
I enjoy Colt as a wrestler and I enjoy his podcast.He has a great personality. I think he should really give wwe commentary a try. However, I only think he will commentate for superstars or nxt and probably as an occassional backstage interviewer. At least his first year or two. Then after that he will probably commentate for smackdown. As far as him commentating on raw? No. Probably not.

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